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NOMBRE: Marlon kayap

Based on the reading, arswer in complete sentences

1. Where does Taqua Come from?

Tagua come from a palm tree called vagelal; vory, it is ver y similar to the ivary that people
take from elephants

2. What is the best part of tagua.

The best part cf taguas is that no plant or animal gets hurt and you can create wonderful
preces of jewelry.

3. What is the narrators favorite pice?

The narrators favorite is a colorful necklace.

4. What is you favorite handi craft?

My favorite craft are clay pots

Study the pinture and then recurite each of the quotes using reported speech

The teacher told the students that they must look of the poster and copy it.

She said She didrit understand what he is sayin.

She said the teacher gave too much homawork

He said he was a boring lesson.

He said he was going to play football afta school

He said he hated football

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