Finishing Touches: At-Ta'awwuth

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8/20/2017 Finishing Touches

"And We send down from the Heavens the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe..." [

Finishing Touches
1. Supplication to begin reading
2. The seven kinds of Alif
3. above / below the letter
4. Prostration during recitation
5. Lahn (incorrect pronunciation)

Supplication to begin reading

At-ta'awwuth ( ‫)ﺗَ َﻌ ّﻮذ‬

You must always begin a recitation with the ta'awwuth

'I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected shaitaan'

Allah ( ) says in the Qur'an

'So when you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from
the shaitaan, the outcast (cursed one)'

Surah An Nahl (16:98)

It can be said quietly or aloud when one is reading alone, but if reading
in a group, the first will say it aloud and then the other readers should
say it quietly before their recitation

Basmala ( َ ‫) َ ْﺴ َﻤ‬

'In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful'

Useful Links
If one begins the recitation at the beginning of a surah, the reader should
Glossary say the Basmala (as part of the surah), but if the reader starts in the
Site Map middle of the surah, the reader has a choice of saying the Basmala after
the ta'awwuth or just saying the ta'awwuth
It is obligatory in Surah Al- Fatihah according to the Shafi'i school
Search Site According to all, it is not said in the beginning of Surah At-Taubah -
Surah 9 (it is not written) 1/6
8/20/2017 Finishing Touches

Rules of reciting the Basmala between two surahs


Not joining the end of the previous surah with the basmala of the next surah
and not joining the basmala with the words of that surah. The reader would not
stop at each of these points


Stopping at the end of the surah, but then joining the basmala with the
beginning of the next surah

The opposite of this: joining the end of the surah with the basmala of the next
surah and then stopping, and then beginning the next surah by itself, is


Connecting everything together, the end of the previous surah with the basmala
and also the basmala with the beginning of the following surah

NB For Surah Taubah, you either stop at the end of the previous surah or join
onto the first ayah of Surah Taubah. There is no partial connection option as
there is no basmala

Click here to view a printable chart that depicts the rules of basmala between
two surahs

The seven kinds of Alif

This applies only when the alif is the last letter of the word
The following uses of Alif are affirmed upon stopping and omitted upon a
continuous reading :

1. Alif in
This means 'I' in the English language. The alif is always omitted due to
not stressing the individual but focussing on Allah the Most High, and not
ones self or nafs

Therefore, the alif in ْ is never recited whether continuing to recite, or

if stopping

For the following 6 Alifs, the Alif is again omitted when continuing to recite,
but when stopping it is elongated 2 counts. This applies whether stopping in the
middle or end of an ayah.

2. Alif in Surah Al-Kahf (18:38)

﴾ ﴿
3. Alif in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:10)

﴾ ﴿
4. Alif in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:66) 2/6
8/20/2017 Finishing Touches

﴾ ﴿
Alif in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:67)

﴾ ﴿
Alif in Suratul Insaan (76:16)

﴾ ﴿
7. Alif in Suratul Insaan (76:4)

﴾ ﴿
It is permissible in the case of stopping on the word to stop

on the , which then takes a .

Omit the Alif / Madd and say

Thus there are 2 possibilities in the case of stopping :

1. To stop at the laam saakina without an alif after it

To stop on the alif after the laam

above / below the letter

There are 4 places in the Qur'an where there is a small seen written either
above or below the letter saad . The question arises as to which letter (
or ) should actually be read.

The following should help :

In both the verses below, the reader should read the letter . The
letter should NOT be read even though it is written there

1. ﴾ ﴿
2. ﴾ ﴿ 3/6
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In the following verse, the reader has the OPTION of reading either the

﴾ ﴿
In the verse below the reader should only read the letter . The
should NOT be read

﴾ ﴿
Note: It is advisable that a note be made of this in your personal Qur'an
so the correct letter is read whilst reciting these verses without any
unnecessary confusion.

(source: Ahsan-ut-Tajweed. Mufti Muhammad Noman Daji (Al-Qaasmi)

Moulana Ilyas Kola)

Prostration during Recitation

There are fourteen verses in the Qur'aan where prostration is to be performed

during recitation. These verses are :

Surah :
No. Extract from Verse

1 (7:206)

2 (13:15)

3 (16:49)

4 (17:107)

5 (19:58)

6 (22:18)

7 (25:60)

8 (27:25)

9 (32:15)

10 (38:24)

11 (41:37)

12 (53:62)

13 (84:21)

14 (96:19) 4/6
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What is Lahn (‫?) ﳊﻦ‬

The word lahn literally means 'incorrect pronunciation'. In the Science of

Tajweed, lahn can be described as:

'Failing to adhere to the rules of Tajweed whilst reciting the


There are 2 types of lahn:

1. Jalee ( ‫ﲇ‬ )- major or obvious

2. Khafee ( ‫ﺧﻔﻲ‬ )- minor or not obvious

To recite the Qur'an whilst being guilty of Lahney Jalee is haraam and to do so
intentionally can plunge into the act of a major in, so much that it can lead one
to the brink of kufr. Whereas to commit Lahney Khafee is makrooh
(undesirable, not commendable).

Lahney Jalee

1. Not to pronounce the letters from their correct origins and their
respective qualities


ُ‫ﻟْ َﺤ ْﻤﺪ‬ as ُ‫ﻟْﻬَ ْﻤﺪ‬
‫َ ِﺮ ُث‬ as ‫َ ِﺮ ُس‬
‫َﻃ ْ ًﲑ‬ as ‫ﺗ ْ ًَﲑ‬
‫َﺻﺪَ َق‬ as َ‫َﺻﺪَ ك‬
‫ﻧْ َﻌ ْﻤ َﺖ‬ as ‫ﻧْﺌَ ْﻤ َﺖ‬
2. To make any addition to the words


َ‫ا ك‬ as ‫ا ّ َﰷ‬
ُ‫ْﻋ ُﺒﺪ‬ as ‫ْﻋ ُﺒﺪُ ْو‬
‫َر ِ ّب‬ as ‫رﰊ‬
3. To make omissions


To recite ‫ا‬ as ‫ان‬

To recite ‫َا ّ ِ ْي‬ as ِ ّ ‫َا‬
To recite as 5/6
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‫ﻓَ ُﻘ ْﻮﻻ‬ ‫ﻓَ ُﻘ َﻼ‬

4. To replace a Harakah (dammah, fathah, kasrah) with a sukoon


‫َ ﻠَ َﻘ َﻚ‬ as ‫َ ﻠَ ْﻘ َﻚ‬
‫ﴎ َق‬ََ as ‫ﴎ َق‬َْ
‫ﻟَﻬ ٍَﺐ‬ as ‫ﻟَﻬ ٍْﺐ‬
5. To replace a sukoon with a harakah


recite ٰ ‫ْو‬ as ٰ ‫َو‬
‫َواﻟْ َﻔ ْﺠ ِﺮ‬ as ‫َواﻟْ َﻔ َﺠ ِﺮ‬
‫َ ْﲡ ِﺮ ْي‬ as ‫َ َﲡ ِﺮ ْي‬
Lahney Khafee

Reading the Qur'an whilst being guilty of Lahney Khafee is makrooh. It does not
necessarily alter the meaning of the Qur'an. However, it does deprive the Holy
Qur'an of its real elegance and beauty.


1. To overlook the rules of the thick / full mouth (tafkheem) letters and the
thin / empty mouth (tarqeeq) letters.
2. Not to adhere to the rules of ith'har, idghaam and ikhfaa in their
respective places whilst reciting the Qur'an.
3. Not to prolong a letter when a Madd is present

(soure: Basic Tajweed for Primary Madris. Shaykh Hasib Ahmed Ibn Yusuf

Click here to view a printable chart depicting the types of lahn

Read with Tajweed - All Rights reserved 6/6

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