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3rd Year



Submitted by:

Submitted By: Raghav Rathi (167141)

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Institute of Management, Nirma University and
to Dr. Meeta Munshi, Programme Chairperson, Institute of Management, Nirma University for
providing me with such an opportunity of working as an intern in a corporate.

I would like to express my gratitude to Surya Marketing for giving me an opportunity to work with
their organization. It was a great chance for learning, I am grateful for being giving a chance to which
has helped me learn and develop my skills for the professional world. I feel extremely lucky that I was
part of such a big organization for my internship. I was able to meet and interact with many people
during my internship who have guided me and help me with my project. They helped me to perform
my duties properly.

A special thanks to Mr. S.K. Kalani, head of organisation for his constant support and guidance despite
of his busy schedule. Also, for assigning me this wonderful project and believing that I am capable for
the same. Also, I would use this platform to thank my Mentor Prof. Poonam along with the members
of Placement Cell, Institute of Management, Nirma University, for sharing their experience with us
and guiding us.

Table of Figures................................................................................................................................. 3
Title Page .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... 5
Part A : Profile Of The Organization ............................................................................................... 6-7
1.1 About the Company........................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Corporate Philosophy ........................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Achievemnets .................................................................................................................... 7
Part B: Project Work .................................................................................................................... 8-19
2.1 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Data Source ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Data Sample ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Method of Data Analysis ................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Presentation of Data .................................................................................................. 10-17
2.7 Findngs ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.8 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 19
Part C: Learnings ............................................................................................................................. 20
Annexures.................................................................................................................................. 21-24
Annexure 1: Online Survey Questionnaire ............................................................................. 21-23
Annexure 2: Internship Offer Letter ............................................................................................ 24
References ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Raghav Rathi
Author of the Project

Company Name Surya Marketing

Near Pital factory, Jhotwara Road,

Company Address
Jaipur -302016

Near Pital factory, Jhotwara Road,

Posting Office Address
Jaipur -302016

Mr. S.K Kalani

Organization Guide (Head of Organisation)

Institute of Management,
Institute Name Nirma University,
Prof. Poonam Channival
Institute of Management,
Faculty Mentor
Nirma University,
Submitted as partial fulfillment of
Purpose of Report the requirement of the BBA Course
(2019- 2021)

Executive Summary
This internship report focus on the work experience I have gathered as an Intern at Surya Marketing.
This internship was of eight weeks starting from 6th July, 2019 to 29th June, 2019. In this report, I have
mentioned my project work on Roles of Digital Marketing communication over Conventional
Marketing. During this tenure, I mainly have incorporated my experience into research and
development. The project report is based on the online survey and personal interviews to understand
the project title, where different new findings came out. This report will provide good information to
digital marketers.


1.1. About the Company

Surya Marketing is ranked as Rajasthan's topmost distribution house and a premier company
in consumer electronics. The company’s network spreads across all 32 districts of Rajasthan
with over 1200 dealers operating in 500+ towns & villages.
1.) Surya Marketing established in 1984
2.) R.D & Company established in 1992
3.) SM Appliances (p) Ltd. established in 1996
•Offers one of the most comprehensive brand portfolio’s –ranging from LG, Symphony,
Kenstar, Navdeep Flour Mill, Micromax, Tata-Sky, V-guard, Kent RO, Bosch, etc

1.2. Corporate Philosophy

“Success is not a destination, but a journey of excellence”
1.2.1 Key Historical Facts: Founded by Shri S K Kalani in 1984 as a Gas distribution and
electronic appliances company with a modest investment now has its strong footprint across
Rajasthan in the CE business.
1.2.2 Core Business Areas: Distribution, Retail and Wind Power

1.3. Achievements:

1. Only Distributor in India to achieve the target in one set for KENSTAR since inception
2. Consistent result oriented performance in Borg and Navdeep since 1988
3. Award for consistent Performance in SANSUI since 1997
4. Several awards for LG including:
• Number ONE distributor in India (2001)
• Number ONE in India for distribution of refrigerators (2002)
• Award for Excellence (2004)
• Award for No 1 Quality Distributor In India (1999)
• Award for best market coverage constantly
• Super Achiever Awards ( 2002, 2005)
• Outstanding Performance Award ( 2001, 2006)
• Attended the Global Family Festival of LG in Korea, only 30 invitees from around the world. ShriS.K
Kalani (Chairman) was invited to share the Head table along with the Global Head LG and two other
distributors from Africa and Italy. (2012)


2.1. Objective

The primary objective of this corporate engagement was to understand how digital marketing
communications taking over conventional marketing, from a customer’s point of view and how
business houses react on the same. Besides, the geographic scope of this report is limited to Jaipur.

2.2. Methodology

2.2.1. Qualitative Analysis: I took in-depth interviews of some employees, managers, and clients.
Although the number of such interviews was less, it was done to get the roles of digital marketing

2.2.2 Online Survey Questionnaire: Also, to understand the customer’s perception of digital marketing
in their day-to-day life, an online survey questionnaire was designed and floated.

2.3. Data Source

This report is based on both primary and secondary data.

2.3.1 Primary Data: I used an online survey and in-depth interviews to conduct or research. The online
survey questionnaire contained 15 questions on lieu with the objective. The survey was conducted on
162 people from the target group. The responses were collected with the help of google forms and I
used social media, email network to collect the responses.

2.3.2 Secondary Data: This consisted of sources like the internet, social network sites, and other

2.4. Data Sample

I selected a sample size of 169 people from the target population. This sample was selected randomly,
as the survey was anonymous. This online survey was kept anonymous because in today’s world most
of the people surfing online are particular about their privacy. I used this primary data and this has
been gathered for this research project specifically.

2.5. Method of Data Analysis

This is one of the most inevitable of a research project. During my internship period, I tried collecting
the qualitative as well as quantitative data by using Google Forms and personal interviews. We used
Google Forms for the online survey as they have a strong database and equipped with numerous tools
that can help in making the analytical charts and graphs. Also, exporting the data to MS Excel was
easier from Google Forms. I used MS Excel for further analysis for my research project.

2.6. Presentation of Data

The presentation of data is in two parts. The first part describes the data on the online survey and the
second part describes the personal interviews.

2.6.1 First Part: Online Survey

The copy of the questionnaire is attached in the annexure.

Question 1

Figure 1

The first question of the survey is about gender. From figure 1, it was found that 65.8% were male and
34.2% of them were female. With the help of this data, it can be easily deduced that more males use
digital media than females.

Question 2

This question asked them about whether they use social media daily or not. Interestingly 100% of
the people responded said ‘Yes’. As per the Internet and Mobile Association of India, Jaipur has 3.22
million active internet users in 2018 as compared to 2.35 million in 2016 and 97% of them use
mobile phones to connect with the internet.

Question 3

Figure 2

In this question, the respondents were asked about which online platform they use the most. As per
figure 2, it is evident that Facebook is at top of the chart as 69% of the people use it. According to
my senior colleague Mr. Tarun at Surya Marketing, Facebook is the best social media to promote
products and services as it provides several tools as well as user base to operate and conduct our

Question 4

Figure 3

This question was regarding their income. From figure 3, it can be easily seen that people who have
an income group of 5000 or less spend most of their time on digital media. However, if we consider
the factor that earners generally make the buying decision then 33% of the people considering the
category of 20001-30000 and 30001 or more, will make the buying decisions.

Question 5

Figure 4

This question asked about the profession. Figure 4 shows that 55% of the respondents are students.
Also as per 50% of the population is under 25 years of age. This massive young
population stimulates brands to design youth based products and services. Also, if we compare the
results of question 4 the majority of the population has an income group of 5000 or less. This group
refers to the students only. This age group prefers to spend on digital media than conventional
marketing media platforms like television, print, etc. This age group is a major factor in ruling out
conventional marketing platforms.

Question 6

Figure 5

Through this question, we came to know that 44% of the respondents prefer internet for
communication and 82% use it for communicating with friends. From this, it can be deduced that
advertisers must focus on emotional appeal for brand promotion so that they can capture the greater
market. Advertisers must create their content more oriented towards friends and family so that
people can relate to it and get attracted to the brand. Even online shopping has increased manifold
during the past 5 years as around 42% of the respondents use the internet for shopping online.
Marketers must focus on tapping online platforms to increase their sales.

Also, business communication is one another important aspect which can’t be completely ignored,
this explains that reaching to different stakeholders of the business through internet is getting easier
day by day.

Question 7 and 8

These questions were kept to find out the ratio between the effectiveness of an advertisement
through an offline platform as compared to the online platform. As per the data of responses, only
40% of the respondents were able to recall an advertisement on a billboard as compared to 90% of
the responses were able to recall an online advertisement. It is evident that online platforms are
more effective as here you can present more content as compared to an offline platform. Also, few
platforms allow users to interact as well so that it creates a long-lasting impact on their memory for
that particular brand. Also, online platforms are more economical than conventional marketing

Question 9 and 10

This section describes the role of digital marketing in terms of trust and a facilitator for selling
products and services. As per the data responses, most of the people that is around 92% sample
population agrees with the statement that digital marketing is trustworthy and plays a vital role in
product/service selling. Now a day’s even small-scale organization has started digital promotion to
create their presence in the virtual world and this number is rising day by day.

Question 11

Figure 6

This question was asked to know their line of thought on how they perceive information on the new
products. This question was also asked with the motive of effective is Digital Marketing over
Conventional Marketing. From figure 6 you can see that almost 31% Strongly Agrees while 56%
Agrees that digital marketing plays a vital role for the same. My senior colleague Mr. Tarun at Surya
Marketing explained the marketing strategy of Oneplus’s flagship model OnePlus 7’s. The company
started promoting the model, 6 months before the launching of product, on social media’s so that
people can get more information and time in making their buying decision. Also, they offered pre-
booking offers to attract more customer base.

Question 12 to 15

These questions were dedicated to ask about the marketing process and which marketing process out
of digital marketing, personal selling or direct marketing is more important for the respondents on the
scale of 1 to 5. Out of the data, collected 96% of the respondents think digital marketing is highly
important on the other hand only 38% think personal selling is highly important to them. While talking
with my senior colleague at Surya Marketing, he told me, that in today’s world customer are very
cautious and doesn’t want to get influenced by a marketer. Instead, they prefer to do their homework
on the product with the help of the internet and thus, make their buying decision. Also, around 80%
of the respondents think advertisement is important to them. According to Kotler, P.(2009),
advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods and services or
ideas by an identified sponsor. Advertising is important to create awareness in today’s world.

2.6.2 Second Part: Personal Interviews

Through such personal interviews with the client, we tried to assimilate information about how big
these organizations are and how much they are spending advertising and through which channels.

Figure 7

Through the survey, I came to know that 84% of the respondents have micro business with fewer than
5 people working for them. This factor had a huge impact on our survey results as the majority of the
respondents who completed the survey belongs to micro businesses and unlike big business houses
with bigger budgets for marketing, they don’t have to take any tough decisions based on their time
and resources.

Figure 8

The top for marketing activities as per figure 8 are SEO, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and
Social Media Marketing. It clearly shows the marketer preference for activities that don’t require much
expenditure and focus on attracting customers through content marketing.

Figure 9

As per figure 9, we can easily see that the majority of the chunk don’t either don’t spend who spends
less than 4000 bucks on their digital marketing promotion. From figure 8 we can draw a relationship
over here that people do prefer marketing channels like SEO and email marketing and social media
marketing as they cost them less and create a virtual presence as well. Less than 1% of the respondents
willing to spend more than 40000 bucks monthly for activities like content marketing.

2.7. Findings

Digital marketing is assisting both businesses and customers. Digital marketing helps to feed the
consumer’s hunger for information and to satisfy this hunger many of the business firms are
transforming their marketing department into the marketing and communication department. Based
on the analysis done a few of the key findings are mentioned below;

1.The social media user base has increased in Jaipur. The reason behind this can be cheap mobile
phones and easy availability of data packs at reasonable prices. In addition to this student or young
population accounts for the largest share in such a user base.

2.Brand awareness has got the utmost importance for business houses as the customer tends to
research the product before purchasing it.

3.Business house prefers low-cost marketing activities as they are working on small-scale and don’t
have enough budgets to dedicate.

4.Digital marketing has grown manifold over the past 5 years and disrupted other channels of
marketing like personal selling.

5.Even a small scale business house prefers to have its presence on social media to create a virtual

6.Facebook still dominates the market in terms of content generation as around 69% of the
respondents use this platform regularly.

7. Content generated by the business house must focus on emotional appeal.

8. Consumer privacy in this digital era is of utmost importance.

9.Digital marketing through mediums like SEO or social media is not expensive but content for
promoting through these mediums is expensive.

2.8. Conclusion

Working with an organization like Surya Marketing was a great experience and I am glad that I
completed my last phase of under graduation with this organization. For young blood like me, it was
a great adventure working with such creative professionals. I believe this report reveals some
surprising insights.

As per the analysis and results, it is evident that people tend to get more attracted to digital marketing
than conventional marketing as it provides a platform to satisfy their information hunger. Also, the
easy availability of mobile phones has played a major role in boosting digital marketing.

Facebook and Instagram are listed as the most popular social media platforms. As conventional media
channels taking back seat these platforms are acting as a creator of content. Facebook has a huge user
base and also provides various tools for marketing and promotion of products and services at a low

SEO and email marketing are considered the most effective and popular methods for marketing and
are highly respected for the quality they deliver at such low costs. On the other hand pay per click has
lost its charm as online advertisements are of no interest to consumers. Today’s consumers are
confident about their knowledge and prefer to select a product on their own without getting
influenced by some marketers.

My Internship duration of 8 weeks at Surya Marketing was one of the most challenging and amazing
experiences. Surya Marketing provided me hands on experience on the theoretical and textbook
knowledge. Subjects like PRM (Principles of Research Methodology) and MM (Marketing
Management) helped me a lot in carrying out my day-to-day job during my internship. Although I faced
many difficulties, but thanks to the support and guidance provided by my mentor and my fellow
colleagues that this duration of internship passed smoothly.

Working with Surya Marketing gave me exposure to know the details of research methods and
provided me a platform to apply my little knowledge over the same. Working and interacting with
people in this industry helped me to learn about digital marketing communications, shift in
communication trends and factors affecting such communications.

Personal Interviews with the clients helped to understand the dynamics of digital marketing and what
channels people prefers to promote their products and services. To gather the right information one
thing that was made clear in my mind was: fluency and command over language is of great importance
to keep the client interested. I learnt the importance of a structured research as Surya Marketing has
recently diversified into Digital Marketing Communications and they are going to use such research
projects to offer selective services to the target market.

I learnt a great deal about measuring and tracking of progress. Once, I started with the internship I
found it a little cumbersome to send weekly interim report to the college. However, when I spent
more time on the project I realised the importance of feedback mechanism to keep the quality of data.
My mentor kept a track of work and provided me continuous suggestions to improve my project work.

The interaction I had with my senior colleague, Mr. Tarun, helped in better understanding of my
research particulars as he gave me real life examples to get a gist of it. I tried to mention such examples
in my report as well.

By the end of these 8 weeks, I was more efficient in handling database like google forms, google
analytics and MS Excel. With each week passing by and suggestions of mentor, my efficiency also
increased. Majorly this tenure changed my perception about digital marketing communications.

Annexure 1

Annexure 2



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