Coaching Questions

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A SCIENTIFIC GUIDE TO HUMAN FLOURISHING What must you accomplish in the next 12 months? ‘What would you like to focus on today? What’ important to you at the moment? What are you working on at the moment? ‘What challenges ae you struggling wit at the moment? How can you word that goal more specifically? How can you measure that goal? How can you break down that goal into bite-sized places? How can you word this goa using postive language? \What do you want tobe doing in ive years time? What's your ideal future? ‘Wheres yourlfe out of balance? ‘What s the legacy that you want to leave? ‘What new skill do you want to learn or develop? Reality: What’ working well for you at the moment? ‘What isnt working well at the moment? ‘What have you done so arto improve things? How does this goal impact your spouse/partner? What’ the excuse that you have always used for not achieving your goals? \What aspects of your life will be impacted by reaching the above goal? ‘What s the biggest obstacle that you are facing? What are you afraid of? What are you passionate about? What are you willing to encure to see your goal become a reality? 'sthata need ora want? Where ate you sabotaging yourself? Options: |What do you think you should do fist? ‘What would be the most helpful thing that you could do now? 431 CERTIFICATE IN APPLIED POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY MANUAL money wasrita restriction for you, what would you do? If time wasnt a restriction for you, what would you do? ‘What would you do if you weren't answerable to anyone? What would (enter name of relevant expert) do in this situation? \What do you sense God is telling you to do? you were guaranteed to succeed, what would youdo? What the bast use of your time at the moment? you could only doone thing this week, what would it be? ‘what can you do better than anyone else in your organisation? ‘what books should you be reading to help you achieve your goals? Ifyou went to your boss with this problem, what would they suggest? Ifyou saw someone else in your stuation, what would you suggest they do? It you had 50% more confidence, what would you be doing that would be different? Ifyou weren't holding anything back, what would you be doing? Way Forward: What are you going todo in the next 24 hours? How committed are you in reaching this goal? (Ona scale of 110 10,how motivated are you to achieving this goal? ‘What wilt take to turn that 6 into a9? ‘Who do you need te speak to about this goal? How are you going to celebrate reaching your goal? \Whatever your fist steps can you think of anything that might stop you from doing Isthere anything else that you need to consider before starting? Do youhave any ather coaching questions that you would ike to add? Powerful Questions Characteristics (Vogt etal, 2003): + Generate curiosity inthe listener + Stimulate reflective conversation + Are thought provoking + Surface underlying assumptions Invite creativity and new possiblities + Generate energy and forward movement Channel attention and focuses inquiry Stay with participants + Toucha deep meaning 432

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