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The Intro:

Welcome to the Intro to Flight School, The Lost Breed’s 4-week beginners jump training
program. This program is specifically designed to not only vastly improve your vertical
leaping ability but also increase your all-round athleticism.


This program was created to get you ready for Flight School, which is our 8-Week jump-
training program. Throughout the Intro you will be introduced to various exercises that are
uniquely set out to increase your vertical. We specifically designed these 4 weeks to gradually
prepare your body to execute the exceptional 8 weeks of Flight School.


Upon graduating from The Intro it is highly recommended that you move on to the next step,
which is our 8-week program, Flight School.


Day 1: Day 5:

Sprints 4 Sets 10-15 Yards Rest/Recover

Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets of 6
Broad Jumps 3 Sets of 4
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 20 Seconds

Day 2: Day 6:
Rest/Recover Leg Extensions 4 Sets 12-15
Hamstring Curls 4 Sets 12-15
Squats 5 Sets of 8
Day 3:
Weighted Step Ups 4 Sets of 10 Each Leg
Lateral Hurdles 3 Sets of 8
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 Sets of 12-15
Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
Calf Machine 4 Sets of 20
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 5 Superset

Depth Jump 3 Sets of 5 Bodyweight Jump Squats 4 Sets of 10-12
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 20 Seconds

Day 4: Day 7:

Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 10-15 Yards Rest/Recover

Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets of 8
Broad Jumps 3 Sets of 4
Kneeling Get Ups 3 Sets of 4
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 20 Seconds WWW.THELOSTBREED.COM

Day 1: Day 5:

Sprints 4 Sets 10-15 Yards Rest/Recover

Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets of 6
Broad Jumps 3 Sets of 4
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 25 Seconds

Day 2: Day 6:
Rest/Recover Squats 5 Sets of 5
Hamstring Curl 4 Sets of 12-15
Hip Thrusts 4 Sets of 12-15
Day 3:
Lunges 4 Sets of 10 Each Leg
Lateral Hurdles 3 Sets of 8
Leg Extensions 4 Sets of 12-15
Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height
Calf Machine 4 Sets of 20
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height Superset

Depth Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height Bodyweight Jump Squats 4 Sets of 10-12
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 25 Seconds

Day 4: Day 7:

Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 10-15 Yards Rest/Recover

Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets of 8
Broad Jumps 3 Sets of 4
Kneeling Get Ups 3 Sets of 4
Foot Fires 4 Sets of 25 Seconds

Day 1: Day 5:

Single Leg Hurdles 4 Sets of 6 Rest/Recover

Seated Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute

Day 2: Day 6:
Rest/Recover Hamstring Curls 4 Sets of 12-15
Leg Extensions 4 Sets of 12-15
Squats 5 Sets of 5
Day 3:
Weighted Step Ups 4 Sets of 10 Each Leg
Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 10-15 Yards
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 Sets of 10-12
Broad Jumps 3 Sets of 4
Calf Machine 4 Sets of 20
Kneeling Tuck Jump 3 Sets of 5 Superset

Alternating Split Jumps 3 Sets of 6 Each Leg Bodyweight Jump Squats 4 Sets of 10-12
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute

Day 4: Day 7:

180 Jumps 4 Sets of 8 Rest/Recover

Seated Box Jump 3 Sets of 4
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets of 4
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 4
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute

Day 1: Day 5:

Single Leg Hurdles 4 Sets of 5 Rest/Recover

Seated Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 5
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute

Day 2: Day 6:
Rest/Recover Squats 5 Sets of 5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 5 Sets of 10-12

Lunges 4 Sets of 10 Each Leg

Day 3: Hamstring Curl 4 Sets of 12-15
Resistant Sprints 3 Sets of 10-15 Yards
Bodyweight Jump Squats 4 Sets of 10-12
Alternating Foot Taps 3 Sets of 20 Taps
Calf Machine 4 Sets of 20
Broad Jump 3 Sets of 5 Superset

Depth Jump 3 Sets of 5 Leg Extensions 4 Sets of 12-15
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute

Day 4: Day 7:

180 Jumps 4 Sets of 8 Rest/Recover

Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height
Running Box Jump 3 Sets of 2 Max Height Advance to Flight School now!
Jump Rope 2 Sets of 1 Minute WWW.THELOSTBREED.COM

Congratulations, you have now graduated from The Intro to Flight School and can proceed
to Flight School. Up to this point you have learned and begun to master the specialized
exercises you will need to take your overall athleticism to the next level.

As you can see your legs are just becoming accustomed to the vigorous training that is
mandatory for you to increase your jumping ability. You now have an idea of how much
dedication and commitment this task requires. We as The Lost Breed would like to
commend you for all your hard work. However, this is just the beginning...
Flight School is up next!

Advance to Flight School now!

Welcome to Flight School, The Lost Breed’s 8-week jump training
program. This completely unique program is designed to not only vastly
improve your vertical leaping ability but also increase your all-round
athleticism. Improving your vertical ability can be an extremely challenging
and frustrating battle; it takes a huge amount of time, persistence and
dedication to see true results. With the help of this program those results will
be well within your grasp.

Flight School is divided into four 2-week phases; this will give you
intermediate goals to reach for and a progressive system so you can see your
improvements develop. Phase 1 of the program is an introductory phase; you
will be introduced to the various exercises in order to allow both your body
and mind to adapt to the new movements. Phase 2 introduces new exercises
at an increased intensity to continually push your body. Phase 3 will gradually
get harder and this is when your jumping ability will be put to the test as we
have you striving for new personal record heights. The final phase is the most
intense, by this time your body will be akin to the regimen and movements so
an increased intensity is vital in the final push to achieve your goal.

The Lost Breed strongly recommends that you consult with your
physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good
physical condition and be able to participate in the exercises. If you choose to
follow The Lost Breed’s program without consulting your physician, you are
doing so at your own risk. Adult supervision is highly recommended for
participants below the age of 14.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or

exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in
this jump program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You are
voluntarily participating in these activities, assuming all risk of injury to
yourself, and agreeing to release and discharge The Lost Breed from any and
all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of The Lost
Breed’s negligence.

Dynamic Warm Up
A dynamic warm up consists of stretches that implement moving as you stretch. This type of
warm-up activates muscles you will be using during your workout. Dynamic stretching
improves range of motion to help you feel more limber. It also improves body awareness.
Moving while stretching improves your balance and coordination, skills that help you maximize
your performance. Warming up in motion enhances muscular performance and power. Studies
have proven dynamic stretching before a workout can help you increase overall athletic
performance compared to no stretching or static stretching.

Dynamic Routine Exercise List

*Complete 10 reps of each exercise below for 1-2 sets
1. Walking Lunge with a Twist
2. Walking Knee to Chest
3. Walking High Kicks
4. Butt Kicks
5. High Knees

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stationary Stretching Exercise List

*Perform static stretches after your dynamic routine, post workout, and on rest/recovery days

*Complete each stretch listed below for 10-15 seconds 1-2 sets
2. Standing Calf Stretch (use wall)
3. Toe Touch
4. Standing Quad Stretch
5. Lying Glute Stretch

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is also known as Self-Myofascial Release which is a fancy term for self-massage to
release muscle tightness or trigger points. By rolling over various areas of your body, you’ll help
break up adhesions and scar tissue and speed up the healing and recovery process after your
workout. Make sure you’re hitting your IT bands, quads, hamstrings, lower back, calves, and
tibialis anterior (front calf muscle). By stretching these muscles in particular you will prevent
injury and help improve recovery.

Foot Rolling
Another great tip would be to roll out the bottom of your foot using a tennis ball. This technique
releases adhesion and helps improve your fast twitch muscle fibers.

Jumping Techniques
1. Proper Gather: Your gather is very important when preparing to take off. Make sure
your gather isn’t choppy, or hesitant. Every movement needs to be smooth, explosive,
and powerful.

2. Hip Drive: Hips need to be explosive and flexible. While performing your jumps
make sure your hip thrust is powerful. This is going to propel you upwards.

3. Arm Swing: Wind your arms back and as you begin your upward drive swing your
arms fast and explosive.

4. Feel Light: Picture yourself as a light and agile object with every movement.

5. Mentality: Prepare yourself mentally for every jump. Never psych yourself out as
that will only lead to a decrease in your performance. BELIEVE, EXECUTE, AND

What should my rest time be between each set?

-You should be resting about 1-2 minutes between sets. During this rest period you want to catch your
breath and mentally prepare yourself for your next set. Seeing that we are working on explosiveness
you want to listen to your body and take enough time for your muscles to fully recover. You want to be
pushing yourself but at the same time working smart. The benefits of a proper resting period allows you
to perform each exercise with maximum effort, which leads to maximum results.

What should I do on Rest/Recovery Days?

-On your Rest Days you should be stretching, foam rolling, and icing if necessary. This will help to loosen
sore muscles and speed up recovery time. Proper rest & recovery minimize the chances of injury and
promote prime results.

What If I am too sore to workout?

- Always listen to your body! Being sore is normal, but if you are sore to the point where you feel as
though you may injure yourself, take a day or two off and come back to the program when you are fully
healed and ready to go. Remember, there is a difference between being sore and potentially being
injured. Be sure to know the difference between the two.

What If I am unsure how to perform a particular exercise?

-You can check out our YouTube channel (The Lost Breed) where you will find various exercises and tips.
You can also Google each exercise where you will find videos and descriptions on how to perform them.

How many inches will my vertical increase?

-Results are dependent on the amount of effort and dedication you commit to the program. If you are
consistent and push yourself throughout every single workout you will see results. This program is the
blueprint to success when it comes to jumping higher and becoming more athletic. So, if you follow the
workouts and give 110% you will achieve your goals.

Week 1, Phase 1
Day 1:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 2:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 3:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Medicine Ball Wall Sits 3 Sets 30 Seconds
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Seconds
A. Crunches B. Leg Raises C.
Bicycle Crunches

Day 4:


Day 5:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 6:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Seated Box Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 7:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Medicine Ball Wall Sits 3 Sets 30 Seconds
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 reps
A. Crunches B. Leg Raises C.
Bicycle Crunches

Week 2
Day 1:

Day 2:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 3:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Seated Box Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
1 Power Step Box Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 4:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Medicine Ball Wall Sits 3 Sets 30 Seconds
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Crunches B. Leg Raises C.
Bicycle Crunches

Day 5:


Day 6:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Alternating Foot Taps 4 Sets 20 Taps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 7:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Seated Box Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
1 Power Step Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Week 3, Phase 2
Day 1:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
Medicine Ball Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Weighted Step Ups 3 Sets 10 Reps (each leg)
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Reverse Crunches B. Leg
Flutters C. Side Twists

Day 2:


Day 3:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Kneeling Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Alternating Split Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps (each leg)
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 4:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 5:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
Medicine Ball Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Weighted Step Ups 3 Sets 10 Reps (each leg)
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Reverse Crunches B. Leg
Flutters C. Side Twists

Day 6:


Day 7:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Kneeling Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Alternating Split Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps (each leg)
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Week 4
Day 1:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 2:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
Medicine Ball Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Weighted Step Ups 3 Sets 10 Reps (each leg)
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Reverse Crunches B. Leg
Flutters C. Side Twists

Day 3:

Day 4:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Kneeling Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Alternating Split Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps (each leg)
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 5:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Kneeling Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 6:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
Medicine Ball Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Weighted Step Ups 3 Sets 10 Reps (each leg)
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Reverse Crunches B. Leg
Flutters C. Side Twists

Day 7:


Week 5, Phase 3
Day 1:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
180 Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 2:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Vertical Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Kneeling Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Depth Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 3:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 4:


Day 5:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
180 Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 6:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Single Leg Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Medicine Ball Box Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
1 Power Step Box Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 7:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Week 6
Day 1:


Day 2:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
180 Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 3:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Single Leg Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Medicine Ball Box Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
1 Power Step Box Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 4:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 5:


Day 6:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
5 Point Drill 3 Sets 4 Full Rotations
180 Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 7:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Single Leg Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Medicine Ball Box Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
1 Power Step Box Jumps 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Week 7, Phase 4
Day 1:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 2:


Day 3:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps

Day 4:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Hurdle Jump Into Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Into Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 5:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Medicine Ball Wall Sits 3 Sets 30 Seconds
Medicine Ball Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 6:


Day 7:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps

Week 8
Day 1:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Hurdle Jump Into Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Into Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 2:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 3:


Day 4:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Lateral Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets 8 Jumps
Broad Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps
Kneeling Tuck Jumps 3 Sets 6 Jumps

Day 5:

Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps

Hurdle Jump Into Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Lateral Hurdle Into Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Running Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Seated Box Jump 3 Sets 3 Jumps Max Height
Jump Rope 2 Sets 1 Minute

Day 6:
Dynamic Warm Up Sets Reps
Incline/Resistant Sprints 4 Sets 15-20 Yards
Medicine Ball Hip Tosses 3 Sets 5 Tosses
Weighted Hip Thrusts 4 Sets 10 Reps
Ab Circuit: 4 Sets 20 Reps
A. Sit-Ups B. Leg Tucks C. Leg

Day 7:



Congratulations on completing Flight School. We hope that through the grind, your
commitment, the sweat, and battles that you had to overcome during this process
have led you to see results. The TLB family wants to sincerely congratulate you for the
hours you have put in to accomplish your goals and actually making your dreams a
reality. You now have the ability to over power any bit of negativity that exists within
your mind. You now have a brief understanding of what it takes to become great. Take
this and run with it, do not stop here. Go harder; push yourself until you’re exactly
where you want to be. Until then, never be satisfied. Let the completion of this
workout be the start of something special. This is just a stepping-stone on your path to
greatness. Never let someone shoot down your dreams. You are going to come across
people that don’t want you to succeed, that don’t believe in you. What you do then is
show them what type of hunger, dedication, ambition, and passion you have inside
your heart. Prove to them with your actions that anything is possible and that you are
limitless. Welcome to The Lost Breed, you are now a part of the endangered species
that is driven by hunger and ambition. You are now a member of a movement that
separates the hungry from the complacent. We expect you have achieved the mindset
where the grind never stops. Let your marathon continue.

Bonus 8-Week Leg Program

“Along with plyometrics I’ve seen a great increase in my vertical by incorporating weight
training into my regimen” – Anthony Lugo

*Make sure to perform two leg workouts a week along with completing Flight School!

#1 #4
Leg Extensions – 5 sets of 15 Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12
Superset with
Lying Hamstring Curls - 5 sets of 15 Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12
Superset with
Leg Press – 4 sets of 12-15 Body Weight Jump Squats – 4 sets of 10
Superset with
Walking Lunges - 4 sets of 10 (each leg) Narrow Stance Squats – 5 sets of 6-8

Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 5 Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10-12
Superset with
Single Leg Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12 Calf Machine – 4 sets of 15
(each leg) _____________________________________________
_______________________________________________ #5
#2 Vertical Leg Press – 4 sets of 10-12
Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12
Superset with Dumbbell Single Stiff Leg Deadlift – 4 sets of
Seated Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12 10-12 (each leg)
Superset with
Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 20 Single Leg Press - 4 sets of 10-12 (each leg)

Box Squats – 5 sets of 5 Lying Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of 12
Superset with
Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10 Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12
#3 Standing Calf Raise Machine – 4 sets of 15-20
Front Squats – 5 sets of 5 _____________________________________________
Weighted Hip Thrusters – 4 sets of 10 Weighted Step Ups – 4 sets of 10
Superset with
Step-Ups – 4 sets of 10 (each leg) Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 5

Lying Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of Seated Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of 10-12 each
Superset with leg
Seated Calf Raise – 4 sets of 20 Superset with
Single Leg Extensions - 4 sets of 10-12 each

Calf Machine – 4 sets of 15

#7 #10
Front Squats – 5 sets of 5 Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12
Superset with Superset with
Step Ups – 5 sets of 10-12 (each leg) Seated Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12

Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10 Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 20
Superset with
Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12 Box Squats – 5 sets of 3

Machine Leg Press – 4 sets of 12 Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10
Superset with ____________________________________________
Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine – 4 sets of #11
15 Front Squats – 5 sets of 5
__ Weighted Hip Thrusters – 4 sets of 10
#8 Superset with
Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 8 Step-Ups – 4 sets of 10 (each leg)

Weighted Hip Thrusters – 4 sets of 10 Lying Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of
Superset with Superset with
Bodyweight Jump Squats – 4 sets of 10 Seated Calf Raise – 4 sets of 20
Regular Deadlifts – 4 sets of 5 #12
Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12
Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12-15
Superset with Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12
Seated Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12-15 Superset with
___________________________________________________ Body Weight Jump Squats – 4 sets of 10
#9 Narrow Stance Squats – 5 sets of 6-8
Leg Extensions – 5 sets of 15
Superset with Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10-12
Lying Hamstring Curls - 5 sets of 15 Superset with
Calf Machine – 4 sets of 15
Leg Press – 4 sets of 12-15 _____________________________________________
Superset with #13
Walking Lunges - 4 sets of 10 (each leg) Vertical Leg Press – 4 sets of 10-12

Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 8 Dumbbell Single Stiff Leg Deadlift – 4 sets of
10-12 (each leg)
Single Leg Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12 Superset with
(each leg) Single Leg Press - 4 sets of 10-12 (each leg)

Lying Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of 12
Superset with
Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12

Standing Calf Raise Machine – 4 sets of 15-20

Weighted Step Ups – 4 sets of 10

Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 5

Seated Hamstring Curl – 4 sets of 10-12 each
Superset with
Single Leg Extensions - 4 sets of 10-12 each

Calf Machine – 4 sets of 15
Front Squats – 5 sets of 8
Superset with
Step Ups – 5 sets of 10-12 (each leg)

Stiff Leg Deadlifts – 4 sets of 10
Superset with
Lying Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12

Machine Leg Press – 4 sets of 12
Explosive Squats – 5 sets of 3

Weighted Hip Thrusters – 4 sets of 10
Superset with
Bodyweight Jump Squats – 4 sets of 10

Regular Deadlifts – 4 sets of 5

Leg Extensions – 4 sets of 12-15
Superset with
Seated Hamstring Curls – 4 sets of 12-15


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