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Launch of Kaizen Club @ GIIS EC


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 Thu 17/6/2021 9:39 AM

To: GIISSingapore-EC;

Cc: Rathin Khandhadia/GSF/SINGAPORE; Prashant Bafna/GSF/SINGAPORE;

You replied on 24/6/2021 7:20 PM.

Dear Teachers and Staff,

Hoping that everyone is keeping safe and enjoying your well deserved break.

It is my pleasure to announce that we at GIIS EC, together with all other GIIS campuses worldwide, will be launching
the KAIZEN CLUB. The main goal of this club is to provide an opportunity for all campuses to broaden their
knowledge of Kaizen.

Kaizen is a philosophy that when fully adopted, creates a culture of continuous improvement. Kaizen can be found
in our simple daily routines. For example, doing chores at home, greeting and smiling at customers, minimising the
use of plastic when we do groceries or recycling in the office.

A short briefing will be conducted when we report to school after the break. A training is also in place and will be
scheduled on one of the days before school starts.

In line with its launch, we will also be installing a “Gallery of Excellence” that will showcase and celebrate all
improvement projects of students, teachers, staff and even parents.

Here are a few recognition awards that are in place:

1. The “Kaizen League of the Month”- that will be given to the class with the most kaizen projects for the
particular month
2. The “Kaizen Warrior of the Month”- this will be awarded to either a student/ teacher/staff or parent with the
most number of kaizen projects implemented for the particular month.

Join me in welcoming the leaders duly appointed to take the Kaizen club of EC campus to a greater heights.

KC Champion- Mr. CVK Sastry

KC President- Ms. Odaia Ranido

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