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Discussion topic – Describe those strategies and visual aids that could be used to enhance

your presentation to both audiences

• Posters
PowerPoint slides
Dry erase boards
Overhead transparencies
Puppet show
Movie clips
Audio clips

Discussion topic – Your proposal must address the maintenance of the theme of a campaign

• You can maintain your theme through the use of a variety of media such as speeches,
discussion, dramatic presentations, songs, jingles, T-shirts
• You can use different channels such as TV, radio, Facebook, theatre, newspapers, bumper
• Maintenance of the theme is dependent on the effort that you put into the daily
bombardment over the specific period of time.

Discussion topic – Your proposal must address targeting difference kinds of audience in
the campaign

• The members of the community are the various audiences which you need to put into
categories according to age, gender, education, occupation, ethnicity etc
• Choose a medium that will best deliver the message to each of the audiences

Discussion topic – Evaluation of the campaign

• You must still decide which evaluation method(s) to use. For example, if you are interested
in knowing whether a community campaign was successful in influencing how community
members view their relationship with the environment, you may select attitudes toward
recycling as the indicator of change. But how can you measure attitudes toward the
environment? Could you use a questionnaire? Might personal interviews be appropriate?

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What other methods could you use to evaluate?

Focus groups

Suggestion box

Face book page


Discussion topic – The appeals to the target group

• Whenever you are asked to discuss ‘appeals’ you are to remember that a seller, a debater
or anyone who is trying to win or persuade someone always appeal on grounds of ethos,
pathos and logos and so they:
• Appeal to reason or logic, using facts and figures
• Appeal to emotions, using emotive words and slogans; jingles; visuals;
• Appeal to ethos

Discussion topic – The effectiveness of strategies to be used to encourage awareness

• Use of catchy tune or jingle

• Use of popular local personality as voice over
• Placing ads in school newspapers or magazine pull-out
• Sponsoring school-related or community based events
• Use of promotional merchandise like cups, key rings with the name of company, pencils,
pencil cases, pens, knapsacks, tote bags, T-shirts, wrist band
• Creation of a mascot that will appear at malls

Discussion topic – Justification for at least THREE specific strategies to be used to promote
a campaign in a school community

• Posters to attract and inform

• Banners to attract, inform and excite
• Articles in school newspaper – aimed at informing and winning credibility
• Messages posted on social network sites/media – to attract the extended school community
(Facebook, Instagram, blog, Google+)

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• Face –to- face invitation – adding that personalized touch to the campaign
• T – Shirts to advertise the campaign
• Use of different varieties of language - to appeal to different kinds of audiences
• Use of different registers – to appeal to different kinds of audiences

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