ManglIK Dosha Mars in 8th House

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***MANGLIK DOSHA -Mars in 8th House***

If your mars is in 1st,4th,7th,8th or 12th house then You are Manglik.This is not a
big deal as approx 50% of our population has Manglik Dosha.What you need to
understand is the nature of your mars and how strong or weak your mars is.If you
are Manglik from Ascendant and Moon chart both then your Manglik effect
will be increased from 50% to 75%.All you need to know how to divert your Marsian
strength or energy that I wrote on 'Remedy for Mars' few days back.

Mars in 8th House : When Mars is in 8th house, person will be having main problem
of fighting for independence against threats,manipulation and other's can
be little lazy with mars in 8th house.8th is the house of hidden stuffs and keeping
things away from other's conscious.Mars is the Planet of anger and aggression,being
in 8th house anger and aggression get supressed. But you cant keep your anger down
for ever. Eventually it will get explode. Hence Mars in 8th house people are having
the tendency of keeping cool infront of people and then surprise them with a
explode of Emotion and Anger, such behavior gives sudden shock to spouse.8th house
Mars makes a person prone to accident if afflicted.As 8th is the house of sex
too,mars here gives abandon of passion and physical attraction.The whole building
of marriage-life is based on �sexual relation� between husband-wife and hence it is
obvious that the balance of sexual intensity in between the couple is essential
(though not inevitable). Therefore, the person having such position of Mars should
marry with the person having similar position of Mars.8th house mars can also be
the sign of childhood busing or painful issues of childhood provided mars is highly

If Mars is in own sign or sign of exaltation or aspected by jupiter then Person
will be courageous,wealthy and youthful in outlook. For Cancer and Leo Ascendant
Mars doesnt give bad effect for being yoga karak planet.For
Taurus,Gemini,Virgo,Pisces and Libra Ascendant Mars in st house can play a havoc in
marital life if no benefic aspects on it or if no cancellation of Manglik
Dosha.According to me no factors can 100% nullify the effect of Manglik Dosha only
can reduce the adverse effect upto 50%.Easiest and more Logical Way of nullifying
of Manglik Dosha and its adverse effects is to get married to another who has
similar position of Mars.
It has to be remembered that it is not only Mars that can create problem in married
Life, but there are lot of other factors which can disturb marital happiness. So
its not fair to blame every time Manglik People for marital disturbance.
Wearing Mars-stone to avoid Mangalik influence is also a wrong practice running in
our society, as wearing Mars-stone will increase the reception of the vibrations of
Mars and consequently the qualities caused by Mars will also increase instead of

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