Micro Project Part A of Software

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Part a – micro-project proposal

Title of micro-project: Railway reservation system

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-project (minimum 30-50 words)

Railway reservation system of software engineer easy to store all information an
refer when
Ever needed. Generate all important report on necessary details on a monthly basis.
information stored in the software is safely guarded . Anyone can use it easily without
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
a. Select suitable software processes model for software development.
b. use the software modeling to create data design .
c. Estimates size and cost of the software product .
d. Apply the project management
3.0 Proposed Methodology
(Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-project in about 100 to 200
1. Write problem statement to define the project title with bounded scope of the project
2. Select relevant process model to define activities and related tasks set for assignment
3. Gather application specific requirement for assimilate into RE model
4. Prepare board SRS for the above selected project .
5. Prepare use-case and draw use-case diagram using software modeling tool.
6. Development the activity diagram to represent flow one activity to another for software
7. Development data design DFDs, decision tables and E-R diagram.
8. Draw class diagram ,sequence diagram , collaboration diagram , state tramission diagram
for the
assigned project
9. Write test cases to validate requirement of assigned project from SRS document .
10. Identify risks involved in the project and prepare RMMM plan
11. Evaluate size of the project using function point metric for the assigned project
12. Estimate cost of the project using COCOMO approach for the assigned project
13. Use CPM/PERT for scheduling the assigned project
14. Prepare SQA plan that facilities various attributes of quality of process
15. Prepare SQA plan that facilities various attributes of the quality of project
5.0 Action Plan (sequence and time required for major activity)
s. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
no. Start Finish Responsible
date date team
1 Writing problems statement for Railway
Reservation system
2 Select process model
3 Gather Requirements
4 Develop SRS document
5 Draw diagrams
6 Report and proposal

6.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material , some machining facility ,
Software etc. )
S. Name of Specifications Qt Remark
No Resource y s
. /material
1 Laptop Windows10 , 2GB 1
2 Software TASM 1

7.0 Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

Roll Names
14 Deshmukh Vaishnavi Sudhakar
30 Karle Akanksha Tanaji
59 Somane Srushti Sanjay
61 Sontakke Vaishnavi Sudhakar
63 Thakur Deepali Santoshsingh

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