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181 3 FORM TP 2020170 rest cove 02107010 MAY/JUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION? BIOLOGY UNIT 1~ Paper 01 T hour 30 minutes (08 JUNE 2020 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concemed that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the game letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. le Item Which of the following metal atoms is present in a haemoglobin molecule? ‘Sample Answer (A) Kron e800 (B) Copper a (©) Calcium (D) Magnesium The best answer to this item is “Iron”, so (A) has been shaded, If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully s you can. Ifyou Cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, You may return to that item later. ‘You may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale ‘The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ht © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Couneil, All rights reserved. Copy it jem I refers to the following structures of two biological molecules. Sate oe a See Se i ll | it ll HO o R, ° Molecule I i 4 ‘Molecule I Which of the following combinations correctly describes the structure of Molecules I and 11? 1 7 (A) [2 amino acids joined by a peptide bond 2 A-glucose residues joined by a 1,4 (B) [2 amino acids joined by a glycosidic bond 2 glucose residues joined by a 1,4 peptide bond (© |B amino acids joined by 2 peptide bonds 2 Prglucose residues joined by a 1.4 glycosidic bond (D) [B amino acids joined by 2 glycosidic bonds 2a glucose residuesjoined by apeptide bond Carbohydrates are transported in plants MAINLY in the form of, (A) stare (B) sucrose (©) glucose (D) fructose 02107010/MICAPE 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Liem 3 refers to the following structures which represent two isomers of glucose. 6CH,OH A a a eo cf ie “f ac ca | H A Isomer I i 0H wi on . a f Yc on aJ/\N ae 1 | a sc Fa | | a ou Tomer 3. Which of the following statements is true about BOTH isomers? (A) Both contribute to the structure of starch. (B) Both contribute to the structure of cellulose. (C) Structure I contributes to the structure of cellulose and Structure II contributes to the structure of starch. (D) Structure I contributes to the structure of starch and Structure II contributes to the structuré of cellulose. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MJ/CAPE 2020 4. Which of the following BEST represents the structure of a triglyceride? @) ®) Fas cHpH cHpH ot in ol © @M He-—coOoN AAA He— COO AAA ° | Bes Ogi aO ° Collagen exhibits a secondary level of protein structure and organization because (A) __itcontains four polypeptide chains (B) each chain forms a helix held by covalent bonds (C) each chain forms a helix held by hydrogen bonds (D) it is made up of repeated units of three different amino acids 6. When a mixture of starch and amylase is tested with a solution of iodine in potassium iodide, a blue-black colour is initially observed. However, when tested after one minute, the blue-black colour is no longer observed. This is due to the formation of (A) B) © ©) 02107010/MJ/ sucrose maltose cellulose glycogen GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE "APE 2020 7. Which of the following occurs in the tertiary structure but NOT in the pri ary structure of a protein? (A) o I Ee ae ®) : 4 ° oO il H—C—o—C—R H © ‘Amino ‘Amino acid 5 | acid a 8. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies structures typical of a eukaryotic cell? Endoplasmic Nuclear g Ri Reficalwna Mitochond: Menibeans 70S Ribosome @ Se v v x i) v Vv v x © x x T ©) i v v Key ¥ = present X= absent GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MJ/CAPE 2020 Liem refers to the following diagram of a section of a cell as seen under an electron microscope. Which of the following statements BEST explains the function of the region labelled 1? (A) _Itallows for the transport of small DNA fragments into the cytoplasm. (B) It contains protein channels for the active transport of water-soluble molecules. (©) __Itcontains protein channels which restrict the movement of water molecules. (D) __Itallows for the transport of mRNA and ribosomal components into the cytoplasm. 10. Which of the following combinations forms evidence which BEST supports the endosymbiont theory? Prokaryotie Cells Eukaryotic Celts (A) | Contain circular DNA in cells Contain linear DNA in mitochondria (B) | Contain circular DNA in cells Contain circular DNA in mitochondria linear DNA in mitochondria (©) | Comtain circular DNA in mitochondria | Contai (D) | Contain linear DNA in mitochondria Contain circular DNA in mitochondria 11, Bobby is given a tropical freshwater fish for his birthday. Experimenting with the fish, he places it in seawater and it dies. Which of the following statements MOST likely explains the reason for its death? (A) Water diffuses into the fish. {B) Water diffuses out of the fish (©) Ions diffuse from the fish to the seawater. (D) Less oxygen is in seawater than freshwater GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0210701 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 12, Astudent’s plan drawing of the transverse section of adicotyledonous stem seen under low power is shown below. o 0 50mm ‘The actual diameter of the stem is 10 mm, What is the magnification of the drawing? Ay x5 @) x10 (©) «100 (D) «500 13. Which of the following is an example of endocytosis? (A) Engulfing of a bacterium by a phagocyte {B) Release of acid into the stomach of ‘a mammal (C) Release of water from the contrac tile vacuole in amoeba (D) Formation of Golgi vesicles by ‘budding from cisternae 02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 Item 14 refers to the following diagram of a phospholipid bilayer. Outside 1 AAIRAAA UuUU Inside AAAAGED AAA, AAR QUWUULLYYY_Jebe 14. Whichofthe labelied strueturesis important for cell to cell recognition? ao ®) I © Wm o W Item 18 refersto the following graph which shows the progress of an enzyme-catalysed reaction with increasing temperature. x Rate of reaction e Temperature 15, The decline in the rate at X is MOST likely because (A) peptide bonds are broken (B) the enzyme loses its secondary structure (C) the enzyme loses its tertiary structure (D) substrate concentration becomes too low GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28s Item 16 refers to the following diagrams of molecules which are involved in the formation of nucleic acids. ong one rs H\n W/H HE OH on oH I u Si St a i . ee y H, Gea toa trac Thymine m v 16. Which two molecules combined with a phosphate group form an RNA nucleotide? (A) Land UT (B) Land Iv (©) Manda () MandIv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MJ/CAPE 2020 17. Which of the following diagrams illustrates the semi-conservative method of replication of DNA? @ ot ®) ow © om @) Vv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0210701 0/MS/CAPE 2020 -10- Item 18 refers to the following diagram which represents the relative amounts of DNA per nucleus during many cell divisions in an animal cell (arbitrary units) DNA per day ] i | a x ] 2m: ‘| o Time 18. Which of the following processes are occurring at X and ¥? x ¥ (@)_[ Fertilization [DNA synthesis (B)_[DNAsynthesis_ | Separation of chromosomes (© _[DNA synthesis | Fertilization (D)_[Feniiization [Cytokinesis tem 19 refers to the following diagram showing the stages of mitosis. 19. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies the stages labelled 1, 2 and 3? (A) (B) © (D) 1 Prophase Anaphase Metaphase Metaphase (02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 2 3 Metaphase Anaphase ; Prophase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase | Anaphase _Prophase GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 20. 21. 22, 23. One role of transfer RNA in protein synthesis is to (A) deliver amino acids to ribosomes (B) terminate the elongation of the polypeptide chain (©) actasa supporting framework for polypeptide chains (D) carry protein-building instructions from DNA into the cytoplasm Ina rat cell, there are 32 chromatids present at the beginning of prophase of, chromatids would there be in the cell at the beginning of Prophase | of m tosis. How many (A) 16 ® 2 © 32 () 64 Which of the following is NOT true of homologous chromosomes? (A) They are the same length. (B) They contain the same alleles. (C) They contain the same number of genes. (D) _Euchromatin and heterochromatin bands are the same. Item 23 refers to a piece of a DNA strand showing the triplet codons, and a table which shows the triplet codons and their relative amino acids, DNAstrand 5’ ATAGTATTTCGAAAGAGA 3! Serer ed Wome A] Ybor 98} Bey lo Ba ay se See aay) Sa Sede om) Bim Silo BS aig ae oe cor nen ee Ala SE, be Mails el le ee a I Ban sole steele) Bil Selon Bel Be : sel" SS She Which of the following represents the sequence of amino a DNA strand? in the polypeptide chain from the (A) Serine — Lysine — Histidine ~ Phenylalanine ~ Glycine ~ Tyrosine (B) Serine ~ Phenylalanine — Alanine — Lysine ~ Histidine ~ Tyrosine (C) Tyrosine - Glycine ~ Phenylalanine — Histidine ~ Lysine ~ Serine (D) Tyrosine — Histidine — Lysine ~ Alanine ~ Phenylalanine — Serine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MJ/CAPE 2020 24. 25. 26. = 112 = Which of the following describes 27. protogyny? (A) Anthers mature before stigmas. (B) _Stigmas mature before anthers. (©) Thereare separate male and female plants. (D) A plant has separate male and female flowers. Ltem25 refers to the following information Fur colour in mice is controlled by a pair of genes occupying different loci, “I represents the presence of colour, “r” represents albino. Theallele for brown fur 28. is “A” and for black fur “a” What is the phenotypic ratio of the F, from a cross between two F, with the genotype RrAa? (A) 3 brown: 4 black : 9 albino (B) 3 brown : 9 black : 4 albino (©) 9 brown : 3 black : 4 albino (D) 9 brown : 4 black : 3 albino Which of the following events that occur 29, during meiosis is MOST likely to result in chromosomal mutation? (A) Nonedisjunetion (B) DNA replication (©) Homologous pairing (D) _ Independent assortment (02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 The phenotype of an organism is BEST explained as those visible characteristics that (A) reffect the genetic make-up of the organism (B) provide adescription of the overall appearance of the organism. (C) are due, to the impact of the environment in which the organism lives (D) __reflectthe interaction of the genetic ‘make-up and the environment of the organism Which of the following forms of gene mutation will result in a frameshift mutation? I. Deletion U. Inversion I. Addition (A) Land Itonly (B) Land Il only (C) Wand If only (D) Land ur There are various isolating mechanisms which can result in populations of the same species evolving into two distinct species. Which of the following is an example of behavioural isolation? (A) Pinus radiata flowers in February while Pinus attenuata flowers in April. (B) —_Fiolaarvensisgrowsoncaleareous soils whereas Viola tricolor prefers acidic soils. (C) The flower structure of certain orchids prevents the transfer of pollen from another species. (D) In species of funnel web spiders, only males which spray the femalewitha chemical substance, are allowed to mate with her. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Big 30, Which type of isolation plays the MOST significant role in allopatrie speciation (A) (B) «) )) Temporal Ecological Behavioural Geographical tems 31-32 refer to the following diagram which shows the embryo sac of a flowering plant. @ @) In answering Items 31-32, each labelled part may be used once, more than once or not at all Which of the labelled structures 31. is the female gamete? 32. develops into the endosperm? 33. Which row in the following table shows the correct indicated? chromosome number for the structures Chromosome Number n 2n 3n (A) | Pollen tube nucteus | Cotyledon Endosperm (B) | Pollen tube nucleus | Endosperm Cotyledon (©) | Cotyledon Pollen tube nucleus | Endosperm () | Cotyledon Endosperm Pollen tube nucleus 02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35. 36. “14. In plants, the ovary is BEST deseribed as the (A) tip ofa carpel (B) basic unit of the gynoecium (©) swollen base of a single carpel (D) __ female reproductive part of the flower Items 38-36 refer to the following diagram which shows the stages in the development of the embryo sac and female gamete. Mature embryo sac ‘The processes occurring at Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively are (A) meiosis, growth, mitosis, nuclear fusion (B) mitosis, growth, meiosis, nuclear fusion (C) meiosis, mitosis, nuclear fusion, growth (D) nuclear fusion, growth, mitosis, meiosis A diploid nucleus is formed at Stage GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MNCAPE 2020 37. The structure labelled Y is the (A) tapetum (B) —stomium (C) epidermis (D) pollen mother cell 38. Which of the following does NOT promote cross-pollination? (A) Protandry (B) — Protogyny (C) — Cleistogamy (D) _Self-incompatibility GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 -16- Item 39 refers to the following graph which shows the relative concentrations of the pituitary hormones W and X, and the ovarian hormones Y and Z. during the menstrual eyele. Pituitary hormones Ovarian hormones 0 7 a 2 28 39. The hormones W, X, Y and Z are Ww x mM Z (A) [progesterone [oestrogen ADH FSH (B)__ [FSH LH oestrogen progesterone (© [oestrogen LH adrenaline progesterone [cn oestrogen FSH progesterone 40. Which of the following occur in asexual reproduction ONLY? (A) Gametes are never involved and there is fusion of haploid nuclei (B) Offspring are genetically the same and there is fusion of gametes. (©) Gametes are never involved and offspring are genetically different. (D) Offspring are genetically the same and gametes are almost never involved. 41. Which of the following are the nutritive cells of the seminiferous tubules? (A) Leydig cells (B) Sertoli cells (©) Spermatogonia (D) Cowper's cells 02107010/MI/CAPE 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2. 43. site tem 42 refers to the following diagram of the human female reproductive system. At which of the regions labelled I, II, III and IV does fertilization take place? uel ® w © m o wv Item 43 refers to the following di electron micrograph. ram of a small section of the human placenta as seen in an oe Red blood cell Which of the following correctly identifies the structures X and Y? rx icrovilli (A) {B) (©_| Protective barrier (D)_[Protective barrier icrovillt GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/MJ/CAPE 2020 eig= Which of the following is an important function of the mammalian placenta? (A) _Sectetes hormones that are important during pregnancy (B) Stores the metabolic waste of the developing foetus (©) Helps to regulate and maintain a constant foetal body temperature (D) Transports drugs taken by the mother during pregnancy to the foetus Which of the following BEST exp pregnancy? why women should increase their intake of folate during (A) The foetus cannot synthesize sufficient folate needed for its development. (B) The foetus is at risk of developing spina bifida if it does not get sufficient folate. (C) The foetus is at risk of having a deformed skeleton if it does not get sufficient folate. (D) The foetus will withdraw folate from the mother’s body, thus putting heratriskofdeveloping deformities. END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02107010/MICAPE 2020

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