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PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR LISTENING EXERCISE 20: Consultations—Professors/Students In some consultations in the Listening Section on the Internet-Based TOEFL, you will be asked to recall information from consultations between professors and students about classroom content or poli- ies. The interactions wi include natural pauses and will be at a normal rate for a conversation between native speakers. Choose the best answer for multiple-choice questions. For computer-assisted questions, follow the directions on screen. Consultation One 1, What is the purpose of the consultation? ® Larry has some questions before the quiz. © Larry wants to know more about Hawai © Lamy is concemed about his grade on the last quiz. ® Lary is asking for help because he missed the lecture, 2. What is the main topic of this consultation? ® Topography, ® Volcanoes. © Hawai ®D Hot spots. 3. What is the altitude of Hawaii? ® 400-500 meters. ® 4,500 meters. © 5,500 meters. ® 10,000 meters. 4, What does the professor say about the newest Hawaiian island? ® Ithas not yet been given an official scientific name. ® It will appear in 10-40 years according to estimates, ‘© Itis already a few feet above sea level when the ocean is calm, ® It will already be very high when it appears above the water. . Listen agi to part of the conversation. ‘Then answer the question. “Of course, we won't actually see it above the surface of the ocean for another ten to forty thousand years, and you and I won't see it at all... but uh... we are observing it closely as it continues to build under water.” Why does the professor say this: “...and you and I won't see it at all . ® He is sad that he won't see it. ® He is giving a concrete example. © He is making a little joke. ® He is disagreeing with the student. Put the following events in order to explain how island chains are formed. Click on a choice. Then click on the number in the sequence, ® Lithospheric plates move over the hot spot, carrying the island with them. ® Active volcanoes in a hot spot erupt to build the first island. ‘© Island building occurs in a second place close to the first island, ® The plates move again while the hot spot remains in place. Refer to pages 345-347 for the Explanatory Answers. Consultation Two 1. What is Ronda’s problem? ® She does not have a topic for her term paper. ® The topic that she has selected is too broad. © The professor does not like the topic for her paper. ® She cannot find information about the topic she has chosen, 2. How long should the paper be? ® Five pages. ® Ten to twelve pages. © Fifteen to twenty pages. ®D Twenty-five pages. 3. What does Dr. Gilbert suggest? ® Ronda should choose a different topic for her paper. ® Ronda should use the resources that he has given her. © Ronda should talk with him again after she has a title. ® Ronda should show him her first draft in class tomorrow. 4, Where did Ronda’s family live five years LISTENING SECTION: EXERCISE 20 39 5. Listen again to part of the conversation. ‘Then answer the question. “Hi, Dr. Gilbert. Are you busy?” “Just getting organized for my class.” Why does the student ask this: “Are you busy?” ® She wonders what Dr. Gilbert is doing. ® She is chatting with Dr. Gilbert. © She is interrupting Dr. Gilbert politely. ® She would like to help Dr. Gilbert. 6. What will Ronda most probably do? ® Write her paper about the Hall of Mirrors. ® Try to find more sources for her term paper. © Change her topic to some other period of art. ® Revise her second draft to make it longer. Refer to pages 347-350 for the Explanatory Answers. PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR LISTENING EXERCISE 21: Group Discussions—Students In some group discussions in the Listening Section on the Internet-Based TOEFL, you will be asked to understand interactions among three or more students about a variety of classroom and content topics. The discussions wil native speakers. Choose the best answer. Discussion One 1. What is the main purpose of this study group? ® To prepare for a test. ® To create a presentation. © To compare answers from a quiz. ® To exchange lecture notes. ‘Who has identified an ideal bureaucracy? ® Rosenberg. ® Weber. © Graham. ® Bensman 3. Which law states that people advance until they reach a position in which they are less likely to succeed? ® Weber's law. ® Parkinson's law. © The Rosenberg principle. ® The Peter principle. 4, Which topic will probably appear as an essay question? ® Contrast the Peter principle and Parkinson’ law. ® Contrast formal and informal organizations. © Summarize the Bensman and Rosenberg study. ‘® Summarize the characteristics in Weber's bureaucracy. include natural pauses, and will be at a normal rate for a conversation between 5. Listen again to part of the discussion. ‘Then answer the question. “You got that right. He’s gone over that definition at the beginning of almost every class since the last test.” Why does the man say this: e's gone over that definition at the beginning of almost every class since the last test.” ® He is confirming that the woman has answered the question correctly. ® He is suggesting that the woman repeat the answer to the question, © He is ridiculing the woman because 2 she should know the answer. Ic is emphasizing that the question will be on the next test. 6. What can we assume about Dr. Graham? ® He gives objective tests. ® He requires study groups. © He teaches business. ® He appreciates creativity Refer to pages 350-352 for the Explanatory Answers. Discussion Two 1, What is the purpose of this study group? ® To help each other review for a test. ® To rehearse their group presentation. © To compare their lecture notes and handouts, ‘® To encourage and motivate each other. 2. What do the letters in the SQ3R method represent? ® Anew way to take notes. ® A short name for the survey method. © The five steps in the reading process. ® Different ways to study for exams. 3. What does the word survey mean? ® To take the first step. ® To summarize, © To ask questions. ® To look quickly. 4, What will the group do at the end of the presentation? ® Answer questions. ® Read from the textbook. © Hand out a survey. ® Demonstrate the method. Whi LISTENING SECTION: EXERCISE 21 41 . Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question. “At this point, you don’t stop to write sorry ... [ mean, read complete sentences. Just look at the important divisions of the material.” Why does the man say this: “sorry... mean, read complete sentences.” ® He noticed that he was speaking too fast. ® He forgot to read something to the group. © He corrected something he had said. ® He was giving directions politely. probably the group leader? ® Carl. ® Joan. © Phil. ® Martha. Refer to pages 352-355 for the Explanatory Answers. PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR LISTENING EXERCISE 22: Class Clarifications—Professor/Students In some talks in the Listening Section on the Paper-Based TOEFL, you will be asked to recall infor- mation exchanged between professors and students in announcements and explanations that might be heard at the beginning or end of a college class. Choose the best answer. Talk One ‘What is the purpose of the announcement? ® To give an overview of the course. ® To explain how to prepare for the test © To cover the material from the textbooks. ® To assist students with their lab assignments. 2. On the test, how much will the multiple- choice questions count? ® Ten percent. ® Twenty-five percent. © Forty percent. © Fifty percent. 3. For what percentage of the total grade will the test count? ® Ten percent ® Twenty-five percent. © Forty percent. @ Fifty percent. 4. What does the speaker say about math problems? ® The students should not review their notes. ® There won't be any math problems on the test. © There will be fifty math problems on the test. ® The math formulas will not be necessary for the test. ® An English class. ® Ahistory class. © A chemistry class. © A foreign language class. Tal ‘What is the main topic of this talk? ® The difference between plagiarism and legitimate writing strategies ® The penalties for plagiarism. © The use of quotations in term papers. ® The requirement for a term paper on plagiarism. ‘What is plagiarizing? ® Using your own ideas. ® Quoting someone’s exact words and citing the source. ® Enelosing someone's exact words in quotation marks. ® Copying ideas without citing the source: What are two legitimate writing strategies? ® Paraphrasing and plagiarizing. ® Quoting and plagiarizing. © Paraphrasing and quoting. ® Copying and paraphrasing ‘What will happen to a student who plagiarizes on the term paper? ® He will receive a lower grade. ® He will be asked to repeat the course. © He will be asked to rewrite the paper. ® He will fail the course. ‘Who is the speaker? ® Awriter. ® A student. © Alibrarian. ® Ateacher. Refer to pages 355-357 for the Explanatory Answers. LISTENING SECTION: EXERCISE 23 43 EXERCISE 23: Class Clarifications—Professors/Students In some talks in the Listening Section on the Internet-Based TOEFL, you will be asked to recall information exchanged between professors and students in announcements and explanations that might be heard at the beginning or end of a college class. The clarifications will include natural pauses, and will be at a normal rate for a conversation between native speakers. Choose the best answer. Talk One 1. What is the main purpose of this talk? ® To discuss incomplete grades. ® To arrange for makeup exams. © To explain course policies and procedures. ® To give an overview of the course content. 2. What is the speaker’s policy for late assignments? ® He will allow the students one day after the due date before marking them down. ® He will not accept late assignments. © He will subtract one letter from the grade for each day that the paper is late. ® He will excuse students who are il. 3. What is the professor's attendance policy? ® He calls the roll before every session. ® He does not take attendance in class. © He has each student check in after class. ® He uses a seating chart to take attendance. 4. What is the procedure for a student to receive a grade of incomplete? ® The student must submit a request form explaining why the incomplete is necessary. ® The student must call the speaker to explain. © The student must arrange for the incomplete within one week of the final exam. ® The student must register to take the course again. 5. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. “Remember that attendance is 10 percent sorry . .. 15 percent of the grade, which usually makes the difference between an A and a B, or a B and aC.” Why does the professor say this: ‘Remember that attendance is 10 percent sorry. .. 15 percent of the grade...” ® He is acknowledging that his policy is unpopular. ® He is announcing a change in policy. © He is correcting an error that he made. ® He is reminding students to attend. 6. What can we infer about the speaker? ® He is not very organized. ® He does not like his students. © He does not mind if his students call him at home. ® He does not give many exams. Refer to pages 357-358 for the Explanatory Answers. 44 PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR LISTENING Talk Two 1. What is the purpose of this talk? ® The professor is announcing the grades for the group project. ‘The students are asking questions about the group project. ‘The professor is explaining how he will grade the group project. The students are protesting their grades ‘on the group project. @e 06 2. How will the written report be graded? ® Each individual will receive a separate grade. ® The same grade will be given to every member of the group. © The professor will give three grades for the report. ® Three grades will be averaged for the evaluation of the report. 3. How will the final grade be calculated for eactf student? ® The professor will average the grades of each member of the group. ® Two group grades and one indi grade will be averaged ‘© The self-evaluation for each member of the group will be averaged. ® The grades of all three groups will be averaged, idual 4. How will the professor know what each individual has contributed? ® He will supervise each student closely. ® He will rely on each individual to report. © The group will verify a report by each member. ® The group leader will report each member's work. 5. Listen again to a part of the talk. ‘Then answer the question. “How do you divide the work? Well, uh - in the past, some of my students have actually divided the report into sections, and each group member does . . . has written one of the sections.” Why does the professor ask this: “How do you divide the work?” ® He wants to know how the students are approaching the project. ® He does not understand what the students are doing. ® He asks a question in order to provide an answer for the students. ® He disapproves of the way that the students organized the work. 6. Why does the professor most probably use such a complicated grading system? ® He is trying to be fair. ® He has used it hefore © He does not like to evaluate, ® He can explain it easily. Refer 10 pages 358-360 for the Explanatory Answers.

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