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When Moon is in Cancer its in very comfortable shape and position as Cancer is

Moon's own sign. They are the mother of Astrology as Cancer owns the natural 4th
house of astology.They nurture a maternal instinct, familiy oriented and love to
care for others. They adore large families, always providing for others, keen on
family history.Sympathetic, kind and compassionate they are sensitive to others.All
these features give them the characteristcs of Mother.They will alws stand by u
when u r in need.

Moon in Cancer gives a very creative artistic and imaginary mind.Being in own water
sign Moon gives a good intuitive power for Cancerians which is quite good for
managing their own life on a day to day basis.
Moon in caner person is quite introvert and like a crab they can hide their
emotions behind the hard shall.they are moody, shy and quite a lot like a baby but
when it comes to protecting their emotions the will never be shy.Most often
cancerians hurt the ones most who have been good to them.

as moon is in own watery sign, here mind becomes little dreamy and love to be in
imaginary world. In every opportinity they dont miss show up their emotional side,
whether love, fear grief or joy.They get hurt very easily as their sensitive mind
is hard to cope up with most of the less sensitive ppl around them.

They are good with their hands, so if they are in writing, painting making
sculptors, cooking, sales etc.they will do wonderful if they take such thing as
their full time profession. though they have the tendency of changing their
profession completely to some other field mid way of life, some where nearly
35years of their age.

Cancerians fall in love quite often and mostly those who are completely opposite in
nature attracts them more.Many of them go for late marriage.As Moon is highly
sensitive in its own watery sign,With the waxing and Wanning moon their mood has
various fluctuations.

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