Optimisation in Transport and Logistic Processes

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Transportation Research Procedia 44 (2020) 15–22

LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe

LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe
Optimisation in Transport and Logistic Processes
Optimisation in Transport and Logistic Processes
Lumír Pečenýa,*, Pavol Meškoa, Rudolf Kampfb and Jozef Gašparíkaa
a, a b
Lumír Pečený *, Pavol Meško , Rudolf Kampf and Jozef Gašparík
University of Žilina, Department of Railway Transport, Univerzitná 8215/1 Žilina, Slovakia
Institute of Technology aand Business
University ofin ČeskéDepartment
Žilina, Budějovice,ofDepartment of Transport
Railway Transport, and Logistics,
Univerzitná 8215/1Okružní 517/10 České Budějovice, Czech
Žilina, Slovakia
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, DepartmentRepublic
of Transport and Logistics, Okružní 517/10 České Budějovice, Czech

Nowadays logistics is a dynamically evolving discipline. According to definitions logistics is an inter-disciplinary science which
improves the logistics
qualityisofa business
dynamically evolving
processes and discipline.
which enables According
companiesto definitions
to react tologistics
demandsisofana inter-disciplinary
market as well as science which
of a customer
improves the quality
faster. Today when aofgreat
business processes
emphasis andonwhich
is put enablesand
the quality companies
high levelto react to demands
of provided of a market
services as well asofofoptimisation
the application a customer
faster. in logistic
Today when processes is a necessity.
a great emphasis is put The article
on the addresses
quality and high the optimisation
level of providedof transport
servicesprocesses within aoflogistic
the application chain.
Generally,inthelogistic processesmethods
optimisation is a necessity.
are more Theandarticle
frequentlythe optimisation
utilised to manage of transport processes
logistic chains withintheir
because a logistic
proposals tothe optimisation
improve businessmethods are more
processes. and more
Advantages frequently utilised
of optimisation methods to include
managethe logistic chains
reduction of because
costs of their results
transport bring
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proposals production processes.
improve business Besides an
processes. economic of
Advantages merit of the optimisation
optimisation processthe
methods include there also increases
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of transport of time
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execution. Theeconomic merit
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through an analysistheofefficiency
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a proposal the goal the
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subsequently to evaluate them
theoretical-methodological part,from the application
and the economic point of view.
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transport means, technologies part, and
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the application part.The
resources. Theapplication
aim of the optimisation
part containsis an focused on aof
analysis more effective
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routes, and an of
transport means,usingtechnologies
methods ofand an human
operational research.
resources. The The work applies
application the Nearest
part contains Neighbour
an analysis Methods
of transport and Vogel's
routes, and an
Approximation using methods
Method. of an operational
The conclusion research.
of the article The an
presents work applies of
evaluation theoptimised
Nearest routes,
their Methods
economicand Vogel's
results and
Approximation Method. processes
suggestions for business The conclusion of the article presents an evaluation of optimised routes, their economic results and
suggestions for business processes improvement.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© is an
2019 Theopen accessPublished
Authors. article under the CC BY-NC-ND
by Elsevier Ltd. license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an
Peer-review open access
line: article
Peer-review under
under the CC BY-NC-ND
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of thelicense of https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
LOGI 2019 of –the LOGI 2019
Horizons – Horizons of
of Autonomous Autonomous
Mobility in Europe.
Mobility in Europe
Peer-review line: Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous
Mobility inTransport;
Keywords: Europe logistic; optimisation;
Keywords: Transport; logistic; optimisation;

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421-41-513-3428.

* E-mail lumir.peceny@fpedas.uniza.sk
Corresponding Tel.: +421-41-513-3428.
E-mail address: lumir.peceny@fpedas.uniza.sk
2352-1465 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open
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Peer-review line: Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe

2352-1465  2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the LOGI 2019 – Horizons of Autonomous Mobility in Europe.
16 Lumír Pečený et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 44 (2020) 15–22
2 Lumír Pečený et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

Logistics is a discipline which is currently utilised more and more. It is a complex science which improves the
quality of business processes and which enables a company to react to demands of a market as well as of a customer
faster. Today when a great emphasis is put on the quality and high level of provided services the utilisation of
logistics is almost a necessity. In the context of the given theme logistics is mainly utilised in connection with
transport since this article addresses the optimisation of transport-logistic processes. Generally the optimisation is
more and more frequently utilised because its results bring proposals to improve business processes. Advantages of
optimisation analyses include the reduction of costs. Besides an economic merit there also happens a shortening of
run routes, which is related to reducing the time needed for activities execution. The aim of such an optimisation is
the most effective utilisation of transport means, technologies and human resources. The article aims to use the
information obtained through an analysis of the current state of transport-logistic processes in the business "Mäso,
údeniny a občerstvenie Jaromír Šnajdr" to prepare proposals of measures for optimisation of these processes, which
will increase the effectiveness of selected processes and evaluate them from the economic point of view.
The volume and scope of logistic activities is derived from conditions related to the business operation. Business
management considers logistic activities according to whether it can influence them on its own. The result of such a
decision is a set of logistic functions. In most cases a business only deals with an instant physical supply and flows
of physical distribution. Logistic activities which the business addresses vary in every enterprise. This fact is
influenced with various aspects. They include a special organisation structure, legitimate different opinions of the
management on significance of logistics, relativity of importance of individual activities, or environment of the
company. Individual logistic activities can be divided into key activities and supporting ones. The difference
between these terms is that key activities take place in each enterprise, whereas supporting activities occur
depending on circumstances and requirements of a given company (Simkova et al. 2015); (Vojtek et al. 2019).

2. Methods of Optimisation of Logistic Processes

Transport logistics specialises in moving the goods within a transport network. This type of logistics represents
an important part of logistics. Transport logistics focuses on scheduling as well as operation within the transport
network. The role of transport logistics is to coordinate and optimise movements of shipments as well as of
passengers. Transport logistics adjusts these movements from the moment and point of entry into the network up to
the moment and point of exit out of the network. In real life it means that all shipments are coordinated from the
moment of their acceptance from a carrier up to the moment of delivery to a recipient. In case of passengers,
transport logistics optimises their movements from the time of arrival of a passenger to the initial node of their
journey up to the time of arrival to the destination of a route of travel.
If we look at transport logistics from a wider perspective it may be understood as a tool to optimise a spatial
distribution of capacities. The follow-up activity is to coordinate the movements and activities of all facilities and
devices required for the realisation of transport of a given transport element. Thanks to a better distribution of
transport nodes using transport logistics it is possible to reduce transport demandingness. In relation to freight
transport the reduction of transport as well as shipping demandingness happens (Stopka et al. 2016).
An operational research can be characterised as a discipline. Another option to look at the operational research is
to perceive it as a set of several individual disciplines. These partial branches are focused on a bigger number of
types of decision problems. The operational research can also be labelled using a term "research of operations"
thanks to which the essence of this discipline can be better understood. The research of operations, or operational
research, finds applications in places where we work with an analysis and coordination of certain operations. These
operations are usually included in a system (Bartuska et al. 2018).
The aim of the operational research is to ensure the best functioning of the entire system. Such a situation is
ensured with the determination of a certain level of the operations execution and adjustment of mutual relations.
With regard to a predicative value in order to evaluate the functioning of the system it is necessary to determine
certain criteria. In case of evaluation it is also required to take into account a possible limitation of resources or
some external factors. This few information may be interpreted as follows: the operational research can be
understood as a resource to find an optimal solution while evaluating various factors (Luptak et al. 2017).
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2.1. A Circular Problem and Distribution Problems

A trend of current era is a huge development of communication and information technologies. A current
phenomenon also lies in increasing demands on flexibility of businesses which provide driving in and out of people,
goods or material. The attractiveness and success of an enterprise is evaluated not only by means of price and
quality, but also by means of flexibility and ability to react to customer's requirements fast.
One of basic distribution problems is a circular transport problem. This type of transport tasks is also known as a
travelling salesman problem. The circular transport problem aims to serve pre-set locations. After the visit of all sets
of customers it returns back to its initial position. A requirement within this process is to run the shortest distances
possible. In such problems there is no need to include the capacity of the vehicle into calculations (Simanová and
Stasiak-Betlejewska, 2019).
In real life we often come across set time windows and intervals. These time requirements are usually labelled as
time windows. During these time windows a customer usually asks for being served. If this case occurs it is usually
very complicated to achieve satisfaction of all customers only with one distribution vehicle. Therefore it is necessary
to utilise several vehicles on distribution roads. The routes can be chosen for several vehicles from the same location
or from several independent locations (Jagelcak and Kubasakova, 2014).
More vehicles are utilised also if the customer sets other non-zero requirements. It means we have to consider
capacity, volume and/or weight restrictions. This phenomenon is labelled as a distribution problem. The aim of a
distribution problem is to satisfy the customer's needs and to minimise the number of driven kilometres in order to
handle such routes. To satisfy a customer's requirement means to drive in or away a certain volume of goods,
material or another product. A courier service is perceived as a completely special distribution problem because
there are entered places of transport as well as places of the follow-up delivery.
In the operational research we distinguish two basic types of problem solving approach. There exists a static and
dynamic approach. Such distribution problems which are optimised and evaluated by standard models and methods
of the operational research apply a static approach. In this case we use information on customers' requirements
which are known in advance. Thanks to this fact it is possible to pass the distribution problem to analytics for
investigation and finding an optimal solution (Lizbetin et al. 2018).
In common practice and real situations it is often impossible to solve distribution problems with a lead-time
because a customer passes additional information with a delay. These new facts then cannot be included into the
search for an optimal solution and the distribution problem is solved using a dynamic approach. The aim of this
approach is to decide who and when will procure a new requirement.
Since there exists a recent trend to constantly develop and increase customers' needs, restrictions and other
requirements which cannot be ignored while searching for optimal variants, there also increases the calculating time
of distribution problems. This protracting of time for calculations results in worsening a fast reaction of a business to
new requirements. Thus heuristic or metaheuristic methods are applied. It means we work with certain estimates,
ensuring such results which approach to optimal solutions to a higher extent (Lakhmetkina et al. 2019).

2.2. A Research Problem

The aim of this article is to optimise transport-logistic processes in a business "Mäso, údeniny a občerstvenie
Jaromír Šnajdr". This implies that a research problem can be characterised as an application of operational research
methods to transport-logistic processes in the selected business. In the scope of this work there will be some
conclusions drawn to answer questions whether it is possible to use operational research methods, namely the
Nearest Neighbour Methods and Vogel's Approximation Method, and to make the transport-logistic processes in the
business "Mäso, údeniny a občerstvenie Jaromír Šnajdr" more effective.

2.3. The Nearest Neighbour Method

The Nearest Neighbour Method has been chosen because it is one of easier variants of calculation of the
operational research methods. Procedures of this method are relatively often applied in practice just due to an easier
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and clearly defined procedure, not changing in the course of the calculation. Another advantage is that using this
method an optimal solution of a circular problem can be found in a comparatively short time.
This method is usually not limited with a number of distribution stations; however, it is generally known that the
bigger the scope of a transport problem is the more complicated the procedure of searching for an optimal solution
is. For the sake of our calculations when we work with matrices of 7x7 to 26x26 size it is an ideal method because
we will try to apply its calculations for both an easier calculation and a more complex circular problem.
The calculation procedure of the Nearest Neighbour Method itself first of all requires a formation of a matrix of
individual distances. These distances are always taken from the location of one distribution station to another one,
i.e. from a customer to another customer, in all possible variants. The distances are always put into the matrix in
both directions according to the following rules given in the Table 1. Both directions must be taken into account,
because there in towns being handled a big probability of passing through one-way streets exists, which significantly
restrict the operation and have impact on distances between individual locations.

Table 1 Rules of a Matrix - the Nearest Neighbour Method

V1 V2
V1 0 Distance from V1 to V2
V2 Distance from V2 to V1 0
Source: Authors
Upon the formation of the distance matrix it is necessary to select a starting point. In case of calculations in this
article the starting point always lies in V1 point, which is a label for the selected business domicile. Next step is to
find the nearest distribution location from this point. From the Vx point, where the calculation has moved to, it gets
again to the row with the same label.
There in a row of the matrix we look for the nearest non-zero distance again. A zero distance is given only at the
location where the same unloading location is situated, so there would be no progress. Next rule is the necessity to
pass through all stations before returning back to the starting station. This procedure is repeated until we get to the
point when each column and each row is applied exactly once.
The resultant number of kilometres run during the handling of a circular problem is a sum of all selected
distances. There in this paper these values in tables are always highlighted in light blue colour.

2.4. The Vogel's Approximation Method

The Vogel's Approximation Method deals with finding an optimal solution while considering relations of price
indices. This method always compares two lowest price indices in a column as well as in a row. These differences
are used to evaluate in which box the failure of filling with the cheapest variant would have the worst impact on the
overall result.
As the first step there in the procedure of the Vogel's Approximation Method the differences of two smallest rates
are calculated for each row and column. Individual differences are recorded into the outer part of the table. For each
row the value is written on the left after the table, and for each column the value is written below the table. Then the
biggest difference is chosen from the calculated ones, and now it denotes the area for the following calculation
procedure (Hanzl et al. 2016).
Next step in the selected area, i.e. a column or row, is to find the box with the lowest rate. This cell is then
substituted with the highest possible value. The maximum value depends on the restricting conditions which are
usually recorded in the last column and row of the formed matrix.
In this article the modified version of the Vogel's Approximation Method represents the essential method used.
This method does not consider any restricting capacities or prices. The objective of calculation of this method's
modified version is to find the shortest distance thanks to which the transport problem can be closed.
The first step of the procedure in this article is to adjust the distance matrix which was formed in the previous
method. There will be a change on the main diagonal where 0s are. These zero values will be changed to X. Since
there are no capacity restrictions in the given distribution routes, we will search for two smallest values of distances
in each column and row.
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Two smallest values are used to calculate the difference. This difference will then be recorded in the outer part of
the table in the same way as in case of a standard method. The steps are taken for all columns and rows and the
difference of the biggest value will be chosen out of the calculated differences. When compared to the standard
Vogel's Approximation Method, where now there would follow the selection of the smallest rate and filling of the
maximum by the restricting conditions, there in the selected area a cell with the smallest value of distance will be
selected. This procedure is repeated until the entire transport problem is closed.

2.5. Scheduling of Distributions and their Routes

Based on the conversation with the owner of the business, Mr. Jaromír Šnajdr, it was possible to analyse
inevitably important data to create a detailed list of current stops where the business operates its own internal
transport. The conversation implied which groceries and other businesses or restaurants purchase the goods from the
business "Mäso, údeniny a občerstvenie Jaromír Šnajdr". Since the business is of a family type, internal materials of
the business do not contain exact names or addresses of distribution stations. All information is remembered either
by the owner Jaromír Šnajdr himself, or by an employee who works as a driver in the business.
The first job is to propose a detailed list of stops which will contain exact addresses as well as names of locations
where the goods are distributed to. Next job is to optimise original routes. Distributions of goods always take place
on weekdays. From Monday to Friday the route is more or less adjusted, and it differs every day.
The original routes can be seen in the following tables. Individual tables include a label of the unloading site Vx,
then there follows a town, exact address of the unloading station, and, interestingly enough, the last column contains
the name of the business where the goods are delivered to. For each day the same starting point is used, since these
are the premises of the business; there happens the loading of the shipping space of a transport means of the fleet.
The exact address of the business is given in the following list under the label V1. This article deals with the
optimisation of the route for Friday.
On Friday there are only 6 unloadings scheduled. Like during the whole week the route starts in the business and
two stations in Chrást are handled. Then there follow 4 stops in Plzeň and afterwards a journey back to the business
premises. In case of this non-optimised short route there are surprising 64.9 kilometres run at the end of the week.

Table 2 Unloading locations on Friday

Town Address Name of the Business
V1 Volduchy Volduchy 63; 338 22; Volduchy Občerstvení maso uzeniny Jaromír Šnajdr
V2 Chrást Dlouhá 481; 330 03; Chrást Konzum "Na Vilově"
V3 Chrást Tř. Čs. Odboje 111; 330 03; Chrást Jedlík – Michal Krejčí
V4 Plzeň Sladkovského 660/34; 326 00; Plzeň 2 Maso-uzeniny Lípa Vraná Eduarda
V5 Plzeň Křimická 927/48; 318 00; Plzeň 3 Potraviny JMT s.r.o.
V6 Plzeň Domažlická 182/13; 318 00; Plzeň 3 Pekařství u Seberů
V7 Plzeň U letiště 1074/2; 301 00; Plzeň 3 Tesco Plzeň (Borská pole) - Prima pečivo
Source: Authors

3. Results

3.1. Optimisation - the Nearest Neighbour Method

After compiling unloading locations into tabular lists in the previous chapter there follows the optimisation of
these routes. Calculations of better and more effective routes are started using the Nearest Neighbour Method. This
method features clear rules, it is not excessively complicated and therefore it is suitable for determination of the first
proposals of new optimised routes. A general procedure of the Nearest Neighbour Method calculation is given in the
theoretical part of this paper in the chapter Methodology of Work, therefore we will only deal with particular routes
with given values (Hanzl et al. 2016).
The first step to calculate a new route is to form a matrix of distances among individual points. In the matrix
individual stops are given using their label Vx. There is such a shortest distance listed when the least kilometres are
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run. Each combination of two locations is given with values in both ways. This fact is necessary because there in
centres of towns one-way streets and other restrictions which must be taken into account often occur. To determine
individual distances an Internet map with a route scheduler found at https://www.google.cz/maps was used. The
values written into the matrix are expressed in kilometres.

Table 3 Friday - Calculation Using the Nearest Neighbour Method

V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
V1 10.7 11.5 22.1 24.4 29.2 25.9
V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
V2 1.0 12.0 14.3 19.0 15.7
V4 V5 V6 V7
V3 11.0 13.3 18.0 14.8
V5 V6 V7
V4 4.0 7.9 4.7
V6 V7
V5 7.3 4.7
V7 4.2
Source: Authors
On Friday the number of unloadings via stations is the lowest, thus the matrix of distances is the smallest, too,
and the calculation of the Nearest Neighbour Method is the easiest out of all routes. The final optimised route comes
from the point V1 and continues as follows: V2 → V3 → V4 → V5 → V7 → V6 → V1. On this route 60.3
kilometres are driven.

3.2. Optimisation - Vogel's Approximation Method

A classic version of the Vogel's Approximation Method counts on a limited capacity. In each cell there is usually
certain rate included. The difference is created from two smallest rates in a row; it is recorded on the marginal of the
row, and the same procedure is applied to columns, too. Then the biggest value out of differences of rates is found
which is used to determine the row or the column in which the smallest rate is found. This way the procedure is
repeated until the transport problem gets to an optimal result (Bartuska et al. 2017).
A modified Vogel's Approximation Method does not count on rates and limited capacity. There in the matrix
only distances between individual points are used. When solving a transport problem firstly the difference between
two smallest distances in a row is searched for. The same procedure is repeated for other rows and columns when
the difference is written after the prepared matrix. The biggest value is chosen out of the differences; it determines
the selected column or row, out of which the smallest value determining the distance is chosen. There in the table
this value is determined using a light green colour.
Now another change follows when compared to the classic Vogel's Approximation Method. Instead of filling one
cell only it is required to cross out the entire row and column where the calculation procedure takes place. This step
is important in order to effectively calculate such a route which would handle all points of scheduled stops. The
place of unloading where the transport problem occurs is marked with a light green colour inside the table.
Furthermore it is necessary to eliminate options of more circular routes. It is required to delete such a point which
would untimely close the transport problem. In case of finding two equal values it is absolutely up to the selection
which option will be chosen for the next step of calculation. Then the entire procedure is repeated - from
recalculating the difference up to crossing unnecessary cells out.
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44 (2020) 15–22 217

Table 4 Friday - VAM - last modification

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
V1 X 10.7 11.5 22.1 24.4 29.2 25.9 0.8 10.6 2.3 2.3 2.3
V2 10.7 X 1.0 12.0 14.3 19.0 15.7 9.7 1.3 X X X
V3 11.5 1.0 X 11.0 13.3 18.0 14.8 10.0 X X X X
V4 22.2 11.7 10.7 X 4.0 7.9 4.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 X X
V5 24.9 14.4 13.4 3.9 X 7.3 4.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
V6 24.7 14.2 13.3 3.8 1.9 X 4.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
V7 26.3 15.8 14.8 4.8 4.8 4.2 X 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 X
0.8 9.7 9.7 0.1 2.1 3.1 0.1
11.5 X 0.8 0.1 2.1 3.1 0.1
X X 2.6 0.1 2.1 3.1 0.1
X X X 0.1 2.9 3.1 0.1
X X X 0.1 22.5 X 21.2
Source: Authors
In the preceding step last unnecessary cells with values of distances in Friday's matrix have been eliminated.
There remain last two unmarked and not crossed-out values. In this step in the Table 4 there are these last cells
highlighted in light blue colour. These values of distances logically complete the entire circular problem of this
transport problem. (Luptak et al. 2018) The last modification of the calculation in Table 4 makes it clear that the
final route of the optimised Friday's route using the modified version of the Vogel's Approximation Method is as
follows: V1 → V7 → V6 → V5 → V4 → V3 → V2 → V1. The resultant length of the route is 25.9 + 4.2 + 1.9 +
3.9 + 10.7 + 1.0 + 10.37 = 58.3 km.

4. Discussion

The application part of this work has been dealing with the optimisation of transport-logistic processes in the
business "Mäso, údeniny a občerstvenie Jaromír Šnajdr". The chapter Discussion of results contains a comparison of
existing routes and the new ones. For each day, and thus for each route of distributions the better variant of the
optimised proposal is chosen. For such routes where there happens a shortening of route distances, an economic
evaluation is performed when the existing and proposed possible routes are compared. (Luptak et al. 2017)

Table 5 Friday - Proposals of Routes

The Length of the Route The Difference when Compared to the
[km] Current Route [km]
Current 64.9
Optim. - Nearest Neighbour Method 60.3 -4.6
Optim. – VAM 58.3 -6.6
Source: Authors
As we can see in Table 5 the shortest possible route is marked with a cell coloured in light blue containing the
value of 58.3 km for a new route optimised using the Vogel's Approximation Method. This new transport problem is
6.6 km shorter than the current route of distributions (Hanzl et al. 2016).

Table 6 Friday - Economic Indices in Czech Crowns (CZK)

The Difference of Annual Costs when Compared to the
Route Costs of 1 Route [CZK] Annual Costs [CZK]
Current Route [CZK]
Current 193.19 9,660
Optim. - VAM 173.54 8,677 -983
Source: Authors
After the previous specification of shortening the route in 6.6 km it is possible to evaluate potential economic
savings. There is a cost reduction almost 20 CZK per one route. In terms of annual costs this difference adds up to
the saving of 983 CZK. It has been confirmed that the usage of an operational research really makes it possible to
achieve more effective transport-logistic processes in the selected enterprise. (Rybicka et al. 2018)
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8 Lumír Pečený et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

5. Conclusion

To achieve required results it was necessary to create a sufficient expert knowledge database through working
with literature. Using the operational research it is possible to provide an answer to the question from the chapter
Research Problem. It has been confirmed that it is really possible to achieve more effective transport-logistic
processes in the selected enterprise. According to the economic evaluation we may achieve a saving in annual costs
as well as in driven kilometres.
The Nearest Neighbour Method, which made the calculation easier, was used to optimise one route. Using the
Vogel's Approximation Method, 3 out of 5 distribution routes were modified. This implies that the Vogel's
Approximation Method was more effective than the Nearest Neighbour Method.


The paper is supported by the VEGA Agency by the Project 1/0509/19 "Optimizing the use of railway
infrastructure with support of modal split forecasting", that is solved at Faculty of Operations and Economics of
Transport and Communication, University of Žilina.


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