The Most Expensive House in The World

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The most expensive house in the world


1. To estimate [ˈestɪmət] – оцінити;

2. To stretch [stretʃ] – простягатися;
3. To force [fɔːs] – змушувати;
4. To ascend [əˈsend] – набирати висоту, підніматися;
5. To hang over [hæŋ] – звішувати, ширяти;
6. To confirm [kənˈfɜːm] – підтвердити;
7. Eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli]- врешті решт;
8. To run into [rʌn] – зіткнутися;
9. Precious [ˈpreʃ.əs] – дорогоцінний;
10. Ostentatious [ˌɒs.tenˈteɪ.ʃəs] – показний;
11. Luscious [ˈlʌʃ.əs] – ароматний, пишний;
12. Monstrous [ˈmɒn.strəs] – жахливий, величезний;

Task 1 Multiple choice

1. Where is situated the most expensive  Spa studio

house on the planet?
 Dubai 6. What is the peculiarity of the ball
 India room?
 China  Lamps
 Slabs
2. How many stories does this house  Chandeliers
 26 7. Why is a lot of vegetation attached to
 29 the balconies?
 27 o to keep the house cool
o to keep the great view of the
3. What is the price of the house? house outside
 2 millions$ o to keep the air in the house
 2 billions$ fresh
 5 billions$
8. How many people do live there?
4. How many places for helicopters’  600
taking off are there in the house?  60
 1  6
 2
 3 9. What was the house named after?
 The coast
5. What is NOT a part of the house?  The seventh city
 Yoga studio  The island
 Billiards studio
Task 2 Replace the words in the phrases into their synonyms

1. Prime views -
2. Ostentatious estate –
3. Luscious gardens –
4. Recreation centre –
5. Extravagant lobby –
6. Monstrous bill –
7. Massive house –
8. Residential property –
9. Thick vegetation –
10. Precious house -

Task 3 make the list of facts which you heard from the video using new vocabulary

Task 4 match new vocabulary with their definitions

1. of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important –

2. having a pleasant sweet taste or containing a lot of juice –
3. to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to –
4. too obviously showing your money, possessions, or power, in an attempt to make other
people notice and admire you –
5. to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone or writing –
6. very bad, especially because too big –
7. to move up –

Task 5 give answers to the following questions

1. Would you like to live in such house? Why?

2. What is better to live in a huge building with servants or live with nearest and dearest in
small flat?
3. What are disadvantages of living in such massive house?
4. Why do people need such kind of house? Only for pleasure?
5. Can you name this house to be an example of your ideal one?

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