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English homework

Group: Activity: Topic:

Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay

Hand out 1
Thesis statement: (Mention your three ideas)


First idea with transition word:

What is the difference between practicing suicide and choosing euthanasia, which makes them
different, and which makes them similar?

Second idea with transition word:

What is the procedure for performing euthanasia, which is mostly used to carry out the

Third idea with transition word:

Alternatives to common procedures for assisted death and euthanasia

Please create a diagram to order your ideas: (Add ideas and an image that help you to
complement your idea)


difference between Procedure for carrying Alternatives to lethal

suicide and euthanasia out euthanasia injection

it is the very person Tiopentato de Sodio Bromuro de pancuronio Cloruro de Potasio Euthanasia Coastert
In a euthanasia it is a
health professional who who wishes to die who
causes the death of the puts an end to his life,
person who has asked usually by ingesting a
for help to die. lethal drug
English homework
Group: Activity: Topic:
Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay

Please add a vocabulary list about each subtopic:

Subtopic 1

Evicted: person who has lost her home due to eviction

Sick: Suffering from disease
Euthanasia: Intentionally causing the death of a person with an incurable disease to prevent him
or her from suffering
Suicide: An action that is so risky that it can cause serious harm to the person who performs it.
Bioethics: a systematic study of human behavior in the life sciences and health care
Serious: It has or may have danger or harmful consequences.
Assisted: That is done with the help of technical means.
Patient: person suffering from pain and discomfort

Subtopic 2

Process: Set of successive phases of a complex phenomenon or event

Drugs: A substance used with the intention of acting on the nervous system in order to enhance
physical or intellectual development
Intravenous: That is or is placed inside a vein.
Substance: Main component of bodies, susceptible to all kinds of forms and to undergo
changes, which is characterized by a set of physical or chemical properties, perceptible through
the senses.
Motor: It is the ability learned by learning to perform movements with excellent technique,
optimally and in any situation
Agent: are a set of factors called etiological factors or causal factors
Neuromuscular: Relative to the connection between nerves and the muscles that stimulate
Diaphragm: A wide muscle located between the pectoral and abdominal cavities that plays an
important role in mammalian respiration.

Subtopic 3

Invention: Creation, design or production of something new that did not exist before.
roller coaster: Attraction of fairs and amusement parks consisting of a narrow road by which at
the mercy of curves
Extravagance: is what is said or done outside the common way of acting
terminal velocity: is the maximum velocity reached by a body moving within an infinite fluid
under the action of a constant force
sudden acceleration: Abrupt increase in the rotational speed of an engine
Vision: is action and effect of seeing. The expression to see is to appreciate by the eyes, objects
by light
English homework
Group: Activity: Topic:
Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay

brain death: permanent loss of brain activity

6Gs: is a measure of acceleration, treated in the general language as a force, although strictly
speaking they are not the same physical magnitudes

Handout 2

5 Sentences about introduction and a THESIS STATEMENT (Mention your tree ideas
without include the ideas that you want to develop, REMEMBER THAT IS AN

Considered by some as an attempt on a person’s life, for others it is the solution to

the suffering caused by a terminal illness. It is completely understandable that for
the patient’s family members it is a difficult process to accept and during this
situation it is considered unfortunate to see a person who is considered suffering

First paragraph

Transition about introduction, Sentences (6) you need to add FANBOYS, compound
sentences (3) and technical vocabulary about your topic.

Like the case of Brittany Maynard, a young American woman who had headaches
that led her to stay in the hospital for days. Doctors established that her diagnosis
was brain cancer with a six-month lifespan, doctors offered a treatment that would
help decrease symptoms, however, would not save her
Second paragraph
Transition about addition, sentences (6) you need to add FANBOYS, compound
sentences (3) and technical vocabulary about your topic.

Euthanasia is legalized, because of this, the contemporary phenomenon has been

called "suicide tourism", because there are many terminally ill people who decide
to go to these states and countries to be able to finish their lives in a dignified way.
They are only a few people who interrupt their treatment due to the suffering
caused by diseases, however, the country that has had the most impact is the
Third paragraph
Transition about conclusion, sentences (6) you need to add FANBOYS, compound
sentences (3) and technical vocabulary about your topic.

And that is how the comparison between suicide and euthanasia begins, according
to the magazine very interesting euthanasia is to cause the death of a sick man
evicted, to avoid his agony and suicide can be defined as the act of taking his life
English homework
Group: Activity: Topic:
Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay

voluntarily and intentionally, Different factors are involved in this, usually because
of problems that affect the emotional state of the person in an uncontrollable way.

Transition about conclusion and paraphrasing the thesis statement, (six sentences
about your essay, no more new information)

The attitude to voluntary death is evident that it has been changing throughout
history, in accordance with the ideological and religious conceptions of each
moment and place. In Spanish society until very few years ago, because of the
influence exercised by the Church and the Franco regime, the only interpretation
accepted on the right to life was the duty we all had to preserve it, above any other
In very few years society in general and Spanish society in particular has
undergone a great transformation, to the point that, today, the majority advocates
the recognition of the right to manage their own life, the ideal thing would be to be
able to decide how and when. Today no one wants to suffer and we all rebel
against the prospect of a long agony.
English homework
Group: Activity: Topic:
Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay

Handout 3

Transition words (remember to add the comma after the transition word)

Such as, as, particularly, including, as an illustration, for example, like in particular, for one
thing, to illustrate, for instance, especially, notably, by way of example.


Indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also,
moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to
this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much
less additionally, nor, alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this).


To conclude (with), as a final point, eventually, at last, in the end, finally, lastly.
English homework
Group: Activity: Topic:
Name: Vidals Vazquez Angel David
2MM10 Writing an essay


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