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Universidad de Guanajuato, DICIS.


Homework #1. Introductory Concepts and Definitions.

1.3. Sketch possible system boundaries for studying each of the following:
a) a bicycle tire inflating.
b) a kettle of water boiling.
c) a household refrigerator in operation.
d) a jet engine in flight.
e) a hot steel billet quenching in an oil bath.
f) a residential gas furnace in operation.
g) a rocket launching.
Indicate whether the systems should be classed as closed systems or control volumes, and identify
locations where the systems interact with their surroundings.
1.5. A wind turbine-electric generator is mounted atop a tower. The electrical output of the
generator is fed to a series of storage batteries that supply electricity to a dwelling. Considering the
wind turbine-electric generator as a system, identify locations on the system boundary where the
system interacts with its surroundings and describe the changes that occur within the system with
time. Repeat for an enlarged system that includes the storage batteries.
1.8. A system consists of liquid oxygen in equilibrium with oxygen vapor. How many phases are
present? The system undergoes a process during which some of the liquid is vaporized. Can the
system be viewed as being a pure substance during the process? Explain.
1.15. An object occupies a volume of 25 ft3 and weights 20 lbf at a location where the acceleration
of gravity is 31.0 ft/s2. Determine its weight, in lbf, and its average density, in lb/ft 3, on the moon,
where g = 5.57 ft/s2.
1.22. An object whose mass is 7 lb is subjected to an applied upward force of 20 lbf. The only other
force acting on the object is the force of gravity. Determine the net acceleration of the object, ft/s 2,
assuming the acceleration of gravity is constant, g = 32.2 ft/s2. Is the net acceleration upward or
1.32. A system consists of air in a piston-cylinder assembly, initially at p1 = 20 lbf/in2, and
occupying a volume of 1.5 ft3. The air is compressed to a final volume of 0.5 ft 3. During the
process, the relation between pressure and volume is pV1.4 = constant. Determine the final pressure
in lbf/in2.
1.34. A manometer is attached to a tank of gas in which the pressure is greater than that of the
surroundings. The manometer liquid is mercury, with a density of 13.59 g/cm3. The difference in
mercury levels in the manometer is 2 cm. The acceleration of gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2. The
atmospheric pressure is 93.0 kPa. Calculate in kPa:
(a) the gage pressure of the gas.
(b) the absolute pressure of the gas.

Dr. Francisco Elizalde Blancas

Universidad de Guanajuato, DICIS.

1.40. The figure shows a tank within a tank, each containing air. Pressure gage A is located inside
tank B and reads 1.4 bar. The U-tube manometer connected to tank B contains mercury. Using data
on the diagram, determine the absolute pressures inside tank A and tank B, each in bars. The
atmospheric pressure surrounding tank B is 101 kPa. The acceleration of gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2.

1.44. Determine the absolute pressure exerted on an object submerged 1000 m below the surface of
the sea, in bars. The density of seawater is 1020 kg/m3 and the acceleration of gravity is g = 9.7
m/s2. The local atmospheric pressure is 0.98 bar.
1.53. Convert the following temperatures from °F to °C: (a) 70°F, (b) 0°F, (c) -30°F, (d) 500°F, (e)
212°F, (f) -459.67°F. Convert each temperature to the Rankine scale.
1.59. As shown in Fig. P1.59, water vapor flows through a valve and enters a turbine. The turbine
drives an electrical generator. Mass exits the turbine at a rate of 10,000 kg/h. Using data from the
figure as needed.
(a) convert the rate of mass flow to kg/s.
(b) express p2 in MPa.
(c) express T1 in K.
(d) express p1 in bars.

T1 = 420°C p2 = 40 bars
p1 = 5000 kPa

10,000 kg/h

Dr. Francisco Elizalde Blancas

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