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Adiputera N. Lontoh

Until the middle of JUNI 2020 according to data from the World Health
Organization, WHO, the number of infections is around 8.100.000 cases with more than
438.580 deaths, according to data as of Friday (6/20).

The three countries with the most cases outside China - where the plague originated -
are South Korea, Iran and Italy. And Now (6/20) The United States, Brazils And Russia
Are Now Become Three Countries With The Most Covid-19 Confirmed Case In The

As of March 19, China for the first time had not experienced a new case of Covid-
19 in Wuhan, the first city to develop a corona virus.

Indonesia is not the country with the most cases, but has the highest fatality rate of
around 8%. When the corona virus began to spread rapidly in China in the last week of
January 2020, we raised various questions around the outbreak, including the spread
and whether the affected can be cured.

The symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to those of a cold or flu.

At first, sufferers feel like a fever and then followed by a dry cough.

After one week, the patient will experience shortness of breath.

The incubation period - between transmission and showing symptoms - is about 14 days,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

But some researchers say this period can take 24 days.

Chinese scientists say some people may be infected before showing symptoms
The doctor who is a member of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association confirmed that
all corona viruses, including the 2019-nCoV corona virus, have no cure.

Diah added, although this virus has a risk of death, the numbers are still low compared
to people who are infected and then recovered.

"But it can be (cured), it is proven that there are thousands of sick people but only a few
died. So he is still a virus that can be cured," he said.

So, said Diah, the treatment process carried out is supportive therapy by increasing

"An ordinary cold medicine if it is still mild, if the fever is given anti-fever medicine," he

Diah asserted, some of the victims died in general was not only caused by 2019-nCoV,
but also influenced by vulnerability factors such as old age so that the immune system
was weak and also other existing confidence.

Hope, This Virus Is Quickly Passed And The World Our Countries Love The Country Of
The Republic Of Indonesia Can Immediately Restore And Can Return To Activities Like
The Regular And Can Restore The Economy Of The World And The Country Of Indonesia.

Messages To All Of You Stay Away, Rajin Provides Self And Stays In The House And
Exceptly Specially Making Young Sister Sisters In The State Of The School To Know
Learned And Stay At The Covides. Let Us Pray To God Jesus To Restore The Earth. Amen

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