Counterpoises For Transmission Lines

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also is given.

From the studies upon which this

Counterpoises for paper is based the following general conclusions may
be drawn :

Transmission Lines
1. Where the earth resistivity is low, no special measures may be re-
quired to obtain tower footing surge impedances of 10 ohms or less;
the tower foundation structures provide the necessary surface "leak-
2. Where the earth has fairly low resistance, the normal tower
surge impedance may be reduced economically by the use of driven
Counterpoises are recommended (or pro- grounds.
tecting electric power transmission lines 3. Where the resistivity of the earth is high, driven grounds have
against damage from lightning surges where been found to be inadequate and sometimes impractical. For such
cases the remedy now is indicated to be the use of counterpoises.
other methods do not reduce the tower
.4. Counterpoises have been analyzed and classified as follows:
footing surge impedance to the desired (a) those consisting of wires at right angles to the direction of the
level. In this paper a physical explana- line which have the effect only of lowering the surge impedance of
the tower footings; (b) those consisting of wires parallel to the di-
tion of the theory of counterpoises is given rection of the line which have the effect of not only reducing the surge
impedance of the tower footings, but also reducing by mutual
together with an analytical solution of par- coupling the difference of potential between line conductors and the
allel counterpoise problems. O f the 2 tower top. The parallel counterpoise is, therefore, the most effec-
tive type, and methods of calculation are presented for the first
types studied, the parallel counterpoise time that allow analysis of this type of problem.
is shown to be the more effective. 5. Where a cross-wire counterpoise is used in combination with a
parallel counterpoise, its surge impedance should be considered inde-
pendently of the parallel counterpoise and in parallel with the nor-
mal tower footing surge impedance ; their resultant surge impedance
then should be used in the calculations in place of the normal tower
C H A R L E S L. G . FORTESCUE footing surge impedance.
F E L L O W A.I.E.E. E. Pittsbursh, Pa.
6. To obtain the optimum effect with a given length of wire, where
the earth resistivity is not very high, but too high to be taken care of
by driven grounds, it may be advantageous to extend the counter-

art can be made only by the development of a work-
poise for only a portion of the distance between towers. Where
the resistivity is very high, however, the counterpoise should be ex-
tended for the whole distance.
7. For a projected line tests may be required to predetermine what
ing theory. It is not necessary that such a theory method of auxiliary grounding will be necessary. For practical
be presented in full perfection. This statement ap- estimating purposes, where a line is to be erected on ground with
plies with particular force to an art such as the pro- high resistivity a parallel counterpoise consisting of 2 or more wires
tection of electric power transmission lines against extending from tower to tower may be considered to make the line
equivalent to one having tower footing surge impedances of 10 ohms,
lightning where confirmation by statistical data on
and the clearances and insulation can be calculated on that basis.
experimental lines takes many years. One of the This value of 10 ohms has yet to receive confirmation, but to the
major problems of protecting transmission lines author's best knowledge it is a fair value to use at present in pro-
against direct strokes of lightning is related inti- jecting a line.
mately to the earth conditions of the right-of-way
over which the line passes. REVIEW OF PAST DEVELOPMENTS
After the direct stroke theory was announced in
1929, many engineers found that poor performance Since this paper is a further extension of the
on many existing lines was attributable mainly to theory of protection of transmission lines against di-
high tower footing resistance. In many cases it was rect lightning strokes and necessarily depends on
found almost impossible to effect sufficient reduction much of the theory already established, a brief re-
of this resistance by means available at that time. view of past developments of this theory seems in
The counterpoise, consisting of cables connected to order.
the line towers and buried in the ground offers a solu- The paper by Fortescue, Atherton, and Cox en-
tion to this difficulty. Counterpoises in general titled "Theoretical and Field Investigations of
are of 2 types: the "crow's foot" consisting of Lightning," presented at the A.I.E.E. winter con-
cables extending radially from the corners of the vention in 1929 (see A.I.E.E. TRANS., V. 48, 1929,
towers; and the parallel type consisting of cables p. 449-68) was among the first papers relating to the
extending from the towers parallel to the line. intensive field investigation of lightning with the
In this paper both the crow's foot and parallel cathode-ray oscillograph started in the summer of
types of counterpoises are analyzed from a theoretical 1928. It presented for the first time before the In-
standpoint, and a mathematical analysis of parallel stitute the conception of the lightning channel as a
counterpoise problems is given. An example illus- highly conducting path, after it had become estab-
trating the method of calculating the protection lished, having a surge impedance of decreasing value
level of a line equipped with a parallel counterpoise in the direction of the point of stroke. In that paper
Full text of a paper recommended for publication by the A.I.E.E. committee on
the theory of the direct stroke as the cause of outages
power transmission and distribution, and scheduled for discussion at the A . I . E . E . on high voltage transmission lines first was advanced,
winter convention, New York, Ν . Y . , Jan. 23-26, 1934. Manuscript submitted
Oct. 23, 1933; released for publication N o v . 13, 1933. Not published in pam-
which theory now has become generally accepted.
phlet form. Based on the ideas presented in that paper, by the


end of 1929 4 principles of protection were estab- in 1929 many utility engineers found that poor per-
lished : formance on many existing lines was due mainly to
high tower footing resistance, and set about to
1. Proper configuration of ground wires to shield the line conduc-
tors against direct strokes.
remedy this condition. In many cases, it was found
almost impossible to effect sufficient reduction by the
2. The importance of maintaining low values of tower footing re-
sistance or surge impedance at every tower.
means available at that time. It was decided,
therefore, to include in the test schedule at Still-
3. Adequate insulation coordinated with the clearance between line
and tower taking into account wind deflection
water in the summer of 1929 an investigation on
artificial means for obtaining satisfactory grounds for
4. Sufficient distance in the middle of the span between line con-
tower footings. This work was done on the 220-kv
ductors and ground wires to prevent side flash to the conductors
when a stroke occurs at the middle of the span.
Roseland-Bushkill line of the Public Service Electric
and Gas Company of New Jersey, which was being
Although these principles were established as the installed at that time and of which a length of 9
result of laboratory work in 1929, nothing definite miles with ground wires omitted was made available
was known regarding the probable magnitude of the for these tests. An account of this investigation
direct lightning stroke when it strikes a line. The is given in the paper by Conwell and Fortescue en-
lightning investigations were continued for the pur- titled "Lightning Laboratory at Stillwater, New
pose of obtaining as much information as possible Jersey," presented at the A.I.E.E. winter conven-
on this point. In 1931 2 of the highest surges ever tion of 1930 (see A.I.E.E. TRANS., V. 49, 1930, p.
recorded cm a, transmission line were obtained at 872-6) and the discussion by A. S. Brookes in which
Ogemaw on the Arkansas Power and Light Com- further data was added. Although it was impossible
pany system. One of these showed a maximum to carry the work to completion, some interesting
value of 5,000 kv after traveling about 4}/ miles. 2
results, contained in Table I of that paper, were ob-
It is estimated that had the wood poles not broken tained. Based upon a surge impedance of 450
down on the front of the wave, the lightning stroke ohms for the line and a corona radius of % ft, which
probably would have reached a value of 20,000 kv. corresponds to a potential of 500 kv, the depth of the
As a result of the laboratory work done in 1930 ground plane appears to be about 50 ft below the
and the previous years, 20,000 kv was decided on surface of the earth. The buried cable, which
as the probable magnitude of severe lightning strokes was connected to the footings of towers 39, 40, and
with the reservation that exceptionally severe 41, reduced the tower footing surge impedance from
strokes might reach even higher values, but were so 83 to 44.2 ohms at tower 39; from 128 to 26.4 ohms
exceedingly rare that it would not be practical to at tower 40; and with tower 41 alone connected to
design lines to withstand these values. the buried cable its tower footing impedance was
The portable lightning generator used at Still- reduced from 46 to 18.8 ohms. The reduction in
water, N.J., contributed a great deal to this progress surge impedance of tower 39 indicates that the buried
in showing the importance of the surge impedance cable had a surge impedance of 95 ohms; for tower
of the tower and the reflections set up in the tower 40, it was 33 ohms; and for tower 41, 32 ohms. It
after a lightning stroke. The effect of this surge may be observed that they are fairly consistent.
impedance was expressed in the form of curves and The surge impedance in parallel with tower 41 is
added to the theory ; it was presented in a discussion somewhat less than half that in parallel with tower
by J. J. Torok, of the 1931 lightning papers pre- 39, although practically the same as that at tower 40.
sented at the A.I.E.E. North Eastern District It may be supposed that the surge impedance at
meeting, Rochester, Ν. Y., May 6-9, 1931. The tower 40 is affected by reflections from tower 41 and
effect of corona in increasing the coupling between that the low surge impedance of tower 41 is due to a
ground wires and line wires at midspan and in reduc- higher leakage factor at that portion of the right-of-
ing the clearance necessary to prevent side flash due way.
to a direct stroke at midspan was added in 1932. Obviously, the data is too meager to do much with
The complete theory taking into account the surge in the way of generalization; but if a factor Κ be
impedance of the towers, the consequent reflections taken to represent the effect of the capacitance and
in the tower structure, and the effect of corona on the "leakance" of the buried cable, its value appears to be
coupling factors was given in a paper presented by between 8 and 16, which would not be excessive for a
the author before the International Electrical Con- wire in earth of fairly low resistivity. The equiva-
gress at Paris in June, 1932, entitled "La Foudre et lent surge impedance obtained in this manner has, of
ses Effets sur les Lignes Aériennes." course, no real existence as a constant, but changes
in value with time and the duration of the applied
COUNTERPOISE TESTS AT STILLWATER potential. This explains why the d-c measurement
frequently gives values that are too low. For in-
The preceding introduction outlines the progress stance, if a constant electromotive force be applied to
of the art of protection of transmission lines against an infinite cable in a homogeneous medium of low re-
direct lightning strokes up to the present time, and sistivity, the current will build up exponentially
points out the various influences that contributed to and in time will approach a constant value ; the r =
this development. It may be seen that the present E/I thus obtained is the equivalent of the footing re-
theory presumes the ability to obtain low tower foot- sistance as measured by d-c means. The surge im-
ing resistance at all points of the line right-of-way. pedance as measured by a surge generator with a
As soon as the direct stroke theory was announced steep wave is an average transient value and is ap-

DECEMBER 1933 909

plicable with a fair degree of approximation to the footing surge impedance is likely to be not less than
relative short surges produced by lightning. 200 ohms and may approach 1,000, it may be seen
that such a counterpoise would reduce the effective
GENERAL DISCUSSION OF COUNTERPOISES tower footing surge impedance to 31.6 ohms for a
normal 200-ohm footing; this is too high a value to
For purposes of discussion a ' 'crow's foot" will be give adequate protection, the requirement being
considered as a counterpoise in which 4 wires extend 10 ohms or less for a well insulated line. In moder-
radially from the tower footing at an angle of 45° ately low resistivity soil Κ may be assumed equal to
with the direction of the line. The ' 'parallel coun- 9. Using the first example, 18.25 ohms is obtained
terpoise" shall be considered as one or more wires as the surge impedance, which may be effective pro-
extending in each direction from the tower footing vided the normal tower footing is fairly low; how-
parallel to the transmission line. The parallel ever, under these conditions driven grounds prob-
counterpoise does not necessarily extend from tower ably would be still more effective and more eco-
to tower; as a matter of fact, in some cases it should nomical.
not do so. The first thing to find out in discussing The values of Κ used in the preceding paragraph
these 2 types of counterpoises is whether there is any for low resistivity soils are estimated. There is little
appreciable reduction of the surge impedance in mul- or no data available, as far as the author is aware,
tiple with the normal tower footing surge impedance, on the surge impedance of counterpoises. Some
by using the crow's foot arrangement, using 2 wires data recently has been presented on counterpoises
in each case. In the crow's foot arrangement, since which indicate rather high soil resistivity. Where
the wires are at right angles to each other, there will the resistivity of the soil is very high, the surge im-
be no mutual surge impedance between the 2. pedance of a counterpoise may be less than the re-
Considering 2 of the radial conductors of the crow's sistance obtained by d-c measurements, so that d-c
foot, if the effective radius of one conductor from measurements in general are not a measure of the
the standpoint of corona is 0.166 ft and the depth of effectiveness of a counterpoise system. Data ob-
the earth plane is 50 ft, the surge impedance of the tained at Stillwater is too meager and was obtained
2 in multiple will be with a small surge generator. It is believed that a
large capacity generator of at least 2,000,000 volts
1 _60_ ^00_ = 192 should be used so as to obtain the effects of corona in
2 ' VK g e
0.166 y/K the soil, which it is believed would reduce the surge
Consider 2 parallel conductors of the parallel counter- impedance materially. Whatever effectiveness has
poise having the same effective radius 40 ft apart, the been obtained with crow's foot grounds, is believed
geometric mean radius of the 2 will be \/θ.166 X 40 to have been due very largely to the parallel counter-
= 2.58, and the joint surge impedance will be poise effect. There is no sharp line of demarcation
between the 2 types of counterpoises, both to some
60 104 _ 222
VZ l 0 g e
2.58 -
extent having the same features in common.
In his discussion of the 1930 paper by Conwell and
Considering the same arrangements but assuming 200 Fortescue, A. S. Brookes gives a curve showing the
ft for the equivalent depth of the earth plane for reduction of surge impedance of a given tower for
high resistivity earth, the equivalent surge impedance different lengths of connected cable; which is re-
may be computed in a similar manner for the crow's produced in Fig. 1. To interpret this curve it must
foot counterpoise as be remembered that as the cable length is increased
1 60 400 _ 234
in soil of fairly low resistivity the attenuation of the
2 l o g e
0.166 - y/κ
current due to leakage becomes greater and greater.
The potential measured at the tower is the resultant
and for the parallel counterpoise as
60 400 302
y/K l 0 g e
2.58 - Fig. 1. Reduction of surge
impedance of a typical
From the foregoing calculations it may be as- 1 tower for different lengths
sumed, therefore, as far as the surge impedance that
operates in parallel with the normal tower footing \ of connected cable

surge impedance is concerned, that for the same \

amount of wire there is a slight advantage in favor
of the crow's foot counterpoise. If 8 radial wires \\
be used in the crow's foot arrangement, the surge im-
pedance is approximately equal to y that of the 4

foregoing parallel counterpoise. From this fact

may be formed some idea of the reduction in tower
footing surge impedance that may be effected by go- ν
ing as far as is practicable with the crow's foot ar-
rangement. If the resistivity of the soil is very high,
Κ may be assumed equal to 4. This will give 37.5
ohms approximately, using the higher value of earth
resistivity. Since in such a case the normal tower 0 40 80 I20 I60 200 240


of all the reflections that take place in the buried cable spective installations, from the information that the
and of the effects of the attenuation. If the curve of writer has obtained, are as follows: The 2 / -mile 1

surge impedances given is assumed to be asymtotic portion of the line over High Knob equipped with the
to the effective surge impedance of the tower footing buried longitudinal counterpoise, has not had one
with a very long counterpoise, this would indicate a insulator assembly flashed by lightning. The 2 2 / 1

surge impedance of approximately 32 ohms for a buried miles of the line equipped with crow's feet have had
cable extending in both directions from a tower a substantial reduction of flashed insulators, com-
footing, which value seems very low. pared with previous experience. Table I brings out
this comparative performance in more detail.
Table I—Flashed Insulator Assemblies on a 25-Mile Section
Some 66-kv lines with overhead ground wires of the Wallenpaupack-Siegfried 220-Kv Line
built along the right-of-way of railroads have shown
exceptionally good performance. With the usual Station
insulation and clearance for such lines, their per- Year Parallel Crow's Foot Gaps
formance cannot be accounted for by the low tower
footing surge impedance alone and must, therefore, 0 2
0 1
be credited to the counterpoise effect due to parallel- 0 2
ing rails. A notable example illustrating this corre- 0 0

spondence is a 12 V2-mile 69-kv line paralleling a

railroad, which has a record of one outage in 15
years though exposed to lightning storms of the While 2 / miles of line statistically is not enough

usual severity experienced in that region. to draw any definite conclusion from, even though it
During the first 3 lightning seasons of operation, shows a perfect record over 5 lightning seasons, the
that is 1926 to 1928, inclusive, of the Wallenpaupack- performance of this portion of the line when com-
Siegfried 220-kv line of the Pennsylvania Power & pared with the 22V2-niile portion equipped with
Light Company, a considerable number of lightning crow's foot counterpoises is quite significant; and
flashovers was experienced with a disproportionately when considered in the light of experience with other
high percentage of this total concentrated at High existing lines, which appear to owe their high record
Knob, a terrain prominence and the point of highest to parallel counterpoise effects, the result is quite
elevation of the line about 12 miles from Wallen- convincing. Doubtless the performance of the
paupack. High Knob is a hill of solid rock, with a 22V2-mile portion still could be improved by using
thin layer of soil where not entirely exposed. Realiz- more wire in the counterpoises, but from theoretical
ing the necessity of augmenting the protection af- considerations the possible improvement does not
forded by the overhead ground wires, after weighing appear to be sufficient to bring it to a par with the
such experience as they could gather from operating portion of the line over High Knob equipped with
companies and results from lightning research in the parallel counterpoise.
high voltage laboratories and in the field, Mr.
Nicholas Stahl, chief engineer of the Pennsylvania PHYSICAL EXPLANATION OF
Power & Light Company, and Mr. A. E. Silver, THEORY OF PARALLEL COUNTERPOISE
consulting electrical engineer of Electric Bond &
Share Company, recommended the installation of a Theory of counterpoises has been a matter of
buried counterpoise over a distance of 2 / miles at
2 speculation for the last 3 or 4 years. The surge
High Knob. This counterpoise, consisting of 2 impedance of the counterpoise in which is included
continuous No. 2/0 B.&S. gauge copper wires, was the effect of distributed inductance, capacitance, and
installed in the spring of 1929, being completed leakance has been recognized as playing an impor-
during May. tant part in its effectiveness. Corona formation
Being encouraged by the initial results from the undoubtedly also plays a large part by increasing
buried counterpoise at High Knob and desirous of the capacitance and leakage and probably reducing
improved performance in the remaining 2 2 / miles 1
2 the inductance. It has been shown that in respect
of the 25 miles total of overhead ground wire sec- of surge admittance a parallel counterpoise with 2
tions of the Wallenpaupack line, the Pennsylvania wires 40 ft apart extending parallel from the towers
Power & Light Company, after further discussions a given distance in both directions is not materially
between their engineers and those of the Westing- different from a crow's foot counterpoise of 4 wires
house company, installed crow's feet at each tower extending radially the same distance at an angle of
throughout the 2 2 / miles. Over 17 / miles of this
2 45° with the direction of the line. To explain the
installation was made early in 1930, and the remain- theory of the parallel counterpoise effect, the over-
ing 5 miles early in 1931. These crow's feet consist head ground wires and the buried counterpoise wires
of buried cables in 4 directions, each extending 50 ft running parallel to the line should be considered as
out from the tower. The portions of the line in effect a transmission system of comparatively
equipped with these 2 types of artificial grounds low surge impedance, the tower being merely the
probably embrace the worst localized exposure to cross connection between the parallel wires of the
lightning on the Wallenpaupack line. system. The conductors must be considered as a
Results to date since the completion of these re- second parallel system insulated from the first sys-

DECEMBER 1933 911

tern, but mutually coupled with the first system of counterpoise effects: that due to wires radiating
through the mutual surge impedance between ground from the towers at right angles to the line, and that
wires and line wires, and counterpoise wires and line due to wires radiating from the towers in a direction
wires. parallel to the line, the former having the effect of
Obviously any surge currents passing through the merely increasing the surge admittances of the tower
ground wires and counterpoise wires will raise the footing by adding its surge admittance to that of the
potential of the line conductors (through the mutual natural surge admittance of the tower. The latter
surge impedance between these and the line con- not only increases the surge admittance of the tower
ductors) bringing the potential of the line wires footing by practically the same amount as the former
closer to the potential of the system comprising the for a given length, but also through its mutual surge
ground wires and line wires. The difference of impedance and the current passing through it,
potential between the ground wires and the counter- raises the potential of the line conductor to a value
poise wires is determined by the surge impedance of approaching more nearly that of the overhead
the tower and the reflections therein. When the ground wires thereby reducing the stress on the line
counterpoise is absent and the tower footing surge insulation. This effect must not be considered
impedance is high, the ground wires and tower will small; indeed, it is quite large because of the
be raised to a high potential above true zero when the large amount of current in the surge passing into the
tower is struck, because the surge impedance of the counterpoise. It seems proper to point out now that
ground wires and tower footing is not low enough to in soil of comparatively low resistivity, in order to
keep the potential down. The potential of the line get a large part of the benefit of a parallel counter-
wires also will be raised through the mutual surge poise, the counterpoise wires need not extend from
impedance between overhead ground wires and line tower to tower. The weak point of the transmission
wires, but not enough to prevent flashover of the in- line from an insulation standpoint is usually the line
sulator due to the difference of potential between insulator and, fortunately, at that point the full
line wires and ground wires. coupling effect due to the counterpoise is realized.
The addition of the parallel counterpoise wires Beyond the tower the insulation strength rapidly in-
now will be considered. First of all, the surge im- creases, so that if the difference of potential increases
pedance of the counterpoise will reduce the potentials because of attenuation of the surge current in the
of line and ground wire in the same proportion so that counterpoise, this need not cause concern as there is
the difference of potential between them will be re- ample insulation strength away from the tower.
duced proportionately. This would be the only ef- However, the portion of the counterpoise parallel
fect of a counterpoise having the same surge im- with the line should be long enough so that what cur-
pedance as the parallel counterpoise, but extending rent is reflected will be small and will have attenu-
radially from the tower at right angles to the line; ated to a negligible amount before it reaches the
in effect, it functions by lowering the tower footing tower.
surge impedance. In the case of the parallel coun-
terpoise, this lowering of the potential by reduction ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF
of tower footing surge impedance is obtained and, in THE PARALLEL COUNTERPOISE PROBLEM
addition, the current in the counterpoise through the
mutual surge impedance between counterpoise and In the preceding few paragraphs, it has been at-
line wires will raise the potential of the latter so that tempted to explain the mechanism of the parallel
it more nearly approaches that of the ground wire counterpoise in simple terms so that those who do not
and tower top; consequently, the difference of care to take the time to follow out the analytical
potential between line wire and tower will be re- solution may form a clear idea of what it does.
duced greatly, and with adequate insulation will not Appendix I presents the analytical solution based
cause a flashover. These phenomena are illus- upon a homogeneous medium, by the theory of multi-
trated by experiences in the Adirondack Mountain ple circuits considering the lines as being distortionless.
(Ν. Y.) region where lightning punctured cables In actual practice the medium is not homogeneous
buried in soil of high resistivity. It was found that and some correction must be used to obtain the ap-
cables having no outer metallic covering were af- proximate values of surge impedances and mutual
fected, but armored cables were not. One remedy surge impedances. For the overhead ground wires
that was effective was to place wires in the same and line wires, the usual convention has been used
trough about a foot or 2 above the cable. A better based upon the distance of the wires from their
remedy was to place a light stranding of wires over images considering the medium as air. Considering
the whole cable. The action of the counterpoise the effect of the surge propagated in the counter-
and ground wires is similar to that of the metallic poise, which is buried in the earth, a suitable value of
stranding over the cable except that in the latter Κ is used so that its surge impedance is the surge
case the coupling is very high so that the difference of impedance that would be obtained if the sole medium
potential between the inner conductor and the were air, divided by λ / K . In considering its mutual
outer stranding is very small. surge impedance to the line conductors and the over-
head ground wires, the field due to the surge current
DIFFERENT TYPES OF COUNTERPOISES flowing therein is conceived to consist of 2 parts,
one of which moves with the velocity of light and is
It will be clear now to those who have followed the porportional to s, where 5 is less than unity, and has
reasoning in this paper that there are 2 distinct types surge impedance and mutual surge impedance pro-


portional to unity; and a second portion moving other to a certain extent; when they completely
with velocity V/\/K whose magnitude is propor- balance each other, the circuit is distortionless. In
tional to y/K — s where υ is the velocity of light. }
fchê present problem it is not necessary to consider the
The current due to the combined natural surge ad- attenuation due to leakance and resistance nor the
mittance of the footing and that of a cross counter- distortion because the values involved are at the
poise, if any, is included and is taken to be propor- threshhold of the ground wire and counterpoise
portional to m. Calling the current concerned in system. It should be noted that the working theory
applies not only to the parallel counterpoise, but also
these effects Ii, I , and I , respectively, K g
to the cross counterpoise and any combination of
Ii : I K : I g :: S : VK — s :m the 2 types. The surge impedance of the cross
counterpoise is to be considered as independent of
/. / , = = (Ii + I K + I) a
the parallel counterpoise and in multiple with the
normal tower footing surge impedance.
While the author does not attempt to justify on
IK = ^4—7^ + IK + I) theoretical grounds the approximation given in the
+ VK

previous paragraph, it appears to be consistent and

la = (II + I K + IÇ) is flexible and easy to use; furthermore, it works in
well with the analytical theory and is believed to
Now I has no mutual surge impedance, and the
g give conservative results. Possibly further study
mutual surge impedance of I is proportional to K will develop a more scientific way of arriving at an
l/Λ/Κ while that of Ii is proportional to 1. There- approximation. In Appendix II is worked out a
fore, the mutual surge impedance of the total cur- numerical example by this method using s = 1.
rent Ii + I + I is proportional to the factor
K g

χ ι + mVK
+ VK X VK + + VK χ ο
+ VK m Since so much depends on the mutual surge im-
This is equal to pedance between the counterpoise and overhead
lines, tests are under way on a line built near the
(s + i) VK - s ι Trafford laboratory of the Westinghouse company
m + VK ' VK for the purpose of measuring some of these values.
If the surge impedance due to the section of line and It is hoped that by the time this paper is presented
counterpoise on one side of the tower be considered, some data will be available that will be of help in
then to determine ra, 2Z , where Z is the normal deterfllînïng the proper constants to use in applying
the analytical solution to practical problems.
G 0

tower footing surge impedance, must be used thus

2Z G =

so that
Appendix I—The Parallel Counterpoise
m =

The value of Z is supposed to be known and, un- Θ Π £ of the difficulties of problems of this kind is to provide ade
quate nomenclature for all the quantities involved. Since there
less a cross counterpoise is used, is dependent only will be a change of value of all surge currents and electromotive
on the normal tower footing surge impedance ; Z\ is forces every half-period, it will be necessary to distinguish between
the surge impedance of the parallel counterpoise the values of a given current during the intervals. The currents
considering the medium to be homogeneous and air. in the ground wires and counterpoises all will be traveling positively;
in the tower will be both positively and negatively traveling surges
The Κ used in the preceding discussion should be that must be taken into account; while in the lightning channel
the true specific inductive capacity of the soil. This both kinds exist, but only the positively traveling waves need be
will vary over a wide range. The value for pure taken into account. Currents and electromotive forces will be
distilled water is about 70 ; therefore Κ would be ex- designated by giving them a subscript 6" for the lightning channel,
pected to be high for deep alluvial or marshy soil, A and Β for the ground wiie and counterpoise, C for the line, and
Τ for the transmission tower. The half-period is designated by the
possibly 9 or more. For light dry sandy soil, Κ Greek letter Tau ( τ ) and the values occurring during the rth half-
may be low, but moisture is always present in alka- period will be designated by adding the letter r to the subscript,
line earths and salts so that Κ is not expected to be thus ÈAT> È , Ès f Err* etc.
Tr T A positively traveling wave wiö
less than 4. In general, the value of the apparent be designated by placing the sign " -" over the symbol, thus

surge impedance is affected not only by Κ but also and a negatively traveling wave by placing the sign in reverse as
" ' " example 2?τγ. A positive traveling wave resulting from re-
by the leakance. Fortunately, where leakance is flection at the beginning of the rth period would be designated îj^
high Κ also is high and one tends to offset the other. I Br, etc., similarly negative traveling waves will be designated
However, for short steep waves resistance and leak- Irr, hr, etc.
ance affect the surge impedance very little, so that There are 3 general terminal conditions to be accounted for.
the proper value of Κ may be obtained by tests 1. Junction of lightning channel, tower, and ground wires.
made on buried counterpoises using a surge generator 2. Junction of tower footing and counterpoise.
3. Junction of tower, channel, and ground wire for negatively traveling waves
giving a steep front wave. Resistance has a ten- in the tower only.
dency to increase the surge impedance while leakance At the beginning of the first half-period no electromotive force is
has a tendency to decrease it, so that they offset each impressed at the junction of the tower footing and counterpoise so

DECEMBER 1 9 3 3 913
that for the potential of the transmitted surge on the ground wire (Ζτ , Z B ß \ f„
and tower in multiple

Ès + És = transmitted potential By eliminating Î"s2,

Zs ( ZsZt ,Z b
Es = — IsiZs A γ,,
Zs + Ζτ 2(Z S + Z ) r ^ 2 J A2 + -7Γ 1

The transmitted current is (4)

îsi + Îsi = Îai + Ι τ ι

—IsiZs = I s i Z s — IaiZs — It\Zs Adding eqs 3 and 4

Ès + És = Ès — IsiZs Zs y _ ( ZsZt
Zs + 2 ( Z + Z )
= Ès + î s i Z s — IaiZs — ÎtiZs

Zab f
= 2Ès — IaiZs — ItiZs En =

Since there are no induced potentials in the tower structure nor
2Èsi — î a\Zs — Ït\Zs = ZaaÎai + ZabÎbi in the channel, at the junction of the tower channel and ground wire
transmitted potential is
Ετι + Èt2 = (Ιτ2 — ίτι)Ζτ

ü ~ ( Z S
A . Z A
\ Î
Λ . Ζ Α Β
Τ J _ Z S
\ 2~ ~2~ )
2~ 1
"2 By the principle of continuity of current at a junction point, the
current flowing toward this point — ( ί τ ι + Ιτ2) must be equal to
— Ïa\Zs — ItiZs = Ζτίτι the current flowing from it (1a2 — /s2) or

—Is2 = — (?A2 + ί τ ι + Îtî)

Èsi — ΤΓ Îai +
(î+î) but since there are no induced potentials in the channel, the poten-
tial at the junction

Ετι + Èt2 — —ZsÎs2 = — Zs(Îa2 + ί τ ι + Ιτ2)

At the junction of the tower and counterpoise there is no impressed
surge, and the surge impedance of the tower is Ζτ so that the com-
plete set of equations is
(Ιτ2 — 1τ\)Ζτ = — Zs(î Α2 + Îa\) — ZsÎt2


Ît2(Zs -b Ζτ) — — Zs(ÎA2 + ίτι) -h Ζτίτι


( Ζτ
ύ +
, Ζββ\
- ^ - ) Ι β
ι ÎTÎ =
Ζ s +
^ S

Ζ τ
(Ia2 + ίτΐ) + Zs-7} +

By eliminating In, these are reduced to

Ζτ £> _ f ZsZt , Zaa\ f . Ζ AB f = {-ÎA2 -Τ ΙΤΙ) - Γ ^ i~ 7 -Ι τ ι (6)

Z s + Z T
E s
- \2{ΖΓ+~Ζτ) 2~~/ 2~ z>s£t -τ ^τ

(1) At the junction of the tower and counterpoise,

ίτι + ίτ2 — ίβλ = 0

2Es Zs
Ιτι — ίτι = — (ίτι — Ιβ2)
Zs + Ζτ Zs + Ζτ (7)
Ét2 — — ίτ-ιΖτ = (ίτι — Ιβ2)Ζτ
At the junction of counterpoise and tower, It may be observed now that the cycle of operations has been es-
ίτι — I b\ = 0 tablished so that the next equation will be the same as eq 5 with
Ét2, Èt2, Îaz, Îbz, or
ίτι — Ib\
Zs ZsZt Λ
f -u Z a b
Therefore, Zs + Ζτ 2(Z + Ζτ)

Ετι — Ζτίτι Zab ψ , (Z , Z \ ^
ß j B

Ετι — —Ζτίτι — —ΖχΙ Bl

At the beginning of the second half-period there are 2 sets of equa- Its - (/V2 + ÎAZ) +
Zs +
tions to solve in which portions of Î 2 designated by 1'A2 and I" ai A

and portions of Ib2 designated by ί' B2 and Î"b2 are involved inde- Its = (7T2 — Ibz)
pendently. They are
ZsZt f , f , Z •2

f λ T

ZxZt -ζ7ϊτγ ( Ι Τ 2 + Ι Α 3 )
^ Z s T Z t
, Z \ f Ζ AB f, τ

2{Zs + Ζτ)
Étz - ΙτζΖτ — (It2 — Ibz)Zt

The equations after the first may be expressed in the general form

ft, Ζ τ f„ Zs T5 _ / ZsZt . Zaa\ ψ , Zab f

I Β2 52
Zs + Zi E t (
*- x )
- \2{Zs + Z T ) +
^ - ) I a
' +
— 7

Ετι = ^/" È (r-l)
T = ^ΙΓ-Îat + ( Ζτ
, Zbb\
-t- 2


A p p e n d i x II—Method of

(/r(r-l) + IAr) + 7 ^ 7 U(r-l)

z s "T £ t
Calculating Protection Level
^Tr = — ( ^ T ( r - l ) — Ißr)
(«) In this example the counterpoise wires are considered at ground
level; they consist of 2 No. 2 / 0 B.&S. gauge wires 50 ft apart
Z# -f- Z r Z s -f- Z r extending parallel to the line in both directions, and 2 No. 2 / 0 wires
at right angles 50 ft apart but extending only in one direction.
•Érr = —Ζτίττ — Ζτ{ϊτ(τ-\) — I Br) This latter connects to the parallel counterpoise of another line 200
ft away, but its mutual surge impedance with the first line has been
It may be observed further that eqs 1 and 2 are identical in form to ignored. The ground plane is assumed to be 200 ft below the earth's
eqs 5, 8, and 10 except for the terminal voltage which is the lightning surface. The ground wires consisting of two Ve-in. steel cables 50 ft
potential Ès. Therefore, it will be convenient to express the cur- apart average 298 ft above the ground plane. The corona radius
rents in terms of the admittances corresponding to the impedances in of the ground wires for the maximum potentials encountered will
these equations. Designating them by Y a a , Y b b , and Y ab* be approximately 1 ft, and the geometrical mean radius of the ground
wires taking into account corona and their spacing will be approxi-
Ζτ , Zbb
mately 3.3 ft. The same corona radius is assumed for the counter-
2 2 poise wires and their geometrical mean radius is approximately 2.87
Yaa - ft. The geometrical mean distance between ground wires and line
/ ZZ . Z \ /Ζτ I ^ b b \ _ / Ζ Α Ι Λ 2
wires is 46.9 ft, between ground wires and counterpoise 103.3 ft, and
V2(Z + Z ) ~ t
" 2 A 2 ' r
2 / \ 2 j
5 r >
between line wires and counterpoise 68.4 ft. It is assumed that the
ZsZt normal tower footing surge impedance is 400 ohms. In these
2{Z + Z ) calculations Κ is assumed equal to 4 which is believed to be a con-
Ybb = servative value, and 5 is taken equal to 1.
/ Z S Z T i_Zaa\ ( Z T . Z g g \ ( Z A B \ 2

\2(Z S + Z) ^ 2 ) \ 2 ^ 2 ) \ 2 )
To obtain the value of m

2 Z 0 = 400 ohms
Y a b = - •
K 2(Z S + Z) T •)(f+¥)-(¥)" Z = 6 0 1og |g = 298
1 e

Ζτ It is desired also to include with the ground resistance the effect of a

Iai = F^A £ cross counterpoise having a surge impedance equal to z = Zy/VK
Zs + Z r 5
2 2

= 149 ohms. This will be denoted by Z ' q .

In = FAB
Z5 + Zr
Äs „, 400 X 149 _ ,
Z'q — =-rr = 108.5 ohms
i n Q

2£ s Z s (13)
Iai =
Zs + Z r Zs + Z r Zs ~h Z r Therefore
/ n = ^ßi ZX 298 q 7 _
^ 2 Z ^ =
2 T 7 = L 3 7 5

£ri =
£ri = —
Ζτίτι — ~~ ZtIbx
Taking S = 1

(i + s) VK - s ι _ 3 ι = 0 4 4 4

ÎA2 — FA A £n + YabEti m + VK ' VK 3.375 · 2 · ·
Zs + £ r

Zs Zn = 60 l o g e g = 312
7ß2 = FAB Ετι + YbbEti
Z S + Z T

Z = 30 loge = 149
2 2
/r2 =
Zs^Tt { Î T l + / a 2 ) +
Z s ^ Z r / n (14)
Z = 0.444 Χ 60 loge ^ = 0.444 X 94.4 = 42
1 2
= —
(^Γ1 - Ibi)

Zr 2

ÈT* = - ^ f f ^ tfn + Iai) + ^ + Z y
Ιτι Zu = 0.60 loge = 149
£T2 = —
ΖτΪτι — Ζτ{Ιτι — Ib2) 461
Z3 2 — 0.444 X 60 l o g e ^ = 0.444 X 114.5 = 5 0 . 9

I Ar = YaA-
É {r-l) + Y AB ÈT(r-l)
Ζτ' T
From these the following are obtained:

Ißr = YabÉ {T-1) T + YBBÈT(r-l) Zaa =

156 ohms

74.5 X 108.5
/ Γ
' =
- Zs^VZt { 1 t
H R ) +
ZTVZt Î T { r
~ l )
I (15) Zbb —

Ζ ab —

Ζ AC =
Ιττ — — (^Γ(γ-Ι) — I Br)

Zbc =

Zs 2
78 Zs •+- Z r 3
Εττ == — Ζτίττ — Zr(/r(r-l) —
^ßr) 2
Z = 1
(16) ^ = 22.1

The complete solution for / A and / is Zs + Z r 3

Î - Σ'/ΑΓ Ζ ZsZr
10.5 = 66.67 ohms
each term being added at the beginning of its period. Expressions 2 Zs + Ζτ
for the other currents are similar.

DECEMBER 1 9 3 3
Zs = 200 ohms
Zs — Ζτ _ 1 Zs I Ai = -195 - 22.4 = -217.4
Zs + Ζ τ 2 Ζ s + Ζτ =
IBA = + 2 8 . 6 + 237.5 +266.1
Z = 100 ohms = 33.33 ohms
Zs + Ζτ In = - | (161.2 - 217.4) = 37.5

Ζτ" 2 In = -(168.5 - 266.1) = 97.6

= 33.33 ohms = 0.00667 mho
ZS — Ζτ Zs + Ζτ ET A = 3,750
= 33.33 ohms ETA = -9,760
2(Zs + Ζτ)
= 6.520
Zs + Ζ τ
o/ 7 ι 7 \ + =
111-33 ohms

Ζτ _|_ Zßfl
72.1 ohms I AS = - 5 9 . 3 - 5.0 = 64.3
2 ^ 2
let = + 8 . 7 + 52.8 = +61.5
^~ = 10.5 ohms
ITS = - f- (488 - 64.3) = 10.35
Product of first 2 of above 3 quantities is 111 .33 X 72.1 = 8,025.0
Square of last = 110.2 / Γ 6 = -(37.5 - 61.5) = 24.0

Ε τ& = 1,035
Difference 7,914.8
Ε TB -2,400
79 1
YAA = 7914.8
J£h. = 0.0091
Zs + Ζτ
Ybb = = 0.0141
I At = - 1 4 . 5 - 1.4 = -15.9
= -0.00133
Y a b
7914.8 Î* B = + 2 . 1 + 14.6 = 16.7
For the calculations an arbitrary value È = 1,000,000 volts will
Ire = - f (12 - 15.9) 2.6
2E S

be taken. — = 10,000 amp.

Zs l n = -(10.35 - 16.7) = 6.35
Ζτ Ετι 260
Ès = 333,333 volts
Zs + Ζτ
Ετ6 -635
I a i = 3,030 amp
Zs £
Im — —4AA amp
Zs + Ζτ
In = 6,667 - 2,020 = 4,647 amp
Ιτι = —444 amp Î A7 = -3.8 - 0.35 = -4.15
Ετι = 464,700 volts Î B7 = + 0 . 5 6 + 3.66 = 4.22
Ετι = 44,400 volts
Ιτι = - f (3.17 - 4.15) = 0.655
f Άτι = 29,600
£s + Ζτ
I T7 = - (2.6 - 4.22) = 1.62
ÈT7 = 165.5
= 269.5 - 618 = -348.5
= -162
A 2

I M = - 3 9 . 4 + 6,560 = +6,520.6
Zs £ τ
= -108
ÎT2 = - Ξ ( - 2 2 2 - 349.5) = 381 Zs + Ζτ
/ Γ 2 = -(4,647 - 6,520.6) = 1,873.6 IAI = -0.98 - 0.081 -1.07

ÈT2 = 38,100 I * = 0.14 + 0.92

= 1.06
ÉT2 = - 187,360
= - 125,000
3,030 amp -444 = 156 ohms
Zs + Ζτ ÎAX ΪΒ1 Zaa

Im -349 Ib2 = 6,521 ohms

Î AZ = -1,139 - 50.7 = -1,189.7
-1190 Ibz 703 Zbb = 44.2 Z b c = 25.45
îm = + 1 6 6 3 + 537 = +703.3
1Λ4 = - 2 1 7 ÎB, 266 Ζ AB = 21.0
= - f (936.8 - 1,189.7) = 168.5 1AM = -64 Ibo 61

IM -16 ΪΒ6 17
Ι = -(381 - 703.3) = 322.3
Iai = -4 HR = 4
ETZ = 16,850
I AS -1.0 Ibs 1.0
ETZ = -32,230
The tabulated results of carrying out the additions to obtain
ZS £ I A, I b , È , È , È , and È — È are given in Table II. It may be
= -21,480

Zs + Z r seen that for a stroke of 20,000,000 volts the maximum value of


ÈA — Èc which is 20 times the value given in the table will be
2,000,000 volts reached in 1 jusec which is reduced to approximately
1,140,000 volts at the end of 2 μβεΰ. Taking a time lag of 3 jusec
and using Fig. 2, it is found that the number of standard insulators
required to withstand the voltage is between 17 and 18.

Table II
Values Obtained A r e Per 1,000 Kv of Stroke Potential

Amperes Kilovolts

*C A-E

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 303 -44 46 4 21 25
0.2 571 563 101 36 57 44
0.3 720 1,241 139 70 85 54
0.4 847 1,946 173 104 113 60
0.5 969 2,557 207 138 140 67
0.6 1,088 3,369 241 172 167 74
0.7 1,207 4,082 274 206 194 80
0.8 1,326 4,750 307 238 220 87
0.9 1,445 5,463 340 272 246 94
1.0 1,566 6,225 375 308 275 100 10 12 14 16
1.1 1,349 7,087 359 341 281 79
Fig. 2. Characteristics of standard 10-in. diam. in-
1.4 1,100 6,929 317 330 258 59 sulator units with 5 A in. spacing; IV2 X 40-Msec

positive wave
1.7 1,072 6,720 308 319 251 57
Corrected to the following atmospheric conditions: absolute
1.8 1,068 6.649 306 316 249 57
humidity, 6.5 grains per cu ft; relative density, 1.0

Roseland Switching Station W h i c h M a y Be Visited During the Winter Convention

Among the many points in and near New York City which may be visited by those attending the winter convention of the
Institute, January 23-26, 1934, is the Roseland switching station of the Public Service Electric and Gas Company of New
Jersey. The 220-kv section is shown above on the left, and 132-kv section on the right

DECEMBER 1933 917

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