Managing An Agile Team - Peer-Reviewed Assignment (Coursera)

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Part 1: Positioning Statement 

Assignment & Instructions 
For teachers who have to deal with children with different needs, the Bono Platform is a tool that automates the process of creating adaptive activities. 
Unlike hiring specialized professionals or taking classes about how to adapt activities, our product helps the teachers to develop adapted activities easier 
and faster than the current options.. 

Part 2: Focal Questions 

1. What’s important to this business? Why? How is it measured with regard to customer/user 
Bono core market is the educational segment. At first glance schools will be the greater user, since in general, all of them have to deal with the challenge 
of having students with special needs in their classes. As the teacher is not prepared to deal with this situation the school have to hire some specific 
professional to support that situation. The greater majority of schools can not afford a dedicated professional to do that so they hired some professionals 
to do that. And in some cases as the school doesn’t have even the condition to hire special consultants, is up to the parents to make appointments 
directly to those professional by paying or relaying on the public health system for that. 

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In all the cases, the student never have support during the classes and his teacher doesn’t have the tools and information to support him in the day by day 
classes. That is usually done after classes or worst, during some scheduled appointments. 
Teachers, parents and psychopedagogues could benefit of using the tool, but we are planning to do it not in the first moment since is much more difficult 
to support them and they are more spread. For the schools is much more important to have tools that enabled views of how their classes are improving, 
for example by using dashboards. For the others the individual follow up is enough. 

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Panel  Notes  Questions & Observations/Metrics 

A  The teacher must provide the same content to all  n/a- not directly observable by us (outside of qual. 
students. The student with same kind of necessity can’t  research with non-customers)- but see below 
follow the class and becomes very frustrated. 
Sometimes his behaviour could mess the class. 

B  After class the teachers must spend time or creating the  How many students per class have this problem?  
activities, and even if someone will create the activities,  How the schools solve the problem? Outside help? 
they must provide the content to this professional then  Transfer to the parents? Do nothing? 
when they receive it back must taught the student after   
hours.  Metrics:  
Students/ Class? 
Solutions / School ? 

C  Someone receives the prepared material and taught the  Due to actual logistics and cost problems, only the worst 
children, sometimes is not the same teacher of his class,  cases are threatened If the process is easier how many 
and sometimes the school put students of different  children will benefit of that?.  
classes together.   

D  Once the school have the platform, the teacher can use  Metrics: Student performance and evolution after 
the activities specially created for each student. The  receiving the new activities. 
student felts included in the class and enjoy to 
participate on it. 

E  The teacher has spend less time preparing special  Will the teacher gave all the material on the class or still 
activities and applying them, so he can spend more effort  uses some extra time? 
on teaching. On the same manner, the student is more   
motivated to follow the class.  Metrics: Number of hours extra class for the studend? 

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2. For which problem scenarios/jobs-to-be-done should we test new propositions? 
[Fill out the table below.] 
Problem Scenario/Job-to-be-Done  Your Value Proposition  Notes (optional) 

Don’t have proper activities from students  The platform will provide activities already   
that are are diagnosed with some pathology  adapted for the main kind of pathologies. 

Not all students are diagnosed or have a  Based on students performance the   
pathology  platform would suggest a different 
kind of activity. 

Took so long to a teacher to really know  Provide a dashboard with detail and   
their class  updated information of each student 

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3. How will we define and measure success? 
Problem Scenario/Job-to-be-Done  Measuring Success/Outcomes 

Don’t have proper activities from students  How many students per class using the personalized 
that are are diagnosed with some pathology  activities? 

Not all students are diagnosed or have a  Number of students that have used our screening 
pathology  questionnaire? 

Took so long to a teacher to really know  How long from the student fill the questionnaires and the 
their class  teachers starts using the activities ? 

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