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Question 12: According to paragraph 2, why is the information gathered from tracking Deep Blue

is important for great white sharks?

A. Because it helps scientists predict where great white sharks will mate.ot ads
B. Because it shows exactly how people should protect great white sharks. osroo
C. Because it gives people information on where great whites gestate and where they give birth.
D. Because it provides data helping scientists to find ways to increase the number of great
Question 13: The word "them in paragraph 4 refers to
A. impacts B. records C.animals D. oceans
Question 14: In paragraph 3, we learn that
A. some species like manta rays are decreasing in size every single vear.
B. the largest individuals of some species have died out because of humans. wov
C. fishing is the main reason why animals are not as big as they are in the past.

n ocean species in the present world are becoming much smaller than ever before.

Question 15: The word "boon" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to,
A. pleasure B. advantage C. luxury D. favour
Question 16: Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?
A. People are always very interested in Deep Blue because it is the biggest shark in history.
B. Measurements and records showed that it would not be easy for people to restore species.
It is almost impossible for predators to hunt the alligator gar once they have fully grown.
D. The SuperCroc's diet can be predicted by studying the diet of today's biggest crocodiles.
Question 17: The word "worthwhile" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by.
A. construcuvE B. valuable C. lucrative D. reassuring
Question 18: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Most people do not agree with the viewpoint that large animals can have scientific value.
B. The best way to help species return to their original state is to completely ban fishing
C. The alligator gar is being hunted more and more because people know how rare they are.

D. Examining the biggest animals of today may help us learn more about their ancestors.

T0: Which of


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