Civil Proc Ed:U Re.: / Yidj

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A . , . ~Ftciili . . 1&11i.

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~~',i&?iAIMWII-W&SNfi±l?,N·#WAEN&ifU dtj 5 HF +!«Wtl?fiP!II
RtcA 4 anssk.4%¥4 aswas:w4!11ct?» *"
SECTION 6. PERMISSIVE JOINOER o ·F PARTIE~ _I_Hu'."trativecases; . .
1. In a .special civil ;:iction for -partition, all ,persons
Rule ori Permissive Joihder of Parties .interes,te.d· in the property should· be joined i:ls:
Tney .can·be joined in cii)e single compl.9int or .may · defendants. Each co-owrier is an indispensable
them se lves maint ain or be sued in separate--suits (.1 party · tor without him no .valid judgment _for·
at 91}. . p_artition may be ordered (Sepulveda, Sr .. v:
·_p~tae:z, p.R. N__o. · 152195, January 31, 2005) .
. Although nc;i_rmally,
a joinde~·of parties •is perm issive, 2.- Co-owners ~re no\ indispensable to maintaln an
_thej6 fnder-of party become s·compu fsory when the acti9n for ejectm~mt i.Jhder Art. · 487 of the Civil
one . involved is an. indispensatile party (1 RIANO, Coda (Mendoza - V. ·coronet, G.R. ·/llo. "156402,
at 228) __· · ·. Febrµ ary, 13, 2006). : .. : ,.
.. \ : 3·. . All heits -ofthe deceaseo defendant in· an ac tion
R~quh~ites:-(TC-NP) , . -tci'. rec;.ove r real. property a_t.e_im:fisp·ensable
. 1-.· "(he · right : to--'relief , arises out. :of the same ·:. parties -(Dael v. Teves, G.R. -No. -l. ~34,124, April
. · tran_s:actionqr series . of Iransact ions; . 30, 1_985). · .. ·· . .. · .
2: . There is ·a ques_tior.iof law _or facf £·ommon _to all . 4;- . In an_.action for . the recover.y of property against ·
t_he ph,1intiffsordefend ants; and . · a person vjho PL1fc:h?1sed it from another who ih
3. -·_S_uch joinder is Not otherwise f_roscrjbed by the turnacquit~d :i_t from someone by _the · same
provi$ions of the Rules on juri _sdiction and ven_!:!p ~=..,-"'=="" """'.. means o_r by donation or ·. otherwise, the
. .(1_REGALADQ,supraat91).
: .. . · .. _. . . . _
· _ -:_ • -~-9 :,;P""_---~.... J· -}:; ~~'
. ,. ;-;:/:,;?' · h,--.. ··
rir.e~ces _sprs of_ the _dei_fe_
ridants :_ are ·
\J_ ln?).1s~eQ~ableparties -as the transfers, .1f not
"Series o.f trans.~ctlomf ' means S$3P:~af~ 1qf
. a1ipJJ, "'""'-=-;~: \/,9ld~i.:lj,.>-rA~y· bind ·the · plaintiff- (Alberto , v, -
with the ·par1if1s·b.ut-all _of which 9~~lif),~--ate', ~~ · . , >'Mq,(,)iangryµJfx,GR. Nos L-2715, May 30, 195 .1). .
. conne<,;tedwith .th~ same type <jlf. $'t!~~·c[<ttiatter--0f" ,.._
Jk'.·"".' .. ~~'( 'r · • ...\ ,.
·->:·'""''•~ . · ·, · · . • · ·.
the, s·uit (1 ·REGALADC1, supra / k9/~,/', ir"'' · ·•0 . -,~,,u.1 7t~
_es'~\n _' '~\~YidJ¾
as _indispensable p~rties · in_
.• · · ·., . . . 1.1 . ·~v/,: · ,1"-. • .it .JJi.~
_.-~!'i_t1ons\lo re'.l'.;Q:Ver
.Pli.~perty_ . · •..
·sECTIQN 7. ·. COMPULS _~~Y ,ib1Nbl:R O.F... .,....,·_Ir) actioni _w~e~-i{h.(Bitperty sought to be ~eboyered
. •~DISPEN,SABL .E .PARTIE~ 1 1 _,::;r•t' •·. !;,,,..:..~-:""'- . ".'~!Jh:?"Pl+1~t1ff1s if:ct ~'1'r\l11e9by
rat pers<;m
_S; eayh' .
·· ·. . , · · · . .. · f\1''.-:.
-.(-. ·· i ~ili,L"" -;:. , '.CC!!;iOWn e;. 1s ah_W lldlS.QSnsabll:!party _and -,mu.s.t _be
ln~ispes:isable . parties . ~r~ J9os~ . with,,,,~uch ~~1\fr-rni}l\!)de.dfcferic;lan~i,.i1c1 ,ihJ action. (Valde _z-Tc1llorin v.
.~e w~
' ih\eresf i~ the contro~_er-~yt~--i'it-a.;1i9,a1 <(!fcli .~9,~.:f:.,:d5f iftirs'::...~'1",fJ
Ona r ~-i! ro- ·177 429, . Novemb~,·. 24 ;
nece' s~anly a~ectthetr ng~t,, -.ssr:r.f c9,1'.ir-t~'t~ --n? . "!;i.·
pr<?_ceed· w1thou~. · !hetr ~,"-PrE:s~r?e:-Z<)~.~:Q_~ _.~,(~;~"-://4~;' ·., /; . ~1j/
_ -~i 9Jt4:-J ·
j t--.~r,_''4_!.- ·.. . .· ·
•. · · •,. ·
.. · ·
: . .. 1
m~1~pensabl!=lparties int(?. an\ ~ct1on\s m1i'~ato , · ',--:: ~~~~ ~u,t,11s brou,lh any of th~ coao.wners
being a ·requirement of _due . _J'ffcess. ~tljoo)!.Jti.:~ .._..,,-~1~ thir9_.;j3~rso _n~tq .~l:!?OVe _r,prqpert1~s_, tb.e other
-ples~ni;~,.- ttit;i judgrtreri t_~f the ~~~urt, cant;\,~ti~t!§iin\~_}::~Gc?.tl n~,w ·naed n:9r~e jorned _m_t~e _action <!S ev_en
· real fu:,allty,(V~lde~~Tallorm v. H(#1r-~ o( Tarpm!1'1:-,._
G:-_R;;£EN ) ;tln0~WP ' •!he?'.,~Je,;pffre_al·parties 'JI111terest,they are .
No: _177429, -November 24, _2009) . .
.. .··.··..,.,..
_. · .· .· .: ·~~<-
~ _-=•~:
1 ;';:;-.._.,....
VJ n!1!µ;ei -< !{I
lf -/~~l,i<;\,(\,~9ryw
· l?·abl~ ,nor ne?es~i'IW partle_s .to' the_
rete:~eltef, cc1n.qe c1ccorclE!dIn the .suit
Tl1e ~eheral _rt.lie witlf refe·rerice' to 'th1:: - m~ilil
l:V~~w:itn '"out,tl;l._ei_rpartifipation _s ince t~e. ~uit'is
. parties .iri a civil action ·· recfui~es, ·of. ·c_ourse; · tne~ = - -: f;li"esumed to have been-filed for .th.I:! beneftt of .all:co• .
ti inde_r.of. all! n!3cessaiy parties Where po~~it)le, ~nd . . _owriers. Ohl)_'Ol')ec;if~lifCO•_f)Wl}ers , narr,_elyth_e co~ '
the join~er of i;illindispensable· parties unde_ranY.-an1:f owner '-"'.h9 :filed Jhe ~utt-_for .the reyoyery of th_e co~
all · conditions,- · jheir. ·presen ce being ·a sirJ'efi. qµa . own'ed ·p.rope';tY1 ·is ?I;. indispensab_te·_pa_ ~y' {hereto_,
non for the exercise of-judicial .power: It is precisely: - (Navarro .v. f=sCJ>bldo, ·;G.R. N9 . -10378 8, Nov((Jmber.
wl:ien ai'linqlfipensable ·party is nofbeifore tt1e_' couit- _'. : .27,. 2Q09f .. . . .
(ttiat) the actio'n ·should be-:dismissed. T he absenc e
of ati indispens~ble ._party: :ren'ders a_ ll :_subsequerit · SECTION '8 ..N ECESSAR_ Y PARTY
· · actions ·of the court null .ahd'void for want Qf authority ,
to· act_. no\ only as to' the al;,_seht•partiesb0t --even as Nec~ss.ary- :.i_ pat:ty
s . o~e 'whci is :n<> t ) n~i;pens ~bla
to 'ttjcisei'f;,,resent;(.Baca/so V." Pa_digos, . GJJ. -.,No. . :but-vyho be join_ed_·as a .party if complete ·
17-31,92, flpril _1.8! 2008).. . . · re.lief .is .to· be accorded _as to ·those already parties,
or, for' coll'.lplete. d~termination br settlement :of the .
If the plaintiff refuse~· to-implead · an lndispen~able. ·-c1airnsubject of the action, - . . .
. party despilEl the orde(of tt,e court•, that_court m_ay
· Effectof Ju-~t1fiedNon-lnclus /Qn of. ~--N~cessary
·dismiss the· complaint ·for_ the ·pl_aintiff's · failure -~o
- ~·omply with ·the ·order .(Pcimpa/ona Plantatibn Co. v-; Party: The non-Inclusion of a necessary 'party does
Tinghil, G:-R.-No.1{59.121 , Fef:Jruary -3; 2005) . . not ._prE:'vent.:. the coLJrt from pr.qcee9i'ng with _th~ ·
action, and the judgment therein shall be Without
pr:~judi~e to the ·rights of s.uch·n·ecessary party (/l,gro


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