STRATOS Operational Manual

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On behalf of Anderson Group, we sincerely appreciate your decision on

purchasing our CNC Router machine.
In this manual, we will describe and illustrate the corresponding
information of this machine to you, such as: safety notes, specifications,
production methods, and maintenance. Understanding the instructions in this
manual is essential to making effective use of the machine functions and
operating the machine correctly.
Please refer to chapter 11 for the Mechanical Assembly Manual. This
section describes the nomenclature and specifications of each unit for a later
Safety precautions for avoiding accidents that could injure workers or
damage the machine are described in the first chapter with added safety notes
in each of the following chapters. Therefore, please read this manual
thoroughly and make sure that you understand and follow these precautions
completely to ensure safe operation.
The following reference documents are available for use with this
machine. We recommended that you consult the additional manuals in
conjunction with this operator's manual.
1. Electric Circuit Manual
This contains a data sheet and parameters of PC–BASE. This
manual also has the circuit connections specified in the diagrams.
2. PC–BASE Series Operator's Manual
Consult this manual for more information regarding programming
or detailed handling of the controller.
3. PC–BASE Series Maintenance Manual
Please apply this manual when performing maintenance of the
Please check if the title and the quantity of these manuals are correct.
There may be instances where the contents of these instruction manuals differ
slightly from the actual equipment due to improvement in the machine. Please
contact the dealer or branch
office of Anderson Group concerning any oversights, misprints, or other items,
which come to your attention. The operator must follow the safety notes to
perform any internal training and/or operations.


The meanings of "Warning", "Caution", "Regulation", and "Note" used
in this manual are described below.

WARNING : Personal Danger

"Warning" indicates any condition or practice which, if not
strictly observed, could result in Personal injury or possible death.

CAUTION : Possible Damage to equipment

"Caution" indicates any condition or practice which, if not strictly
observed or reminded, could result in damage or destruction of the

REGULATION : A rule made by PC–BASE

"Regulation" indicates a rule by PC–BASE. The operator must
follow the rule to run the machine correctly.

NOTE : Notification to the operator

"Note" indicates an added information to the operator about
running the machine.


1. S a f e t y P re c a u t i o n s … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … … . … … 1 – 1

1.1 General Safety Precautions………………………………1–1

1.2 Handling and Shipping Safety Precautions…………….1–2

1.3 Operation Precautions……………………………………1–3

1.4 Electrical Equipment and NC Device Precautions…….1–3

1.5 L o c a t i o n o f Wa r n i n g a n d C a u t i o n s s i g n s … … … … … … 1 – 4

2. Machine………………………………………………………….2–1

2.1 Description………………………………………………2–1
2.1.1 Construction ……………………………………..2–1

2.1.2 Wa r n i n g a n d C a u t i o n S i g n s … … … … … … … … . . 2 – 3

2.2 Specification………………………………………………2–5
2.2.1 Dimension and Specifications………………….2–5
2.2.2 Controller……………………………………….2–5
2.2.3 Tools……………………………………………2–13
2.3 Nomenclature……………………………………………2–14
2.3.1 Side View………………………………………..2–14
2.3.2 Front View………………………………………2–14
2.3.3 Perspective View……………………………….2–15

3. Preparing for Installation…………………………………3–1

3.1 Spacing Requirement……………………………………..3–1

3.2 Foundation Requirement…………………………………3–1

3.3 Environment Requirement……………………………….3–1

3.4 Power Supply Requirement………………………………3–2
3.4.1 Power Source……………………………………..3–2
3.4.2 Air Source………………………………………3–2
3.4.3 Dust Extraction Unit…………………………….3–2

4. Shipping, Handling and Installing………………………4–1

4.1 Safety Precautions………………………………………..4–1
4.1.1 Hoisting…………………………………………4–1
4.1.2 Placing…………………………………………….4–1
4.1.3 Installing………………………………………….4–2
4.2 Shipping and Handling Procedures……………………..4–2

4.3 Mechanical Installation…………………………………..4–3

4.3.1 Placing the Supporting Pads……………………4–3
4.3.2 Installing Servo Motor of Y Axis………………4–3
4.3.3 Removing Transit Clamps on X and Y Axes….4–4
4.3.4 Installing X and Y Axes Guide Rail and
Dust Cove ………………………………………4–4
4.3.5 Installing Air Cylinder of the Z Axis………….4–5
4.3.6 Installing the Servo Motor of the Z Axis……4–5
4.3.7 Installing the Dust Extraction Unit…………….4–5
4.3.8 Installing the Dust Extraction Hose……………4–6
4.3.9 Installing the Blower Pump……………………..4–6

4.3.10 Connecting the Air Source………………………4–6

4.3.11 Safety Inspection…………………………………4–6
4.3.12 R e m o v i n g Wo o d e n S u p p o r t e r f o r Z A x i s … … 4 – 6
4.3.13 Connecting the Front Base to the Main Base…4–7
4.3.14 Connecting the Rear Base to the Main Base….4–7
4.3.15 Installing the Ball Screw of the Y Axis……….4–7
4.4 Electrical Connection…………………………………….4–8
4.4.1 Connecting the Independent Cabinet…………..4–8
4.4.2 Connecting the Controller Console…………….4–8
4.4.3 Connecting the Transformer…………………….4–8
4.4.4 Connecting the Power Source…………………..4–8
4.5 Leveling Adjustment……………………………………..4–9
4.6 Measuring the Backlash………………………………….4–9

5. Preparing for Operation……………………………………..5–1

5.1 Clearance and Lubrication……………………………….5–1
5.2 Safety Inspection………………………………………….5–1
5.3 Starting the Machine……………………………………..5–1
5.4 Stopping the Machine…………………………………….5–3

6 . D e s c r i p t i o n o f O p e r a t io n … … … … … … … . . … … … … … … . … … … … . … 6 – 1
6.1 Method of Programming………………………………….6–1
6.1.1 Description of Command Codes………………..6–1
6.1.2 CNC Program Example………………………….6–8
6.2 Operation Panel of Machine:
D e s c r ip t i o n o f F u n c t i o n s … … … … … … … … … … . . . . 6 – 9
6.2.1 Indicator Lights……………………………….6–9
6.2.2 Key Switch………………………………………6–10
6.2.3 Function Selection…………………………...…6–11
6.2.4 Axis Direction…………………………………..6–12
6.2.5 Rotary Switches…………………………………6–14
6.2.6 Emergency Stop knob………………………….6–15
6.3 O p e r a t io n P a n e l o f Co n t r o l l e r :
Description of Functions……..…6–15
6.4 Editing Programs in the Controller……………………6–20
6.4.1 Program Display………………………………..6–20
6.4.2 Inputting Program………………………………6–20
6.4.3 Editing Program………………………………6–22
6.4.4 Inputting Compensations and Parameters……6–23
6.5 Method of Operation : Manual Operation…………….6–24
6.5.1 M a n u a l M o v e m e n t o f X , Y, a n d Z A x e s … … . . 6 – 2 4
6.5.2 Zero Return Operation…………………………6–26
6.5.3 Spindle Selection……………………………….6–27
6.5.4 Suction Clamp Unit…………………………….6–28
6.5.5 Dust Extraction Unit……………………………6–30
6.5.6 Position Display………………………………6–30
6.5.7 MDI Operation………………………………….6–31
6.5.8 Alarm Display…………………………………..6–32
6.6 Method of Operation : Automatic Operation…………6–32
6.6.1 S a f e t y P r o c e d u r e s f o r A u to ma t i c O p e r a t io n . . . . . . . . . … . . 6 – 3 2
6.6.2 Checking Program………………………………6–33
6.6.3 Automatic Operation…………………………6–34

7. Method of Adjustment…………………………………………………………..7–1
7.1 Pitch between Spindles…………………………………..7–1
7.2 Spindle Height Adjustment………………………………7–1
7.3 Air Circuit…………………………………………………7–2
7.4 Lubrication Unit…………………………………………..7–2
7.5 Adjusting the Gib…………………………………………7–2
7.6 Adjusting the Zero Point…………………………………7–3

8. Maintenance……………………………………………………8–1
8.1 General……………………………………………………..8–1
8.2 Inspection and Maintenance……………………………..8–2
8.3 Lubrication………………………………………………...8–4

9. Trouble Shooting……………………………………………9–1
9.1 When turning on the main power……………………….9–1
9.1.1 The light “POWER” does not come on when
turning on the main switch……………………9–1
9.1.2 T h e C RT s c r e e n d o e s n o t c o m e o n w h e n
turning on the controller………………………9–2
9.1.3 The machine does not go to the zero point
when performing the zero return operation…9–3
9.1.4 Alarm message #910 or #911 displays
o n th e CRT w h e n tu r n in g o n th e c on tr o l l e r … … . . . 9 – 4
9.1.5 Over Travel – soft limit or hard limit…………9–5

9.2 Machine does not function………………………….9–7

9.2.1 If an ALARM light comes on…………………9–7
9.2.2 If there is no ALARM and the spindle shaft
will not rotate under manual operation………..9–9
9.2.3 If there is no ALARM and the spindle shaft
will not rotate under automatic operation……9–10
9.2.4 If the selected spindle does not move up or
d o w n s m o o t h l y u n d e r m a n u a l o p e r a t i o n … … . . 9 – 11
9.2.5 If the selected spindle does not move up or
d o w n s m o o t h l y u n d e r M D I o r M E M O RY
9.2.6 If the clamping function does not work
properly ….……………………………………9–13
9.2.7 If the parallel function does not alternate tables.
(For PT series)…………………………………9–14

9.3 Abnormal movement and/or functions………………9–15

9.3.1 When starting machining, if the machine moves
other than according to the current
CNC program……………………………………9–15
9.3.2 Vibration of an axis…………………………….9–16
9.3.3 I f th e s p in d l e s h a f t RP M ' s a r e n o t s t a b l e … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 – 1 7
9.3.4 If the sound or current of a spindle rises or the
RPM's become slow when cutting the
Wo r k i n g p i e c e … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 9 – 1 8
9.3.5 If the spindle does not stop or stops too long.9–19
9.3.6 If the zero point shifts…………………………9–20
9.3.7 If there are any cutting marks along the tool
9.3.8 If there are any cutting marks when the
direction or the feed rate are changed……….9–22
9.3.9 I f t h e c u t t i n g d e p t h i n c r e a s e s d u r i n g
9.3.10 I f t h e U P, O P, O C , o r O H L C D o n t h e
inverter comes on……………………………….9–24

9.4 Machine shut down during operation………………….9–25

9.4.1 If any of the ALARM lights come on and the
machine stops during production……………9–25
9.4.2 If no error message or ALARM light does not
come on and the machine stops during
9.4.3 If the machine does not perform the M code
function during automatic operation…………9–26
9.4.4 If the machine does not work when CYCLE
S TA RT i s p r e s s e d … … … … … … … … … … … … 9 – 2 7
9.4.5 If the POWER light turns off suddenly
during production………..………………………..9–28

10. Spindle Unit and Operation

【 】 S a w U n i t … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … S AW – 1 0
【 】 S q u a r e G e a r … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … S . G. – 1 0
【 】Horizontal Router………………………………….H.R. – 10
【 】Boring Block………………………………….BORING – 10
【 】 P a r a l l e l T a b l e … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … P. T . – 1 0
【 】 F o u r t h A x i s … … … … … … … … … … … … … … F O U RT H – 1 0
【 】PS–2000………………………………………………PS – 10
【 】 S t a n d a r d To o l … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … S . T. – 1 0
【 】 S t a n d a r d To o l W i t h P i g g y b a c k M o t o r … … … … . P. M . – 1 0
【 】 S t a n d a r d To o l W i t h P i g g y b a c k D r i l l M o t o r … … . P. D . – 1 0
【 】QTC…………………………………………………QTC – 10
【 X 】 T o o l M a g a z i n e … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . AT C – 1 0
【 】 R A N R O B – C To o l M a g a z i n e … … … … … … … … … R A N – 1 0
【 】 L . V. T o o l M a g a z i n e … … … … … … … … … … … … . L . V. – 1 0

On behalf of Anderson Group, we sincerely appreciate your

decision on purchasing our CNC Router machine.
In this manual, we will describe and illustrate the
corresponding information of this machine to you, such as: safety
notes, specifications, production methods, and maintenance.
Understanding the instructions in this manual is essential to
making effective use of the machine functions and operating the
machine correctly.
Please refer to chapter 11 for the Mechanical Assembly
Manual. This section describes the nomenclature and
specifications of each unit for a later maintenance.
Safety precautions for avoiding accidents that could injure
workers or damage the machine are described in the first chapter
with added safety notes in each of the following chapters.
Therefore, please read this manual thoroughly and make sure that
you understand and follow these precautions completely to ensure
safe operation.
The following reference documents are available for use
with this machine. We recommended that you consult the
additional manuals in conjunction with this operator's manual.
1. Electric Circuit Manual
This contains a data sheet and parameters of PC–BASE.
This manual also has the circuit connections specified in the
2. PC–BASE Series Operator's Manual
Consult this manual for more information regarding
programming or detailed handling of the controller.
3. PC–BASE Series Maintenance Manual
Please apply this manual when performing
maintenance of the controller.
Please check if the title and the quantity of these manuals
are correct. There may be instances where the contents of these
instruction manuals differ slightly from the actual equipment due
to improvement in the machine. Please contact the dealer or
branch office of Anderson Group concerning any oversights,
misprints, or other items, which come to your attention. The
operator must follow the safety notes to perform any internal
training and/or operations. ALWAYS THINK SAFETY.
The meanings of "Warning", "Caution", "Regulation", and
"Note" used in this manual are described below.

WARNING : Personal Danger

"Warning" indicates any condition or practice which,
if not strictly observed, could result in Personal injury or
possible death.

CAUTION : Possible Damage to equipment

"Caution" indicates any condition or practice which, if
not strictly observed or reminded, could result in damage or
destruction of the equipment.

REGULATION : A rule made by PC–BASE

"Regulation" indicates a rule by PC–BASE. The
operator must follow the rule to run the machine correctly.

NOTE : Notification to the operator

"Note" indicates an added information to the operator
about running the machine.
1. Safety Precautions
This machine is provided with safety devices for both the operator and
the machine. However the operator should not only rely on these safety
devices for safe operation, but also himself and the following instructions.

1.1 General Safety Precaution

1). Before turning on the machine, check the following points:
− Check for foreign objects on or around machine and NC device.

− Check to make sure nobody is working on or near machine.

− Check that neither the machine device nor control panel doors
are open.
− Check main brake and all switches on the operation panel for

2). Lubrication
− Check the oil levels in the oil mist tank and the automatic
lubricator every day.
− Check that the oiling points, oil type and oil level are correct.

3). Air pressure

− Check the air pressure. Make sure the air pressure is within
− Check for air leakage. Make sure there is no air leakage from the
compressor or vacuum pipe.
− Very Important: Make sure the air pressure is dry air.

4). Checking machine functions

− Check the CNC code to ensure the machine is operating
− Make sure all gauges are operating properly.
5). Emergency stop
− In case of emergency, push the emergency stop knob on the
operation panel.

6). Others
− Dress safely (shoes, caps, safety glasses, etc.)
− Make sure to use the specified oil or equivalent.
− Never touch a rotating tool.
− Never step into the working stroke of the machine during
− Place the tools in their proper place and keep the floor around
the work place clear of obstacles.
− Clean the machine when work is over and conduct a visual
inspection of the machine for any damage. Also check the
cables and bearings for any jammed wood chips.
− Use special care not to touch any area marked "HIGH
− Post a "Maintenance man at work" sign while the machine is
being checked or serviced so that no other person operates the

1.2 Handling and Shipping Safety Precautions

− We strongly discourage any one except qualified technician
trained by Anderson to install or dismantle the machine.
− No one should lift or move the machine except,
(1). A skilled technician with a license to drive and operate a
fork lift and crane.
(2). Under the provision of Anderson technicians.
− Before moving the machine, clean the towing path.
− Keep irrelevant personnel away while moving the machine.
− Always be aware of your coworkers' location and maintain
good communication during operation.
− The equipment, such as wires and shackles, must be strong
enough to support the weight of each unit.
− Before hoisting each unit, make sure that each of the hoisting
points are securely fixed.
− Ensure that the machine is well balanced both lengthwise and
crosswise while hoisting the unit.
− The carriage and cross slide are fixed in place with transit
clamps when the machine is shipped. Ensure that these transit
clamps remain on the machine when installed.
− Ensure that the hoisting rings are in place and securely fixed
before hoisting.

1.3 Operation Precautions

− Turn on the machine in this order:
(Reverse this order to turn off)
− Make sure the "READY" light comes on when the NC device is
turned on.
− Disconnect the circuit breaker immediately when power failure
has occurred.
− Disconnect the circuit breaker whenever leaving the machine
after stopping it.
− Clamp the working piece firmly.
− Ensure the first programmed operation is a test run.
− After setting the tools, be sure to conduct a dry run without any
− Before setting or removing the tools, make sure the main spindle
has completely stopped.
− During operation it must be verified that no contact exist
between non rotating tools and workpiece or machine element.
− Do not wear gloves when operating buttons on the control panel.
− The operator should not leave the machine while it is in
automatic operation. If, for some unavoidable reason the
operator must leave with the machine running, post a "Machine
is in automatic operation" sign.

1.4 Electrical Equipment and NC Device Precautions

− Always keep the NC cable connection clean and close the door
before starting transmission.
− Never use a fuse other than those specified.
− Wait a few minutes before touching the inside of the electric
cabinet after turning off the main breaker.
− Never touch a switch with wet hands.
− Be sure to turn off the main breaker when replacing a fuse.
− Should any electrical trouble occur, be sure to ask a qualified
electrician for repairs.

1.5 Location of Warning and Caution Signs

Please refer to Appendix Fig. 1 for the location of the signs.
2. Machine
2.1 Description
These types of machine are Computer Numerically Controlled routers.
They are well designed for wood cutting, routing, boring, engraving, sawing,
and planning. The machines are also capable of cutting other material such as
plastic and carbon.
ANDI's machines are categorized into two types : bridge type and
cantilever bridge type. The CNC controller equipped with the machines are
also categorized into two types : 0,15,16 series and 18 series. To equip a
suitable controller to the machine, its functions will be taken into consideration.

2.1.1 Construction
ANDI Bridge Type :
(S series, X series, TC series, PT series, LV series, and
EXXACT series)
This type has moving table(s) and an independent controller
console. The X series table can rotate.

ANDI Moving Bridge Type :

(Door machine series and Stratos series) PTP ceries
This type has a fixed working table.

Basic Machine:
Heavy duty welded steel box type design bridge, with multiple
reinforcements in the interior. This cross beam is for mounting the
spindle carrier unit.
Massive, heavy duty welded steel box type design machine base,
with multiple reinforcements to increase strength and absorb vibrations.
The base incorporates bolt type leveling pads for accurate machine
setting. The bridge and the tables both are mounted on this base. Z-Axis
The spindle carrier is a specially designed casting with high
strength and inherent vibration dampening characteristics. The spindle
carrier uses a pneumatic counter balance system for smooth and
accurate operation.
All machine movements including the X, Y, and Z axes use a
rectangular hardened and precision ground guide rail system with
caterpillar (tank type) roller bearings, harden and precision ground ball
screws with anti-backlash ball nuts and a state of the art closed loop
FANUC AC digital servo motor. All guides, bearings and ball screws
are protected from dust or other contaminates.

Working Spindles:
The machine is equipped with selected router heads to satisfy
customer production requirements. The motor with heavy duty spindles
are powered by solid state transistor inverters. A fast efficient dynamic
spindle brake is incorporated on each spindle. Dust extraction hoods are
provided for each head with an automatic damper system. Hoods are of
high efficient design and connected to the damper with a flexible dust
extraction hose.

Working Table:
The vacuum table is of highly torsion resistance cast iron and/or
steel for mounting the working piece or holding fixture. This table and
pump combination will allow you a wide range of flexibility in holding
large as well as small working pieces.

Electronic Equipment:
The control panel is on a movable pedestal separate from the
machine for easy access by the operator. The TM series control panel is
in the cabinet connected to the machine. Operation voltage is 200V, 3
phase, 60 cycles with a range +%5. If the operation voltage can not be
maintained, the customer has to provide a voltage stabilizer. The
prescribed operating temperature range is 15℃ to 45℃ .
Lubrication Equipment:
All spindle bearings, roller bearings and ball screws are
automatically lubricated by a centralized lubrication system.

Basic Safety Equipment:

A safety device for the working area to inhibit the operator from
entering the working strokes of the machine. A safety switch on door to
prohibit opening while machine is in operation. Pneumatic connection of
3/4" - 6 bar. Electrical transformer is provided to match your local power.

2.1.2 Warning and Caution Signs

The following safety signs will be attached on the machine.
Please read the message of each safety sign carefully before any operation.


2.2 Specifications

2.2.1 Dimensions and Specifications

Please refer to Appendix Fig. 2 for a diagram of the dimensions
and specifications of the machine.
2.2.2 Controller
1). FANUC CNC System - 0 Series with PLC Control
− 3 D linear interpolation

− 3 D circular interpolation

− 3 axes control (X, Y, Z)

− Diagnostic function for easy maintenance

− PLC ladder diagram can be read from the monitor

− Error message

− All the machine functions are by either manual or

program code control

Basic Functions (Controller)

− + 8 digits programmable dimension

− 32 pairs tool offset memory

− 8 KB memory

− 63 program registration

− Automatic acceleration/deceleration

− Feedrate override(0%-150%)

− Feedrate per minute

− Manual continuous feed (J0G)

− Positioning (G00)
− Linear interpolation (G01)
− Circular interpolation (G02 & G03)
− Helical interpolation

− Reference point return (G28)

− Reference point return check

− 9" monochrome CRT/MDI

− Incremental feed (1, 0.1, 0.01)

− Dwell (G04)

− Machine lock (all axes lock) (MLK)

− Stored stroke check

− Z-axis command cancel (ZNG)

− Exact stop mode (G61)

− Exact stop (G09)

− MDI operation (MDI)

− Reset

− Dry run

− Single block execution (SBK)

− Self-diagnosis function

− Emergency stop

− Status output

− Battery alarm signal

− Absolute/incremental commands (G90, G91)

− Coordinate system setting (G92)

− Automatic coordinate system setting

− Decimal point programming

− Cutter compensation C (G40, G41, G42)

− Circular interpolation by radius (R codes)

− EIA/ISO automatic discrimination

− Mirror image by M-codes (X, Y axes)

− M code output (3 digits)
− Auxiliary function lock (AFL)
− S code output (2 digits)
− Tool length compensation (G43, G44, G49)
− Program name display
− Program number display
− Program number search
− Sequence number display
− Sequence number search

− Optional block skip (BDT)

− Program protect (KEY LOCK)

− Graphic display(optional)

− Feedrate command (F codes)

− Main program/Sub-program (sub-program 2 stories)

− Cycle start/feedhold

− Program stop/program end (M00, M01, M02, M03)

− Part program storage and editing (EDIT)

− RS-232 interface to up/down load the program

− On line operation is possible through RS-232 port

− Backlash compensation

− Actual speed display

− Simple synchronous control(only PT series)

2). FANUC CNC System - 15 series with high speed PLC control
− 3 D linear interpolation

− 3 D circular interpolation

− 3 axes control (X, Y, Z)

− Diagnostic function for easy maintenance

− PLC ladder diagram can be read from the monitor

− Error message
− All the machine functions are by either manual or program
code control

Basic Functions (Controller)

− + 8 digits programmable dimension

− 32 pairs tool offset memory

− 32 KB memory

− 100 program registration

− Automatic acceleration/deceleration

− Feedrate override (0 to 254%)

− Feedrate per minute
− Manual continuous feed (J0G)
− Positioning (G00)
− Linear interpolation (G01)

− Circular interpolation (G02 & G03)

− Helical interpolation

− Reference point return (G28)

− Reference point return check

− 9" monochrome CRT/MDI

− Incremental feed (1, 0.1, 0.01)

− Dwell (G04)

− Machine lock (all axes lock) (MLK)

− Stored stroke check

− Z-axis command cancel (ZNG)

− Exact stop mode (G61)

− Exact stop (G09)

− MDI operation (MDI)

− Reset

− Dry run

− Single block execution (SBK)

− Self-diagnosis function

− Emergency stop

− Status output

− Battery alarm signal

− Absolute/incremental commands (G90, G91)

− Coordinate system setting (G92)

− Work coordinate system setting

− Decimal point programming

− Cutter compensation C (G40, G41, G42)

− Circular interpolation by radius (R codes) EIA/ISO

automatic discrimination
− Mirror image by M-codes (X, Y axes)
− M code output (8 digits)
− Auxiliary function lock (AFL)

− T code output (8 digits)

− S code output (8 digits)
− Tool length compensation (G43, G44, G49)
− Program name display
− Program number display

− Program number search

− Sequence number display

− Sequence number search

− Optional block skip (BDT)

− Program protect (KEY LOCK)

− Feedrate command (F codes)

− Cycle start/feedhold

− Program stop/program end (M00, M01, M02, M03)

− Part program storage and editing (EDIT)

− RS-232 interface to up/down load the program

− On line operation is possible through RS-232 port

− Machine coordinate system selection (G53)

− Work coordinate system setting (G52)

− Local coordinate system setting (G52)

− Background editing function

− Backlash compensation

− Actual speed display

− Simple synchronous control(only PT series)

3). FANUC CNC System - 16 series with PLC control

− 3 D linear interpolation

− 3 D circular interpolation

− 3 axes control (X, Y, Z)

− Diagnostic function for easy maintenance

− PLC ladder diagram can be read from the monitor

− Error message

− All the machine functions are by either manual or program

code control

Basic Functions (Controller)

− + 8 digits programmable dimension

− 32 pairs tool offset memory

− 32 KB memory
− 63 program registration
− Automatic acceleration/deceleration
− Feedrate override (0 to 254%)

− Feedrate per minute

− Manual continuous feed (J0G)

− Positioning (G00)

− Linear interpolation (G01)

− Circular interpolation (G02 & G03)

− Helical interpolation

− Reference point return (G28)

− Reference point return check

− 9" monochrome CRT/MDI

− Incremental feed (1, 0.1, 0.01)

− Dwell (G04)

− Machine lock (all axes lock) (MLK)

− Stored stroke check

− Z-axis command cancel (ZNG)

− Exact stop mode (G61)

− Exact stop (G09)

− MDI operation (MDI)

− Reset

− Dry run

− Single block execution (SBK)

− Self-diagnosis function

− Emergency stop
− Status output

− Battery alarm signal

− Absolute/incremental commands (G90, G91)

− Coordinate system setting (G92) Work coordinate

system setting
− Decimal point programming
− Cutter compensation C (G40, G41, G42)
− Circular interpolation by radius (R codes) EIA/ISO automatic
− Mirror image by M-codes (X, Y axes)
− M code output (8 digits)
− Auxiliary function lock (AFL)
− T code output (8 digits)

− S code output (8 digits)

− Tool length compensation (G43, G44, G49)

− Program name display

− Program number display

− Program number search

− Sequence number display

− Sequence number search

− Optional block skip (BDT)

− Program protect (KEY LOCK)

− Feedrate command (F codes)

− Cycle start/feedhold

− Program stop/program end (M00, M01, M02, M03)

− Part program storage and editing (EDIT)

− RS-232 interface to up/down load the program

− On line operation is possible through RS-232 port

− Backlash compensation

− Actual speed display

− Simple synchronous control(only PT series)

4). FANUC CNC System - 18 series with PLC control

− 3 D linear interpolation

− 3 D circular interpolation

− 3 axes control (X, Y, Z)

− Diagnostic function for easy maintenance

− PLC ladder diagram can be read from the monitor

− Error message

− All the machine functions are by either manual or program

code control

Basic Functions (Controller)

− + 8 digits programmable dimension

− 32 pairs tool offset memory

− 16 KB memory

− 63 program registration

− Automatic acceleration/deceleration

− Feedrate override (0 to 254%)

− Feedrate per minute

− Manual continuous feed (J0G)

− Positioning (G00)

− Linear interpolation (G01)

− Circular interpolation (G02 & G03)

− Helical interpolation

− Reference point return (G28)

− Reference point return check

− 9" monochrome CRT/MDI

− Incremental feed (1, 0.1, 0.01)

− Dwell (G04)

− Machine lock (all axes lock) (MLK)

− Stored stroke check

− Z-axis command cancel (ZNG)

− Exact stop mode (G61)

− Exact stop (G09)

− MDI operation (MDI)

− Reset

− Dry run

− Single block execution (SBK)

− Self-diagnosis function

− Emergency stop

− Status output

− Battery alarm signal

− Absolute/incremental commands (G90, G91)

− Coordinate system setting (G92)

− Work coordinate system setting

− Decimal point programming

− Cutter compensation C (G40, G41, G42)

− Circular interpolation by radius (R codes)

− EIA/ISO automatic discrimination

− Mirror image by M-codes (X, Y axes)

− M code output (8 digits)

− Auxiliary function lock (AFL)

− T code output (8 digits)

− S code output (8 digits)

− Tool length compensation (G43, G44, G49)

− Program name display

− Program number display

− Program number search

− Sequence number display

− Sequence number search

− Optional block skip (BDT)

− Program protect (KEY LOCK)

− Graphic display(optional)

− Feedrate command (F codes)

− Cycle start/feedhold

− Program stop/program end (M00, M01, M02, M03)

− Part program storage and editing (EDIT)

− RS-232 interface to up/down load the program

− On line operation is possible through RS-232 port

− Backlash compensation

− Actual speed display

− Simple synchronous control(only PT series)

  2.2.3 Tools
When choosing a tool to set into a spindle or boring block, please
refer to the following diagram stickers to select the correct tool. These
diagram stickers will also be attached on the machine.
2.3 Nomenclature
Please refer to the following drawings for the general NC series and TM
series. Each item will be explained in the following chapters.

  2.3.1 Side View

2.3.3 Perspective View NC
2.3.4 Side View

MKAK series
2.3.5 Front View
MKAK series
2.3.6 Perspective View
MAKA series
3. Preparation for Installation
3.1 Spacing Requirement
− Please refer to APPENDIX Fig. 2 for a diagram of the
spacing requirement dimensions.
− The machine types height requirements are listed as
follows: Cantilever bridge type: at least 2.5 meters
Bridge type: at least 4 meters
Note: If your machine is a special design, please refer to APPENDIX
Fig. 2 for the height requirements.

3.2 Foundation Requirement

− The machine must be installed on a level, concrete floor
− The figure below shows the approximate type of
foundation that should be provided.

3.3 Environment Requirement

When installing the machine, avoid the following kinds of locations.
− Where direct sunlight strikes the equipment, or near a heat
source. Operating ambient temperature should be 15 ℃ to
45 ℃.
− Locations where the temperature fluctuates sharply, or very
humid places.
Humidity : 75% RH or less (without condensation)
No special dehumidifier is necessary, but the insulation will deteriorate
under conditions of high humidity, this could speed up the deterioration of
parts as well.
− Particularly dusty locations, or places where there is a high
concentration of organic sprays or corrosive gases.

− Near a source of vibration.

− On a weak or unsupported base.

− Locations near highly explosive objects.

Caution : When installing the machine near a source of vibration is

unavoidable, consider providing a vibration-proof
trench or channel for it.

3.4 Power Supply Requirement

3.4.1 Power Source

− An excessive voltage drop due to an insufficient power
capacity will cause a malfunction of the NC device. The
power cables must be connected directly and
independently to the plant power distribution panel.
− The power source must be according to the specification of
the country where the machine is installed.
− The power source should be supplied exclusively, do not
share with other machines.
− The power source should be grounded.
i. The machine must be grounded independently of other machines.
ii. The ground wire must be as short as possible and have the same
diameter as the input power cable.

3.4.2 Air Source

− To avoid any damage to the machine, the air source must
be dry air.
− To maintain smooth operation, the air pressure must be at
least 6Kg /cm2 .
3.4.3 Dust Extraction Unit
− To avoid any influence to the worker, the factory using this
machine must provide a powerful dust collection system to
extract debris and fumes from the environment.

4. Shipping, Handling, and Installing
Warning :
− We strongly forbid any one except qualified technicians,
who trained by Anderson to install or assemble our
− No one allows to lift or to move the machine except,
(1). Skilled technician with license to drive and operate
fork- lift and crane.
(2). Under support of Anderson technicians.

4.1 Safety Precautions

4.1.1 Hoisting
− Clean the towing path before moving the machine.

− Keep unauthorized personnel away while moving the machine.

− Only authorized technicians allow to hoist machine.

− Always be careful your coworkers' location and maintain good

communication on operation.
− The equipment, such as wires and shackles, must be strong
enough to bear the weight of each unit.
− Make sure that each of the hoisting points is securely fixed
before hoisting.
− Ensure that the machine is well balanced on both lengthwise
and crosswise sides while hoisting the unit.
− Ensure that the hoisting rings are in place and securely fixed on

4.1.2 Placing
− Permitting of no electrical noise generation source, such as
electric welders or electric discharge machines, can be near the
machine. Please isolate this machine from any adverse effects.
− Machine is located where have enough space for maintenance.

− Machine is located where the machine’s doors and the NC

device may be opened without interference.
− The machine and the NC device must not be subject to direct
sunlight, refer to section 3.3 "Environment Requirement".
Ambient temperature : 0℃ to 45℃

Humidity: 75% RH or less (without condensation)

− The machine and the NC device may not be subject to any
excessive vibrations.

4.1.3 Installing
− Sufficient enough air source can supply the specified volume.
− Use only clean and dry air.

− Carriage and cross-slide are fixed in place with transit clamps

when shipped. Please remain these transit clamps after
− Ensure that the floor is strong enough to support the machine,
please refer to section 3.2 "Foundation Requirement".
− The machine must be leveled after installing.

− Only authorized electrical technicians allow to do the power

cable connections.

4.2 Shipping and Handling

− We dismantle some units for
easy shipping and handling.
such as: blower pump, independent
cabinet, control console, and safety
− Avoid each axes moving in transit,
there are transit clamps to fix the
X and Y axes and a supporter to hold the Z axis.
− To install hoisting rings on the Y-axis.

− To raise machine parts is as showing in Fig. 4.1

− Using wire ropes, four hoisting rings and a crane to move the
main machine base is as showing in the following drawing, Fig.

4.3 Mechanical Installation

Warning : On setting down machine, skilled technicians should let all
unauthorized peoples away from working scene in advance.
4.3.1 Placing the Supporting Pads
− Lower the leveling bolts at both ends of the BASE.

− Place support pads beneath the lowered leveling bolts.

− Slowly lowers the machine to stand on the support pads.

− Place the rest of the support pads under the remaining leveling
− Lower the remaining leveling bolts onto the pads.

4.3.2 Removing Transit Clamps on X and Y Axes

− Use L wrench to loosen the two screws shown in Fig.4.1. The
transit clamp of the X- axis is located on the right hand side and
the transit clamp of the Y- axis is located on the rear of the

4.3.3 Installing the Dust Extraction Unit

− Remove screws on top of the dust extraction base for installing
the dust extraction unit.
− Install the dust extraction unit and tighten the screws firmly.

− Install the air pipe to the dust extraction unit.

4.3.4 Installing the Dust Extraction Hose
− Install the hose at each end of the unit.

− Install one side of the hose at each end of the dust extraction
unit and the other side at spindle covers.
− Secure the hoses firmly.

4.3.5 Installing the Blower Pump

− Let the blower pump locate in place from the machine.

− Connect blower pump with the power cable.

− Connect two air pipes to the filter cylinder of blower pump.

4.3.6 Connecting the Air Source
− The suction hose Connects tank of blower pump and the air
hose connector of machine.
− Tighten with two copper nuts to secure the suction hoses firmly.
− The air hose connector is located on the right below in rear of
4.3.7 Safety Inspection
− To inspect the following before turning on.
i. All connecting points are tightened securely.
ii. No unauthorized people are inside the working stroke of the
iii. No obstacles are around or on the machine.

4.3.8 Removing Wooden Supporter under Z Axis

− Ensure that the air cylinder and the servo motor of the Z axis
are installed before removing the supporter,.
− Supply the air and power.

− Slowly raises Z-axis away from the wooden supporter.

− Removing the wooden supporter.

4.4 Electrical Connection
4.4.1 Connecting the Independent Cabinet
− To locate the cabinet in place so that it can be easily assembled
by the extended cables.
− Let the numbered cables match the numbered cables and
connect them.
4.4.2 Connecting the Controller Console
− Remove the cover in the rear of the controller console.

− Remove the four rear bottom screws of the controller console.

− Let the extended cables go through the bottom of the controller

console to the cable terminal on top.
− Connect the numbered cables to the top of the console.

− Tighten the four bottom screws and the screws at the back
4.4.3 Connecting the Transformer
− To safely places the transformer.

− To connect the cables between the transformer and the R1, S1,
and T1 outlets.
4.4.4 Connecting the Power Source
− To assemble the cables from the power source to the R, S, and
T outlets.

4.5 Leveling Adjustment

a. Leveling Method
− To use leveling gauges to adjust the level of the machine.

− To place leveling gauges at both ends of X-axis to adjust Xaxis

− To place leveling gauges at both ends of each Y-square-rail to
adjust Y-axis leveling.
− The machine's level is adjusted with the leveling bolts.

− To check each axis-level every 1m on the square-rail.

b. Tolerance
− The tolerance in X-axis can not be more than 0.10mm/m.

− The tolerance in Y-axis can not be more than 0.02mm/m.

Note :
− When the machine is level, tighten the lock nuts on the leveling
− Leveling gauges are with a minimum scale of 0.02mm/m.

4.6 Measuring the Backlash

The machine has a backlash between ball screw and nut. The NC device
is provided with a compensation function of backlash.
a. Measurement Method
(1). Set dial gauges on the square-rail of desired axis.
(2). Press "JOG" to make desired axis to touch the dial gauge.
(3). Set the dial gauge to "0".
(4). Set the MODE SELECTION switch to "0.01" and press the axis
movement button under the AXIS DIRECTION 20 times in the
same direction.
(5). Press the axis movement button 20 times in the opposite direction.
(6). Record the value of the dial gauge if its value is not zero.
(7). Repeat steps (4) to (6) many times.
(8). Input the backlash value to the NC controller.
(9). Repeat steps (2) to (7) to check the backlash after inputting the
new backlash value to the parameter,.
Note :
− Leveling gauges are with a minimum scale of 0.01mm/m.
− Input backlash compensation to NC controller is written in
the PC-BASE maintenance manual.
− If the backlash value is over 0.25mm, please check the

5. Preparation for Machine Operation

Note : The operator should perform the following points to avoid any
danger to the worker and/or damage to the machine.

5.1 Clearance and Lubrication

− The operator should clean up and lubricate the machine
before and after daily operation.
− The operator should clean the area around the machine to
avoid any obstacles to other workers.
− The operator should periodically check the oil mist and
guide rail oil level.
5.2 Safety Inspection
1). Precautions Before Initial Power Turn On
After completing machine installation, check the following points
before turning on the power.
− Ensure that all bolts are tightened securely.

− Ensure that all connectors are connected securely.

− Ensure that all dust extraction hoses and air pipes are
connected securely.
− If the machine is equipped with any optional external
equipment, ensure that each electrical cable and pneumatic
pipe are connected correctly.
− Check the input voltage and all the phases of input power.

2). Initial Power Turn On

− Ensure that all the gauges indicate the correct values.

− Turn on the oil mist for 30 minutes without turning on the

spindle shaft, i.e. use M93 code under MDI operation without
S code, see section "6.5.7 MDI Operation" and make sure
there is one drop of oil from side dome tube every 30 to 35

5.3 Starting the Machine

Note : For the initial power turn on, lubricating oil to the slide way
surface under manual operation.
Please perform the following operations in sequence to start the NC

1). NC Controller
                       (1). Open the valve of the auxiliary air pressure unit.

− Check the air source pressure - 6 kg/cm2.

                      (2). Turn on the power source

− The "POWER" light on the operating panel should come on.

(3). Press the "ON" button on the machine control panel. −

Press this button 1-2 seconds.
− After a short interval, the position screen comes up on the
CRT display.
Note :
If the steps (1)-(3) have been completed without problem,
the "READY" light on the machine control panel will come
on and the machine is able to work.

2). Oil mist unit

The oil mist is sprayed under high pressure, the length of the shaft,
into the bearings. The oil mist also prevents the temperature of the
spindle shaft from rising.
Note : To adjust the oil level, the machine must be on.
− The oil is replenished through the filter plug.

− Keep the oil supply replenished to the upper level indicated.

Do not allow it to fall below the mark indicating the
minimum allowable amount.
− The oil mist is controlled by the solenoid valve.

− The air pressure inputting to the oil mist tank is 1.5kg/cm2.

− The amount of lubrication can be adjusted by the lubrication
adjustment screw located on the oil cup.
− The proper oil mist setting is one drop of oil from the side
dome tube every 30 to 35 seconds.
− The oil mist should be used in temperatures ranging from
− If the oil level drops to the lower level, the OIL LEVEL light
comes on and the machine will stop. In TM series, an error
message displays on the monitor and the ALARM light is
− To restart the machine, resupply the oil and press CYCLE

3). Counter balance

This machine uses air cylinders for balancing the Z axis (head).
These cylinders are always pulling at least the weight of Z axis. The
regulator located between the cylinders maintains the best air pressure,
please do not change it. Set pressure is 4 kg/cm2.
If it is necessary to adjust the pressure, perform the following
− Set the machine to the following.
Air pressure.........…(ON)
Power source...........(ON)
NC device............…(OFF)
− Open the coupling box cover of Z axis, and turn the fin
directly connected to the ball screw.
− To adjust the regulator, turn CW (clockwise) or CCW
(counter-clockwise) to get the best counter balance.
Note:When the air pressure is "OFF" or the power source is
"OFF", the stop pin of the Z axis is in. Therefore, the fin
will not turn.

5.4 Stopping the Machine

Please perform the following operations in sequence to stop the NC
− Perform the zero return operation on the Z axis.

− Move the X and Y axes to the middle of the machine to

maintain the best balance.
− Push the power "OFF" button on the NC operation panel.
− Turn off the power source.

− Shut the stop valve of the auxiliary air pressure unit.

6. Description of Operation
To avoid any accident to the worker and/or damage to the machine, the
operator should test run the movement of the machine according to the edited
CNC program without cutting onto the panel.

6.1 Method of Programming

Every CNC program is composed of many blocks. Each block is
specified by using a semi-colon at the end of the block.

6.1.1 Description of Command Codes

1). O Code
− The "O" code is the program number for its CNC program.

− The letter "O" identifies the "O" code, followed by four digits.
− These four digits can range from 0001 to 9999 and are set by
the programmer.
− The program number is not allowed any duplicate O codes in
the same controller.

2). N Code
− The "N" code is a block identifier.

− The letter "N" identifies the "N" code, followed by four digits.
− The N code must be placed at the beginning of the block.

− Since the N code will not influence the machine's movement, it

is not the necessary for the programmer to use it in the CNC
program. Therefore, the programmer is able to utilize the
computer memory more efficiently by leaving out the N code.

3). G Code
The G code is categorized into six groups that will be explained in
the following paragraphs. Please note the following:
− The letter "G" identifies the G code, followed by two digits.
− Each group must be in a different block.

− If two G codes from the same group are entered into the same
block, the last code entered is valid.

Group A : Coordinate Systems

i. G90 : Absolute Coordinate System
− G90 indicates the coordinates in the following blocks will
be entered using absolute coordinates in reference with the
zero point.
ii. G91 : Relative Coordinate System
− G91 indicates the coordinates in the following blocks will
be entered using relative coordinates in reference with the
previous point.
iii. G92 : Working Coordinate System
− The programmer can designate a coordinate as the
"reference point".
− This "reference point" can be used as the reference for the
rest of the coordinates.
− Format : G92 Xvalue Yvalue Zvalue

− If an X, Y, or Z value is not entered, the computer will use

the previous point entered.

Group B : Spindle Movement

i. G00 : Rapid traverse
− Under G00, the moving speed (feed rate) is a default value.
− This default value is the top moving speed for the axis.

− This code is not for cutting purposes, only for fast

− Format : G00 Xvalue Yvalue Zvalue ; ii.
G01 : Linear Interpolation
− The G01 code defines a straight line movement between
− This code is for linear cutting purposes.

− Format : G01 Xvalue Yvalue Zvalue Fvalue ;

Note : The units for the F code are mm/Min. which will be
discussed in detail in a later paragraph.
ii. G02 : Clockwise Circular Interpolation
− The G02 code defines a clockwise circular movement
between coordinates.
− A radius will be specified with the R code.

− Format : G02 Xvalue Yvalue Rvalue Fvalue ;

Note : The units for the F code are mm/min, which will be
discussed in detail in a later paragraph.
iii. G03 : Counter-Clockwise Circular Interpolation
− The G03 code defines a counter-clockwise circular
movement between coordinates.
− A radius will be specified with the R code.

− Format : G03 Xvalue Yvalue Rvalue Fvalue ;

Note : The units for the F code are mm/min, which will be
discussed in detail in a later paragraph.
Limitation :
− The R code can only be applied if the arc
length is smaller than or equal to a half
− The programmer can divide an arc which
is larger than a half circle into two
portions. These divided sections must be
defined in separate blocks.
− Instead of utilizing the R code, the
programmer can apply the I and J codes
to define an arc. These I and J codes are
not constrained by the half circle
− The I and J codes use the direction and
distance from the starting point to the
center of the arc.

Group C : Spindle Pause

i. G04 : Spindle Dwell
− The G04 code indicates a pause in the feed forward axis
movement, the spindle shaft is still rotating.
− The G04 code is followed by an "X" and a value.

− The number indicates the amount of pause.

− Format : G04 Xvalue ;

Note :
− If a full second amount is desired, then a period should be
entered after the value.

X2 = 0.002 seconds
X2. = two seconds
X2.5 = two and half seconds
− No matter how short of the machine's dwell, there will be a
burn mark at the position of temporary stop.
ii. G09 : Spindle Movement Deceleration
− The G09 code indicates a spindle movement deceleration to
zero at the end of a specified range.
− This code is valid with in each block.

− Format : G09 G01 Xvalue Yvalue ;

G09 G01 Xvalue Yvalue ;
iii. G61 : Spindle Movement Deceleration
− The G61 code indicates a spindle movement deceleration to
zero at the end of each specified range.
− This code should be placed at the beginning of the first
− This code is valid continuously until G64 is entered.

− Format : G61 G01 Xvalue Yvalue ;

G01 Xvalue Yvalue ;

G01 Xvalue Yvalue ;
G64 ;
iv. G64 :
− Cancel G61

Group D : Tool Radius Compensation

i. G41 : Tool Radius Compensation
− The G41 code is used when the center of the tool is located
on the left side of the moving direction of the tool path.
− The compensation will continue until canceled by G40.

− Format : G41 H address

Or G41 D address

ii. G42 : Tool Radius Compensation

− The G42 code is used when the center of the tool is located
on the right side of the moving direction of the tool path.
− The compensation will continue until canceled by G40.
− Format : G42 H address
G42 D address

iii. G40 :
− Cancel G41's or G42's compensation function.
Note :
− The programmer can use up to 32 addresses.
− The value previously entered in the address
indicates the radius of the applying tool.
− If the programmer applies two or more tools to
produce any product, the programmer must
apply G40 to cancel the previous compensation
before changing any tool.
Regulation : The second block after the block with G41 or
G42 must have a X value, Y value, or both
values. Refer to section 6.1.2 for example.

Group E : Tool Length Compensation

i. G43 : Positive Compensation
− Tool length positive compensation (distance above working
− Format : G43 Haddress
ii. G44 : Minus Compensation
− Tool length negative compensation (distance into working
− Format : G43 Haddress

Note :
− The value previously entered in the address
indicates the distance from the tool tip to the top
of the working piece.
− These addresses are shared with the addresses for
G41 and G42.
iii. G49 :
− Cancel G43's or G44's compensation function.
Group F : Working plane selection
i. G17 : XY plane
ii. G18 : XZ plane
iii. G19 : YZ plane selection

4). M Code :
i. Spindle Function Code
− The M code is identified by a letter "M" with two digits.
− The first digit defines the spindle number.

− The second digit defines the function command.

1 = define Spindle down
2 = define Spindle up
3 = define Spindle on
5 = define Spindle off
− Format : M21 (i.e. the second Spindle goes down)
M32 (i.e. the third Spindle rises up)
Note : With function command number 3, spindle on, the
rotation speed must be entered. Please see S code.
ii. M00 : Temporary Stop
− The M00 function command to stop temporarily the
proceeding of the program, and wait for the operator to
press CYCLE START to continue.
− The movement of the spindle will stop at the exact point
M00 is entered.
− An example for M00 - the operator may want to take debris
out before continuing production.
iii. M98 : Calling Subprogram
− The subprogram will be repeated according to the number
entered following the M98 code. If no repetition number is
entered, the subprogram will only be executed once.
− The subprogram number is entered after the amount of
− Format : M98 P(subprogram #) L(repetitions);

iv. M99 : End of subprogram

− At M99, the computer returns to the beginning of the
subprogram, according to the amount of the repetitions
programmed by M98.
v. M30 : End of main program
vi. M06 : Clamp on
vii. M07 : Clamp off
Note :Please refer to APPENDIX of M Codes list or Electrical
circuit drawing for more information

5). S Code :
− “ rpm ” of the spindle shaft.

− The rotation speed of the spindle shaft can be specified

from 1,000 to 18,000 rpm by using the S code.
− S1 = 1,000 rpm, S18 = 18,000 rpm.

− If function 3 of the Spindle Function Code is entered

without the S code, the Oil Mist will turn on but there will
be no spindle shaft rotation.
− Format : M33 S12 ; (Spindle # 3 on at 12,000 rpm.)

6). F Code :
− The F code states the feed rate.

− The feed rate will need to be modified according to the

working material and the diameter of the tool.
− The feed rate will remain the same until the next F value is
− The feed rate is in mm/Min.
− Format : G01 Xvalue Yvalue Fvalue ;

6.1.2 CNC Program Example

1). General Format
O code ;
Coordinate System Selection ;
M code ;

G00 G41(G42) H address Xvalue. Yvalue. Zvalue. ;

(For 15,16,18M series H address change to D address)
G01 Zvalue. Fvalue.;

G01 Xvalue. Yvalue.;

The content of the rest program ;
M code
G28 X0 Y0 Z0 ;
M30 ;
2). Example :
Condition :
− The program = 100

− Spindle selection = # 1 and #3

− Spindle rotation speed = 15,000 rpm

− The distance from the tool tip to the top of the working
piece = -118.5 mm. (after clamping)
− The cutting depth = 12.0 mm (for the top of the working
− Tool diameter = 20.0 mm

− The offset address = 3

Program :
O0100 ;
G91 ;
M73 S15 ;
M71 ;
G00 G41 H03 X-300.
Y200. Z-70.
G01 Z-60.5 F3000 ;
G09 G01 Y-500. F8000 ;
G09 G03 X-100. Y-100.
R100. F5000 ;
G01 X-600. F8000 ;
G02 X-100. Y100. R100. F5000 ;
G09 G01 Y400. F8000 ;
G09 G03 X100. Y100. R100. F5000 ;
G01 X600. F8000 ;
G02 X100. Y-100. R100. F5000 ;
G03 X100. Y-100. R100. ;
G00 Z50. ;
G40 ;
M92 ;
M95 ;
G28 X0 Y0 Z0 ;
M30 ;

6.2 Operation Panel of Machine: Description of Function See

APPENDIX Fig. 3, for machine control panel drawing.
6.2.1 Indicator Lights

1). POWER light ( )

− When the power source is supplied to the machine, the POWER
light is on.
2). READY Light ( )
− When the machine is ready to operate, the READY light is on.

3). Reference Point Lights ( )

− When the X, Y, or Z axis get their reference position by the zero
return operation, the appropriate axis light under the AXIS
DIRECTION comes on.

4). Spindle Turning Lights ( )

− When the spindle shaft is rotating, the SPINDLE light is on.

5). Alarm Lights ( )

− When this light is on, it means the error message comes.

− Please check message.

6.2.2 Key Switch

(KEY LOCK) ( )
− This switch protects the controller memory. When this
switch set to the "on" position, it does not allow editing of
any program.


− Operator wants to shift automatic to manual operation or

reverse, please turn this button.

6.2.3 FUNCTION SELECTION Push Button Switches

(SBK): Single block

− The controller will execute only one block at a time.

− The operator must press CYCLE START to begin each


(BDT): Optional block skip

− The controller will skip any block beginning with a slash,

(MLK): Machine lock

− The move command pulses are suppressed.

− The axes can not be moved automatically or manually, but

the controller will continue to run the program.
− This process enables the operator to check the CNC
(ZNG): Z axis command cancel
− The move command pulses of the Z axis are suppressed.

− The Z axis can not be moved automatically or manually, but

the X and Y axes continue to run normally.


− The controller will skip all M codes and T codes.


− The controller will skip F code (i.e. specified feed rate).

− This switch is for programming dry runs only.


− Bypasses the VACUUM alarm.

− If the VACUUM alarm is "on" and the working piece is
securely fixed on the table, the operator can switch the
SAFETY BYPASS "on" to reengage the machine.

− Only applies to the ATC system. (exclude RANROB-C tool
− Rotates the tool magazine.
− "BLOCK" - see CNC command codes.

− Each button switch will light when pressed.


− Press this button to prohibit fence-door from being


− Please refer to RANROB-C Tool Magazine: (18M series)
page 2.

-Active the remote controlling box
-Active the JOG mode

(JOG + , JOG - ):
− To operate these buttons, must be set to RT or JOG

− They must work with the rotating switch of axes and

move the machine when you push them.

-On the remote controlling box
-If over travel of a hard limit occurs, this light is on.
Press this button to release the situation.
, see section 9.1.5.

-On the remote controlling box
-Active the MPG
-Active the incremental movement (1,0.1,0.01)
-The switch can only active when remote button is active

(AUTO) ( )
-On the remote controlling box
-When this mode is selected, the machine moves automatically
according to the program displayed on the CRT

(RT) ( )
-On the remote controlling box
-Selected X, Y, or Z-axis moves at rapid traverse.

6.2.4 AXIS DIRECTION Push Button Switches ( )

− To operate these buttons, the MODE SELECTION must be set

to RT, JOG, 1, 0.1, or 0.01.
− The X, Y, and Z axes each have plus and minus buttons.

− Each axis moves in the designated direction when the "+" or "-"
buttons are pressed.

SPINDLE buttons ( )
− Turns on the spindle motor specified by the SPINDLE

− Turns off the spindle motor specified by the SPINDLE

− The spindle specified by the SPINDLE SELECT switch
will rise.

− The spindle specified by the SPINDLE SELECT switch
will lower.

BLOWER buttons ( )

− Suction clamps on

− This function can be turned on by computer or manually.

Note : Each button switch will light when pressed.
− When operator want to clamp the working piece with cup,
please select this button.

        AUTO Buttons ( )



− Starts utomatic and MDI operations.

− Under automatic drive, when this button is pressed, the
machine movement will pause until CYCLE START is

− The program or alarm message will be reset.
Note : Each button switch will light when pressed.


− Cycle stop has three functions as follows:

a. This button can immediately turn off the working spindle.
b. The machine will immediately cease to work under
automatic operation.
c. Cycle stop has the function as reset.
6.2.5 Rotary Switches ( )
There are three rotary switches at operation panel.
1). Spindle Selection
− Specifies the desired spindle.

− This switch is for manual operation only.

2). Mode Selection

(EDIT) ( )
− This mode is selected to edit the programs in the controller

(MEMORY) ( )
− When this mode is selected, the machine moves
automatically according to the program displayed on the
CRT screen.

(TAPE) ( )
− When this mode is selected, the operator presses CYCLE
START to run the machine using the DNC function i.e.
running the machine from the PC.

(MDI) ( )
− When this mode is selected, the machine moves according
to a single command block entered by the operator.

(ZRN) ( )
- Sets the machine to zero return operation mode, see section
6.5.2 "2). Performing Zero Return".
(RT) ( )
− Selected X, Y, or Z axis moves at rapid traverse.

(JOG) ( )
− Selected X, Y, or Z axis moves at JOG feed.

(1, 0.1, 0.01) ( )

− Selected X, Y, or Z axes moves to the set distance.

3). Feedrate Override Switch ( )

- The feed rate, under MEMORY, JOG, 1, 0.1, or 0.01 mode can be
selected from 0 to 150% with the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE.

4). Axis Selection Switch ( )

- Chose the axis you want to control.
- It function when you active the remote controlling box and in
the manual mode.

5). Moving Distance of Step Switch ( )

- Chose the distance of step you want to control.
- It function when you active the remote controlling box and in
the MPG mode.

6.2.6 Emergency Stop Knob

All machine functions will stop immediately. Turn knob
clockwise to release the function.
6.3 Operation Screen of controller: Description of Function

There are six function keys.

− The spindle position is displayed on the screen, using the
coordinate system chosen from the soft keys.

− There are two functions. One is to list program numbers.
The other displays the content of the current program.


− Calls tool offset, screen.

− The operator can enter the tool compensation value.

(parameter & system configuration)

− Calls parameter, diagnostic system configuration and
PLC ladder screen.
− The operator can enter the parameter value and check the
PLC ladder.

(operation alarm)
− Calls the alarm display, message & alarm history screen.

(graphic display)

− Calls graph screen.

− The operator can simulate the tool path.

6.4 Editing Programs in the Controller

Note : The controller does not allow a duplicate program number (O
code). If a duplicate program number is entered, an alarm code
will be displayed on the monitor.

6.4.1 Program Display

− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to EDIT.

− Press the PROG button to display the current program.

− Enter the desired program number.

− Press under CURSOR KEYS.

6.4.2 Inputting Program

There are two methods to put programs into the controller:
1). by RS - 232 Method:
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to EDIT.

− Press the PROG.

− Set the KEY LOCK switch to OFF.

− Open the tape reader interface door and plug in the

cable connector.
− Press the soft key (OPRT) button.

− Press the rightmost soft key.

− Press the soft key button (READ).

− Press the soft key button (EXEC).

− The RS–232 will transmit programs into the

2). by Manual Method:
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to EDIT.

− Press the PROG.

− Set the KEY LOCK switch to OFF.

− Input the O code (i.e. program number) and press

− Press EOB.

− Press INSERT.

− Key-in all content of program to the controller.

Example :
O0100 ;
G01 X20.
F2000 ;
(1). Enter "O0100"
(2). Press "EOB"
(3). Press "INSERT"
(4). Enter "G01 X20. F2000"
(5). Press "EOB"
(6). Press "INSERT"
Note :An error message will display when a duplicate
program number is entered.

6.4.3 Editing Program

Before editing, the following items must be performed.
− Set the mode select switch to EDIT.

− Set the KEY LOCK switch to OFF.

− Press PROG

− Input the O code (i.e. desired program number) for editing.

− Execute the editing operation.

There are three methods of editing as follows.

1). Alteration
− Move the cursor to the desired word to alter.

− Key in the new word from the data input keys.

− Press Tab.
Example :
G01 X-20. F2000 → G01 X-30. F2000

(1). Move the cursor to X-20.

G01 X-20. F2000
(2). Key in the new word.
(3). Press ALTER.

2). Insertion
− Put the cursor right ahead inserted word you desire.

− Key in the new word from the data input keys.

− Press INSERT.

Example :
G01 X-20. F2000 → G01 X-20. Y-20.

(1). Move the cursor to X-20.
G01 X-20. F2000
(2). Key in the new word.
(3). Press INSERT.

3). Deletion
− Move the cursor to desire deleted word.

− Press DELETE.
Example :
G01 X-20. Y-20. F2000 → G01 X-20.
(1). Move the cursor to
G01 X-20. Y-20. F2000
(2). Press DELETE.

6.4.4 Inputting Compensations and Parameters

1). Setting and Displaying the Tool Length Correction Amount and
the Tool Radius Correction Amount − Press the OFFSET
− Move the cursor to the desired offset number.

− Key in the offset value.

− Press Enter.
Example : setting the offset value 10.5mm, at the offset
number 01
(1). Move the cursor to the offset number 01
(2). Enter the offset value.
(3). Press Enter.

2). Setting and Displaying Parameters

− Press the SYSTEM button.
− Press the soft key (PARAM).

− Key-in the desired parameter No.

− Press the soft key (NO. SRH).

− Key-in the relevant value from the data input keys.

− Press Enter.

6.5 Method of Operation : Manual Operation

6.5.1 Manual Movement of X, Y, and Z Axes
Refer to APPENDIX Fig. 5 for a diagram of the moving
X axis : Left-right movement of the working head.
+X is specified the working head Movement from left to right.
Y axis : Back-forth movement of the table.
+Y is specified the working head Movement from front to
Z axis : Up-down movement of the working head.
+Z is specified the working head Movement upward.
There are three Axis-movement rates under manual operation.
1). Rapid Traverse Operation (RT)
i. Set the MODE SELECTION switch to RT (rapid traverse).
ii. Press the desired direction button under AXIS DIRECTION.
The machine moves in the interval of the axis
movement button is pressed.
Note: Rapid traverse speed Bridge
a. (S series, X series, TC series, PT series, LV series,
Door machine and EXXACT series)
X, Y axes : 24,000mm/Min.
Z axis : 6,000mm/Min.
b. ( Stratos series)
X, Y axes : 20,000mm/Min.
Z axis : 6,000mm/Min.
Cantilever bridge type :
X, Y axes : 36,000mm/Min.
Z axis : 6,000mm/Min.
Caution : Since the stroke of Z-axis is very short, please do
not use the rapid traverse for Z axis.

2). JOG Feed Operation

− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to JOG.

− Press the desired direction button under AXIS DIRECTION.

The machine moves in the interval of the axis

movement button is pressed.
− Use the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE switch to control the
moving speed.

3). Feed Operation: 1, 0.1, and 0.01

− Set MODE SELECTION switch to desired movement rate
as follows.
1.0 = 1.0 mm
0.1 = 0.1 mm
0.01 = 0.01mm
− Press the desired direction button under AXIS DIRECTION.
The machine moves as set amount each time when
direction button is pressed.
− Use the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE switch to control the
moving speed.

6.5.2 Zero Return Operation

Please refer to APPENDIX Fig. 10, a diagram for the location of
the Zero Point (Reference Point).
1). Definition of the Zero Point (Reference Point)
This machine has a special position on each axis, the
"Zero point" (Reference Point). Operation that sets the
machine to the zero point is called "Zero Return Operation".
Caution : Whenever the NC Controller is turned on, the
operator must perform the Zero Return

2). Performing the Zero Return

The following methods are two examples regarding the
zero point located at the upper right corner of the working
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to the
(zero return).
− Press the X+, Y+, and Z+ under the AXIS
DIRECTION to move these three axes toward the zero
− Continue to press these buttons until the light of these
three axes comes on.
Ex2: Use the RT or JOG operation to move each axis in the
reverse direction of the zero point when the limited
switch is too close to or on the zero point.
X-axis: move about 300mm "-" (minus) direction away
from the zero point.
Y-axis: move about 300mm "-" (minus) direction away
from the zero point.
Z-axis: move about 100mm "-" (minus) direction away
from the zero point.
Note: The operator can observe the axis position on the CRT
screen by pressing the POS key.
− The axis moves in rapid traverse speed to touch the
deceleration block. The axis then decelerates until it
reaches the zero point.
− When the axis reaches to zero point, the AXIS
DIRECTION buttons lights up at once.

6.5.3 Spindle Selection

Warning : Before performing any Up, DOWN, ON, or OFF function,
the operator must make sure all unauthorized personnel are
outside the working stroke of the machine.
Note : The selection of spindle shall be considered according to the
tool used, taking into account that the max. permissible speed
of the tool is not exceed (ref. to 2.1.2 ).
1). Spindle Up and Down
Please perform the following operations to select the desired
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to ZRN, RT, JOG, 1,
0.1, or 0.01.
− Set the SPINDLE SELECT switch to the desired spindle.
1 = No. 1 Spindle
2 = No. 2 Spindle
3 = No. 3 Spindle
4 = No. 4 Spindle
− Press the desired SPINDLE button (UP or DOWN) UP :
The selected spindle rises up.
DOWN : The selected spindle goes down.
Note :
− Each machine has one or two methods for fine
adjustment. One is the adjustment knob on a spindle;
the other is the adjustment screw under the spindle
base. Please see section 7.2
− Maximum adjustment is 15mm.
2). Starting and Stopping Spindle
Please perform the following operations to start and stop the
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to ZRN, RT, JOG,
0.1, or 0.01.
− Set the SPINDLE SELECT switch to the desired
1 = No.1 Spindle
2 = No.2 Spindle
3 = No.3 Spindle
4 = No.4 Spindle
− To start the selected spindle, press the spindle ON button. The
shaft rotation reaches setting speed and stabilize after a short
period of time.
− According to the value displayed on the controller screen, it can
verify spindle speed.
− To stop the rotating spindle shaft, press the spindle OFF button.
The rotation stops after a short period of time.
Caution :
− Check that the nut is fixed and the router bit
firmly and correctly set in the collect before
starting rotation.
− Check that the stopper pin (lock pin) of the
spindle is not set in the spindle shaft before
starting rotation.
6.5.4 Suction Clamp Unit
All machines employ a suction clamp unit to fix the working
piece on the table.
1). To Clamp the Working Piece
− Press BLOWER
to start vacuum
− The operator can either
use the M06 command or
press the CLAMP button
to fix the working piece.
2). To Release the Working Piece

− Press the lighted CLAMP button, or use the M07 command.

− Press the BLOWER "OFF" button to stop the vacuum motor.

Warning :
− If there is any air leakage between the working
piece and suction clamp jig, the suction pressure
will considerably deteriorate. Therefore, the
operator must check the working piece to ensure
the working piece is fixed firmly on the table
before operation.
− Proper pressure depends on the clamp area that the
working piece covers. Normal pressure is over
0.55kg/cm2. The operator can use the SAFETY
BYPASS button to eliminate the VACUUM alarm
if the working piece is securely fixed on the table.
However, the machine does not work safely, when
the pressure is under 0.2kg/cm2.
− The minimum clamping surfaces of the workpiece
is 200cm2 for any type of wood.
Note :
− It may be necessary to adjust the suction pressure
using the relief valve.
− There is an air filter tank to protect the vacuum
pump. The debris is sucked from the table through
the clamp hose with air to the bottom of the tank.
Open the cover on the side of tank and clean it every
2-3 months.

6.5.5 Dust Extraction Unit

− A dust extraction unit is composed of the dust extraction hood,

the dust extraction hoses, and the dust extraction covers.
− A dust extraction cover is attached to each spindle motor.

− When the spindle is down, the damper opens allowing the hose
to vacuum the debris.
− The dust extraction cover can be removed by taking out its bolts.
− The recommended conveying velocity is 20m/sec for dry dust
and 28m/sec for wet chip.
− The airflow of dust extraction unit is:

Warning: Please waits for the spindle shaft completely stop

rotating before removing the cover

6.5.6 Position Display

Please refer to APPENDIX Fig. 4, for operating illustration.
1). Contents of display
− The POS (position) Function key has four screens, which shift
each other, when the key is pressed.
ALL : Current position of axes using all three coordinate systems.
RELATIVE: Current position of axes using the relative coordinate
ABSOLUTE: Current position of axes using the absolute
coordinate system.
MACHINE: Current position of axes using the machines
coordinate system.

2). Resetting the Current Position

The current position in the relative coordinate system and the
absolute coordinate system can be reset.
a. Press POS to find the relative coordinate screen
− Press the X, Y, or Z of the data input Keys. The
corresponding axis will flash on the screen.
− Press the soft key (PRESET), the flashing axis will be reset
to zero.
− Press the soft key (ORIGEN), the all axes will be reset to
b. Press POS to find the absolute coordinate screen
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to MDI.

− Key-in the current position values by means of the

command block.
Example :
G92 X-value. Y-value.

6.5.7 MDI Operation

Under the MDI mode, one command block can be entered for
execution. This block will not be saved. The procedure to enter a
command block is as follows.
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to MDI.

− Press PROG.

− Enter a command block under the data input keys.

− Press START on the controller panel or CYCLE START on
the machine operation panel to execute the entered command.
Example 1. : Entering a command block.
G01 X50. Y-50. F2000 ;
1. G01 "INSERT"
2. X50. " INSERT "
3. Y-50. " INSERT "
4. F2000 " INSERT "
Example 2. : Entering a M code
M13 S9 ;

1. M13 " INSERT "

2. S9 " INSERT "

6.5.8 Alarm Display

− If any alarm messages occurs, the error message and code will
be displayed on the monitor.
− All alarm messages and codes can be found in this manual or
the maintenance manual.

6.6 Method of Operation: Automatic Operation

6.6.1 Safety Procedures for Automatic Operation
1). Before Starting
− Please check that the working piece is firmly fixed on the jig.
− Check that the working piece on the clamp jig fits the location
block. If the working piece does not fit, the finished product
may not meet quality standards.
− Check that the router bit is tightened perfectly into the chuck.
− Release the lock pin.

− Check the offset value is correctly in desired offset number after

inputting the offset value (tool length and radius compensations.)
− Check that the machine position corresponds to the CNC
program’s working position. (If the process starts from the
wrong position, the processing will not be correct, and the
clamp jig will break.)
− Remove any obstacles away from the working stroke.

− Check that the program display on the monitor is correct.

− Adjust the OVERRIDE switch.

− Press the RESET button to ensure that the cursor is at the top of
the program.

2). During Operation

− When the SBK switch is used during automatic operation, the
machine will stop on finishing every one block of the program.
The machine can continue run the next block when CYCLE
START is pressed again.
− Don’t press RESET during automatic operation. Because some
of the information that has been read previously into the NC
device can be erased, the machine will not move correctly if
started again.
− When running a program, please press RESET to make the
cursor goes to the beginning of the program.

6.6.2 Checking Program

Use the following process to check the CNC program.
− Set all axes to the zero point using the zero return
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to EDIT.
− Enter the program number and press the CURSOR key.
− Press RESET to ensure the cursor goes to the beginning of the
− Set the MODE SELECTION switch to MEMORY.

− Press CYCLE START to run the CNC program.

How to know your CNC program is available?

− MLK (machine lock) enables the operator to check the CNC
− POS (position) enables the operator to know the present
position of all axes.
− Edit enables the operator to edit or modify the program in the
controller memory.
− Input all compensation values (tool length and radius
compensation) in proper address and let the machine dry run
program thorough without interrupted.

How to test your CNC program is possible for the machine?

− SBK (single block) and ZNG (Z-axis lock) enable the operator
to check the CNC functions.
− POS (position) enables the operator to know the present
position of all axes.

Make a thorough dry run and then cut into the working piece.
− Use low feed rate to test process. When the machine moves the
incorrect way, please press the FEED HOLD button
− It is very dangerous to run processing without careful test the
program in advance.
6.6.3 Automatic Operation

− Set all axes to the zero point.

− Firmly clamp a working piece on the clamp jig.

− Input all compensation values (tool length and radius compensation)

in proper address.
− Select the desired program from the memory.

− Press RESET to ensure the cursor is at the top of the program.

− Turn the MODE SELECTION switch to MEMORY.

− Turn on SBK (single block) or BDT (optional block skip), if

− Adjust proper feed rate with the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE
SWITCH (0-200%).
− Press CYCLE START to start automatic operation. The machine
performs very thorough blocks of program.
− Change the finished working piece with a new one, and then press
CYCLE START. The machine can automatic perform above-
mentioned processes.
7 Method of Adjustment
Warning : Whenever adjusting the pitch between spindles or the height
of the spindle base, the operator must stop the spindle

7.1 Pitch between Spindles

− Refer to APPENDIX Fig. 9.

− T his method is void for the machine with only one spindle
(such as TM series and Stratos
series) or a fixed spindle base
(such as SPRINT series).
− Refer to Fig. 7-1.

− Before adjusting the pitch, the

operator must loosen the bolt under the
spindle base.
− Turn the handle to rotate the
shaft of the gauge clockwise or
counterclockwise to the desired position.
Fig. 7-1
− The operator must tighten the bolt after
setting the desired position.

7.2 Spindle Height Adjustment

− There is no height adjustment for TM series

and Stratos series.
− There are two types of height adjusters.
− The height adjuster locates under the spindle
base can adjust the spindle’s height of ATC
(automatic tool change) and QTC (quick tool
− The adjusting knob is at the front of the spindle
for all other series. You can use it to adjust Fig. 7-2
spindle’s height.
− Turn CCW (counter clockwise) to raise the spindle and CW
(clockwise) to lower the spindle.
− Refer to the Fig. 7-2.

7.3 Air Circuit

− Air from the compressor passes through F.R.L. (Filter Regulator

Lubricator) into the other parts of machine. Dust and vapor
particles can be cleaned by air filter. Please keep the filter clean
− The regulator adjusts the pressure of the cleaned air.

− Set the regulator at 6.0 kg/cm2.

− A pressure switch will stop the machine, when the pressure of the
air supply drops below 3.0 kg/cm2.

7.4 Lubrication Unit

− This device supplies lubrication oil about 12 cc/hr.

− Lubricate X- 、 Y- 、 Z axis three axes’s guide rails with

automatic lubricator tank.
− There is a floating switch in the automatic lubricator tank to
check the oil level. When the oil level is under the standard level,
an error message will be displayed on the monitor. In this case,
please replenish it.

7.5 Adjusting the Gib

A gib is used to reduce the friction between guide rail and moving part.
For getting precision and smooth slide, proper adjustment of gib is very
− Loosen the lock nuts with a spanner, and tighten the set bolts with
L wrench.
− Tighten all set bolts on the gib key, check that whether slide
moves smooth on the guide rail or not.
− Loosen the set bolt and then tighten it once again.
− When the bolt is tightened again, it must touch the gib and the set
− Tighten the lock nuts to fix the set bolts.

− Once over check that whether the slide moves smooth on the
guide rail or not. If not, please adjust it again.

7.6 Adjusting the Zero Point

This machine has a special position on each axis, called zero point or
reference point. The operation that sets the servo axis to the zero point is called
"Zero return operation". The zero point is determined by the limit switch and
grid shift amount of the pulse coder.
The machine moves to the zero point with RT (rapid traverse) speed.
When the limited switch touches the cam, the moving speed decelerates. After
the limited switch leaves the cam, the machine stops to the first grid point, this
point is zero point.
Note :
Pulse coder :
− The pulse coder is attached to the shaft of servomotor so it
can get a direct signal.
Grid point :
− The pulse coder has one standard position called the grid
− The pulse coder sends the signal from this point.
Low Speed :
− On performing zero return operation, the travel speed
decelerates, when the limited switch moves from the cam
to the zero point, called Low Speed.
− Don’t shift the zero point except for special situation.
Set Proper Zero point:
1). When the difference between the zero point and the
standard position is more than 10 mm, shift the cam to
let this value approach 10 mm.
Note :
− Loosen the cam’s bolts to shift it.

− The distance of machine movement against

the turning of pulse coder (servomotor)
is normally 10 mm, but this value can be revised
in special situation.
2). When the value is less than 10 mm Please refer to the
Note :
− Minimum value for grid shift is 0.01mm.
3). The best distance between the zero point and software’s
cam is 5mm.
8 Maintenance
This chapter is about preventive maintenance, primarily for the
maintenance technician. The safety notes are written for protection against
unforeseen accidents and machine damage. The operator should follow the
instruction of this chapter to perform daily and periodic maintenance and safety
Please read the safety notes and observe the notes.

8.1 General
To perform the maintenance work, please peruse and perform the
following points.

1). Preparation of Maintenance

− Please check the machine condition, before starting maintenance
− Conduct a plan and schedule for the working area, working
sequence, period and staff.
− Keep the floor dry. If coolant or lubricant is spilled, wipe it up
− Please prepare the parts and tools before starting work.

− Please read the specifications, constructions, functions for

performing the maintenance work.
− Keep accurate records of the maintenance, repairs, and results of

2). General Maintenance Precautions a. Machine

a. Machine
− Dress safely (clothes, shoes, cap, protections etc.).

− Chips, coolants, or lubricants must not be splashed on the

machine or the NC device.
− Post a "Working on maintenance" sign for other workers safety.
− Allow enough space for maintenance work.
− Use tools which are fitted to parts.

− Do not put parts or tools on the guide rails.

− When performing maintenance work, always work in at least two

persons as a team.
− Use a forklift or crane for the heavy parts (over 30kg).

− A qualified person must operate the forklift truck and slinging

− When lifting, use wire ropes and nylon strings to comfort the parts
− When working with many persons, post a "Working on
maintenance" sign.
− Use a ladder or working table to work in high places.

− Supply sufficient light at working area. − Use

the specified or equivalent oils.

b. Electricity
− Only a qualified electric technician should work on electric
− Remember to turn off the power source when working on
− Post a "Do Not Touch the Main Switch" sign while working on
electrical parts.
− A number of cooling fans are used inside the machine. Hence,
dust and mist must be kept to a minimum.
− Do not touch wire, switches, or any electrical parts with wet
− Do not change any setting value.

− Use specified parts for repairs.

3). After Maintenance Precautions
− Confirm the machine position and check the operation and
movement of machine.
− The useless parts and waste residue should be properly disposed,
according to the company's standards.
− Frequently cleans the machine and floor.

− Make a record after maintenance.

8.2 Inspection and Maintenance

Proper care is necessary for maintenance the precision of the machine's
parts. Proper installation, daily cleaning and inspection make it possible to full
use all of the machine's capabilities.

1). Maintenance
− It is important to assure that the machine is level. If the machine is
not level, its precision will deteriorate rapidly. Check and correct
the level of the machine at lease once a month during the first 6
months of operation.
− The break-in period of the machine is approximately the first 100
hours of operation. During that interval, take care in selecting feed
rate and cutting depth to avoid over loading the motor. Also check
that the spindle motors and the servomotors are not over heating
and the machine is not making any unusual noises. Always pay
attention to abnormal sounds and heat.
− During machine’s break-in period, the oil will very quickly
become dirty due to the abrasion of the various parts. The operator
should often replace the oil during this period.

2). Daily Maintenance

The operator must perform daily cleaning and maintenance.
− Before starting the machine, clean the drain of the air filter and
mist separator.
− Keep the collect chucks, nuts, and tools at the prescribed place.
− Clean all parts of the machine after using.

− Before starting the machine, check the oil level of the various
tanks and replenish when necessary. Also check that lubrication is
being correctly performed. Please refer to Table - 8.

3). Weekly Maintenance

− Periodically clean the ball screws on all axes. Do not run the
machine if dirt or dust is stuck to the screws.
− Periodically clean the pipe mouths of the air filter and mist
− Use the drain cock to discharge the particles that have
accumulated in the oil mist unit and automatic lubricator.
− Clean the air filter of the pneumatic equipment once a week.

4). Monthly Maintenance

Lubricate the following:
− Automatic lubricator of Y (V) axis’s guides rails.

− Automatic lubricator of X or Z (W) axis’s guide rails.

− The guide rails of the spindle.

− Vacuum pump.

− Blower pump.

− Check all limited switches. There should be no resistance when

moving each axis.

5). Seasonal Maintenance

− Grease ball screw nut for X, Y (V) and Z (W) axes.

− Grease ball screw hold bearings.

− Clean the blower filter tank every 2-3 months.

− Clean and lubricate the air cylinder.

− Check all bolts.

6). Annual Maintenance
− Clean and check the spindle brushes. If a brush is less that 10mm
(0.4"), please change for a new one.
− Clean and check the whole machine. Tighten all bolts.

− Check the machine level.

7). Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Components
− Do not blow air into the NC device.
− Clean the NC device connection using a dry-soft cloth once a
− Check that the lights perform correctly.

− Check that the cables are in good condition.

8.3 Lubrication
1). Lubrication Method
Proper lubrication is necessary to keep the machine running
in the best condition. Correct lubrication prevents friction,
overheating and reduces unexpected accidents during the machines
To perform lubrication, the operator should pay attention to
the following points.
− Clean the area around the lubrication mouth before pouring the oil
to prevent foreign matter from entering the oil cup.
− Use a 60 - 100 mesh filter when supplying oil.

− Do not mix different brands of oil, even if they are equivalent oil
types. Such a mixture may result in accident or inferior
2). Lubricant and Oil Type
Tyrbo Oil Turbo Oil FBK Turbo
OIL MIST Alta 32 DTE Light Turbo a 32
T32 T32 32
Vectra OIL Tonna Oil Multiway
GUIDE RAIL Millot K68 Stabway 68 Uniway 68
#2 V68 68C
DTE Heavy Corena Oil Mechanic FBK Oil RO
BLOWER Esstic 68 Fluid RO 68 R68
Medium R68 Oil 68
Mobilux EP Alvania EP Epinock AP
2 2 2
RAN/RO B Gear oil
EP 220 630 HD 220 Gear HE 140 EHD 140
NBU 15
Table – 8

3). The Method of changing Vacuum Hose

9. Troubling Shooting
9.1 When turning on the main power

9.1.1 The light “POWER” does not come on when turning on the
main switch.

Possible cause Solution

1. The light burns out or the switch 1. Change the lamp or the whole
contact is not good. component.

2. There is no power inputting when 2. Check the power or phase.

turning on N.F.B.

3. The DC24V is not inputting. 3. Check or replace the DC power


4. Short circuit. 4. Check the circuit.

5. N.F.B. is damaged. 5. Replace

6. The control cable breaks. 6. Repair or replace the cable.

7. The transformer 220V/110V burns 7. Replace


9.1.2 The CRT screen does not come on when turning on the

Possible cause Solution

1. The NC ON button is damaged. 1. Replace

2. No power inputting to the NC 2. Check N.F.B.


3. The NC power unit is damaged. 3. Replace the fuse (3.2A) or the whole
4. The CRT fuse burns out or the CRT 4. Replace fuse or CRT.
itself is damaged.

5. The NC input unit is damaged. (15M 5. Replace fuse or the whole input unit.
only) (15M only)

6. The AC or DC shorts circuit. 6. Check the cables.

7. There is a connection error or 7. Check the cables according to the

disconnection of CRT and power electrical diagram manual.

8. The PCB is damaged. 8. Replace

9. The NC OFF button is 9. Replace


9.1.3 The machine does not move to the zero point when
performing the zero return operation.

Possible cause Solution

1. The cam and the dog do not contact. 1. Adjust the position of each.

2. The moving distance of an axis away 2. Move the axes to a further distance
from the zero point was not enough. away and perform the zero return

3. The distance from the zero point to 3. Reset the distance of the cam on the
the cam is too short. axis.
5 ~7 mm on Z axis
10 ~ 14 mm on X and Y axes
4. The OVER TRAVEL alarm always 4. Press "NO." and "CAN" on the
displays on the CRT when controller panel together while
performing the zero return turning on the controller.

5. The signal between the dog and cam 5. Replace the limit switch or check the
is not consistent. cable.
9.1.4 Alarm message #910 or #911 displays on the CRT when
turning on the controller.

Possible cause Solution

1. The Master PCB is damaged. 1. Replace

2. The RAM itself has shortcircuited. 2. Check the RAM wiring.

3. The RAM is damaged. 3. Replace

4. The data in the RAM is wrong. 4. Erase all data, then input a correct

5. The controller shuts down. 5. Erase all data, then input a correct

6. Others 6. Contact FANUC.

9.1.5 Over Travel - soft limit or hard limit

1. Over travel is the condition when the servo axis reaches the end of
working stroke. If this happens, an alarm message comes up and
machine stops.
2. There are two ways to protect the machine from over travel.
i. Soft Limit
− The soft limit is set in the memory of NC controller.
− The soft limit automatically engages when the zero return
operation is performed.
ii. Hard limit
− A micro ware switch is used to determine the over travel hard
− This hard limit is set a little past the soft limit.
3. The operator can determine if the Over Travel Alarm is a Soft Limit
alarm or a Hard Limit alarm by checking OT RELEASE button on
the machine panel. If the red button lights up, it indicates a Hard
Limit alarm. The following steps will correct the alarm.
i. Over Travel Alarm (Soft Limit)
− Move the problem axis in the opposite direction and press the
"RESET" button on the machine operation panel. The
machine will come to normal condition.
− Perform the Zero Return operation.
ii. Over Travel Alarm (Hard Limit)
− Press and hold the OT RELEASE button on the machine
operation panel; at the same time, press RESET one time.
− Move the problem axis in the opposite direction. (Still
pressing the OT RELEASE button).
− Wait until the moving distance is about 300 mm, then release
the pressed axis direction button and OT RELEASE button.
− Press RESET one more time.
− Perform the Zero Return operation.
Note :
− We set the cams and dogs for the hard limit, and the soft limit.
− Do not change the position of the micro switch, cam, or the
value of soft limit.
9.2 Machine does not function

9.2.1 ALARM light comes on.

Possible cause Solution

1. The OVERLOAD RELAY breaks 1. Replace


2. The vacuum pump is faulty. 2. Replace

Possible cause Solution

1. An oil shortage. 1. Replenish the cups and/or tanks.

2. The oil level switch breaks down. 2. Replace

3. A bad cable is transmitting a wrong 3. Replace


4. The relay breaks down. 4. Replace

5. The floating unit of the oil level 5. Eliminate the sticking cause.
sensor sticks.

Possible cause Solution

1. There is no air supply or pressure is 1. Supply sufficient air and

low. maintain to the value. regulated

2. Air pressure switch breaks down. 2. Replace

3. Air pressure switch does not set. 3. Reset the switch.

4. A bad cable. 4. Replace

5. The relay of the control5. Replace

circuit breaks down

Possible cause Solution

1. A bad setting value. 1. Reset the value.

2. The inverter breaks down. 2. Repair or replace.

3. An extended over cutting. 3. Change the cutting method.

4. A surge of starting current. 4. Adjust the inverter.

5. A spindle's power cable breaks. 5. Replace

6. A spindle's power cable short circuit. 6. Replace

7. The coil in the motor burns out. 7. Replace

9.2.2 If there is no ALARM and the spindle shaft will not rotate under

manual operation.

Possible cause Solution

1. The MODE SELECTION switch is 1. Repair or replace


2. The SPINDLE SELECTION switch is 2. Repair or replace


3. The ON switch of the 3. Repair or replace

SPINDLE button is bad.
4. The control or power cable breaks. 4. Replace

5. The spindle is bad. 5. Repair or replace

6. The D/A converter is bad. 6. Replace

7. The relay breaks down. 7. Replace

8. The solenoid valve breaks down. 8. Replace

9. The spindle ON signal is not received 9. Check the cable.

by the controller.

10. The acceleration time is 10. Adjust the parameter.


If there is no ALARM and the spindle shaft will not rotate under
automatic operation.

Possible cause Solution

1. The control relay of the spindle or the 1. Replace

solenoid valve is bad.
2. The D/A converter is bad. 2. Replace

3. The spindle motor is damaged. 3. Replace

4. The inverter burns out. 4. Replace

5. The I/O card breaks down. 5. Repair.

9.2.4 If the selected spindle does not move up or down smoothly

under manual operation.

Possible cause Solution

1. The solenoid breaks down. 1. Replace
2. The up and/or down buttons are bad. 2. Replace

3. The air pipe is bad. 3. Repair or replace

4. The SPINDLE SELECTION switch is 4. Replace
5. Gibs are not tightened evenly. 5. Adjust the bolts of the gib.
6. The control cable is bad. 6. Repair or replace a new cable.
7. The relay breaks down. 7. Replace
8. The air cylinder or the fine adjustment 8. Tighten
unit are loose.
9. The air cylinder is damaged. 9. Replace
9.2.5 If the selected spindle does not move up or down smoothly

under MDI or MEMORY mode.

Possible cause Solution

1. The solenoid valve is damaged. 1. Replace

2. The relay is damaged. 2. Replace

3. The I/O card breaks down. 3. Repair.

4. The buffer is not adjusted well. 4. Readjust the buffer.

5. The spindle base gib is not tighten 5. Adjust the bolts of the gib.

6. A wrong PLC. 6. Modify the PLC.

7. The cylinder seal is damaged. 7. Replace

9.2.6 If the clamping function does not work properly.

Possible cause Solution

1. The pump's rotation direction is 1. Change the connection phase of the
wrong. cables.
2. There is a leakage in the exhaust 2. Replace the pad
3. The solenoid valve is bad. 3. Replace
4. The exhaust valve cylinder is bad. 4. Replace

5. The solenoid relay is bad. 5. Replace

6. The cylinder pipe is damaged. 6. Repair or replace
7. The vacuum pipe is damaged. 7. Replace
8. An overload occurs on the pump. 8. Reset the pump.

9. The CLAMP ON button is damaged. 9. Replace

10.Air leakage between jig and table. 10.Replace

11.The gauge is bad. 11.Replace

12.Too much debris in filter. 12.Clean the filter.
9.2.7 If the parallel function does not alternate tables. (For PT series)

Possible cause Solution

1. The machine is not in ready situation. 1. Repeat steps to get machine ready.

2. The Y axis is not on the zero point. 2. Perform the zero return operation of Y

3. The stop sensor signal for the 3. Adjust or replace the sensor.
forward and backward movement is
not feeding to the controller.

4. The vacuum pump or clamp does not 4. Turn on the vacuum pump and
turn on or there is no signal feed clamp. Check the signal from the
back. solenoid.

5. The hydraulic pump motor is 5. Reset the relay.


6. The oil pump relay is 6. Replace

7. The LOCK DOWN sensor signal 7. Adjust the sensor.
does not feed to the controller.

8. The TABLE ON BASE sensor signal 8. Adjust or replace the sensor.

does not feed to the controller.
9.3 Abnormal movement and/or functions

9.3.1 When starting machining, if the machine moves other than

according to the current CNC program.

Possible cause Solution

1. The encoder is damaged. 1. Replace

2. The PLC is bad. 2. Modify the PLC.

3. There is a conflict between the inch 3. Modify the parameter.

and mm units.

4. The moving direction setting is 4. Modify the parameter.

different from the machines real
moving direction.

5. The axes setting is different from the 5. Modify the parameter.


6. The Master PCB is damaged. 6. Replace

9.3.2 Vibration of an axis.

Possible cause Solution

1. Ball screw is damaged. 1. Repair or replace.
2. Bearings at each end are 2. Replace
3. Setting of the parameter is bad. 3. Modify the parameter.

4. Movement on each side of the guide 4. Adjust the gib.

rail is not paralleled.
5. Lubrication of the guide rail is 5. Relubricate the guide rail.
6. The bearings of each end are not 6. Relubricate the bearings.
7. The oil flow is not smooth. 7. Manually lubricate each axis.
8. A wrong type of oil is used. 8. Change to the right type oil.
9. The ball screw nut is not tight. 9. Tighten the nut.
10.The servo motor is not securely 10.Tighten the screws on the servo
attached. motor.
11.The coupling is not tightened evenly. 11.Adjust and tighten the coupling.

12.The Z axis counter balance is not set 12.Adjust the counter balance.
9.3.3 If the spindle shaft RPM's are not stable.

9.3.4 If the sound or current of a spindle rises or the RPM's become

slow when cutting the working piece.

Possible cause Solution

1. Inverter breaks down. 1. Reset or replace the inverter.

2. The D/A is bad. 2. Replace

3. The rotating direction of the spindle 3. Reset the tool or change the phase of
shaft or the tool is incorrect. the cable to the spindle.

4. The solenoid valve breaks down. 4. Replace

5. A heavy cutting. 5. Adjust the cutting method.

6. The feed rate is too high and/or the 6. Adjust the feed rate and/or the cutting
depth is too much. depth.
9.3.5 If the spindle does not stop or stops too long.

Possible cause Solution

1. A wrong timer setting. 1. Reset

2. A bad bridge rectifier. 2. Replace

3.A bad braking relay or solenoid . 3. Replace

4. A bad brake transformer. 4. Replace

5. The brake fuse burns out. 5. Replace

6. The signal cable breaks. 6. Replace

9.3.6 If the zero point shifts.

Possible cause Solution

1. A bad limit switch 1. Replace

2. The position of the CAM is wrong or 2. Adjust


3. A wrong parameter setting. 3. Reset

4. A bad encoder of the servo motor. 4. Replace

5. The coupling is loose. 5. Tighten

6. The bearing nut of the ball screw is 6. Tighten


7. The speed is to fast during the 7. Adjust the parameter setting.

9.3.7 If there are any cutting marks along the tool path.

Possible cause Solution

1. A bad balance of tool. 1. Replace

2. Unsuitable of cutting speed, amount, 2. Revise the cutting method.

and direction.

3. The working piece is not securely 3. Securely fixed the working piece.

4. The guide rail bearings are damaged. 4. Replace

5. There is no lubrication on the guide 5. Relubricate


9.3.8 If there are any cutting marks when the direction or the feed

rate are changed.

Possible cause Solution

1. A wrong backlash value. 1. Check and reinput the backlash value.

2. The screws of ball screw nut is 2. Tighten.

3. The gib is loose. 3. Adjust
9.3.9 If the cutting depth increases during production.

Possible cause Solution

1. The coupling is loose. 1. Tighten

2. A bad setting of the counter balance 2. Adjust

air pressure.

3. A bad setting of tool. 3. Tighten the tool

9.3.10 If the UP, OP, OC, or OH LCD on the inverter comes on.
UP alarm
Possible cause Solution

1. Insufficient of inputting power. 1. Adjust the power not smaller than -


2. The acceleration is too fast. 2. Adjust the 7RH

3. The ratio of V/F is too large. 3. Adjust 4RH to lower the ratio.

OP alarm
Possible cause Solution

1. The inputting power is too high. 1. Adjust the power not bigger than

2. The acceleration is too short. 2. Adjust the 8RH

3. A bad V/F ratio. 3. Adjust 3RH and 4RH.

OC alarm
Possible cause Solution

1. A bad motor. 1. Repair or replace

2. An over cutting 2. Adjust the cutting amount

3. The deceleration is too short. 3. Adjust 7RH and 8RH

4. The V/F ratio is too large. 4. Adjust 4RH

5. Some parts of inverter are damaged. 5. Repair or replace

OH alarm
Possible cause Solution

1. The cooling fan breaks down. 1. Replace

2. A bad PWB 2. Replace

9.4 Machine shut down during operation

9.4.1 If any of the ALARM lights come on and the machine stops

during production.
Refer to section 6.2.
9.4.2 If no error message or ALARM light does not come on and the

machine stops during production.

Possible cause Solution

1. The M code function is not 1. Check the M code

completely executed.

2. The switch dose not set to 2. Conform to the switch

MEMORY. Memory.

3. A M00 is executed. 3. Press CYCLE START

4. A bad CNC program 4. Check the program

9.4.3 If the machine does not perform the M code function during

automatic operation.

Possible cause Solution

1. The M code does not set into the PLC. 1. Modify the PLC

2. The M00 is executed. 2. Press CYCLE START

3. A bad I/O card. 3. Replace

4. The signal cable breaks. 4. Repair or replace

9.4.4 If the machine does not work when CYCLE START is


Possible cause Solution

1. A bad CYCLE START button or a 1. Repair or replace

breaks cable.

2. 2The MLK is suppressed. 2. Release

3. The switch is not set to 3.Set to MEMORY one more time.


9.4.5 If the POWER light turns off suddenly during production.

Possible cause Solution

1. A bad AC 220V 1. Repair or replace

2. A bad DC 24V 2. Repair or replace

3. The transformer burns out. 3. Replace


1. Description − It depends on customers’ practical needs to install 8 or 16

tool magazine.
− The dimension and specification of the machine are described at
section 2.2. Do not exceed the standard to occur accidents.
− The spindle should be up and Z axis should be at reference point
before operating tool changes by automatic.
− There is an additional function called FLOATING. (optional)

− The air blow of this floating unit is controlled by

commanding M codes.

2. Setting Up a Tool
− Refer to the right figure for setting up tools.

− To tighten a tool into the floating head, please remove its cover first.
− Confirm tools are securely tightened.

Limitation :
− The diameter of the tool should
be less than 50 mm.
− The length of the tool should be
less than 100 mm.
− The total weight, including the
tool holder, should be less than 3Kg.

3. T Code
− The T code is entered by a letter "T" followed with three digits.
− The first digit is the spindle number.

− The following two digits are the tool magazine number.

Format :
T103 ; (i.e. Spindle # 1, tool #3)
T112 ; (i.e. Spindle # 1, tool #12) Caution :
− Make sure that every tool is set up in the tool holder correctly and
− Make sure that the Z axis is at reference point and the spindle has
turned off before operating tool change.
Note :
− Please refer to the T code list for more detail information.
− If there is an error message indicating "PRESET TOOL
NUMBER", then the operator should perform the
following steps.

0 M series :

− Enter "M94".

− Press “INPUT”.

− Enter T code.
The first digit is the selected spindle indicated on the screen.
The second digit should be the tool number in the tool magazine
that is over against the selected spindle.
− Press "INPUT".

− Press "CYCLE START".

− Enter "M97".

− Press “INPUT”.

− Enter T code.
If there is no tool in the spindle, key-in T10 (indicates spindle #1)
or T20 (indicates spindle #2).
If there is a tool in the spindle, the first digit must be the selected
spindle indicated on the screen. The second digit should be the
current used tool in the spindle.
− Press "INPUT".

− Press "CYCLE START";

15 M series :
− Turn the MODE SELECTION to
MDI. − Press " ".
− Highlight the "PROGRAM".

− PROGRAM (MEMORY) is indicated at the upper left corner of

the monitor.
− Enter "M94" followed with T code.
The first digit is the selected spindle indicated on the screen.
The following two digits should be the tool number in the tool
magazine that is over against the selected spindle.
− Press "EOB".

− Press "INSERT".

− Press "CYCLE START"; ( )

− Enter "M97" followed with T code.

If there is no tool in the spindle, key-in T100 (indicates spindle

#1) or T500 (indicates spindle #5).
If there is a tool in the spindle, the first digit must be the selected
spindle indicated on the screen. The following two digits should
be the tool number in the selected spindle.
− Press "EOB".

− Press "INSERT".

− Press "CYCLE START"; ( ).

16, 18 M series :

− Press"PROG".

− PROGRAM is indicated at the upper left corner of the

− Enter "M94" followed with T code.
The first digit is the selected spindle indicated on the screen.
The following two digits should be the tool number in the tool
magazine that is over against the selected spindle.
− Press "EOB".

− Press "INSERT".

− Press "CYCLE START".

− Enter "M97" followed with T code.
If there is no tool in the spindle, key-in T100 (indicates spindle #1)
or T500 (indicates spindle #5).
If there is a tool in the spindle, the first digit must be the selected
spindle indicated on the screen. The following two digits should be
the tool number in the selected spindle.
− Press "EOB".

− Press "INSERT".

− Press "CYCLE START".

4. Manually Insert or Release Tool from the Spindle
Operator can manually insert or release the tool with tool holder by
pressing the green button. The step is as follows.
2. Press the green button at the front of the spindle then the air is
blowing from shaft.
3. Insert the tool holder. If the operator wants to release the tool holder
from the spindle, hold the tool before pressing the green button to
prevent falling and damaging.

5. Floating Function
M17 is the M code for floating function. Before using this function,
operator should operate the floating spindle down.
M11 spindle No.1 moves down
M17 floating function on
The floating function will disable when it moves up.

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