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Module II.



The internet is the fastest means of spreading information to a large audience
and going beyond the limits of time and space (Dogruer, 2011). ICT on the context
of globalization in an important part of the process (Bilbao, 2019). It catalyzes
development, opens boundless opportunities as well as poses challenges and risks to
humanity (Alexandru, 2007). However, access to ICT can be limited too especially
for the marginalized sectors. The Department of Information and Communication
Technology (DICT) is the regulating body ensuring the support to the education sector
in using ICT,
This Module discusses implications of ICT policies and issues particularly on
internet to teaching and learning and the safety issues especially on the e-safety rules
on the use of ICT. Part of the lessons include the ICT master plan for the country laid
out by the DICT with the corresponding and underlying policies and guidelines on the
utilization, regulation and enhancement of ICT. Presented in this module are ICT for
education (ICT4E) programs and its application to teaching and learning as well as the
policies for ICT regulations in the country.

At the end of the unit, the students can:
a. Discuss some ICT policies with emphasis on implications to teaching and
b. Relate some ICT issues to ICT policies;
c. Identify safety rules for the use of Internet
Lesson 1. Policies and Issues on Internet and Implications to Teaching and Learning


Think of these things you do: used the phone, sent an e-mail, done bank
transactions, accessed library, watched news on television, consulted a doctor, caught
a flight, and watched movies. In all of these instances you are using ICT. Almost all we
do in this modern world is influenced by the new technologies. But, of course, we are all
familiar with the use of internet.

Are you familiar with these apps?

In one way or another you have used those applications for the purposes listed

Please check of you have used internet for any of these reasons:
Purpose of Using Internet YES NO
1. Electronic mail
2. Research
3. Downloading files
4. Discussion groups
5. Interactive games 
6. Education and self-improvement 

7. Friendship and dating 

8. Electronic newspapers and magazines
9. Shopping

Are you aware that use of internet is covered by policies and guidelines? YES or
NO? If YES can you mention any policy/ies that you knew of?
Policy 1 :

Policy 2.

What to Expect?
At the end of the lesson, the students had:
1. Discussed some ICT policies with emphasis on implications to
teaching and learning;
2. Relate some ICT issues to ICT policies; and
3. Identify safety rules for the use of Internet

Lesson Outline
Would your life as a teacher be also influenced by the new technologies? What
would be better, our lives controlled by technology or we have the control over the
utilization of technologies? How to have control over technology?

Definition of ICT Policy

Oxford English Dictionary defines “policy” as a course of action, adopted and

pursued by a government, party, ruler, statesman. It is any course of action adopted as
useful or beneficial.
Operational definition of policy is a plan of action to guide decisions and achieve
The ICT Policies are needed to put a course of action to be implemented by
various governments, organizations, and entities involving ICT. The principles and
guidelines in the use of ICT cover three main areas: telecommunications (telephone),
broadcasting (radio and television) and Internet.

The New ICT Technologies

More recent technological innovations in communications are grouped into three


1. Information Technology- includes the use of computers which has become

indispensable in modern societies to process data and save time and effort. Required in
this category includes computer hardware and peripherals, software and for the user,
computer literacy.

2. Telecommunications Technologies –include telephones (with fax) and the

broadcasting of radio and television often through satellites, Telephone system, radio
and TV broadcasting are needed in this category.

3. Networking Technologies – the best known of networking technologies is

Internet, but has extended to mobile phone technology, Voice Over Internet Protocol
(VOIP) satellite communications and other forms of communications are still in their
infancy. In addition to Internet, this category also includes mobile telephone, cable,
DSL, satellite and other broadband connectivity.

The DICT Roadmap Programs

The DICT formulated the roadmap for the country intended to guide all agencies
in the utilization, regulation and enhancement of ICT. Each project has corresponding
policy statements and guidelines.
The program known as ICT for Education (ICT4E) is under the DICT that extends
support to the education sector on the use of ICT. The program determines and
provides access to the infrastructure (hardware, software, telecommunication facilities
etc.) necessary for the deployment of learning technology at all levels of education.
Some of the policy recommended programs that have application to education’s
teaching-learning are:
1. ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels, including a National Roadmap for
Faculty Development in ICT in Education. A National Framework Plan for ICTs in
Basic Education was developed.
2. Content and application development through the Open Content in Education
Initiative (OCEI) which converts DepEd materials into interactive multi-media
content, develop applications used in schools, and conduct students and
teachers’ competitions to promote the development of education-related web
3. PheDNET is a “walled” garden that hosts educational learning and teaching
materials and application for use by Filipino students, their parents and teachers.
All public high schools will be part of this network with only DepEd approved
multi-media applications, materials and mirrored internet sites accessible from
school’s PCs.
4. Establish community e-Learning Centers called eSkwela for out-of-school youth
(OSY) providing them with ICT-enhanced alternative education opportunities.
5. eQuality Program for tertiary education through partnerships with state
universities (SUCs) to improve quality of IT education and the use of ICT in
education in the country, particularly outside of Metro Manila.
6. Digital Media Arts Program which builds digital media skills for government using
Open Source Technologies. Particular beneficiary agencies include the
Philippine Information Agency (PIA) and the other government media
organizations, the Cultural Center of the Philippines, National Commission for
Culture and Arts and other government art agencies, State Universities and
Colleges and local government units.
7. ICT skills strategic plan which develops an inter-agency approach to identifying
strategies and policy and program recommendations to address ICT skills
demand-supply type.
All the seven programs were guided by the roadmap that embeds policy
statements that relate to education, specifically in the enhancement of human
development for teaching and learning.

Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and Regulations

Global Issues

Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues in ICT policy which are issues to
the modern society. The other concern is civil liberties that refer to human rights and
freedom. These include freedom of expression, the right to privacy, the right to
communicate and intellectual property rights.

Access to the use of Internet and ICT. Access means the possibility for everyone
to use the internet and other media. In richer countries, basic access is almost available
to all with faster broadband connections. However, there are still countries where
access to internet is still a challenge.

Infringement to Civil Liberties or Human Rights. There are specific issues on

internet policy that have relationship to civil liberties and human rights.

Issue No. 1. Freedom of Expression and Censorship

Under the human rights convention (UN,1948) all people are granted the rights
for free expression. However, with the shift from communicating through letter,
newspapers and public meetings to electronic communications and on-line networking,
a need to look into how these new means modifies the understanding of freedom of
expression and censorship.
The UN Universal declaration of Human Rights provides that everyone has the
right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, likewise the right to freedom of
opinion and expression. However, there are practices that violate these provisions in the
use of internet.
To mention examples are the following:
1. Individual right is given up in order to have access to electronic networks.
Microsoft Network’s (MSN’s) contracts provide protection of individuals like
“upload or otherwise make available files that contain images, photographs or
other materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limiting to
copyright or trademark law, unless you own or control the rights thereto or have
received all necessary consents to do the same.” Whoever, Microsoft reserves
the rights, in its sole direction, to terminate access to any or all MSN sites and
2. Censorship restricts the transmission of information by blocking it or
filtering the information. Blocking is preventing access to whole areas of internet
based upon the blacklist of certain internet address, location or email addresses
while filtering is sifting the packets of data or messages as they move across
computer networks and eliminating those considered “undesirable” materials.
The selection of sites that are blocked or filtered has been considered as an

Warning! When you are surfing the web, you may think you are anonymous, but
there are various ways that information about you or your activities can be
collected without your consent.

3. Defamation actions may be used to silence critics. This action deters the
freedom of expression.

Issue No. 2. Privacy and Security

Privacy policies. Most commercial sites have a privacy policy. When someone
uses a site and clicks “I agree” button, it is as if you have turned over private information
to any authority that may access it.
Several types of privacy issues.

1. For most, privacy means “personal privacy” the right of individuals not to
have their home, private life or personal life interfered with.
2. Privacy of communication over the phone or internet. Respect for privacy
of communication is an essential prerequisite for the maintenance of human
relationship via technological communication media.
3. Information privacy is related to the use of computers and communications
system which are able to hold and process information about large numbers of
people at a high speed. It is important to ensure that information will only be used
for purposes for which it was gathered and will not be disclosed to others without
consent of the individuals.

Issue No. 3. Surveillance and Data Retention.

The use of electronic communications has enhanced the development of indirect

surveillance. In the indirect surveillance, there is no direct contact between the agent
and the subject of surveillance but evidence of activities can be traced. The new and
powerful form of indirect surveillance is “dataveillance”. Dataveillance is the use of
personal information to monitor a person’s activities while data retention is the storage
and use of information from communication system.
There is very little that can be done to prevent surveillance. How to change the
methods of working to make surveillance difficult? This is called “counter surveillance”
or “information security” if it refers to computers and electronic communication.

Issue No. 4. E-pollutants and E-waste

Large amount of e-waste is generated by ICT. These are in particular, terminal
equipment used for computing (PCs, laptops), broadcasting (television and radio sets),
telephony (fixed and mobile phones), and peripherals (fax machines, printers and
The accumulated e-waste produced by fast turnover of equipment is due to rapid
upgrading of software. While material waste can be physically destroyed by crushing,
toxic materials require utmost attention and management. The large quantities of e-
waste are increasing in both developed and developing countries. A very undeniable
fact is that significant volume of electronic wastes are being shipped from industrial
countries to developing countries used as dumping ground, the manner of deposing
these waste is usually not environmentally-responsible.
Remedies include standardization and regulatory measures to increase the life
cycle of equipment before they become obsolete. Efficient extraction of toxic
components and requiring the recycling by both consumers and equipment vendors
must be imposed.

Implications to Teaching and Learning

How do the policy guidelines, projects and issues relate to the teaching and learning?

For the teachers and Teaching.

1. Guide the teachers on what they should teach that relate to ICT, and how to
teach it. Since ICT development is so fast, teachers might be overwhelmed by
the speed. Temperance and caution in its use should be observed.
2. Technology should never replace human teacher. The tools are support
instructional materials for the teachers which are available for use. Teachers
should learn how to appropriately use the technologies. The human touch is still
a vital component in teaching and the limitations to the use of gadgets and tools
should be set.
3. There are rules and regulations that govern the use of technology. Caution
should be taken to protect individual privacy. As teachers, you must be aware
that the use of technology may threaten your privacy and security.
4. All the issues and many more shall be part of the teaching content as each
teacher will be encouraged to use technology in teaching.
For the Learners and Learning.
The learners of the 21st Century are even more advanced than some of the
teachers. However, learners still need guidance on how to use and regulate
technology. There are positive and negative effects of technology use. They must
learn of the benefits as well as the hazards of technologies and how to protect
Learners should take advantage of the learning support. The opportunities to
develop higher order of thinking skills with the use of technology, establishment of
learning communities through collaboration, and enhancement of skills to manage
the vast resources are among the many areas that can be explored.


All action in the use if ICT for teaching must be guided by policies. Security and
protection of one’s privacy must be the first consideration. Both the teacher and the
learners must see to it that integral laws in the use of ICT are followed as well as
they should be mindful of the e-waste produced by the ICT along with the
environmental risks it can create.


Quiz No.1
Direction: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of your answer in each item
1. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning?
A. It provides a roadmap in education where ICT is utilized.
B. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT use.
C. It is a requirement of the DITC in the Philippines.
D. It is a basis for choosing internet cafes near the school
2. Which of the following does NOT belong to the cluster of technologies?
A. Telecommunication Technology
B. Information Technology
C. Networking Technology
D. D. Industrial Technology
3. The DICT Policy statements include the criterion of all the following programs,
A. eQuality Program
B. eSkwela
C. ICT Pedagogy
D. iSchool WebBoard
4. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?
A. Freedom of Expression
B. e-waste
C. Surveillance
D. Privacy
5. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching and learning
so that your learners will benefit most?
A. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching.
B. Maximize the use of the technology as a tool to support your teaching,
C. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use.
D. Make your lessons as open source all the time.

Assignment No. 1

In not less than 100 words and not more than 1 bond paper A4 size, summarize an
article in any of the topic on issues, policies and use of technology in teaching.
A. Freedom of Expression
B. Privacy and Security
C. Surveillance and Data Retention
D. E-pollution and e-waste

8-10 Maresal Averescu Av., sect.1, Bucharest, 011445

Alexandru, A., Lanculescu, M. , Parvan, M., Jitaru, E. (2007). ICT and Its Impact upon
Globalization and Accessibility of Education in the Health Domain. 6 th WSEAS
International Conference on Education and Educational Technology. Italy. Nov.
21-23, 2007. 287-291
Bilbao, P.P., Dequilla, MACV. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc. 26-41
Dogruer, N., Eyyam, R., Menevis, I.(2011). The use of the internet for educational
purposes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 28, 2011, Pages

United Nation.1948. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Education in the Health Domain
Education in the Health Domain
ICT and Its Impact upon the Globalization and Accessibility of the
ICT and Its Impact upon the Globalization and Accessibility of the
National Institute for R&D in Informatics

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