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Tricia Marie Yude

IELTS TASK 2 (259 words)

1. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic
accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving
road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Most individuals are aware that accidents on the road happen on a daily basis due to factors such as a
faulty traffic light. However, I believe that although other measures such as having a fully functional traffic
light and a wide accessible lane is necessary. It is also important to take into consideration the strict
reinforcement of the penalties given for those who violate the law.

With regards to road safety, having road improvements has some advantages. Firstly, a functional
traffic light regulates the flow of traffic and it gives the driver a signal as to when they can go or stop. This
prevents accidents such as car crash. Secondly, a wide accessible lane allows enough space for the drivers and
the passerby. This ensures safety for those who cross the street by having more pedestrian lanes.

On the other hand, although the advantages of these improvements may seem great, the underlying
problem still lies with the fact that drivers tend to disregard the rules because the penalties made we not
imposed firmly. Some drivers still manage to get away from their mistakes by bribery and if this continues,
they will be oblivious to the fact that they actually committed an offence. Hence it is important that these
penalties should be implemented in a stringent way.

In Conclusion to this, although road improvements may lessen traffic accidents, it is still in the firm
implementation of the penalties for driving offences that allow the individuals to adhere to the laws well
,which in turn lessens the cases of vehicular accidents.

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