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Ketu in third house of communication does well many a times if third lord is well

posted or any positive aspect on 3rd house ketu. As 3rd is the natural house of
Gemini where Ketu in comfortable enough, doesn’t give much bad effect if not
further afflicted. All the result varies as per the sign and aspect on 3 rd house Ketu.

••Very common factor about Ketu in 3rd position is having distant relation or break
of relation with sibling specially younger sibling.
••In the house of communication Ketu gives lots of argumentative or quarrelsome
attitude, or native is having much disagreement with others.
••At times native has lack of communicative skill or they want to convey maximum
in minimum usage of words.
••Ketu in third house gives a native tendency to focus too much on negligible
things of life even they associate with the people with similar sort of values in life.
••This 3rd positioning of Ketu gives too much relying on mental level rather
executing anything in real and still they are mostly mentally scattered people.
••At time such natives with Ketu in third house have irrational or impractical faith
on people which is more trapped by their emotional values than rational term.
••Ketu in 3rd house gives lots of trouble in finishing up basic education.
••If Ketu in third house is afflicted that can give bad reputation and scandal in
society about the native.
••Ketu in third house native will have the urge to do something for his/her
community rather than society.
••Most of the time Ketu in third house doesn’t allow the person to even convey the
problem of his/her life to others.
••Ketu in third house people has minimum self control or patience, they get
agitated very easily.
••Ketu in 3rd house people are not good enough in team work, as they have the
tendency to argue or disagree with other’s opinion.
••This can be a good positioning for inspirational speaker or motivating people in
life if 3rd lord position is good and third house is also aspected by positive planet.
••Interesting part of Ketu in 3rd house is that, after a while the native struggles to
pull him/herself out of any type of relationship or bond.
••Main focus is here to be neutral in everything they act or to talk about. Ketu in
third house people should broaden their horizon of interest day by day which can
give more scope to gather knowledge and utilize it as well.

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