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Total Quality Management



 Weight 10% .
 Due to: Tuesday 24/11/2020, from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm via Moodle.
 No late submissions will be accepted.
 Submissions are through Moodle only.
 Please put your answers (either printed or clear and neat hand-written) in one word or
pdf file with a file name carrying your name and surname in Arabic.
 This an individual assignment not a teamwork assignment, you can discuss questions
with each other, but you should sit and write your own answers by yourselves.
 Cheating and copying-pasting answers from others are extremely prohibited and if
proven a zero grade will be recorded to all participants in cheating.
 This HW is related from Six Sigma
 Please copy this statement into your answer sheet and sign it (up load the signed photo
 taken by your mobile to the beginning of the word or pdf file) :

Academic integrity is expected of all students of An-Najah National University at all times, whether in the
presence or absence of members of the faculty. Understanding this, I declare that I shall not give, use or
receive unauthorized aid in this assignment.

Signature:..............rahaf janajreh.................................

Q1. (10 points) Consider the following figure:

1. (2 points) Show that the ppm for ±3sigma is 2700 ppm in figure (a)?
2. (2 points) Show that the ppm for ±3sigma is 66810 ppm in figure (b)?
3. (2 points) A process was working on ±3sigma in figure (a) before being improved. After
improvement, the process is working on ±5sigma in figure (b). What is the percentage of
improvement does the process have after improvement?
4. (4 points) Suppose that your business is operating at the five-sigma quality level,
assuming the 1.5 sigma shift in the mean that is customary with six-sigma applications).
If projects have an average improvement rate of 5%monthly, how many years will it
take to achieve six-sigma quality assuming 1.5 sigma shift in the mean


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