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FIRST SCENE( Reminiscing the Past)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Tourist Guide, Two students having a field trip

SETTING: Magellan`s Cross in Cebu

Tourist Guide: Come closer here (urging the two students) This is the Magellan`s Cross (pointing to
a big cross) One of the most important memorabilia of the Spanish era here in Cebu and of course, in
the Philippines.

Student: (raising her hand) I have a question. How did the Spanish conquered the Philippine Islands?
Tourist Guide: (smiled at the question) That is a very good question. It all started in the very place
we call home, Cebu. (the lights are then turned off)

SECOND SCENE (Legazpi`s Way of Winning the People of Cebu)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Legazpi, Cid Hamal, The Cebuanos

SETTING: A particular place in Cebu

(The lights are turned on once again) (Legazpi and Cid Hamal enters the scene)

Legazpi: I want to win Rajah Tupas and the People of Cebu

Cid Hamal: I will help you

Legazpi Legazpi: Thank you Cid Hamal

(Legazpi and Cid Hamal walked their way towards a place where the people had already gathered)

Legazpi: (making his announcement in a loud voice) I am inviting all of you to return to us. We will
rebuild your homes. We will live in peace with all of you.

Cid Hamal: But in order to do all those, you must pay tribute to the King of Spain and recognized
him as your sovereign.

(The Cebuanos started murmuring, discussing things for a brief moment and then they nodded in
agreement, seeing those as good ideas which makes enough sense)

Cebuano: (took courage to speak) We agree! The Cebuanos: (joined him and chanted) Yes, we also

(The Cebuanos nodded in agreement, some were throwing their hands in the air in plain enthusias)

THIRD SCENE (The Conversion to Christianity)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Narrator, Priest, Jandulaman, Rajah Tupas


SETTING: Still in a particular place in Cebu

Narrator: Most Filipinos at that time were still practicing polytheism, some had converted to
Christianity. The first convert was Jandulaman, a widowed niece of Tupas.

Priest: (sprinkling Jandulaman with holy water) We baptized you in the name of the father and of the
son and of the holy spirit. Amen. You will now be named Isabel in honor of Legazpi`s wife.
(After the priest baptized Jandaluman, he moved on to Rajah Tupas)

Priest: (prinkling Rajah Tupas with holy water) I baptized you Rajah Tupas. You are now namede
Felipe in honor of Philipp the II.

FOURTH SCENE (The Fight against Sulayman`s Fort)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Marshal Martin de Goiti, Goiti`s Interpreter Spaniards, Visayans,

Rajah Matanda, Rajah Sulayman, Maynilad Chief, Narrator, Sulayman`s men
SETTING: South Bank of the Pasig River, Makehift House, Sulayman`s Fort

(A boat enters the scene with Goiti in it, together with the Spaniars and the Visayans. They shortly
arrived in the shore)

Goiti: (whispers to his interpreter which is beside him)

Goiti`s Interpreter: Rajah Matanda (gesturing to Matanda, in recognition) and Rajah Sulayman (he
gestured to recognize his presence) If you would be so kind to accept our invitation to a conference
(he invites them, waiting patiently for their agreement)

Rajah Matanda: Okay, We accept your invitation.

Rajah Sulayman: This way (gesturing for them to follow him to a makeshift house)

(And off they went to the makeshift house. Upon arriving there, they settled themselves in their seats
and began discussing things. The Maynilad Chief enters the makeshift house)

Rajah Sulayman: (introduces the Maynilad Chief to Goiti) This is the Maynilad Chief. (gestured to
Goiti) And he is Marshal Martin de Goiti, a Spaniard who is willing to befriend us! (he threw a look
of pure amazement and disbelief at the Spaniard)

Maynilad Chief: (he on the other hand, did not look too pleased at the presence of the Spaniards) We
are willing to befriend you, Spaniards but we will not submit to Spanish sovereignty. And we refuse
to pay tribute to your king!

Legazpi: (angered by the statement of the Maynilad Chief, he points his hand to him, warningly)
You will regret ever having said that! (And with that, he walked away in anger, the rest of the
Spaniards and the Visayans followed him)

Spaniard: What will we do now?

Legazpi: We will fight against Sulayman`s fort!

(Legazpi and his men gathered, discussing about their attack)

Legazpi: (ordering his men) Destory that artillery!

His men: (shouted in unison) We will destroy it!

(Legazpi`s men came into the battlefield. Sulayman and his men stood guard to defend his kingdom.
Legazpi`s men were the one who run towards Sulayman and his men to start the fight)

Legazpi`s men: For Spain! (they chanted)

(the bloody hand-to-hand fight ensued until the Manilans turned their backs as flames began to
engulf their houses)

One of Sulayman`s men: (he said to Sulayman, while they were fighting the Spaniards) Fire! the
flames had already engulfed our houses!

Sulayman: (turned his back to see the flames) Retreat! (he shouted to his men) (Sulayman`s men
obliged to his orders and they turned their backs to the fight and run for retreat across the river. Goiti
and his men followed and captured them)

FIFTH SCENE (The Colonization of Maynilad)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Goiti, Legazpi, Lakandula, Sulayman, Bambalito

SETTING: Panay, Manila Bay, Maynilad

Goiti: (returned to Panay, he approached Legazpi) Legazpi, Maynilad is a rich kingdom. It is a

trading center where Chinese, Borneans, Siamese and other foreign merchants engaged in.

Legazpi: Interesting (he furrowed his eyebrows as if in a deep thought) I have decided (he finally
said) We are going to colonized Maynilad!

(Legazpi left Panay. He went on a boat with his men and they reached Manila Bay)

(Legazpi and his men pauses to make way for the scene wherein Lakandula, the kind of Tondo and
Sulayman where having a conversation)

Lakandula: It is useless to fight and resist the Spanish forces.

Sulayman: You have a point. But if it meant sacrificing our freedom—

Lakandula: (cuts off Sulayman) Fighting our freedom will be the death of us. Let us just live in
peace with them

Sulayman: For the good of our people, I agree.

(Lakandula and Sulayman joined the crowd who had already gathered)
(Legazpi and his men moved once again. Legazpi steps in front of the crowd and made his

Legazpi: In the name of the King of Spain, I take possession of Maynilad.

(The Spaniards chanted and yelled in enthusiasm)

SIXTH SCENE (Bambalito, the warlord`s disagreement)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Bambalito, Lakandula, Sulayman,

SETTING: Maynilad

Bambalito: (confronting Lakandula and Sulayman) Come with me. Let`s resist the Spanish forces in

Sulayman: (frowning) We can`t do that. If we did, there would be a lot of blood that will be shed,
many innocent lives lost! We can`t afford to lose more people

Lakandula: (nodding d his head in agreement, placing a hand on Bambalito`s shoulder) We had
already made peace with Legazpi

. Bambalito: (angrily shrug off Lakandula`s hand on his shoulder) If you can`t do it, I will. Who
needs your help anyway? (And with that, he walked away angrily)

(Lakandula and Sulayman looked at each other worriedly)

SEVENTH SCENE (The Naval Battle)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Bambalito, Bambalito`s forces, Goiti`s forces.

SETTING: North Shore of Manila Bay

(The battle took place on the sea. Two boats were facing each other, ready to start the war)

Bambalito: For Maynilad! (he chanted and the others yelled after him)

Bambalito`s men: For Maynilad! One of Goiti`s m

en: For Spain! (he chanted and the others yelled after him)

Goiti`s men: For Spain!

(The Naval Battle started. It was one furious battle. Bambalito perished at the height of the bloody

One of Bambalito`s men: (he turned his eyes away from Bambalito who had already died) Let`s
retreat! (he shouted) Retreat!

EIGHT SCENE (Manila, the Capital of the Philippines)

CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Legazpi, the Maynilads

. Legazpi: (making a declaration to the people) On this day, June 24, 1571, the feast day of St. John
the Baptist, I officially proclaim Manila as the capital city of the Philippines.

(the wild roar of applause is heard from the people)

NINTH SCENE (Legazpi`s Death) CHARACTERS INVOLVED: Narrator, Legazpi,

Legazpi enters the scene when suddenly he grasp his chest in pain. It is implied that he is suffering
from a heart attack. After he was having a difficulty trying to catch his breath and regain composure,
he fall down onto the floor and eventually died)

(The lights are then turned off)

Narrator: Legazpi, the first Spanish governer of the Philippines died. But the story doesn`t end there.
Another succeeded him. Many more things happened, some good, some bad, some? well some were
very terrible. The Filipinos indeed had gone through so much before. But those stories contributed to
our country`s rich history. Wherever and Whatever we are right now, we owe it to them. The
Filipinos then are the living proof of what we call today, our “heroes”.

The End

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