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••It upsets his health, often mind as well, person will be too analytical and will not

always see things as a whole, but will become absorbed in small details.
••Ketu in 1st house can give frequent headache or migraine, these people will have
lot of tensions in their head and at times behave like trouble creators.
••Ketu in 1st house people will not have continuation of thoughts, but they
remember every bad deed done to them by others and use them while quarrelling.
••First house positioning of Ketu can make a person spontaneous decision maker
••These people will have lot of other's secrets stored in them, but they seldom give
out their secrets.
••Self earned income can be spent on others rather enjoying all on Ketu 1 st house
••Ketu in first house people usually have bad early life where they don’t have much
scope to flourish or evaluate the soul.
••It gives a strong pioneering spirit with a ‘me-first’ attitude. There is an ability to
do all things by oneself.
••For Ketu in first house person, marriage or partnership activities are extremely
important in life.
••Self is often given no priority but what is best for the marriage is taken into
consideration. Thus, a self-sacrifice for the betterment of the marriage may turn
out to be a devastating situation.
••Native with Ketu in 1st house will try everything to maintain that relationship. As
an individual, they may not be able to contribute and achieve much in life.
••Ketu in first house gives a very good public image and their objectivity is fairly
well known among others. They are very charming, but not much diplomatic in
••If Ketu in 1st house sitting in own sign, can give very weak physical constitution.
••Ketu in first house people are not very social in nature and always go by their

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