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Appendices Appendix 1: Approaches to Learning (ATL) framework in MYP Sciences One of the main reasons the IB is so respected worldwide is that it places Approaches to Learning (ATL) in a central role in all IB programmes, thus encouraging the skills, habits and dispositions necessary to succeed in learning, both at school and for the rest of your life. Whenever you ate learning in the MYP. you should remember that there are two things happening, 1. You are learning about the subject you are studying. 2 You are learning about learning, The key attribute you need is to believe that you can continue improving as a learner over your life. Throughout the Science for the international student books, you will see reminders of ATL skills from the list below) that are involved in the tasks we have set. ee mer oreo | COMMUNICATION 1 Communication 1 Express ideas clearly, precisely and persuasively. 2 Use effective and correct scientific language. 3 Use appropriately @ variety of media for communication, including 21st-century technologies. 4 Use appropriate forms and modes of communication for different purposes and audiences, | Use strategies skilfully for speaking in public, reading for meaning, and structured wnting, SOCIAL . 1 Collaboration 1 Show empathy to others when working in diverse tears, be aware of cultural differences, and ‘encourage and suppor all members of a team, 2 Show flexibility and willingness to make necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal when working in groups. 3 Carry out a variety of roles and accept responsibilty when working in groups/teams; show negotiating, ‘advocacy, consensus-making and leadership skills, 4 Listen effectively and use non-verbal communication/body language. 5 Use social networking to build relationships effectively ‘SELF-MANAGEMENT ML Organisation 1 Understand the importance cf setting personal goals, both long term and short term. 2 Manage time wel, establish prionties and meet deadlines, using a daily and longer-term planner, | 3 Prepare for and sit examinations, prepare a study program, make summaries, revise actively and Control emations. 4 Be organised for learning, including preparing materials, books, notes, online resaurces and necessary equipment for class. 8 Establish good support systems through family and friends, and create a pleasant place to study. W Affective 1 Be self-motvated, have a postive attitude, and believe you can improve as a learner. 2 Be mindful of mental distractions and how to improve focus. 3 Be resilient: cope well wth falure and unexpected challenges. 4 Persevere in achieving long-term goals (have grit) | 5 Be emotionally intelligent: control emotions and str Th V Reflection 1 Be sel-anare as 2 learner, be able to discuss your strengths an weaknesses and make goals ‘or improvement. 2 Be able to give and respond well to feedback. 3 Show seltawereness of your lerning, and be able to strategically plan how to cary outa task 4 Moritor your work to review the progress being made, the areas of difcity and the need for revised strategies. | Betmeweagete abt pcs earing uch 5 mul ieres nd eng ve. RESEARCH | = WI Information literacy 1 Access information from a range of sources in an efficient and effective way; be skilled in summarising information and note-taking. 2 Evaluate information ertically; be able to identity primary and secondary sources, and identify points of view and bias. 3 Use information selectively, accurately and creatively for the task at hand. 4 Understand the legal and ethical implications around the use of information, academic honesty and intellectual propery rights; use citations, footnotes, referencing and bibliographies. '5 Develop the skills to function in a knowledge economy using digtal technologies such a networking tools and social networks. VII Media literacy 1 Think crcally about media; analyse, eveluate and understand how and why media messages are constructed, and identity any bas, spin oF misinformation that may be present. 2 Appreciate how individuals interpret messages differently. '3 Understand how media can influence our beliefs and behaviours, and culture and society generally 4 Show an understanding of the ethical and legal isues surrounding the access to and use of media, 5 Understand and utilise the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and corwentions to communicate information and ideas. THINKING Vill Critical thinking 1 Usé various types of reasoning, such as deduction and induction, as appropriate to the situation. 2 Be able to logically design sciontific investigations to explore research questions, to develop an appropriate hypothesis and to control variables. 3 Reflectively analyse and evaluate evidence, data, arguments, alternative points of view, and claims and beliefs, to make valid judgments, conclusions, interpretations and decisions. 4 Synthesise and make connections between information and arguments to create new understandings. 5 Solve problems effectively, including in non-familiar situations; ask penetrating questions to clarify the problem. 1K Creative thinking 1 Show curiosity, a desire to dig deeper; enjoy novelty and uncertainty, and coming up with new ideas, products and solutions. 2 Be creative and imaginative, play with ideas; show divergent thinking, and be wilng to let go and take . risks; tolerate ambiguity; see mistakes as opportunities for learning 3 Reason through metaphor and analogy; elaborate ideas; synthesise disparate bits of information; utilise knowiedge in new contexs; formulate general concep by abstracting common properties. | 4 Design new products and technologies; be innovative and show entrepreneurial skis. 5 Create original works and ideas. X Transfer (of skils 1 Show the motivation and meta-cognitve abilty to support possible transfer of skills and knowledge = * and knowledge) within a discipline or across disciplines 2 Be able te apply conceptual understandings and skills to new situations and across discipline. {3 Appreciate the importance of interdiscipinary challenges and authentic problems, in which transfer of skills and knowledge is So important 4 Be knowledgeable about recent developments in neuroscience and use information about the functioning ofthe brain to discuss learning (including the value of active, inquiry-based, contextual collaborative and conceptual learning). 85 Understand how memory works and use techniques to improve memory ‘APPENDIX 9780170359540 175 Appendix 2: MYP Science 3 assessment criteria Criterion A 1 Recall scientific {State scientitic “1 Outline scientific i Describe scientific Keanna tral knowledge. knowledge. knowledge. knowledge. understanding ii Apply scientific Wi Apply scientific | il Apply scientific | i Apply scientific knowledge and knowiedge and knowledge and knowiedge and understanding o Understanding to solve understandngto sole understanding to suggest solutions to problems set in familiar problems set in familiar solve problems set in problems set in familiar situations. situations and suggest situations. IWiApply information to solutions to problems set {ii Apply information to make scientifically in unfamiliar situations. | jjjAnalyse information make judgments. supported judgments. illnterpret information to make scientifically tomake scientifically supported judgments supported judgments, Criterion B i State problemor State a problem ori Outline a problem or i Describe a problem or Inquiring and uestion to be tested by question to be tested by question tobe tested by question to be tested by dig, a scientific investigation, _a scientific investigation. a scientific investigation. a scientfic investigation with limited success. ij Outline a testable ii Outline and explain a ii Outline and explain | Ti Select a testable hypothesis using testable hypotnes’ using a testable hypothesis, hypothesis scientific reasoning. scientific reasoning. using correct scientific iliState the variables. _iiiOutline how to {Outline how to reasoning iv Design a method with manipulate the variables, manipulate the variables, iliDescribe how to limited success. and state how relevant "and outline how manipulate the variables, data willbe collected. | sufficient, relevant data and describe how 7 ivDesign a safe method _will be collected. sufficient, relevant data ‘and select materials iv Design 2 complete and __will be collected, ‘and equipment. safe method and select | iv Design 2 logical, | appropriate materials complete and safe and equipment. ‘method and select appropriate materials 7 a | and.equipment,

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