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‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬

An-Najah National University

Faculty of Engineering and IT ‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا‬


Industrial Engineering Department

Engineering and Mining Materials (lab) (65325)
Report Grading Sheet

Instructor Name: Experiment (9): Precipitation

Eng. Majd Abu Amshah hardening.
Academic Year: 2017/2018 Performed on: 03/12/2018
Semester: First Submitted on: 9/12/2018

1- Abrar Shtayeh 2- Aya Salman 5- Rania Jawabreh
3- Jenan Maree 4- Manar Khalil

Evaluation Criterion Grade Points

Illustrate the aim of doing the experiment. 5
Abstract / Introduction
Show over all experiment ideas in simple words. 10
Apparatus / Procedure
Apparatus sufficiently described to enable another experimenter
to identify the equipment needed to conduct the experiment. 20
Procedure sufficiently described.
Experimental Results and Discussion
Results analyzed correctly. Experimental findings adequately and
specifically summarized, in graphical, tabular, and/or written 40
form, with explanation to those results.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions summarize the major findings from the experimental
results with adequate specificity. Recommendations appropriate in 15
light of conclusions. Correct grammar.
Complete consistent bibliographic information that would enable 5
the reader to search for references of interest.
Title page is complete, page numbers applied, content is well
organized, correct spelling, fonts are consistent, good visual 5

Table of Content

Abstract / Introduction...............................................................................................................................3
Procedure: .................................................................................................................................................5
Results and
Disscusion and questions……………………………………………………………………………7

Table of figures

Figure 1: High temperature furnace...........................................................................................................4

Figure 2: Vickers hardness Tester.............................................................................................................4
Figure 3: Aluminum specimens.................................................................................................................4
Figure 4: Precipitation hardening steps (solution treatment, quenching and aging).................................5
Figure5: Relation between time and VHN …………………………………………………………….7

Table of tables:

Table1: The results obtained from the test ………………………………..6

Table 2: The differences between natural artificial ………………………………………….8

This experiment called precipitation hardening which is a technique Based on criteria
of keeping heating and cooling the specimen (Aluminum alloy), then measure the
hardness number using Vickers hardness test, to determine the difference in hardness
number after every heating-cooling period, and the effects of this procedure.

In this experiment we have used non-ferrous alloys specimens (Aluminum). The main
aim of this experiment is to enhance the strength and hardness of Aluminum alloys, by
means of precipitation hardening (age hardening), where fine precipitates formed and block
the motion of dislocations.

Precipitation hardening, also called age hardening, is a heat treatment technique
used to increase the yield strength of malleable materials, including most structural
alloys of aluminum, magnesium, nickel, titanium, and some steels and stainless steels.
In superalloys, it is known to cause yield strength anomaly providing excellent high-
temperature strength.

Precipitation hardening relies on changes in solid solubility with temperature to

produce fine particles of an impurity phase, which impede the movement of
dislocations, or defects in a crystal's lattice. Since dislocations are often the dominant
carriers of plasticity, this serves to harden the material. The impurities play the same
role as the particle substances in particle-reinforced composite materials. Just as the
formation of ice in air can produce clouds, snow, or hail, depending upon the thermal
history of a given portion of the atmosphere, precipitation in solids can produce many
different sizes of particles, which have radically different properties. Unlike ordinary
tempering, alloys must be kept at elevated temperature for hours to allow precipitation
to take place. This time delay is called "aging". Solution treatment and aging is
sometimes abbreviated "STA" in metals specs and certs.

Note that two different heat treatments involving precipitates can alter the strength
of a material: solution heat treating and precipitation heat treating. strengthening
involves formation of a single-phase solid solution via quenching. Precipitation heat
treating involves the addition of impurity particles to increase a material's strength.
Precipitation hardening via precipitation heat treatment is the main topic of discussion
in this article.

Apparatus & materials:

1- High temperature furnace.

Figure 1: High temperature furnace

2- Vickers hardness testing machine.

Figure 2:Vickers hardness Tester

3- Optical microscope.

4-Commercial Aluminum specimens.

Figure 3:Aluminum specimens


1- first of all, we have made the Solution treatment: by inserting the specimens into
the furnace and heat them above a solvus line (550 C) and leave them for 30 minutes
until a homogeneous α phase in produce.

2- Second step is quenching, we cooled the heated specimens in water to produce a

supersaturated solid solution and turning of the furnace.

3- Then aging , in this step we have cooled the heated specimens in water to produce a
supersaturated solid solution and turning of the furnace.

Table1: The results obtained from the test

Figure 4: Precipitation hardening steps (solution treatment, quenching and aging)

4- we Took the specimens out of the furnace one by one in 10 minutes increment

between every two successive specimens.

5- Then, cooled each specimen separately in oil and water.

6- Calculate the hardness Vickers number by putting each specimen on the Vickers
hardness testing machine.

Time (minutes) D1 (Micro- D2(Micro- D (Micro- VHN
meter) meter) meter) (kgf/mm^(2))
5 119 83 2.525 290795.201
15 117 83 2.5 296640
30 84 84 2.1 420408.16
40 81 82 2.0375 446595.6
60 76 78 1.925 500320.45

Note that:
load = 1000 gf
Total Magnification = 400 X

And here is some of calculations:

d = (d1 + d2) / (0.1*2*400)

1) d = (119+83)/ (0.1*2*400) = 2.525 micro m

2) d = (117+ 83)/ (0.1*0.2*400) = 2.5 micro m

3) d = (84+ 84) / / (0.1*0.2*400) = 2.1 micro m

VHN = ((1.854*10^-3) *P) / (d *10^-3) ^2

1) VHN = ()1.854*10^-3) * 1000)/ (2.525*10^-3) ^2 = 290795.0201 kgf/mm^(2)

2) VHN = ()1.854*10^-3) * 1000)/ (2.5 *10^-3) ^2 = 296640 kgf/mm^ (2)

3) VHN = ()1.854*10^-3) * 1000)/ (2.1 *10^-3) ^2 = 420408.16 kgf/mm^ (2)

Discussion and questions:

1- Comment on your results.

Figure 5:Relation between time and VHN

We noticed from the figure that when the time increases the Vickers hardness number
also increases. The relation between them is proportional.

2- Describe the three steps involved in the precipitation hardening process.

1- Solution Treatment, is the first step in the precipitation-hardening process where

the alloy is heated above the solvus temperature and soaked there until a
homogeneous solid solution (α) is produced. The θ precipitates are dissolved in this
step and any segregation present in the original alloy is reduced.

2- Quenching is the second step where the solid α is rapidly cooled forming a
supersaturated solid solution of αSS which contains excess copper and is not an
equilibrium structure. The atoms do not have time to diffuse to potential nucleation
sites and thus θ precipitates do not form.

3- Aging is the third step where the supersaturated α, αSS, is heated below the solvus
temperature to produce a finely dispersed precipitate. Atoms diffuse only short
distances at this aging temperature. Because the supersaturated α is not stable, the
extra copper atoms diffuse to numerous nucleation sites and precipitates grow. The
formation of a finely dispersed precipitate in the alloy is the objective of the
precipitation-hardening process. The fine precipitates in the alloy impede dislocation
movement by forcing the dislocations to either cut through the precipitated particles
or go around them. By restricting dislocation movement during deformation, the alloy
is strengthened.

3- What are the main differences between artificial and natural aging.

Natural Artificial
Temperature Room Temp. High temp.
Table2: The differences
Hardness between
Higher natural artificial Lower hardness
Required time Higher time Lower time

4- Which composition of non-ferrous alloys can be age hardened.

Al, Cu, Zn, Mg, Ti, Ni, Co, W, V …and their alloys – all except of Fe and ferrous
alloys (steels and cast irons). For example, Cu, Cu-Be, Cu-Sn, Mg-Al.

We conclude that Precipitation hardening, or age hardening process, provides one of
the most widely used mechanisms for the strengthening of metal alloys. So, Aging use
to increase the hardness of the non-ferrous alloys.





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