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– Julie Nolke

2 - Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend that.

1 - Boom, Baby!
1 - I just wanna kiss a strangers face.
2 - What’s up?
2 - Don’t do that, nobody wants that.
1 - Haya!
1 - Hey look at this, we’re done with
2 - What’s going on here?
these (burn a mask).
1 - Kwa Kwa Pow!
2 - No, we’re not.
2 - New dance? Or…
1 - Yeah, because I’m vaxxed.
1 - Zoonk!
2 - But I’m not
2 - Oh, did you cut yourself?
1 – You’re not vaxxed?
1 - I’m vaxxed (vaccinated).
2 – No.
2 - Oh! Awesome. Congratulations.
1 – Is it a… because you’re hesitant?
1 - I feel it flowing through my veins, I
2 – No I’m not hesitant. I just, I’m in line
feel like a million bucks!
and I can’t get an appointment. And if I
2 - That’s so excting, it’s really good for
have to hear one more person say “stay
strong, you’ll get yours soon, I’m gonna
1 - Like a super hero! Just! (grunting).
lose it”.
2 - Because you won’t die from a
1 – Yikes.
deadly virus?
2 – What do you mean “Yikes”? There
1 - No, because of the microship.
are a lot of people still waiting in line. A
Because I’m half man half machine
lot of countries still desperate to get the
vaccine, and they can’t get their hands
2 - Oh my God no.
on it. Just because it is over for you
1 - Yeah, no, I’m totally just kidding.
does not mean it’s over. You’re in a
2 - Oh, Thank God.
very privileged position.
1 - No, but seriously, I just like, I want to
1 – Right? Yeah… you seem a little
go out now and I want to lick all the
door handles.
2 – Yeah. I guess I am a little bit.
2 - That’s strange.
1 - Ughh! I’ve just been restricted for so
2 - Did you do a lot of that before the
1 - Not even once.
2 - M’kay.
1 - But I can now.

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