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Service Instruction for 2013 VESTEL models 23.10.


How to make a Core-SW update for VESTEL MB95/95S platform models

“Core-SW” update means only the main-application Firmware is updated.

Other parts of the Firmware which are model-related, such as the bootloader, profile settings, panel
configuration will remain untouched.

Check the current SW-version of the set:

1. Enter MENU and press “4725”:

2. To make a Core-SW update copy the “upgrade_mb90.bin” file to the root folder
of the USB stick and insert it.

3. After inserting, the below message will pop-up:

4. Press “No”. Pop-Up will disappear.

5. Enter “MENU” and press “1 5 0 5” on the remote control.

Service Instruction for 2013 VESTEL models 23.10.2013

6. Following pop-up will appear:

7. Press “YES”.

8. Update will start:

9. After the progress bar has reached 100 percent the set will restart automatically and process the
update in the background (front LED will start to blink red/green).

10. When updating is finished completely, set will restart again and come up with initial setup.
USB stick can be removed now.

11. Check the new version number (see 1.):

Only the main-FW application has been updated, other parts of the SW are left untouched.

Service Instruction for 2013 VESTEL models 23.10.2013


There exist 2 Core-SW files for MB95 models:

a) for models with DVB-T & -C tuner (D/DL/L/W133x / 134x based models)
b) for models with DVB-T & -T2 & -C tuner (D/DL/L/W135x based models)

Notice:  Files for T2 models have nearly double filesize.

As both Core-SW files must be named “upgrade_mb90.bin” in order to be detected by the set, make
sure, NOT to mix up files for T and T2 models !

Flashing a wrong Core-SW can lead to malfunction of the set after updating !

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