Biografi Dimyathi Syafi Inggris

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Biography of Dimyathi Syafi'ie

KH. Dimyathi with KH. Khamadulloh Dimyathi

Born 1912
Wonokromo, District Pleret, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta

Died : 1959 Mecca or Makkah al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia

Known for Founder : Pondok Pesantren Kepundungan

Hadratusy : Shaykh's title

The couple : Nyai Saudah
Kyai Haji Dimyathi Syafi'ie

KH. Dimyathi Syafi'ie was born in 1912 AD in the
village of Wonokromo, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta, son of
Kyai Shafi'ie. Thobiri is his little name. At the age of 14
years, he began to gather in the study of religion and at that
time he was invited with his brother (Kiai Maksum) to the Blambangan Banyuwangi land.

KH Dimyathi during his teenage years, he wanted to study outside of Blambangan

Banyuwangi. So, he also expressed this intention to his mother. But the mother stated that her
family was not having enough supplies to finance her wishes. Families in Banyuwangi only
have rice fields that can not be expected much because of the difficult times of colonial times.
But Dimyathi seems to have been firm with his wishes. He wants to sell the rice fields that
become part of his heritage later as an adult. In spite of his astonishment and almost disbelief,
his mother then brooded upon seeing this child's determination. His mother was even more
surprised when he saw that all the money from the sale of one hectare paddy fields was
bought by the book. So surprised his mother even had time to say, "Eat tuh kitab."

As a result Dimyathi was immediately left his house to go to Pesantren Termas, in

Pacitan. Since all his money had been bought by the book, he was only supplied by his
mother with a sack of cengkaruk / karak mixed corn. This food ingredient is a material that
shows how exactly Dimyathi family in Banyuwangi also equally difficult due to Dutch
But apparently with the stock just a sack of this cengkaruk, Dimyathi able to survive up to
three years in Pesantren Termas. Apparently he survives on Termas by working to the fields
to meet his needs during the moth. Therefore Dimyathi then apply this method in his
pesantren which he has built again.

While in Pesantren Dimyathi is famous as a diligent santri, it is said that he is the

beloved santri of the pesantren pesantren Termas. At that time Pesantren Termas was under
the guidance of KH. Hafidz Dimyathi. Because so unfortunately, this is where Dimyathi
changed its name to Dimyathi, the name he used until the end of his life. Previously, his birth
name was Muhibbut Thobari. So after the boyongan of Pesantren Termas, he also uses the
name Dimyathi. While the birth name, Muhibbut Thobari, is no longer used.
In the view of KH Dimyathi, the santri are legitimate to work during the study at
Pesantren, because it will help them to be independent from an early age and not burden the
parents at home. Pesantrens can provide land used by santri to grow crops or start a business,
provided they do not rule out the main task of learning religion. Thus the santri can sustain
their own life, so no need to be sent by parents from home.
That is what Dimyathi lived during the study in three Pesantren, namely Pesantren Termas
Pacitan, Pesantren Cemoro under the care of KH Abdullah Fakih and Idham Sari Pesantren,
Genteng under the guidance of KH Abdullah Syuja '. The last two pesantren are in
Banyuwangi region itself

So he practiced his knowledge when he had taken care of Pesantren. The students at
Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatuth Thullabb do not have to bring stock or provided by their
parents from home. Provided that his santri work hard certainly can sustain life and finance
his education during the pesantren. Therefore, the fund for pesantren development obtained
from President Soekarno was left to buy land, so that the santri did not burden their parents.
This fact is the truth, because either accidental or not, the number of santri is never more than
the available land capacity used to sustain the life and learning needs of the santri. So KH
Dimyathi can really educate students thoroughly, including when they have to foster them as
Hezbollah troops in the darkness of night. Sneak and ambush the enemy, to embrace the
yellow book in the morning at the pesantren.
Role In Independence of RI
In the days of struggle for independence, there are many casualties to be at stake by the
Indonesian people. Countless victims have been sacrificed for the sake of an emancipation.
Not just treasure and life, but also a sense of humiliation for being chased and driven away
from home.

But of course a lot of heroes who actually use it to fight in two realms, namely the
physical struggle to take up arms and da'wah struggle by educating the next generation of the
nation. One of the many heroes of the nation who fought in two fields of struggle at the same
time is KH Dimyathi Nahdlatuth Pondok Pesantren Thullabb Banyuwangi.
A charismatic scholar who has had many services for the independence of this Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia. He is one of the ulama of Nahdlatul Ulama with a great share in
the physical struggle culminating in the outbreak of the Jihad Resolution of Nahdlatul Ulama.
One form of real contribution to the physical struggle for independence is the fatwa which
reads, all students of santri in southern Banyuwangi area (old Blambangan area) must enter
Hizbullah. This fatwa has considerable consequences for santri in south Banyuwangi area.
With this fatwa, the santri have double duty. At night they had to sneak around to attack the
security posts of the Dutch and Japanese troops.

In the morning they again embraced the books of religious teachings. As a result
they are actually learning on the heap of ammunition and munition of spoils from the colonial
troops. Strictly speaking, KH Dimyathi is Commander of Hezbollah militia fighters affiliated
to NU for the southern Blambangan region. This kind of double activity is run by KH
Dimyathi along with his santri at the Nahdlatuth Thullabb Boarding School. Not without risk,
in addition to challenging the dangers at night, they are also always observed danger the next
day while they are reciting. The abundance of rogue intellectuals making their salvation is
always at stake at all times.
Besides nurturing Nahdlatuth Thullabb Boarding School, KH Dimyathi is also
believed as Rois Suriyah I Nahdlatul Ulama Blambangan branch at that time south
Banyuwangi. While at that time the Board Tanfidiyah entrusted to K Syuja'i. Both, along
with other scholars, shoulder to shoulder to lead the population there to resist colonialism.
Both physically and against all the bad effects of Dutch and Japanese oppression, including
the negative culture brought by every colonial government.
This state continued until the post-independence period. In defending the independence, the
santri continue to carry out attacks against the Dutch army posts at night. So indeed, over
time their resistance was smelled by the Dutch. So the boarding school he led was raided by
the Dutch army.

The entire building was burned, including pesantren building and KH Dimyathi's
tauhal spots flattened to the ground by the Dutch. All of his books as big as two large
cabinets were consumed in the fire. Because under the boarding building much embedded
ammunition and gunpowder of the spoils of the santri when guerrilla night, then the burning
becomes more and more. These gunfire caused the fire that raged the pesantren building
became more and more blazing and caused great explosions.
Although the santri have been ordered to step aside and disperse, one of the students named
Muhammad Fadlan was shot and killed in the Dutch attack. Muhammad Fadlan was later
buried as a martyr and transferred to the Heroes of Banyuwangi in 1962.

While KH Dimyathi was arrested by the Dutch and detained for 27 months until
mid-1949. Hezbollah southern Blambangan commander was actually almost executed by the
Dutch. But according to some stories, when the days of execution, the criminal documents by
the Dutch were lost and never found again. So that the execution was never really
implemented, until the time he was released due to Dutch defeats in Indonesia.
Works and thoughts
K.H. Dimyathi Shafi'ie has several writings and notes.
But with the burning of Pesundren Pesundren Kepundungan by the Dutch, then some
thoughts KH. Dimyathi Shafi'ie who has been recorded in several books can not be saved

Sumber :
Name : Rofi Ahul Joosika
Absent : 34
class : XI IPA 2

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