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Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)

Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
Chemistry Part 1 Important Short Questions (According to ALP 2020)

Chapter 1:

Short Questions:
1. What is isotope? How the isotopes of an element are separated by mass spectrometer?
2. Who discovered the phenomenon of isotropy? Also write the names of isotopes of hydrogen?
3. What is mono isotopic element? Give two examples?
4. Write the assumption of stoichiometry?
5. List steps involved to identify a limiting reactant?
6. What is yield? What is difference between actual and theoretical yield?
7. Why actual yield is always less than theoretical yield?
8. What are ions? Under what conditions are they produced?
9. Define the following terms and give two examples of each.
1. Gram atom 2. Gram molecular mass
3. Gram formula 4. Gram ion
5. Molar volume 6. Avogadro’s number
7. Stoichiometry 8. Percentage yield
9. Mole 10. Limiting Reactant
10. Justify the following statement:
1. 23 g of sodium and 238 g of uranium have equal number of atoms in them.
2. Mg atom is twice heavier than that of carbon atom.
3. 180 g of glucose and 342 g of sucrose have the same number of molecules but different number of atoms present
in them.
4. One mg of K2CrO4 has thrice the number of ions than the number of formula units when ionized in water.
11. Calculate each of the following quantities.
a) Mass in grams of 2.74 moles of KMnO4.
b) Moles of O atoms in 9.00g of Mg (N03)2.
c) Number of O atoms in 10.037 g of CUSO4.5H2O.
d) Mass in kilograms of 2.6 x 1020 molecules of SO2.
e) Moles of Cl atoms in 0.822 g C2H4Cl2.
f) Mass in grams of 5.136 moles of Ag2CO3.
g) Mass in grams of 2.78 x 1021 molecules of CrO2Cl2.
12. Explain the following with reasons.
i) Law of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculations.
ii) Many chemical reactions taking place in our surrounding involve the limiting reactants.
iii) No individual neon atom in the sample of the element has a mass of 20.18 amu.
iv) One mole of H2SO4 should completely react with two moles of NaOH. How does Avogadro’s number help to
explain it.
v) N2 and CO have the same number of electrons, protons and neutrons.

Long Questions:
Example: 1,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Numerical: 20,21,22

Chapter 2:

Short Questions:
1. Define sublimation with example?
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
2. Define solvent extraction with example?
3. State Distributive Law or Partition Law?
4. What is chromatography? Also give its importance or uses?
5. What is distribution coefficient K?
6. Differentiate b/w stationary and mobile phase?
7. Differentiate b/w absorption and partition chromatography?
8. What is Rf? Why it has no unit?
9. Write down the names of three common ways of carrying out paper chromatography?
10. What is chromatogram?

Chapter 3:

Short Questions:
1. State Boyle’s law. Give its mathematical form.
2. State charle’s law?
3. Give quantitative statement of charle’s law?
4. What is absolute zero? What happened to real gases while approaching it?
5. How the temperature measured in a scale is converted into another measuring scale?
6. Prove that d=PM/RT?
7. What is general gas equation? What is R in general gas equation?
8. What is ideal gas constant? Calculate value of R in SI units?
9. State Avogadro’s law with example?
10. State Dalton law of partial pressure. Give its mathematical form?
11. Explain procedure of sea diver breath?
12. Pilots feel uncomfortable breathing at high altitude. Justify?
13. Process of respiration obeys Dalton law of partial pressure. Explain?
14. List the four postulates of KMT?
15. Write down the faculty postulates of KMT?
16. What is plasma? How the plasma is formed?
17. What is natural and artifical plasma?
18. Describe any two applications of plasma?
19. Where is plasma found?
20. Write down the characteristics of plasma?

Long Questions:
(1). State Boyles law with its graphical explanation
(2). Daltons law of Partial pressure with its applications
(3). Postulates of KMT of gases
(4). Derive Boyles law, Charles law & Avogadro’s law from KMT
(5) Quantitative explanation of Charles Law
(6) Kinetic interpretation of temperature
(7) Plasma along with its characteristics and uses.

Chapter 4:

Short Questions:
1. What is intermolecular force? What are types of it?
2. What is dipole-dipole force? Upon what factors it depend upon?
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
3. What is Debye force or dipole induced dipole forces?
4. What is London dispersion force? Upon what factors it depends?
5. What is polarizability?
6. What do you meant by hydrogen bond? Describe hydrogen bonding in water and ammonia?
7. Describe any two applications of hydrogen bond?
8. Describe the structure of ice? OR Why ice float on water?
9. Why Chloroform are soluble in acetone?
OR H-Bonding is present in chloroform and acetone. Justify it?
10. Why HF act as a weak acid than HCl, HBr and HI?
11. Water is a liquid at room temperature but H2S is a gas. Give reason?
12. Why boiling point of water is greater than HF?
13. What is liquid crystal? Give an example?
14. Write four applications of liquid crystal?
15. Liquid crystals can be used as temperature sensors. Justify?
16. Differentiate b/w crystalline and amorphous solid?
27. Define anisotropy and habitat of a crystal?
18. Why diamond is hard and electrically insulator and graphite is conductor?
19. Differentiate b/w isomorphism and polymorphism?
20. Define cleavage of a crystal and cleavage plane?
21. Define allotropes with example?
22. Define transition temperature with two examples?
23. Define unit cell and crystal lattice?
24. Explain the following with reasons:
(1) Amorphous solid like glass is also called super cooled liquid.
(2) Cleavage of the crystals is itself anisotropic behavior?
25. Define the following properties of crystalline solids.
(i) Habit of a crystal (ii) Symmetry (iii) Growing of a crystal
26. Write down the names of seven crystal systems and draw the shapes of their unit cells.

Long Questions:
1) Dipole Dipole forces
2) London dispersion forces and factor that affect it.
3). Hydrogen bonding. Also with its application
4) Liquid Crystal along with its uses.
5) seven crystal system and draw the shapes of their unit cells.

Chapter 5:

Short Questions:
1. Write four properties of cathode rays?
2. The bending of the cathode rays in the electric and magnetic field show that they are negatively charged. Justify?
OR Describe behavior of cathode rays in electric and magnetic field?
3. Justify, that cathode rays are material particles?
4. Why e/m value of cathode rays is just equal to that of electrons?
5. Write four properties of canal rays?
6. The e/m value for positive rays obtained from hydrogen gas 1836 times more than that of an electron?
7. Why positive rays are also called canal rays?
8. The e/m values of positive rays for different gases are different but those for cathode rays, the e/m value is the
9. How neutron were discovered by Chadwick? Give the equation of nuclear reaction involved?
10. Write two properties of neutron?
11. Differentiate between fast neutron and slow neutron?
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
12. Describe the neutron as a projectile?
13. Describe briefly Rutherford's atomic model.
14. On which experiment Rutherford's atomic model is based on, describe it briefly?
15. Describe the defects in Rutherford atomic model?
16. Give two postulates of Planks quantum theory?
17. Prove that E = hcvˉ?
18. Define frequency, wavelength and wave number?
19. What does it mean, when we say energy is quantized?
20. Why the potential energy of bounded electron is negative in Bohr's model?
21. Why the total energy of bounded electron in negative in Bohr's model?
22. What is spectrum?
23. Differentiate between continuous spectrum and line spectrum.
24. Differentiate b/w atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrum?
25. What is the origin of line spectrum?
26. Give region of different spectral lines of Hydrogen spectrum?
27. Give any two defects of Bohr’s atomic model?
28. When is Zeeman effect and stark effect?
29. What is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?
30. Define orbit and orbital.
31. Describe Summerfield's modification of Bohr's model atom.
32. What are quantum numbers? What are types of it?
33. Describe the shape of ‘s’ ,’p’ ,‘d’,’ f ‘ orbitals?
34. How many maximum number of electron can have an orbital and a shell?
35. What is n + l rule?
36. State Aufbau Principle and Pauli’s Exclusion Principle?
37. State Hund’s rule?
38. Distribute electrons in orbitals of 19K, 29Cu, 24Cr, 53I?

Long Questions:
1). Properties of cathode rays and canal rays. 2). Discovery of Neutron
3). Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model 4). Defects of Bohr’s atomic model
5). Derivation of radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom
6). Derivation of energy of nth orbit of hydrogen atom
7). Determination of e/m value of electron 8). Discuss Quantum number
9). Plank’s Quantum Theory

Chapter 6:

Short Questions:
1. What is the cause of chemical change?
2. What is octet rule? Which molecules do not follow octet rule?
3. What is atomic size or atomic radii?
4. Give the trend of atomic size along the period and down the group?
5. Why Atomic radii cannot be measured accurately?
6. What is ionic radius? Give its trend along the period and down the group?
7. Why the size of cation is smaller than its corresponding neutral atom?
8. Anionic radius is larger than the parent atom. Why?
9. What is Covalent Radius? Give example?
10. What is ionization energy? Give example?
11. Give the trend of ionization energy along the period and down the group?
12. What is electron affinity? Give example?
13. Give the trend of Electron affinity along the period and down the group?
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
14. What is electronegativity difference? Give its trend?
15. How electronegativity difference decides the nature of bond?
16. What is ionic bond? Give example?
17. What is covalent bond? Give example?
18. Differentiate between polar and non polar covalent bond?
19. What is coordinate covalent bond? Give example?
20. Limitation of Lewis model?
21. What is the basic assumption of VSEPR theory?
22. Why lone pair occupy more space than bond pair?
23. Define sigma bond and pi bond?
24. Why sigma bond is stronger than pi bond?
25. Why pi bond is more diffused than sigma bond?
26. Define hybridization and hybrid orbital?
27. What is B.M.O and A.B.M.O?
28. Why the energy of A.B.M.O is greater than the B.M.O?
29. What is bond order? Give example?
30. How MOT justifies that He atom cannot make the He2?
31. Draw the MOT structure of N2 and O2?
32. How N2 show diamagnetic behavior?
33. How O2 show paramagnetic behavior?

Long Questions:
1) Ionization energy with its trend 2). Electron affinity with its trend
3). VSEPR THEORY 4). Hybridization sp3
5) sp2 and sp hybridization with examples 6). Describe N2 and O2 molecules on basis of MOT
7) VBT theory

Chapter 7:

Short Questions:
1. Define system, surrounding and boundary with example?
2. What is state and state function? Give examples?
3. What is internal energy and what is its relation with temperature?
4. What is meant by heat and work? Under what conditions it is positive and negative?
5. State first law of thermodynamics. Give its mathematical form.
6. What is enthalpy? Can we measure the absolute enthalpy of system?
7. Prove ∆E=qv , ∆E= ∆H , ∆H=qp ?
8. Define standard enthalpy of reaction with example?
9. Define standard enthalpy of atomization with example?
10. Define standard enthalpy of neutralization with example?
11. Define standard enthalpy of combustion with example?
12. Define standard enthalpy of solution with example?
13. Define standard enthalpy of formation with example?
14. State Hess’s law. Give its mathematical form? Also give example?
15. What is meant by born Haber cycle?
16. State the laws of thermochemistry and show how are they based on the first law of thermodynamics.
17. What is a thermochemical equation? Give an example. What information do they convey?
18. Why is it necessary to mention the physical states of reactants and products in a thermochemical reaction?

Long Questions:
1) First law of thermodynamics 2) Glass calorimeter
3) Bomb calorimeter 4) Hess law
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
5) Born Haber cycle 6) Enthalpy
7) Defination with examples can be asked.

Chapter 8:

Short Questions:
1. Differentiate between reversible and irreversible reaction?
2. Explain the term state of chemical equilibrium?
3. Reversible reactions attain the position of equilibrium, which is dynamic in nature and not static. Explain it.
4. What is Kf and Kr? Also give its physical significance?
5. Why do the rates of forward reaction slow down when a reversible reaction approaches the equilibrium stage?
6. What is equilibrium constant?
7. How are equilibrium constants Kc and KP related to each other?
8. Derive the unit of equilibrium constant for:
1. H2 + I2 → 2HI
2. Synthesis of Ammonia
3. Formation of ester
4. Dissociation of PCl5
5. Decomposition of N2O4
6. Formation of NO
9. Derive equilibrium constant expression for following reactions:
1. H2 + I2 → 2HI
2. Synthesis of Ammonia
3. Formation of ester
4. Dissociation of PCl5
5. Decomposition of N2O4
6. Formation of NO
10. Write two applications of equilibrium constant?
11. How Kc is used in determination of direction of reaction?
12. How Kc predict the extent of reaction?
13. What is Le Chatelier’s principle?
14. Why the change of temperature disturbs both the equilibrium position and the equilibrium constant of a
15. What is the effect of catalyst on equilibrium constant?
16. Why the solubility of glucose in water is increased by increasing the temperature?
17. What is the optimum condition for the synthesis of ammonia?
18. What is the optimum condition for the synthesis of sulphur trioxide?
19. What conditions are required for best possible yield of ammonia/Sulphur trioxide?
20. What is ionic product of water?
21. What is PH and POH? How it help in the determination of type of solution?
22. How the PH decides the nature of solution?
24. Differentiate between Ka and Kb. How they relate to Kw?
26. State Ostwald’s dilution law.
28. What is common ion effect.
29. What is effect of common ion effect on solubility?
30. How NaCl can be purified by common ion effect?
31. What is Buffer solution and buffer capacity?
32. Give the preparation of acidic and basic buffer solution?
33. Why do we need Buffer solutions? OR What are the uses of buffer solution?
34. How does the Buffer solution act? Explain with an example?
35. Why aqueous solution of CH3COONa is basic in nature?
36. Write down Henderson’s equation for acidic and basic buffer?

Long Questions:
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
Numerical: 22, 23(a)
Example: 1,2,4,5

Chapter 9:

Short Questions:
1. Differentiate b/w ideal and non ideal solution?
2. State two statements of Raoult’s law?
3. Why non ideal solutions do not obey Raoult’s law?
4. Differentiate zeotropic solution and azeotropic solution?
5. Define solubility curve name its two types?
6. Differentiate b/w continuous and discontinous solubility curves
7. Define fractional crystallization. How is it useful? OR
Fractional crystallization technique is used to purify the chemical products. Justify?
8. What are colligative properties. Give condition of colligative properties?
9. Why some properties are called colligative properties
10. What is meant by boiling point elevation and freezing point depression?
11. Differentiate b/w abullioscopic and cryoscopic constant
12. Why vapour pressure of solution is less than pure solvent
13. Why freezing point of solution is always less than freezing point of pure solvant?
14. Why boiling point of a solution of non volatile solute in volatile solvent is always less than boiling point of a pure
15. What is meant by hydration and hydrolysis?
16. What is hydrate? How they are formed?
17. Define heat of solution and hydration energy?
18. What is hydrolytic reaction?
19. Why solution of CH3COONa is basic but that of NH4Cl is acidic in nature?
20. How do you justify that
(a) boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes.
(b) freezing points are depressed due to the presence of solutes.
(c) Beckmann’s thermometer is used to note the depression in freezing point.
(d) in summer the antifreeze solutions protect the liquid of the radiator from boiling over.
(e) NaCl and KNO3 are used to lower the melting point of ice.

Long Questions:
1). Raoult’s law 2). Solubility curve and its types with help of graph
3). Lowering of vapour pressure 4). Elevation of boiling point
5). Depression of freezing point 6). Landsberger’s method
7).Hydration and hydrolysis

Chapter 10:

Short Questions:
1. Define oxidation number with example?
2. Differentiate b/w electrolytic cell and galvanic cell?
3. Differentiate b/w ionization and electrolysis?
4. Write two application of electrolytic cell?
5. How aluminum is formed by using electrolytic cell?
Composed By: Sir Bilal Zulfiqar (Software Engineer)
Contact: 0308-4848597/0307-0499768
6. What is salt bridge? Give its two functions?
7. What is SHE? What is its use?
8. What are electrochemical series?
9. Feasibility of a chemical reaction can be predicted by electrochemical series?
10. Write two applications of electrochemical series?
11. Differentiate b/w standard electrode potential and emf?
12. What is anode and cathode?
13. Differentiate b/w metallic conduction and electrolytic conduction?
14. Explain the following with reasons.
(a) A porous plate or a salt bridge is not required in lead storage cell.
(b) The standard oxidation potential of Zn is 0.76 V and its reduction potential is -0.76 V
(c) Na and K can displace hydrogen from acids but Pt, Pd and Cu can not.
(e) A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality in the cell.
(g) Impure Cu can be purified by electrolytic process.
(h) SHE acts as anode when connected with Cu electrode but as cathode with Zn electrode.

Long Questions:
1) Rule for assigning oxidation number 2). Electrolysis of fused and aqueous NaCl solution
3). Application of electrolytic cell 4) Galvanic cell
5). SHE and measurement of electrode potential 6). Applications of electrochemical series

Chapter 11:

Short Questions:
1. What is meant by reaction rate? Also give its equation and SI unit?
2. What is instantaneous rate and average rate?
3. State law of mass action and also define active mass?
4. What is velocity constant or specific rate constant? Upon what factor it depends?
5. Define order of reaction with example?
6. Differentiate b/w first and second order reaction with example?
7. What is zero order reaction? What type of reaction show zero order reaction?
8. What is pseudo first order reaction? give an example
9. Define half life period. give examples and also write the relation b/w half life and initial concentration of
10. How is half life method used to determine the order of reaction?
11. Define reaction intermediates? Give example?
12. Define activation energy. How it is affected by temperature?
13. What is activation complex? Under what condition activation complex is formed?
14. What is meant by collision theory?
15. What is meant by rate determining step? Give an example.
16. Justify the following statements
The radioactive decay is always a first order reaction.
The unit of rate constant of a second order reaction is dm 3 mol-1s-1, but the unit of rate of reaction is mol dm-3s-1.

Long Questions:
1) Rate of reaction 2) Order of reaction
3) Half life period 4) Energy of activation
5) Methods to determine the order of reaction and explain Half life method and method of large excess.
6) Arrhenius equation

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