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1st Examination
Instructions :

you will be analyzing the piece “kasing-kasing”by prof. Jhun King Bacalla (2020, 30x23,
acrylic on canvas). You will be using the guide questions given in constructing your


a.) What do you see in the image? What is the main subject? Be descriptive.

b.) Describe the lines, colors and other elements used in the artwork.

c.) Is there any symbolism involved in the given image? What are they and why do
you think so?

d.) How did the image make you feel? Why?

e.) Close your eyes and describe the artwork from memory. Why did you remember
what you remembered? Why did you forget what you forgot?

Be guided with the components below for scoring:

Components Description Points

Identification and Correctly identifies all components of the artwork. 10

Description Draws historical connections. Clearly describes the
artwork in full detail. Identifies the major elements of
art used and how they create a specific
Analysis Defines the most significant art principles on how 10
they were used to organize the piece and emphasis
the point.
Interpretation Explains the purpose of the work/content. 10
Forms an educated meaning for the artwork and
attempts to relate to the piece on a personal level.
Judgment A critical personal evaluation is drawn based on 10
careful observation, analysis, and interpretation. The
opinion of the critic is well defended.
Mechanics Contains no grammar lapses and well-developed 10
Total 50
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Late submission shall not be accepted nor be given extension
unless the reason or excuse is valid. Convert your output from docx to pdf file with
ARIAL font text, 12 in size, indented, and justified. I hope I made clear on the
instructions! Goodluck on your exam "%

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