0809 - Instrumentation Installation Specification - RevB

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Instrumentation Installation Specification

DRA Lead Electrical Engineer CONRAD SCHULT _____________________

DRA Senior C&I Engineer KOBUS SCHOEMAN _____________________

DRA Instrumentation Engineer MONARE MAHLARE _____________________

DRA Project Engineer DEWALD OLIVIER _____________________

DRA Project Engineer WAYNE VENTER _____________________

DRA Project Manager THYS DE BEER _____________________

Kamoa Engineering Manager JOHAN NORTJE _____________________

Kamoa Project Engineer DAVID MITCHELL _____________________

Kamoa Project Manager PETER REAVY _____________________

Kamoa VP Technical Services PETER BROKENSHIRE _____________________

Kamoa VP DRC Projects STEVE AMOS _____________________

Configuration Management

Document Number DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0809 Issue Date 2019/07/24

Author Kobus Schoeman Status For Review

File Name Instrument Installation Specification Revision B

Kamoa Number

Instrumentation Revision B
Installation Specification Copyright

For External
B 24/07/2019

Rev Date Description

Proprietary Information

This document has been prepared by and remains the sole property of Kamoa Copper SA. It is published solely
for use by the Kamoa Copper SA Team in the execution of their duties. The user/recipient agrees to use it for
the purposes intended and to return it and not to publish it to any third party without written approval from
Kamoa Copper SA. The user must ensure that it is the current version prior to using it.

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LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Locations ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Positioning of Equipment .............................................................................................. 7
1.4 Additional Installation Notes .......................................................................................... 8
2 Codes and Standards .......................................................................................................... 8
3 Abbreviations and Definitions .......................................................................................... 10
4 Reference Terms ................................................................................................................ 11
5 Scope of Works.................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 General....................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Work to be Included .................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Loop Packages ........................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Acceptance of the Work .............................................................................................. 16
5.5 Material Supply ........................................................................................................... 16
5.6 Work to be Excluded ................................................................................................... 17
6 Guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 18
6.1 System Voltages ......................................................................................................... 18
7 Numbering.......................................................................................................................... 20
7.1 Equipment Numbering ................................................................................................ 20
7.2 Cable Numbering ........................................................................................................ 20
7.3 Core Numbering ......................................................................................................... 20
7.4 Instrument Numbering ................................................................................................ 20
8 Site Services ...................................................................................................................... 21
8.1 Electrical Power .......................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Access to Substations................................................................................................. 21
8.3 Available Existing Power............................................................................................. 21
8.4 Limit of the Works ....................................................................................................... 21
8.5 Operational Safety ...................................................................................................... 21
8.6 Construction Cable ..................................................................................................... 21
9 Description of the Works................................................................................................... 22
9.1 Instrumentation and Control System Detail ................................................................. 22
9.2 Control System ........................................................................................................... 22
9.3 Field Systems ............................................................................................................. 23
9.4 Signal Junction Boxes and Transmitter Boxes ............................................................ 23
9.5 Cables ........................................................................................................................ 24
9.6 UPS and Power Distribution........................................................................................ 24
9.7 Instrumentation Earth.................................................................................................. 25
9.8 Instruments ................................................................................................................. 25
9.9 PLC Room .................................................................................................................. 25
10 Material of Construction and Construction Details ......................................................... 26
10.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................ 26
10.2 Explosive Type Fixing Devices ................................................................................... 27
10.3 Civil and Builders Work ............................................................................................... 27

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10.4 Affixing Equipment ...................................................................................................... 27

10.5 General Installation Guidelines ................................................................................... 27
10.6 Permit to Work ............................................................................................................ 29
10.7 Changes in Equipment Position .................................................................................. 29
10.8 Co-ordination .............................................................................................................. 29
10.9 Testing and Energising ............................................................................................... 29
11 Control System and Field Enclosures .............................................................................. 30
11.1 General Requirement.................................................................................................. 30
11.2 Field Junction Boxes ................................................................................................... 30
12 Cables ................................................................................................................................. 31
12.1 Cable Requirements ................................................................................................... 31
12.2 Installation of Signal Cables and Dekabon Tubing ...................................................... 32
12.3 Installation of Cables above Ground ........................................................................... 34
12.4 Cable and Core Labelling ........................................................................................... 34
13 Trenches and Ducts........................................................................................................... 34
13.1 Installation of Cables in Pre-formed Trenches and Ducts............................................ 34
13.2 Excavation of Cable Trenches .................................................................................... 35
13.3 Installation of Cables in the Ground ............................................................................ 35
14 Cable Racking .................................................................................................................... 35
14.2 Cable Racking Requierements ................................................................................... 36
14.3 Cable Racks and Supports Construction Details ......................................................... 38
14.4 Limitation of Obstruction ............................................................................................. 38
14.5 Rack Mounting ............................................................................................................ 38
14.6 Cable Rack Covers ..................................................................................................... 38
14.7 Single Angle Cable Supports ...................................................................................... 38
14.8 Supports ..................................................................................................................... 39
14.9 Bends ......................................................................................................................... 39
14.10 Connections to Main Racks ........................................................................................ 39
14.11 Construction of Racks ................................................................................................. 39
15 Cable Terminations............................................................................................................ 39
16 Cable Terminations and Joints ......................................................................................... 42
17 Cable Ferrules, Lugs, Sleeves .......................................................................................... 43
18 Drilling of Gland Holes ...................................................................................................... 43
19 Cable Glands and Adaptors .............................................................................................. 44
20 Pneumatics and Dekabon Tubing..................................................................................... 44
21 Conduit ............................................................................................................................... 45
22 Earthing .............................................................................................................................. 46
22.1 Design Requirements ................................................................................................. 46
22.2 Installation of Instrumentation Earth System ............................................................... 46
22.3 Installation of Control System Earthing ....................................................................... 46
23 Instrumentation Installation .............................................................................................. 47
23.1 Hook-up Diagrams ...................................................................................................... 47
23.2 AT – Analysers ........................................................................................................... 48
23.3 DT – Density Meters ................................................................................................... 48
23.4 FI – Flow Indicators (Variable Area Flow Meter) ......................................................... 49

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23.5 FSL – Flow Switches .................................................................................................. 50

23.6 FT – Thermal Mass Flow Meter Equipment ................................................................ 50
23.7 FT – Electro-Magnetic Flow Transmitters.................................................................... 50
23.8 LSHH - High Level Tilt Switches ................................................................................. 51
23.9 LT – Level Transmitters .............................................................................................. 51
23.10 NC – Field Control Stations ........................................................................................ 53
23.11 PT – Pressure Instruments ......................................................................................... 53
23.12 Valves ......................................................................................................................... 54
23.13 TE/TT – Temperature Elements / Transmitters ........................................................... 57
23.14 VT – Vibration Sensors ............................................................................................... 57
23.15 WT – Conveyor Belt Scales ........................................................................................ 57
24 Conveyor Protection.......................................................................................................... 57
24.1 UA – Start-up Sirens ................................................................................................... 58
24.2 ZSL / ZSR – Belt Alignment Switches ......................................................................... 58
24.3 HS – Conveyor Pull-Wire Switches ............................................................................. 58
24.4 SSL/ST – Conveyor Speed Transmitters .................................................................... 59
24.5 SSL – Non-Contact Speed Switches........................................................................... 60
24.6 LSH – Microwave Blocked Chute Detectors................................................................ 60
24.7 Miscellaneous Items ................................................................................................... 60
25 Testing and Energising ..................................................................................................... 61
25.1 General Testing .......................................................................................................... 61
25.2 Cable Tests ................................................................................................................ 61
25.3 Pneumatic Piping and Tubing Tests............................................................................ 62
25.4 Commissioning ........................................................................................................... 62
26 QA Requirement ................................................................................................................ 63
26.1 Specific requirements for testing and energising ......................................................... 63
26.2 Certificates of Compliance (COC) ............................................................................... 63
26.3 Installation, Checks, Testing and Certification Details ................................................. 63


Table 1: Codes, Standards and Specifications ................................................................................ 9

Table 2: Abbreviations and Definitions .......................................................................................... 10

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1 Scope

1.1 General

This Instrumentation Installation Specification details the recommended minimum criteria that
shall be followed for the supply and/or installation of the Instrumentation and Control System
equipment and materials for the Kamoa – Kakula Project.
The scope of this specification include for the supply, delivery, storage, fabrication of all plant,
materials, consumables and tools, supervision, labour, technical and professional services,
mobile cranes and equipment necessary for the transporting, placing in position, rigging,
construction, installation, calibration, quality checking, testing and installation certification,
and pre-commissioning of all Instrumentation and Control System equipment as detailed
within this specification, attached drawings, Bill of Quantities, and relevant Contract
In terms of the minimum installation requirements, the installation contractor shall conform to
the minimum requirements of the Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Criteria
Where an interface to a vendor is required, this will be additionally governed by the Electrical,
Control and Instrumentation Specification as part of Mechanical Orders (DRA-0571-ECI-
Equipment Numbering shall be governed by the project-wide Equipment Numbering
Procedure (DRA-0571-ENG-PR-0000).
Any deviation from these criteria and specifications shall be rectified to conform prior to
acceptance. Where Instrument Installation is required on an installation not covered by these
documents or those referenced by them, the method of installation shall be agreed to, in
writing, with the Engineer prior to any purchase / installation.

1.2 Locations

The Control System equipment, ancillaries and cabling shall be in, and run in and between
the following distinct locations:

1.2.1 The Control Rooms The Mining Control Room (MCR) is located near the Decline on surface level and will be
joined by a sliding door to an Emergency Preparedness Room that will be the central point
for managing safety and emergency related matters. The Process Plant Control Room (PCR) is located close to the milling circuit in the Process
Plant in full view of the Mills.

1.2.2 The Engineering Rooms

An Engineering Room is located adjacent to its associated Control Rooms. The Mining Engineering Room (MER) contains all the Central PLC Panels for the Mine and
Services. Cabling entering this building shall be Optic Fibre cable and 220/380 Vac
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Supply cables. The Plant Engineering Room (PER) contains all the Central PLC Panels for the Plant and
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Services. Cabling entering this building shall be Optic Fibre cable and 220/380 Vac UPS
Supply cables.

1.2.3 MCC Substations

MCC Substations are located throughout the Mining Underground, Mining Surface and
Process Plant areas and forms the central point for power switching and distribution to
various loads.

1.2.4 RIO Panels and Field Instrumentation

Field Instrumentation is located all over the Mining, Mining Surface and Process Plant areas. Remote I/O (RJB) Panels are interconnected using optic fibre cables in a ring topology. The RJB Panels are located throughout the Mine, Mining Surface and Process Plant and
contain Remote I/O equipment with Input and Output modules. These RJB Panels
communicate via ProfiNet IO to the centrally located Control System controllers. Field Instrumentation are wired to the RJB Panels in the conventional manner through one
of the following methods:

• Connection directly from Field Instrument to RJB panel.

• Connection directly from Field Instrument to Instrumentation Junction Boxes (IJBs) and
then via individually screened multi-pairs or multi-triads to the respective RJB panel.
• Connection directly from Field Instrument to Solenoid Valve Boxes (SJBs) and then via
individually screened multi-pairs to the respective RJB panel.

1.2.5 IJB and SJB panels are distributed throughout the Mining Area, Mine Surface Area and
Process Plant.

1.3 Positioning of Equipment

1.3.1 Grouping of instrumentation shall be logically arranged and mounted in common areas
governed by the Instrumentation Location Drawings.
1.3.2 The mounting positions are to be agreed with the Engineer prior to installations. These groups
of instruments will be wired to common Instrumentation Junction Boxes (IJBs) and Solenoid
Junction Boxes (SJBs) and will be wired back to the RJB Panel in that area.
1.3.3 The positioning of local control equipment shall be such as to give the best view of the driven
machinery for reasons of safety and convenience.
1.3.4 Local push button stations, etc., shall be mounted as close as practically possible to driven
items, but in any event shall not be mounted more than 3 m from the equipment.
1.3.5 Equipment shall not be situated in locations subject to leaks and spills. All components not
otherwise protected from leaks or spills shall be mounted under a suitable shield or protective
drip-cover. Covers shall be made in accordance with the relevant Hook-up Diagrams.
1.3.6 The RJB Panels, ProfiNet Network Junction Boxes (NJBs), Instrumentation Junction Boxes
(IJBs) and Solenoid Operator Junction Boxes (SJBs) will be free issued with custom made
drip covers.

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1.4 Additional Installation Notes

1.4.1 All equipment shall be installed at the locations shown on the Instrumentation Location
Drawings. Field mounted equipment shall be installed in such a way that they are readily
accessible and protected from direct impacts. Care must be taken not to install
instrumentation under tank overflows, inside bund walls or drain sumps.
1.4.2 Field mounted devices, including the all Junction Boxes will have an ingress protection rating
of minimum IP 65 that shall be maintained during all actions by the Installation Contractor.
1.4.3 Cables or equipment shall be properly supported to relieve strain on connections and
1.4.4 Holes larger than 8 mm in diameter shall not be drilled in structural steelworks without prior
consent of the Construction Manager.
1.4.5 Reference is also made to the convenient standing position of maintenance personnel with
easy access to field installed panels and instrumentation.
1.4.6 Special attention shall be given to the orientation of the device regarding the access for
operation, maintenance, repair and calibration.
1.4.7 All nuclear or radio-active sources shall be properly enclosed by means of a steel cage.
Source holders will be equipped with a suitable locking mechanism to lock the source in the
CLOSED position for maintenance purposes.

2 Codes and Standards

2.1 The design, materials supplied, and construction shall comply strictly with regulations from
jurisdictional authorities and mining-related best practices including but not limited to the
following, which are listed in order of importance:

• DRC laws and legislation;

• DRC Mining Regulations;
• DRC mining code;
• DRC Mine Health and Safety Act, mining regulations and mining codes;
• International standards (IEC, DIN, FEM, CEA, ISO);
• Kamoa specifications and standards, where available, and
• Mining industry specifications and standards where Kamoa specifications and standards
are not available.

2.2 All equipment and services proposed shall comply with the mandatory requirements of the
DRC mining regulations in question and where non-existent shall default back to the
regulations as listed above.
2.3 Additionally, the design, materials supplied, and construction shall comply strictly with all
National Acts, Provincial Ordinances and Acts, Municipal Bye-laws, DRC Environmental,
Safety and Licensing laws and any other laws, regulations, directions, permissions and other
requirements which are applicable to the works, as amended from time to time.
2.4 The design, materials supplied, and construction shall comply with the latest edition, including
all amendments, of the codes, standards and specifications referenced in Table 1: Codes,
Standards and Specifications.

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2.5 All design, materials and construction supplied shall meet or exceed the applicable South
African standards as a minimum. Where no standards are applicable, general industry
accepted standards, procedures and best practises will be observed.
2.6 The consultant, contractor or supplier shall inform the Client prior to implementation in writing
of any conflict between legislation, codes, standards, specifications and drawings. The Client
shall advise the consultant or supplier in writing on how to proceed. If the Client does not
advise the Supplier on how to proceed, the order of precedence as above should be used:

• DRC laws and legislation;

• DRC Mining Regulations;
• DRC mining code;
• DRC Mine Health and Safety Act, mining regulations and mining codes;
• International standards (IEC, DIN, FEM, CEA, ISO);
• Kamoa specifications and standards, where available, and
• Mining industry specifications and standards where Kamoa specifications and standards
are not available.

2.7 The following specific notes refers:

• Where conflict exists between various specifications, standards and codes, disputes
shall be referred in writing to the Engineer for resolution.
• Specific design parameters are not addressed in this Specification but in the relevant
Equipment Data Sheet.
• The Contractors’ standard specification shall be considered as complimentary to all
referenced specifications, subject to the approval by the Client and / or Engineer.

2.8 The works will be carried out in accordance with the following codes, standards and

Table 1: Codes, Standards and Specifications

Document Number Title

Client Standards and Specifications
DRA-0571-ENG-SPC-0003 Site Climatic Data Specification
DRA-0571-ENG-PR-0000 Equipment Numbering Procedure
DRA-0571-SSP-SPC-0400 Corrosion Protection Specification
DRA-0571-SSP-SPC-0401 Hot Dip Galvanising Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0701 Underground Lighting Design Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0702 Electrical Overhead Line Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0706 Containerised Substation Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0707 MV Switchgear Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0708 MCC Specification
DRA-0571-EL-SPC-0709 Electrical Installation Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0710 Earthing & Lightning Protection Specification
DRA-0571-ECI-DC-0800 Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Criteria
DRA-0571-ECI-SPC-0801 Electrical, Control and Instrumentation as part of Mechanical Orders
Applicable South African National Standards
Electric cables with extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1
900/3 300 V)
IEC 61439-1 Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear Assemblies Part 1

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Document Number Title

Type-tested assemblies with stated deviations and a rated short-circuit withstand strength
above 10 kA
IEC 60079-11 Electrical apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part11 – Intrinsic Safety (IS)
The installation, inspection and maintenance of equipment used in explosive atmospheres
IEC 60079 All Parts
Part 1: Installations including surface installations on Mines
SANS 10142 Part-1 The wiring of premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations
IEC 62561-2:2018 The design and installation of earth electrodes
IEC 60947 – All Parts Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear Part 1: General rules
IEC 61439 – All Parts Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear assemblies
IEC 62271 – All Parts High-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear
IEC 62305 Protection Against Lightning
International Standards
ANSI/ISA-5.1-2009 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification
Equipment Standards
EN 60529 Degree of Ingress Protection
EN 61010 Protection Measures for Electrical Equipment
EN 61326/A1 Electrical Magnetic Compatibility

2.9 Any proposed deviation from the specified codes, standards and specifications, including
modifications deemed necessary for applications, shall be submitted to the Client for
approval, prior to implementation.
2.10 All documents and drawings will only be in English and the only unit of measurement will be
metric using the International System of Units (SI). The SI base units are a choice of seven
well-defined units which by convention are regarded as dimensionally independent: the
metre, the kilogram, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole, and the candela.

3 Abbreviations and Definitions

Table 2: Abbreviations and Definitions

Abbreviation Definition
AAC All Aluminium Cable
AC Alternating Current
AS Automation Station
BoQ Bill of Quantities
C&I Control & Instrumentation
CR Control Room
DB Distribution Board
DC Direct Current
DIN German Institute for Standardization
DOL Direct-on-Line
DRA DRA Projects SA (Pty) Ltd
EC&I Electrical, Control and Instrumentation
Engineer Ivanhoe Appointed Representative
ER Engineering Room
FO Fibre Optic
GA General Arrangement
Human Machine Interface - Machine Localized Visualization Panel - Not to be confused with
SCADA as it is only Supervisory over the local machine.
ID Inside Diameter
IE Industrial Ethernet

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Abbreviation Definition
IEC International Electro-Technical Commission
IJB Instrumentation Junction Box
IO or I/O Input / Output
IS Intrinsic Safety Continue from here
ISO International Organization for Standardization
L&SP Lighting and Small Power
LDB Lighting Distribution Board
LV Low Voltage
MCC Motor Control Centre
MCR Mine Control Room
MER Mine Engineering Room
M&P Mechanical and Piping
MV Medium Voltage
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
NECR Neutral Earthing Compensator Resistor
NER Neutral Earthing Resistor
NJBs Network Junction Boxes
OD Outside Diameter
OPGW Optical Ground Wire (Earth wire with Fibre embedded)
OS Operator Station
PCR Plant Control Room
PER Plant Engineering Room
PID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative Control Loop
PJB Power Distribution Junction Box
PLC Programmable Logic Controller.
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
RIO Remote I/O
RJB Remote I/O Junction Box
ProfiNet / Process Field Network is a technical standard for data communication over Industrial Ethernet
PROFINET for delivery of data under tight time constraints.
RMU Ring Main Unit
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System – Not to be confused with HMI as it is
Supervisory over the complete Control System.
SJB Solenoid Junction Box
SS Stainless Steel
SSO Switched Socket Outlet
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
SWA Steel-Wire Armoured
UG Underground
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
VAC Voltage Alternating Current
V DC Voltage Direct Current
VSD / VFD Variable Speed Drive / Variable Frequency Drive
VT Vibration Transmitters

4 Reference Terms

In this document the following will be referred to:

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• The “Owner” or “Client” is Kamoa Copper.

• The “Buyer” as any Kamoa Copper appointed company.
• The “Supplier”, “Manufacturer” or “Contractor” as the company engaged by the Buyer to
fabricate, supply, or provide equipment and the installation or erection thereof.
• The “Engineer” as the Kamoa Copper engineer or his appointed representative to ensure
compliance with this Specification.

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5 Scope of Works

5.1 General

5.1.1 Although this Specification is meant to govern the Instrumentation Installation, this section is
intended to clarify what is required for all installations in terms of the Scope of Works (SoW)
and aids in the understanding of this Specification.
5.1.2 The installation of instrumentation should be performed by qualified personnel.
5.1.3 Careful consideration must be given to the installation position of instruments:

• Instruments must be easily accessible to maintenance personnel.

• Equipment installed should not block walkways or create tripping hazards.

5.1.4 Equipment is to be installed based on the minimum requirements as set out by the
manufacturer and as indicated in the Hook-up Diagrams, Installation and Wiring manuals.
5.1.5 All queries, as well as any requests for deviation from this Specification shall be directed to
the Engineer.

5.2 Work to be Included

The scope of work includes, but shall not be limited to the following:
5.2.1 Prices or rates quoted in the schedule shall include for off-loading of equipment at the
shipping agent.
5.2.2 The Contractor shall provide for his own radio communication equipment and hand held
radios for site use. This equipment shall be of the type that utilises radio frequencies that
does not require licensing in terms of the DRC law. Kamoa Kakula Security reserves the right
to confiscate equipment that does not meet these requirements.
5.2.3 Completion of all detail drawings and documentation for the Engineers approval before
manufacturing commences.
5.2.4 Supplying and installing all required materials not specifically listed as free issue. All materials
shall be as specified in the Bill of Quantities (BoQ).
5.2.5 Complete installation of all items listed in the BoQ and any attached Appendices as “Free
5.2.6 A Certified ProfiNet Installer, certified by the ProfiBus Competence Centre (PCC) of Southern
Africa, shall oversee installation of ProfiNet cables and shall personally terminate the ProfiNet
equipment and cables.
5.2.7 Certificates and CVs of identified qualified personnel must be submitted at tender stage. The
contractor shall not be allowed to change personnel offered during tender stage.
5.2.8 Identified personnel shall be interviewed and tested by the Employer.
5.2.9 Plant, materials, supplies, tools, rigging, scaffolding, mobile cranes and equipment,
machinery and all other items to be used directly or indirectly for the complete installation of
the scope of work.
5.2.10 Inspection and testing per the specifications. The contractor shall include for functional testing
of the completed installation. Supplying of qualified labour and supervision during testing.
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5.2.11 Supply and install all instrumentation stands as per the supplied hook-up drawings. These
shall be pre-manufactured and shall be inspected and released by the Engineer at the
manufacturing facility before delivery to site.
5.2.12 Supply and install all instrument air tubing, impulse tubing and fittings to instruments, field
devices and final control elements as per the supplied hook-up drawings.
5.2.13 Installation of all free-issued Instrumentation and Control System related field devices and
final control elements as per the supplied hook-up drawings.
5.2.14 Installation and securing of all PLC Panels, Network Panels, Solenoid Junction Boxes (SJB),
Remote IO Boxes (RJB), Instrument Junction Boxes (IJB), ProfiNet Network Panels (NJBs),
110 Vac Control System Power, UPSs and other 110 Vac Small Power in the allocated
positions as per the supplied general arrangement drawings and model.
5.2.15 Rates for supply and installation of all Field Boxes (CCG/Pratley boxes).
5.2.16 Fabrication and installation of all miscellaneous mounting brackets and hanger supports for
instrumentation and control system equipment, where required as per the supplied hook-up
drawings and/or other drawings.
5.2.17 Supplying and installing all cable racking, channels and angle iron droppers as per the
relevant hook-up drawings.
5.2.18 Fabrication, supply and installation of all steelwork, hanger supports, and brackets required
as per the relevant construction drawings for instrument cable protection. These shall be pre-
manufactured and shall be inspected and released by the Engineer at the manufacturing
facility before delivery to site.
5.2.19 Supplying and installing all required instrumentation conduit and accessories as per the
relevant hook-up drawings.
5.2.20 Pulling, supporting and correctly terminating all cable and wire including tagging cable and
connections at both ends of cable.
5.2.21 Pulling, installing, supporting, terminating and splicing of all fibre optic cable including
labelling cable and patch-leads at both ends of cable. Pricing for fibre termination and splicing
shall be through the preferred vendor as specified by the engineer. This is in the case where
the Client installation contractor is not geared to successfully perform this scope.
5.2.22 Supply, install and connect all terminations for wire and cable according to the correct
installation instructions for the specific type of cable, e.g. free issued quick connect ProfiNet
cable and plugs.
5.2.23 Supply and install all surface dirty and clean / instrumentation earthing conductors as shown
on the drawings or as required by this specification or related codes, including all lugs and
hardware, bolted and Cadweld terminations.
5.2.24 Install drip covers as specified by this specification. These shall be pre-manufactured and
shall be inspected and released by the Engineer or his representative at the manufacturing
facility before delivery to site if not free issued.
5.2.25 Touch-up painting and correction of any dents, burrs or other damage of instrumentation
equipment installed by Contractor and any damage to structural or steel painting due to the
installation work undertaken by the contractor.

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5.2.26 Excavation, placing cable, supplying and placing protective covers/markers and backfill for
direct buried cable.
5.2.27 Supplying qualified labour and supervision for inspections, testing and pre-commissioning of
the entire installation as installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall include for
functional testing of the completed installation.
5.2.28 Supply and install drilled in concrete holding down bolts.
5.2.29 Provision of temporary lighting to allow for safe working conditions.
5.2.30 Provision of safe access to all buildings and structures where any work is occurring overhead.
This includes erection of structures or enclosures for safe access.
5.2.31 Co-ordination, via the Project Construction Manager, with other Contractors and with the
Kamoa - Kakula Operations personnel.
5.2.32 Closing of all equipment cut-outs to allow work to continue safely simultaneously above and
below all platforms.
5.2.33 Issuing of certificates of compliance in accordance with SANS 10142 for all electrical
installation work.

5.3 Loop Packages

5.3.1 Provide a sample loop handover package, per loop type, to the Engineer for approval and
shall consist, amongst others, of the following:

• Main index
• Sub-indexes
• Client approved hand over certificate
• Contractor’s QCP complete with measurement claims
• Related installation checklists
• Calibration Certificates
• Loop test Certificates
• Contractor’s Punch List
• Engineers / Supervisor’s Punch List
• Client’s Punch List
• Red-lined as-built drawings certified by the Contractor’s QC Inspector

5.3.2 These samples shall form the basis of all loop packs and all loop packs shall comply with
5.3.3 A loop pack shall be compiled, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, before any loop checks are
done and shall include all test certificates relevant to the associated loop as described in the
5.3.4 A qualified instrumentation technician employed by the Contractor shall do loop checks and
sign-off to ensure quality and integrity of checks and sign-off documentation.
5.3.5 Completed loop packs shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval daily. No loop shall be
considered complete if the documentation is incomplete, even if the loop has been placed in
5.3.6 The final loop documentation will only be signed off when all the documents are in place,
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including COCs, and the final loop check has been completed and accepted by the Engineer.
All punch items shall be cleared and signed off by the Engineer or his representative before
final sign-off.
5.3.7 In no circumstances shall the fact that the client has started to use equipment for testing or
production purposes clear the contractor of his obligation to finalise loop documentation.

5.4 Acceptance of the Work

5.4.1 The Contractor is to seek acceptance as soon as possible in all packages, to avoid duplication
or undesirable practices.
5.4.2 Acceptance of packages shall be conditional upon the receipt by the Engineer of up-dated
red lined “As built” drawings.
5.4.3 All work carried out will be subject to re-measurement by registered quantity surveyors.
Method and units of measurement are specified elsewhere in the Contract Documentation.

5.5 Material Supply

The Contractor shall supply all materials, not otherwise supplied or free-issued, required for
the complete installation of the works. Such materials shall be per this specification. The
detail specification, material of construction, design requirements and installation /
construction requirements are addressed in further sections of this document.
The required material supply would be:
5.5.1 An indicative scope of supply will be detailed on the attached project drawings and the
attached bill of quantities. It would be more or less accurate, but indicative of the size of
installation required.
5.5.2 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) “Green/Yellow” insulated earth wire as per the safety and instrument
earthing requirements.
5.5.3 All Cable glands and terminations.
5.5.4 Cable and core labelling/identification system and accessories.
5.5.5 Cable rack numbering system and accessories.
5.5.6 Cable lugs, ferrules, bootlace ferrules and strapping. Push-in (spring loaded) terminals will
be used for Instrumentation purposes where possible.
5.5.7 Heat shrink tubing and heat shrink application equipment.
5.5.8 Cable stripping tools suitable to the cable type installed.
5.5.9 Instrument Tubing installation tools.
5.5.10 Fire retardant and protective coatings on cables.
5.5.11 Fire retardant foam for sealing of all cable entries into buildings.
5.5.12 Field instrument and device cable signal junction boxes.
5.5.13 Conduit and accessories.
5.5.14 Hot Dip Galvanized cable racking and accessories.
5.5.15 Galvanised angle iron droppers with supports.

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5.5.16 Channel iron as per the design requirements.

5.5.17 All sundry steel, support and mounting brackets for cable racking, angle iron, channel and
5.5.18 Above ground instrument earthing system including all lugs, hardware, bolted connections
and Cadweld terminations.
5.5.19 Protective covers / markers.
5.5.20 Warning and danger signs.
5.5.21 Trifoliate Labels (black text on yellow tags, sleeve mount).
5.5.22 Drilled in concrete holding down bolts.
5.5.23 Fibre testing equipment and any other required testing equipment needed to ensure the
integrity of the installation.
5.5.24 All test and electrical equipment with relevant calibration certificates.
5.5.25 Instrument air supply filter / regulators and 12 mm Dekabon will be free issued. Rates to be
5.5.26 Paint and painting material as per the painting specifications referred to in this document.
5.5.27 All consumables including cutting, welding and heating gasses, welding rods, cleaning
5.5.28 PVC sleeves as may be required per the design documentation for outdoor applications.
5.5.29 Supply of Small Power Distribution and Signal cabling. Rates to be submitted.
5.5.30 Supply of fibre optic cable (Single-mode / Multimode CST) and ProfiNet Shielded Twisted
Pair (STP) with / without SWA cable. Rates to be submitted.
5.5.31 The Contractor shall correctly install the fibre cable on cable racks or in sleeves without
damaging the glass fibre – this shall be done by qualified personnel. Rates for to be provided.

5.6 Work to be Excluded

5.6.1 Except where otherwise stated all major items or equipment, will be free issued to the
contractor. Rates for supply might be requested for certain items.
5.6.2 The supply and installation of civil, structural, architectural, mechanical and piping work
except for that specified in this document.
5.6.3 Installation / Physical placement of in-line field instruments like Control Valves and Inline Flow
Meters will be placed by others.

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6 Guidelines

The guidelines listed below are given to assist in understanding the developed solutions and

6.1 Instrumentation System Voltages

6.1.1 230 Vac, 50 Hz, 1-Phase + Neutral + Earth

All lighting and 16 Amp Switched Socket Outlets (SSOs) shall be supplied at 230
Vac. The 230 Vac supply shall be derived from one phase (L1 / L2 / L3) and
neutral (N) of the 400 Vac L&SP reticulation noted above. Site standard SSOs
(French Plug Type E) that is polarity coded and has a protruding earth pin shall
be supplied. The following colours shall apply:

• Phase (L) : Brown

• Neutral (N) : Blue
• Earth : Green or Green/Yellow or bare copper

Three-phase Lighting Distribution Boards (LDBs) shall be wired according to the 400 Vac
colour coding given above. All single-phase circuits supplied from SSOs shall use this colour
coding system.

6.1.2 110 Vac MCC Control Voltage, 50 Hz, 1-Phase (L) + Neutral (N)

The purpose of 110 Vac MCC Control Voltage is for Control Circuit Power Supply within the
MCC and the PLC Control System and Instrument Auxiliary Power Uninterruptable Power
Supply (UPS) shall be supplied at 110 Vac from a dedicated transformer mounted within the
MCC panel. The Control Transformer is supplied from the MCC 690 Vac system and shall
have one leg of its secondary winding solidly connected to earth. The following colours shall

• Phase (L) : Yellow

• Neutral (N) : Grey
• Earth : Green or Green/Yellow or bare copper

6.1.3 110 Vac UPS Power Supply, 50 Hz, 1-Phase (L) + Neutral (N)

The purpose of 110 Vac UPS Power Supply is for PLC Control System and Instrument
Auxiliary Power UPS within the PLC Control System and Instrument Auxiliary Power. The
UPS shall be supplied at 110 Vac from a dedicated Control Transformer mounted within the
associated MCC panel. The following colours shall apply:

• Phase (L) : Yellow

• Neutral (N) : Grey
• Earth (E) : Green or Green/Yellow

Both Phase (L) and Neutral (N) wires shall be identified as such by additionally marking at its
ends by means of a letter “U”. The reticulation shall be designed such that it is not possible

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to mix the 110 Vac neutrals from the two different systems and therefore is coloured
differently for both Phase and Neutral.

6.1.4 24 Vdc PLC and IO Power (L+ and M)

The 24 Vdc PLC and IO Power Supply is derived from 24 Vdc Power Supplies powered by
the UPS Power. 24 Vdc shall is used for Digital Input (DI) and Digital Output (DO) circuits
connected to the Control System as required. The following colours shall apply:
24 Vdc Power Supplies:

• Positive (L+) : Red

• Zero (M) : Black
• Earth (PE) : Green or Green/Yellow or bare copper

Input / Output Signals in PLC and RIO Panels (cross-wiring):

24 Vdc Digital Inputs

• Loop Supply : Red (L+)

• Signal into DI Module : Orange

24 Vdc Digital Outputs

• Signal from DO Module : Purple

• Reference : Black Zero (M)

2-wire 4-20 mA Analog Input

• Loop Supply : Red (L+)

• Signal Current into AI Module : White (I+)
• Signal Reference in AI Module : Black (I-)

3-wire 4-20 mA Analog Input

• Instrument Supply : Red (L+)

• Signal Current into AI Module : White (I+)
• Signal Reference in AI Module : Black (I-)

4-wire 4-20 mA Analog Input

• Instrument Supply : Red (L+) / Black (M)

• Signal Current into AI Module : White (I+)
• Signal Reference in AI Module : Black (I-)

4-20 mA Analog Output

• Current from AO Module : White (I+)

• Signal Reference from AO Module : Black (I-)

The Control System was designed to ensure a correct reference to L+ is available.

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7 Numbering

7.1 Equipment Numbering

Equipment Numbering shall be assigned in accordance with the Kamoa – Kakula Project
Equipment Numbering Procedure (P0571-ENG-PR-0000).

7.2 Cable Numbering

Cable Numbering is described in the P0571-ENG-PR-0000 – Kamoa – Kakula Project

Equipment Numbering Procedure. The Cable Numbering will be generated by the DRA
Electrical Engineer, Control Engineer or Instrumentation Engineer.
The Cable Number will be BLACK text on a YELLOW background. The type and make of the
label will be Grafoplast installed in plastic sleeves.
Where installations are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, engraved (not punched) stainless
steel (SS) tags shall be used.

7.3 Core Numbering

Core numbering is described in the P0571-ENG-PR-0000 – Kamoa – Kakula Project

Equipment Numbering Procedure and shall be applied for all Electrical, Control and
Instrumentation wiring.
The Core Numbering will be generated by the relevant DRA Engineer. The Core Number
label will be BLACK text on a YELLOW background.
The type and make of the label will be core-through type Grafoplast in plastic slide-in sleeves.

7.4 Instrument Numbering

Each instrument shall be assigned an individual number that gets indicated on the P&IDs
within round circles as per the ANSI/ISA 5.1 standard. The Equipment Numbering system
adopted has unique number digits, the area and sequence number of the Equipment Number
will be utilized in the instrument numbering system to ensure uniqueness.
Equipment Numbers are the basis for all Instrumentation Numbering. The DRA Instrument
Engineer will deduct the Instrument Numbers from the Equipment Numbers.
Numbering is described in the P0571-ENG-PR-0000 – Kamoa Kakula Project Equipment
Numbering Procedure.

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8 Site Services

Site services refers to the Contractor’s electrical supply, equipment and installation.

8.1 Electrical Power

Electrical power will NOT be made available to the Contractor. The contractor is to supply all
power required for construction and site office requirements. The Contractor is advised that
they should allow for their own diesel generators on site. (petrol generators are not

8.2 Access to Substations

The Contractor or his subcontractors are under no circumstances permitted to enter any
permanent or temporary substation without the prior notice and attendance of the Engineer
or his authorised representative.

8.3 Available Existing Power

In areas where utility or client supplied power is available, all power requirements must be
submitted to the Engineer in writing prior to construction, together with details of proposed
equipment to be connected, circuit diagrams and cable routes.

8.4 Limit of the Works

The Contractor shall carry out all necessary work, including maintenance, by qualified
Engineers, Technicians and Electricians, in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation
and also to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.

8.5 Operational Safety

Operational Safety as described in the Electrical Installation Specification (DRA-0571-EL-

SPC-0709) shall always be adhered to.

8.6 Construction Cable

All fixed cables must be run along agreed routes and all re-routing of cables shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. Fixed cable must be armoured or run in conduit. Cable
markers must be placed to indicate where cables are buried.
Overhead crossings of roadways, whether permanent or temporary, must provide at least 8
m clearance. All 400 Volt and 230 Volt cables must contain an "earth core".
Before energizing any cable, the Contractor must notify the Engineer or his appointed
representative of his intention and hand over a survey drawing giving the exact location of
the cable. The Contractor must warn any other contractor excavating in vicinity of their buried
cables. On completion of the Works, all equipment and cables must be disconnected and
The client of appointed representative shall have the right to refuse the Contractor use of his
installation or equipment where considered to be unsuitable or unsafe.

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9 Description of the Works

9.1 Instrumentation and Control System Detail

For construction and pre-commissioning purposes, the following high-level systems are
defined and shall be used as a measure of progress for sectional completion and includes
for installation of the following items:

9.2 Control System

9.2.1 Installation in the Control Rooms:

• Small Power and Lighting including 3-tier trunking where required.

• UPS Power distribution.
• Assistance with Control Desk installation.
• Computer Monitors and Brackets against the wall.
• Computer Monitors on the Control Desk.
• Cabling between the Engineering Room mounted Server Panel and Operator Stations
• White Boards and Pin Boards

9.2.2 Installation in the Engineering Rooms

• Small Power and Lighting including 3-tier trunking where required.

• Power Distribution Board and UPS Power distribution.
• Cabling from UPS to Power Distribution Board.
• Assistance with Engineering Desk installation.
• Computer Monitors on the Control Desk.
• PLC / Server Panels
• Cabling between the Engineering Room mounted Server Panel and Engineering Station.
• White Boards and Pin Boards.
• Cable route from external into the PLC / Server Panel splicing section.
• Fibre-optic splicing in PLC / Server Panel.

9.2.3 Control and Instrumentation safety earthing system.

9.2.4 UPS Installation for each control Room.
9.2.5 The UPS Power distribution system and power cabling between the UPS and RJB panels
and field instruments.
9.2.6 PLC panels, including Power cabling, Network cabling and Signal cabling between PLC
panels and Field panels.
9.2.7 The fibre optic cable ring network backbone and Fibre Patch Boxes for ProfiNet and Industrial
9.2.8 The RJB panels, MCCs and interlinking ProfiNet IO copper cabling and terminations.
9.2.9 The Control System consists of multiple SIEMENS S7 Controllers (S7-1500 series) and a
WinCC SCADA System.
9.2.10 The Controllers communicate to each other, the Engineering Station and SCADA System via
an Industrial Ethernet backbone.
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9.2.11 SIEMENS ET200MP Remote IO racks and ProfiNet Optic Link (SFP) Switches shall be
contained in Remote IO Panels.
9.2.12 Controllers communicate with the field Remote IO racks and MCC Remote IO racks and
Intelligent ProfiNet IO devices via redundant ring ProfiNet networks.
9.2.13 Network / PLC / Server Panels are contained in positively pressurised air-conditioned
Engineering Rooms.
9.2.14 MCC equipment shall be contained in various MCCs located throughout the plant.

9.3 Field Systems

• Cable racking
• Instrumentation
• Instrument stands
• Remote IO Junction Boxes (RJBs)
• Instrumentation Junction Boxes (IJBs) (8 / 12 / 24-Terminal with drip cover)
• Field Junction Boxes (FJBs) – Size 1 / 2 / 3 CCG Boxes
• Conventional I/O Cabling (Multi-pair / Multi-triad)
• ProfiNet IO Optic Fibre cabling
• ProfiNet IO Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cabling
• Industrial Ethernet Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling
• Instrument Air reticulation manifolds (4 / 8 / 10-Way)
• Solenoid Operator Junction Boxes (SJBs) (2 / 4 / 6 7-Way 24-Terminal with drip cover)
• Valves
• Filter / Regulators
• Water Traps
• Other equipment associated with the design documentation to make it a fully complete
checked and signed off system.

9.4 Signal Junction Boxes and Transmitter Boxes

9.4.1 The Cabling philosophy is described in the Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design
Criteria (DRA-0571-ECI-DC-0800).
9.4.2 It is important to note that the cable schedule shall specify the cable and duty of cables to be
used as well as the labelling that shall be installed as part of cable termination.
9.4.3 Conventional IO will be wired to IJB / SJB Panels via individually and overall screened single
paired or multi-paired cables.
9.4.4 Conventional wired RTD temperature instruments will be wired to IJB /RJB Panels via
individually and overall screened single triad or multi-triad cables where PT100 transducers
will convert these signals to 4-20 mA.
9.4.5 Flow transmitters, 4-20 mA signal 4-wire systems shall be connected to IJB panels via
single / multi-pair cables and separate 110 Vac Power Cables.
9.4.6 Level transmitters, 4-20 mA 2-wire systems, shall be connected to the IJB panels via single
pair cables.
9.4.7 Limit switch fly leads on On-Off valves shall be connected to a CCG box (FJB), and from the
FJB to the SJB Panels via an individually and overall screened two-pair cable.
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9.4.8 A 24-pair individually and overall screened cable shall be used to connect the signals from
the 24-Terminal strip in the SJB to the RJB panels.
9.4.9 All 110 Vac Power Supply to RJB panels shall be connected via minimum 4 mm2 3-core
power cables. All field instruments that require external 110 Vac UPS power shall be
connected via 3-core 1.5 mm2 power cables as a minimum.
9.4.10 All signal cabling shall be individually and overall screened, armoured with Dekabon
armouring for surface applications and Steel-wire armouring (SWA) for underground
9.4.11 All Small Power core cabling shall be Steel-wire armoured.

9.5 Cables

9.5.1 Redundant Ring fibre optic cables and return cable shall be run on separate routes.
9.5.2 All Fibre optic cabling and components shall be supplied, made-off, glanded, spliced,
terminated, connected and tested by the contractor’s Splicing Specialist.
9.5.3 The Contractor shall provide in his pricing schedule for the installation (pulling) of the fibre
optic cable on cable racking by qualified personnel, such as not to damage the fibre optic
cable. The Contractor at his own cost shall replace damaged fibre optic cable.
9.5.4 All field run multi-pair cables and ProfiNet IO cables shall be routed in such a manner that it
cannot be damaged by moving equipment and/or maintenance activities.
9.5.5 ProfiNet STP cabling shall be installed point to point and not routed between ProfiNet slave
9.5.6 ProfiNet Fibre Optic (FO) and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cabling shall be installed as per
the Control System Network Architecture drawings and numbered according to the Cable
9.5.7 Copper ProfiNet IO cables and other bus cables shall be run separate from power cables
where possible as prescribed in the relevant installation documentation.
9.5.8 Industrial Ethernet Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling shall be pre-made up cables
supplied by others and are to be connected by the Contractor or shall be CAT6 UTP cable to
be installed and terminated by a professional Ethernet installation contractor like Composite

9.6 UPS and Power Distribution

9.6.1 The Contractor shall install the UPSs to the Engineer’s specifications.
9.6.2 The UPSs shall be free issued to the Contractor for installation.
9.6.3 The main feeder cable to the Instrumentation UPSs (110 Vac UPSs) shall be fed from the
associated MCC. This cable shall be installed by the Electrical Contractor as specified.
9.6.4 The main feeder cable to the Control and Engineering Room UPSs (Single-phase 220 Vac
output UPSs or Three-phase 380 Vac UPSs with Line (L) to Neutral (N) of Single-phase
220 Vac) shall be fed from a Lighting Transformer and not an MCC. This cable shall be
installed by the Electrical Contractor.

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9.7 Instrumentation Earth

9.7.1 All instrumentation earthing cable shall be of the Green/Yellow PVC insulated copper
conductor type or 70 mm2 bare copper for main runs.
9.7.2 The instrument earth shall be connected at each MCC directly to the associated clean earth
point. From this point further, the earth shall be wired to all RIO panels according to the small
power distribution schematics. The earth shall be distributed from the clean earth point in the
MCC on the yellow core of the 4-core supply cable to each RJB Panel. The RJB Panel is
solidly earthed to the structure and the yellow core is solidly connected to the earth connector
of the RJB Panel. By doing this, a virtual clean earth is made within the RJB panel.
9.7.3 The earthing philosophy is such that three level terminals are supplied from any IJB / SJB up
to the termination point in the associated RJB.
9.7.4 The individual shield wire does not get connected in the instrument but follows the complete
cabling route on the bottom terminal until it lands on the clean earth in the RJB panel.

9.8 Instruments

9.8.1 Where possible, instruments and control stations shall be installed outside the perimeters of
bunded areas, sumps etc.
9.8.2 Pressure transmitters, differential pressure transmitters and flow transmitters based on
differential pressure measurement shall be installed locally.
9.8.3 Instrument locations as indicated by the construction drawings shall be strictly adhered to.
9.8.4 All free-issue instruments shall be pre-configured with the correct ranges.
9.8.5 All ProfiNet IO devices shall be assigned / programmed with the correct address or node
number, checked and tested with the correct addresses.
9.8.6 Installation packs issued to the Contractor shall be grouped per RJB, IJB and SJB to keep
the package as manageable as possible for quality control and sign-off purposes.
9.8.7 As a general guideline, installation packs shall normally not be more than a day’s work.
9.8.8 Instruments, RJBs, SJBs and IJBs shall be free-issued per installation pack and as they are
purpose built.
9.8.9 The correct panels (per the number installed in its label holder) shall be installed in the correct
position. Rectification of the installation due to not ensuring this requirement is met, shall be
for the contractors account.

9.9 PLC Room

9.9.1 All PLC / Server Panel enclosures shall be free-issued to the Contractor for installation.
9.9.2 The Contractor shall allow for the sealing of all cable entries into the buildings with fire
retardant protection foam.
9.9.3 All cables entering the building shall also be coated with fire retardant protective coating for
the specified lengths before and after building entry.

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10 Material of Construction and Construction Details

10.1 General Requirements

10.1.1 The installation contractor shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Electrical,
Control and Instrumentation Design Criteria (DRA-0571-ECI-DC-0800).
10.1.2 Before accepting “free issue” equipment the Contractor shall satisfy himself that the goods
are in good order, the correct item as indicated by its Tag number, and free of any damage.
10.1.3 The Contractor will be held responsible for repairing or replacing of any damaged item not
reported at the time to the Engineer upon receipt of such equipment.
10.1.4 Equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be suitable for the climatic, atmospheric and plant
operating conditions as per scope of work.
10.1.5 Any equipment supplied by the Contractor must abide by the make, model, and type indicated
on the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and all drawings as issued and shall conform to the EC&I
Design Criteria (DRA-0571-ECI-DC-0800). Where the manufacture or type of equipment is
not specified, the contractor shall obtain written approval by the Engineer for the Contractors
proposed equipment.
10.1.6 All accessories and equipment shall be completely assembled, installed and connected in
the locations shown on the project documents and shall be fully prepared for service. In all
cases, accessories and equipment shall be installed so that they are readily accessible yet
protected from accidental damage. If access is deemed to be inadequate, this shall be
brought to the Engineer’s attention prior to attempted installation for determination of a
solution and issue of an amended instruction.
10.1.7 Field mounted instruments shall be installed as indicated on the relevant drawings. Where it
is not workable to mount the instrument as shown, the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Engineer, upon where he will issue an amended instruction.
10.1.8 The Contractor is required to exercise due care in the handling of new equipment in line with
present day practices pertaining to sophisticated industrial instrumentation. Damage due to
mishandling, abuse or incorrect installation shall be for the Contractor’s cost. The cost of
rectifying any resulting damage to the building or structures shall be for the Contractor’s
10.1.9 Precautions shall be taken to counter vibrations likely to be transmitted by plant machinery.
As vibrations are unlikely to only be fully evident once the machinery is operating, checks for
vibrations shall be made during commissioning. Any unsatisfactory conditions detected shall
be reported in writing to the Engineer for remedial action.
10.1.10 It is imperative that the Contractor is fully aware of any specific mounting requirements for
instruments as detailed on relevant installation literature and utilises this information during
the installation phase of the contract. Specific mounting instructions are communicated in this
document and the project specific Hook-Up diagrams (see drawing list section).
10.1.11 The Contractor must be aware that access to instruments or equipment is required for and
should allow for this during the installation phase of the contract. Implications of late access
being granted should be clearly communicated as soon as the impact becomes apparent.
10.1.12 All workmanship shall be good quality and all cutting, drilling, welding etc., shall be neatly
done. The completed installation, including supports, brackets, wiring, cabling, etc. shall
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present a clean compact appearance.

10.1.13 Any section of the work or materials used, which is unacceptable shall be remade or replaced
to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's cost for labour and materials.
10.1.14 The Contractor shall, where applicable, install instruments and other equipment in
accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and the standards and codes listed in the
Scope of Work (SoW).

10.2 Explosive Type Fixing Devices

Explosive type fixing devices shall only be used with the written permission of the Project
Construction Manager and the Engineer.

10.3 Civil and Builders Work

Unless otherwise stated in the project drawings, others will carry out all civil engineering
works, including the cutting of holes through floors, walls or ceilings, the formation of pockets,

10.4 Affixing Equipment

10.4.1 Except with the prior written consent of the Project Construction Manager, welding or drilling
on vessels, piping or structures is prohibited.
10.4.2 In general, all fixings for instruments should be secured directly onto existing steelwork by
means of suitable support brackets. The Engineer shall approve bracket design and fixing
10.4.3 The drilling of holes in structural steelwork will only be permitted with the written consent of
the Project Construction Manager, but it shall be avoided at all cost.
10.4.4 Holes larger than 7 mm diameter shall not be drilled in structural steelwork without the prior
written consent of the Project Construction Manager.
10.4.5 Brackets should in general be made of galvanized steel flat bar, angle or channel. Before
installation they should be thoroughly cleaned. All welds and grinding shall be touched up by
‘cold galvanising’ paint.
10.4.6 Prices quoted in the schedule of rates shall include for the painting of holes as specified
10.4.7 Brazing, cutting, welding, etc. of any steelwork other than structural steelwork as a means of
fastening or affixing any equipment shall only be permitted with the written consent of the
Project Construction Manager.

10.5 General Installation Guidelines

10.5.1 Remote I/O Junction Box’s (RJBs), Solenoid Junction Boxes (SJBs), Instrument Junction
Boxes (IJBs), Field Junction Boxes (FJBs / CCGs), cubicles, consoles, stands, racks and
associated equipment shall be located as shown on the relevant GA or Instrument Location
10.5.2 Panels, filler plates, blanks, consoles, graphic sections and brackets, shall be carefully
inspected for marks, scratches, nicks or other visible damage before being removed from the

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Project Store for installation. Should any damage be noted, a written report should be
submitted to the Engineer within 24 hours describing the nature of the damage.
10.5.3 RJB Panels, IJB Panels, and SJB Panels shall be shimmed and aligned straight and true, to
provide a neat installation.
10.5.4 No top or side entry of cables shall be allowed on any equipment or panels.
10.5.5 Cable entry on CCG Boxes must be done to as far as possible prevent water seepage into
CCGs via cables. Cable entries must be facing down as far as possible.
10.5.6 Field mounted instruments excluding inline and close-coupled devices shall be mounted such
that the housing or indicator is centred at a height of 1,400 mm above grade, floor or platform,
unless specifically called for otherwise by the construction drawings.
10.5.7 Instruments specified for pipe mounting shall be mounted on a stanchion made up pipe and
fittings as per the relevant hook-up drawing, attached to a building column, concrete
foundation, support steel or platform support steel. Instruments shall not be mounted on
process piping, handrails or floor grating. Exceptions are density gauges and in line devices.
10.5.8 Instruments specified for surface mounting may be mounted on a wall, or on a vertical steel
plate suitably supported from a column, stanchion or platform, or mounted with brackets. The
instrument contractor is to allow for all mounting brackets and steelwork in the installation
10.5.9 Instrumentation supports and mounting brackets shall be of ample strength and rigidity, to
ensure proper operation of the instrument for the next 30 years. Careful attention shall be
given to ensure that instruments are not mounted on, or attached to, equipment or structures
subject to vibration.
10.5.10 Instruments shall not be mounted on, or near hot process lines or ductwork, or other
equipment subject to high temperatures.
10.5.11 Junction Boxes are supplied with suitable drip covers. The Contractor shall avoid locating
instruments in locations subject to leaks and spills. Where such locations are unavoidable, a
suitable protective drip-cover shall be provided over or around the instrument. The Engineer
shall prior to installation approve these drip-covers in writing.
10.5.12 When mounting each instrument, special consideration shall be given to orientation of the
device regarding access for operation purposes (e.g. checking an instruments’ digital display
or dial read-out), maintenance, repair and calibration.
10.5.13 All transducers mounted in pipes, over tanks or silos shall be easily accessible for
maintenance purposes. Where access is not possible the instrument is to be mounted on
retractable or swing arms to gain access. The Engineer shall be notified of all such instances
prior to installation.
10.5.14 Instruments shall be located as close to the primary process connection as possible,
consistent with instrument accessibility and mounting requirements as stated.
10.5.15 Instruments, except close coupled pressure gauges, in liquid /gas service shall be located as
directed by the Hook-up Drawings.
10.5.16 Line mounted pressure gauges, thermo wells, etc. shall be clearly visible and accessible.
Where vibration of line or equipment is present, the instrument shall be separately mounted.

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10.5.17 Instrument leads to vessels, lines, or equipment and instruments, shall be properly supported
to relieve strain on connections.
10.5.18 Limit switches operated by mechanical devices shall be carefully positioned and securely
fixed to ensure consistent operation by the mechanical device. Cables to limit switches shall
be given particular attention, to preclude damage by the operating device. Where possible,
limit switches and their cables shall be readily removable i.e. M12 connections were allowed
for in the design of Proximity Switches.
10.5.19 Workmanship shall be of good quality and all cuttings, drilling, and welding shall be neatly
done. Each completed instrument installation including supports, brackets, wiring and piping,
shall present a clean, compact appearance.
10.5.20 All surfaces, brackets and supports shall be painted in accordance with General
10.5.21 For all instruments located outdoors, a suitable shield, sloped roof or protective drip cover
shall be provided over or around the instrument. Approval by the Engineer shall be required.
10.5.22 All field instruments are to be delivered with SS tag labels. The contractor is to ensure that
the correct instrument is placed in the correct location. If an instrument has been delivered
without a label, the contractors shall be equipped with the machinery to replace such tag at
the agreed rates.
10.5.23 Supports shall be placed at or as near as possible to change of line direction.

10.6 Permit to Work

10.6.1 Where connections are to be made to, or where work is to be performed on, an existing
system, the Contractor shall not commence work until he has obtained written permission
from the Project Construction Manager.
10.6.2 The Instrumentation Power Supply shall not be switched on without the written permission of
the Project Construction Manager.

10.7 Changes in Equipment Position

All equipment may be subject to localised changes of position during installation to suit the
final plant positions, building layout or operational requirements, and claims for additional
payments in respect of such work will only be accepted if proven as an oversight by others.

10.8 Co-ordination

The Contractor shall co-ordinate the control system and instrumentation work with other
Contractors, through the Construction Manager, to avoid undue interference, congestion and
delays in construction.

10.9 Testing and Energising

10.9.1 Prior to being energised, all installations shall be tested as detailed in this Specification, and
any defects revealed that are attributable to the Contractor shall be made good by the
Contractor free of charge.
10.9.2 Where defects in free issue supplied items or equipment are revealed, these shall be reported
to the Project Construction Manager immediately.
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10.9.3 The Contractor shall be responsible nevertheless for the safety of both plant and personnel
for the initial energisation of all plant and until the Project Construction Manager or his duly
authorised representative has accepted the plant.

11 Control System and Field Enclosures

11.1 General Requirement

11.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of:

• PLC /Server Panels

• Remote IO Junction Boxes (RJBs)
• Solenoid Operator Junction Boxes (SJBs)
• Field Junction Boxes (FJBs) – CCG Boxes
• UPS Power Distribution Panels (PDBs)
• Other cubicles and enclosures in UPS Rooms, Control Rooms, Engineering Rooms and
sub-stations etc.

11.1.2 The prices quoted, for installing panels, in the schedule of rates shall include for:

• Loading at the site store, transport to the installation location, off-loading moving into
location, cranage and rigging.
• Alignment, levelling and fixing in position of the equipment.
• All shims, packing, and fixing and foundation bolts.
• Grouting of panel fixings
• Instrument stands and other stands in concrete floors.
• All panels shall be bonded to plant earth.

11.1.3 On completion of assembly of equipment and cable racking, a complete check that all nuts
and bolts are tight, washers and spring washers in place, all connectors secure, that the
equipment is free of foreign matter and that all barriers, covers, etc. are in place. These shall
form part of the QC checklist.
11.1.4 Protection of equipment throughout storage, transportation and installation against the
ingress of moisture, dust, dirt, vermin and foreign bodies.

11.2 Field Junction Boxes

All Field Junction Boxes (FJBs) shall from CCG and supplied and installed by the Contractor
conforming to the following:
11.2.1 All outgoing terminals shall be located such that all connections can be made easily.
11.2.2 The numbers of outgoing circuit terminals shall be as shown on the relevant connection
diagrams. As a rule, there shall be no cores or pairs not connected to a terminal.
11.2.3 All Field Boxes shall be numbered according to the equipment number assigned to the Field
Junction Box as per Cable Schedule.
11.2.4 All cores wired into the Field Junction Box shall be numbered according to the applicable
cable schedule and Terminal Connection Diagram (TCD) for that Field Junction Box.
11.2.5 Where bridging is required, these shall be performed using terminal bridges or 1.5 mm

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minimum yellow PVC insulated wire (as indicated on the TCD).

11.2.6 No top entry of cables will be allowed. Only bottom entry CCG boxes of screw-on lid type with
an O-ring seal shall be allowed.
11.2.7 All gland holes shall be plugged prior to installation.
11.2.8 When the cable is terminated, the correct gland specification per the agreed type shall be
installed and the correct compression gland insert to maintain an Ingress Protection (IP)
rating of minimum IP 65.
11.2.9 The plug shall be returned to the store for re-use in the next installation.

12 Cables

12.1 Cable Requirements

12.1.1 Cables shall be supplied by the Contractor as per the Bill of Materials. Any additional cable
requirements shall be catered for at an additional rate. Quantities listed are provisional only.
12.1.2 Cables shall be an exact match in size, specification, type of protection, and sleeving. Any
mismatching specifications will not be accepted.
12.1.3 Cables shall be removed from their drums in accordance with the actual measured lengths
required and in such a manner that any surplus will be minimised.
12.1.4 No Over-pulling of cable shall be allowed other than by instruction given in writing by the
Project Construction Manager or his duly authorised representative.
12.1.5 Prior to installation of any cable, the Contractor shall establish that its dielectric is sound, all
cores are correct and continuous from end to end and that all cables are free of any visible
defects. Any cost arising due to defects on cables, including installed cables, prior to hand
over will be for the Contractor’s account.
12.1.6 A cable whose condition is suspect shall be re-tested in the presence of the Engineer. The
contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of such tests if the tests prove the cable to be sound
or if the cable is found to have been damaged by persons other than the Contractor.
12.1.7 The Contractor shall ensure that core colours / numbers are maintained throughout the
installation to avoid confusion, and that the colour coding / numbering conforms to the design
drawing requirements.
12.1.8 Cable ends shall be sealed or capped immediately after cutting. This applies for the cable to
be used as well as that remaining on the drum.
12.1.9 All cable routes, although detailed on the project drawings, shall be subject to written
confirmation by the Engineer. No installation should commence until such confirmation has
been obtained.
12.1.10 Where obstructions are encountered which necessitate diversions of cable due to adjacent
structures, pipes, drains, etc., approval of such deviations shall be obtained from the
12.1.11 No cable shall be buried directly in the ground unless instructed to in writing by the
Construction Manager. No installation should commence until such confirmation has been

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12.1.12 All conductors are to be standard annealed copper, unless otherwise specified.
12.1.13 Cable ties and SS straps for securing of cables shall have smooth and rounded edged and
shall not damage the cable sheath / insulation. The Engineer shall approve the type of saddle
or clamp, before installation commences.
12.1.14 Holes for cables passing through wall, partition or ceiling shall be made good with mortar,
plaster or similar material and finished off to match the original surface finishing. Holes for
cables passing through steelwork shall be made smooth or bushed to prevent abrasion of
the cable serving.
12.1.15 Holes into air-conditioned rooms shall be sealed off so as not to affect the system
12.1.16 Where no specific details are given the contractor shall only install the cables after written
confirmation by the Engineer.
12.1.17 Joints in cables are prohibited unless the route lengths exceed the maximum drum lengths
manufactured. In this eventuality, approved proprietary types of junction boxes shall be used.
Jointing will need written approval from the Engineer before any joints are made.

12.2 Installation of Signal Cables and Dekabon Tubing

12.2.1 The Contractor shall prepare and present a cable management system to the Engineer prior
to cable installations in order to track optimal cable usage.
12.2.2 The instructions and details of design drawings for cable racking, routing and installation are
always to be followed. Any deviations shall be confirmed and approved by the Engineer in
writing before work starts.
12.2.3 A suitable approved measuring device must record the length of cables, when being pulled.
12.2.4 The Contractor is to submit, at Tender stage, details of the cable management system that
will be implemented for this Contract. The efficiency of the cable management system offered
by the Contractor will have a high evaluating factor when tenders are evaluated.
12.2.5 Prior to the pulling of cables the Contractor shall accurately determine the route lengths,
compare these with the cable schedules and prepare a cutting schedule to optimise the
lengths cut from the cable drums.
12.2.6 Cables shall be removed from their drums in accordance with the actual measured length
required and in such a manner that any surplus will be in the minimum number of separate
12.2.7 Cable drums shall be rolled in the proper direction so as not to loosen or kink the cable.
12.2.8 Cables shall be stored in dry areas and handled correctly to ensure they are not damaged.
12.2.9 All cable shall be drawn into position using a sufficiency of rollers and cornering apparatus to
avoid damaging the cable either by excessive bending or dragging.
12.2.10 Where cables come out of the ground, a trench, or pass through a floor, they shall be
protected by a metal pipe, or suitable mechanical protection, extending from 50 mm below to
350 mm above the transition.
12.2.11 Only fully experienced and qualified personnel shall be employed for making-off cables. This
is especially valid for specialised Instrumentation and Control System cable.

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12.2.12 The Client reserves the right to make any examination or inspection considered necessary
while the work is being carried out. The opinion of the Project Construction Manager's
authorised subordinate making this inspection will be final.
12.2.13 Where obstructions are encountered which necessitate diversions of cables due to adjacent
structures, pipes, drains, etc, approval for such deviations shall be obtained from the Project
Construction Manager's authorised subordinate.
12.2.14 After cables were issued to the Contractor, it will be the Contractor's responsibility to seal
cable-ends with PVC shrink caps.
12.2.15 Cables are to be installed on racks or trays in a neat orderly manner to enable the easy
installation and replacement of any individual cable. No double banking of cables shall be
12.2.16 Horizontal cable racking is prohibited. If a deviation is necessary, written approval shall be
obtained from the Engineer before work commences. In this case, the cables are to be
strapped to the racks or trays at not more than 500 mm intervals. This interval shall be
reduced when necessary to avoid unsightly sags in the cables. Straps shall be tightened with
care. Cables laid flat in trays in the horizontal plane are to be strapped sufficiently to prevent
12.2.17 Armoured cables shall be secured to racks or angle-iron supports by SS cable ties. The span
of strapping shall be such as to prevent sagging of cables.
12.2.18 Unarmoured cables shall be secured to racks or angle iron supports by cable ties of
Polyamide 6.6. The cable ties shall be halogen free and UV resistant, constructed with
buckles and design for use in outdoor areas subject to direct sunlight. The span of strapping
shall be such as to prevent sagging of cables and in any event should not exceed 500 mm.
12.2.19 In areas not subject to direct sunlight such as electrical panels / boxes and general indoor
installations, unarmoured cables shall be secured to racks or angle-iron supports by cable
ties which shall be self-extinguishing, class V2 according to UL-94, constructed with buckles.
12.2.20 Installation of open-ended, capped conduit may be used providing no other means of
secondary cable support is possible.
12.2.21 Galvanized angle iron supports for cable trays shall be erected where structures are not to
be used or are unsuitable for some other reason.
12.2.22 Galvanized angle iron supports are to be fabricated where cables leave the main racks to
feed individual instruments and shall be as per the Hook-up diagrams and construction
12.2.23 Galvanized angle iron or channel sections shall only be used for short distances from the
main cable rack, where a cable rack would not be more suitable. For more than 3 cables,
racks shall be used.
12.2.24 The minimum size angle iron support shall be 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm.
12.2.25 The size of the angle iron support shall be such that no part of any cable projects beyond
12.2.26 Routing of cables in channels shall be restricted to those areas where it is specifically
specified by the design documentation.

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12.2.27 Cable tray routes, positions, method of support type, width, and inside radius shall be as per
relevant drawings or as required by the Engineer.
12.2.28 Exposure of cables to direct sunshine shall be avoided if possible. This requirement shall be
considered when selecting a route.
12.2.29 All cable trays, conduits and self-supporting racks shall clear steam lines, other hot piping or
hot objects by at least 500 mm.
12.2.30 Cables shall not be carried over or bent around sharp corners or edges. All bends shall be to
the cable manufacturer’s specification.
12.2.31 Cable Cores passing through holes in chassis or screens shall be fully protected by correctly
fitted grommets or bushes.
12.2.32 Enough slack (a single 1.5 m loop and shall not exceed the bending radius of the cable) shall
be left at the conductor ends to allow the attached components to be removed for inspection
and servicing, and to remake the ends.
12.2.33 Cables shall enter an enclosure from the bottom and shall be formed to relieve stress on the
cable end.

12.3 Installation of Cables above Ground

12.3.1 Cables run above ground shall be run on racks or angle iron supports.
12.3.2 Cables run on racks shall be installed in a neat orderly manner to enable the installation and
replacement of any individual cable to be easily accomplished.
12.3.3 All designs were done to enable separate Power and Signal cabling racks. A rack can be
shared only if separation of 150 mm can be guaranteed over the complete length of the cable
12.3.4 Signal cables shall not be double banked.
12.3.5 Where necessary to prevent unsightly sagging of smaller cables, strapping shall be reduced
to 500 mm. However, strict attention shall be paid to cable tie and strap tension to prevent
cable damage.

12.4 Cable and Core Labelling

12.4.1 Equipment Numbering shall be governed by the Equipment Numbering Procedure (DRA-
0571-ENG-PR-0000). Any deviation from this specification shall be rectified to conform to the
specification prior to acceptance.
12.4.2 Where an interface to a vendor is required, this will be additionally governed by the Electrical,
Control and Instrumentation Specification as part of Mechanical Orders (DRA-0571-ECI-

13 Trenches and Ducts

13.1 Installation of Cables in Pre-formed Trenches and Ducts

Where cables are shown in pre-formed trenches, they shall be secured on vertical cable racks
fixed to the sidewalls of the trench.

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13.2 Excavation of Cable Trenches

13.2.1 Soft Pickable Materials - This shall mean material that can be removed by means of a pick
and shovel.
13.2.2 Hard Material - This shall mean material that necessitates the use of mechanical equipment
such as jack hammers for its removal. It shall include soft rock.
13.2.3 Rock - This shall mean material that necessitates the use of blasting for its removal.
13.2.4 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain from the Project Construction Manager
or his appointed deputy a classification of material, in writing, during the excavation process
and prior to backfilling. Failure to do so will result in all material being classified as soft
pickable material.

13.3 Installation of Cables in the Ground

13.3.1 No cable trench for surface works shall be less than 700 mm deep. Trenches shall be cut
square and the bottom made flat and free from stones or hard projections.
13.3.2 Care shall be taken when excavating ground that has been soil-cement stabilised that the
trench is of the minimum width required for the cables.
13.3.3 After cabling, the cables shall be covered with a further 125 mm of fine, stone free soil or
13.3.4 Back filling should only commence after permission to do so has been obtained from the
Project Construction Manager or his appointed deputy.
13.3.5 The Contractor shall remedy any settlement of cable trenches within a reasonable period
after backfilling.
13.3.6 All precautions shall be taken to ensure that damage due to subsidence will not occur
adjacent to roads, railways, walls, sewers, drains, pipes, concrete bases or similar structures.
13.3.7 If the Contractor should be required to install cable pipes for road crossings, etc., he shall
supply normal duty plasticised PVC pipe to SANS 791 or concrete pipe to SANS 677. Metal
pipes shall not be used.
13.3.8 All cable pipes shall be laid on a 75 mm layer of lightly rammed, fine, stone free soil placed
on the bottom of the trench. A 75 mm layer of fine, stone free soil shall then cover the pipes
before the trench is backfilled in the manner described above.
13.3.9 Cables in trenches shall be laid with enough slack to relieve stresses.
13.3.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all water accumulating in excavated
cable trenches and dispose of such water in such a manner as to prevent damage to cables
in the trench, or to adjacent structures.

14 Cable Racking

14.1.1 Cable Racking

In the plant area cables will be run on vertically mounted hot dip galvanised mild steel cable
racks (Powerspan or equivalent). Cable racks will be adequately sized to provide a minimum
of 20% spare capacity after the Electrical and Instrumentation design, providing space for
last minute changes.
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A minimum “stacking capacity” of 2% is to be allowed over the calculated cable requirements,

to allow for strapping of cables to the rack.
Where cables of different voltages are run on the same cable rack, a minimum separation of
100 mm will be provided between voltage groups (MV, LV, Instrumentation). Cable racks will
be supported as per the recommendations of the manufacturer. Fibre optic cables may be
run adjacent to other cables.
Where mounted on racks, all MV cables as well as cables larger than 70 mm2 will be strapped
every 1 m using SS “bandit” strapping. All other cables will be strapped to the cable rack
using UV protected nylon cable ties.
All main feeder supply cables between the Consumer substation and the Portal substation
will be installed in buried culverts, onto vertically mounted cable racks with concrete
removable covers.

14.1.2 Cable support - Underground

In underground installations where cable racking is not practical, catenary galvanised steel
wire rope attached to the hanging wall shall be used for the suspension of cables. These
shall be supported from existing roof bolt structures if possible.
The underground supply cables will be tied to this steel wire rope using 10 mm Bandit
strapping every 1 m and nylon cable ties in-between. The underground supply cables will be
positioned above the water columns.
Where practical, the underground supply cables shall be installed in alternative travelling
ways or shafts (as the case may be) in order to minimise the risk of damage.

14.1.3 Cable support – In vertical shaft

Cables installed in vertical position in the shaft shall be supported by Stotko shaft cable
clamps. Where support is not possible (i.e. cables through boreholes) self-suspended cables
will be used.

14.1.4 Cable Trenching

Preference is for cables to be mounted above ground level on suitable cable racks. Where
necessary, buried cables will be in trenches and will be provided with cable markers on
surface at 10 m intervals and at changes in direction.
Cable trenches will be excavated to a minimum depth of 1.0 m (where this is not possible,
the Project Electrical Engineer shall be consulted for a decision). Cable trenches will be
backfilled with a suitable material to ensure effective heat transfer from the cable to the
surrounding earth. A bedding of 50 mm minimum depth will be provided for the cables to be
laid on. Cable demarcation tape will be laid at a minimum depth of 100 mm above the cables
before backfilling with selected material.
A detailed services servitude plan is to be made and kept up to date.

14.2 Cable Racking Requirements

14.2.1 The Contractor shall prepare and present a cable racking management system to the
Engineer prior to racking installations in order to track optimal cable rack usage.
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14.2.2 Cable racking shall be numbered according to the cable schedule.

14.2.3 All trays and racks shall be run in the vertical plane if practicable.
14.2.4 O-Line Powerspan 75 galvanized racking shall be used for general use.
14.2.5 Cable racking shall be stored in dry areas and handled correctly to ensure they are not
14.2.6 Cable racks and trays shall be firmly supported at suitable intervals not greater than
1500 mm.
14.2.7 All cable racks shall be properly linked with and earth-strap and then tied to the plant wide
electrical and structure earths.
14.2.8 Racks or angle-iron supports shall be secured to structures by Unistrut brackets or approved
equivalent such that there is no noticeable deflection of the rack / angle between support
14.2.9 A bracket shall be provided at every change in direction of racks or angle-iron supports.
14.2.10 Racks / angle-iron supports shall be continuous,
14.2.11 Bends shall have a radius not less than the minimum permitted bending radius for any cable
or pipe running on that section of rack.
14.2.12 No cable tray or support shall be fixed directly to the structure. A suitable bracket shall be
fixed (bolted) to the structure and the cable tray or support fixed to the bracket.
14.2.13 At initial installation, all trays / racks shall have at least 20% spare capacity of their width.
14.2.14 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to plan the cable racking requirements for each
installation according to the design / construction drawings. He shall satisfy himself that the
proposed routes and rack sizes are adequate for the quantity and sizes of cables to be
14.2.15 Routes and rack sizes shall be as per the design documentation and shall be for the approval
of the Engineer before the commencement of installation.
14.2.16 Where possible, Signal cabling will not occupy the same rack as Electrical cables but will not
be installed next to each other. There will be a physical separation of at least 150 mm
between these cable types.
14.2.17 In the case where an Electrical and Instrumentation rack is to be installed following the same
route, a single rack of the combined width must be installed considering that the combined
width must not exceed 1000 mm.
14.2.18 110 Vac Power Cable will be deemed to be Electrical cables for the purpose of racking and
14.2.19 Any remedial work, which must be carried out due to lack of proper planning, shall be carried
out at the Contractor’s expense.
14.2.20 Under no circumstances shall any other equipment be fixed to any cable rack or secondary
14.2.21 No cable or instrument air tube will be strapped or supported to any instrumentation or
equipment. An approved secondary runner or rack shall be provided.

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14.2.22 Every cable rack shall have a clear and durable label indicating the cable rack number at
each end and along the routes at maximum intervals of 25 metres and placed at all changes
in direction in strict accordance with the cable rack schedule.

14.3 Cable Racks and Supports Construction Details

14.3.1 Approved O-Line Powerspan 75 galvanised ladder type cable racking will be Contractors
supplied, constructed and supplied in accordance with this Specification.
14.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply and installation of support arrangements
to steelwork.
14.3.3 The Contractor shall also be responsible for miscellaneous support steelwork etc., in areas
where no steelwork is provided (these are generally near the termination of a route).
14.3.4 Welding of the cable racking will only be permitted with written consent of the Project
Construction Manager.
14.3.5 Where welding is employed on butted sections a continuous seam weld shall be applied.
14.3.6 Earth straps shall be installed at all cable rack joints.

14.4 Limitation of Obstruction

Cable racks shall be firmly installed in positions such as to cause as little obstruction to
walkways, etc. as possible as per the construction drawings.

14.5 Rack Mounting

Cable racks are to be installed in the vertical plane unless otherwise indicated in the contract
drawings or with written consent of the Project Construction Manager or his authorised

14.6 Cable Rack Covers

14.6.1 Rack covers shall only be installed on exception.

14.6.2 Primary racks located outdoors or any rack passing through a floor level, in an exposed
location where mechanical protection of the cables is warranted, shall be provided with a
solid painted sheet metal cover.
14.6.3 The construction drawings shall be used as guidance for requirements on rack covers.

14.7 Single Angle Cable Supports

14.7.1 Angle Iron Cable Support shall be painted galvanized steel in accordance with the project
14.7.2 Up to, but no more than, three cables may be run on one angle iron.
14.7.3 The size of the angle iron shall be such that in cross section, no part of any cable shall project
beyond the square of which the angle iron forms two sides.
14.7.4 The minimum size angle iron to be used shall be 25 x 25 x 5 mm.
14.7.5 Up to two angle iron runs may be used on the same route, but, if more than two would be
required, racking shall be used.
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14.8 Supports

14.8.1 Cable racks or angles shall be secured to structures by painted galvanized steel brackets
such that there is no noticeable deflection of the rack/angle between support points.
14.8.2 Support centres must be reviewed in each case, to ensure that the deflection of the fully
loaded final installation meets the deflection criteria namely span = max deflection / 200.
14.8.3 The rack shall also be supported at every change in direction of the cable rack route.
14.8.4 The design of each bracket shall be appropriate for the load being carried. Any oversizing of
support brackets, whether deliberate or otherwise, will result in the measurement for payment
purposes, of brackets deemed to be of a smaller, more appropriate size.

14.9 Bends

Bending radius for PVC/SWA/PVC insulated, Power, Signal and Control cable, ProfiNet IO
cable and Fibre Optic cable shall be calculated as the most stringent using the following
minimum radii:

• The radius of any bend shall not be less than the minimum-bending radius for any cable
on the rack or support.
• Minimum bending radius specified by the specific manufacturer’s specifications.
• A minimum of ten (10) times the cable diameter.

14.10 Connections to Main Racks

All racking shall be continuous and earthed. Where multiple racks are installed, they shall be
electrically bonded together, including earth straps, at 10 metre intervals.

14.11 Construction of Racks

14.11.1 All cable racking is to be Contractor supplied and installed and shall be in accordance with
the project standard Hook-up Diagrams and the detail construction drawings.
14.11.2 Cable racking shall conform to the following:

• O-Line Powerspan 75 cable racking shall be used.

• Cross rungs shall be spaced at 500 mm centres.
• No welding is allowed on galvanised structural steel.
• Straight sections to be 3 m in length.
• Bends and elbows as per Bill of Quantities (BoQ).
• Standard widths of racking shall be 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 mm.

14.11.3 Joints are to be bolted.

14.11.4 Fish plates to be provided with eight holes on either end.
14.11.5 Each fish plate to be fastened with 16 off 8 mm bolts, nuts, washers and spring washers.

15 Cable Terminations

15.1 The prices quoted in the schedules of rates shall include for the supply and delivery of all
termination materials and for the drilling of any holes required in gland plates (3 mm brass).

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15.2 The Contractor shall include for the supply and fitting of appropriate lugs and glands to all
instruments and associated equipment.
15.3 All instruments, control panels and junction boxes, etc., shall be wired in accordance with the
project instrumentation wiring diagrams or hook-ups and shall be well planned and neatly
arranged in the best possible manner.
15.4 Before any cable terminating or jointing work commences, the Contractor shall ensure that
the respective cable is “dead”, and that it will remain so for the duration of the work.
15.5 The Contractor shall ensure, from the commencement of work, that the cable dielectric is
sound, by checking the insulation resistance and testing for moisture.
15.6 At terminations, cables shall be secured near the glands to prevent undue mechanical stress
on the glands.
15.7 The insulation of a conductor shall not be stripped back further than necessary. Cable
terminations shall leave the IP 65 rating of the panel intact.
15.8 All cables entering junction boxes or control panels shall be stripped to the inner sleeve only,
where the end will be made off with heat shrink-sleeving for 20 mm.
15.9 Wiring for connecting of instrument panels shall be brought to the terminal blocks and in
cases where terminal blocks are not fitted direct to the equipment terminal.
15.10 All connections onto terminals in panels where instrument power, control and signals cables
are involved shall be suitably terminated with lugs or ferrules compatible with the terminals
15.11 The wiring inside of panels and equipment for connecting shall be well planned and neatly
harnessed in the best possible manner without obscuring any labels.
15.12 Connections shall be as per relevant drawings with the conductors marked with fully
interlocking markers as per drawings.
15.13 The connection wires shall be properly supported or laced where necessary.
15.14 The markings for horizontal runs shall be from left to right facing them and for vertical runs
from the bottom upwards.
15.15 Multicore signal cabling screens, which include individual and overall screens, shall be
terminated correctly per pair and at one point only at the RJB panel to which the cable
15.16 Continuity of screening shall be maintained where cable-to-cable connections occur. Single
point earthing shall be maintained.
15.17 For normal plant areas, terminations of PVC cables shall be by means of waterproof anti-
corrosion mechanical / compression cable glands of CCG manufacture.

• Normal plant areas – Steel-wire Armoured (SWA) cables shall be terminated with CCG
IPlus CORROSION GUARD captive cone glands as per the Electrical Installation
• Normal plant areas – Dekabon Armoured cables shall be terminated with CCG Posi Flex
compression gland (sizes 00 to 4), fixed nipple, complete with retaining washer,
thermoplastic elastomer compression bush and heavy-duty brass nickel locknut.

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• Normal plant areas - Larger cables shall be terminated with CCG POSIGRIP
compression gland (sizes 5 to 7), fixed nipple, complete with retaining washer,
thermoplastic elastomer compression bush and heavy-duty brass nickel locknut.

15.18 For zoned plant areas, terminations of PVC cables shall be by means of waterproof anti-
corrosion mechanical / compression cable glands of CCG manufacture.

• SWA cables shall be terminated with CCG EX-CORROSION GUARD captive cone
• Dekabon cables shall be terminated with compression glands from the CCG POSI Grip
compression gland range.

15.19 Care shall be taken to ensure that no armouring is visible after installation of gland and
15.20 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the glands are the correct size for the
respective cables. This also applies for Sensor-Actuator Cables (Ifm EVM005 fly-leads with
4.9 mm cable diameter).
15.21 All un-used gland holes shall be sealed off with proper CCG gland stoppers, which come with
all the necessary accessories, such as seals and nuts.
15.22 Cores of small cables shall be left sufficiently long to reach the furthest terminal and shall be
neatly coiled before terminating.
15.23 Although spare cores will be available on exception (all spare pairs are terminated as a rule),
these cores are to be terminated as follows:

• The stripped length of the spare cores shall exceed the stripped length of the longest
used core by 50 mm.
• Spare cores shall be limited as far as possible. If they do exist, they shall be lugged and
numbered before being coiled and kept together by heat shrinkable tubing.
• Cores of large cables shall be sufficiently long to permit setting out to avoid stressing of
the terminals after connection.

15.24 All ferrules shall be of the crimp-on bootlace ferrule type with PVC sleeves attached to it and
shall only be fixed using ratchet-type crimping tools.
15.25 Enlarging of holes in lugs is strictly forbidden.
15.26 Bare wire terminations will not be accepted, not even as a temporary measure.
15.27 It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that bootlace ferrules, tools and dies are
of the correct size for the cables and cores.
15.28 Cable screens shall be covered with heat shrink sleeving and connected where required and
indicated by drawings. However unlikely to exist, unearthed screen wires are to be tied back.
Under no circumstances may they be cut back.
15.29 A proprietary type of wire stripper, suitable for the cable type must always be used. The
stripping tool must be checked regularly and is subject to inspection by the Engineer.
15.30 When the type of insulation is suitable, a hot wire stripper is recommended.
15.31 When stripping insulation from conductors, wires or strands must not be nicked or cut.

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15.32 Every core of single pair or multi-pair instrument cables shall be fitted at both ends with a
cable core number.
15.33 Core numbering is described in the Equipment Numbering Procedure (DRA-0571-ENG-PR-
0000) and shall be applied for all Electrical, Control and Instrumentation wiring installed.
15.34 The Core Numbering will be generated by the DRA Instrument / Electrical Engineer and will
be issued to the Contractor before installation commence.
15.35 The core number label will be a 50 mm Yellow Grafoplast insert in a 50 mm plastic sleeve
with Black text.
15.36 Neither split nor clip-on ferrules nor adhesive marking tapes are acceptable alternatives.
15.37 Where an instrument only provides for one gland entry, but with more than one cable or wire
running to the instrument, flexible conduit must be used between the termination box and the
instrument. Appropriate glands and seals must be used ensuring that the IP 65 rating is

16 Cable Terminations and Joints

16.1 All materials for terminations or through joints shall be supplied and installed by the
16.2 All instruments, RJBs, SJBs, IJBs, FJBs etc., shall be wired in accordance with the
Instrumentation diagrams. Each wire termination shall have marking ferrules, reading from
left to right with the wiring designation.
16.3 Before any cable terminating work commences, the Contractor shall ensure that the
respective cable is “Dead” and that it will remain so for the duration of the work.
16.4 The Contractor shall ensure, from the commencement of work, that the cable dielectric is
sound, by checking the insulation resistance and testing for moisture.
16.5 The Contractor shall liaise with the Engineer / Instrumentation Site Supervisor to ensure that
correct core connections are maintained throughout the installation.
16.6 The terminations shall be made in a workmanlike manner, with the correct tools, with
particular attention to the cleanliness of tools, material, and working site.
16.7 Care shall be taken to ensure that the cable gland securely grips the cable armouring and
that no armouring is visible after fitting of the gland shroud.
16.8 All cables shall be bottom entry. Side entry will only be allowed with written consent of the
Engineer. Top entry is forbidden.
16.9 Through joints in cables are to be avoided and should generally only be required when route
lengths exceed the maximum drum lengths normally available for the respective cable size.
Joints shall not be considered on small power (UPS) cables.
16.10 Joints shall not be accepted on any Small Power or Field Signal cables.
16.11 When joints are necessary, they shall conform to the following: 600/1000V grade PVC cables
“Scotchcast” moulded case poured resin type.
16.12 Where cable cores are connected to stud type terminals, they shall be fitted with the correct
size compression ferrule.

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16.13 Termination of cables in MCCs, Control Panels, RJBs, IJBs, SJBs, FBs etc., shall be done in
a neat way, providing substantial supports so that the insulation of the cables are not stressed
in any way.
16.14 Cable terminations at instruments shall have a one-turn loop of correct diameter between
rack/angle iron and the instrument terminal box to allow future re-glanding of the cable.
16.15 Wiring shall be installed neatly, either saddled or strapped to the panel or supporting
steelwork. Where this is not possible or practical, the cable loom shall be strapped together
using one of the proprietary type plastic cable straps available for this purpose. Cotton
insulation or thread shall not be used.
16.16 Tightening of harness saddles or straps must not result in excessive pressure being exerted,
which would result in a reduction of the conductor insulation diameter, wear on the insulation
or excessive tension.
16.17 Unclamped leads shall be free of tension between points of connection.
16.18 Leads shall not be twisted together unless this is desirable for a design reason, i.e. avoidance
of electromagnetic "pickup".
16.19 Conductors shall not be carried over or bent around sharp corners or edges.
16.20 Conductors passing through holes in chassis or screens shall be fully protected by correctly
fitted grommets or bushes.
16.21 Conductors carried across a hinged portion of a chassis or door shall be flexible. Sufficient
slack shall be provided to obviate tension. A flexible tube/sock shall be used to keep cores
away from moving parts.
16.22 No stranded conductors shall be fitted if any one strand has been damaged or broken. Wiring
shall be arranged such that not more than two wires are connected to one side of each
16.23 Earthing tails shall be securely affixed between gland and earth bar to ensure correct earth

17 Cable Ferrules, Lugs, Sleeves

17.1 All wires shall be terminated in crimped terminations of the appropriate type and size. Bare
wire terminations will not be accepted. Split type lugs are not acceptable.
17.2 Crimping tools for cables up to and including 16 mm2 may be hand powered types, but above
16 mm2 hexagonal die type hydraulic tools must be used.
17.3 It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that ferrules, lugs, tools and dies are of
the correct size for the cables.
17.4 The Contractor shall include for the supply and fitting of appropriate ferrules and lugs to all
cable cores.

18 Drilling of Gland Holes

18.1 Contractors shall include for the drilling of any gland holes required in gland plates and the
supply of any packing, strapping, insulating tapes, putty or other materials necessary to
complete the termination.

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18.2 Gland holes shall not be cut with a cutting torch and any gland plates found, which have been
subjected to a cutting torch, will be rejected and replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.
18.3 A chassis-hole punch is recommended to cut additional holes in the gland plate, should the
need arise.

19 Cable Glands and Adaptors

19.1 All cable glands shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor and shall be as detailed
hereafter. Care shall be taken to ensure that these are of the correct size and type.
19.2 Where equipment supplied is provided with cable entries having DIN standard threads, the
Contractor shall provide all necessary adaptors to permit the use of SANS thread cable
19.3 The Contractor shall provide all necessary cable gland reducers.
19.4 Where glands are to be used with non-threaded clearance holes, a heavy-duty locknut,
together with suitable weather proofing gaskets shall be provided.

20 Pneumatics and Dekabon Tubing

20.1 Pneumatic “push-in” fittings shall be sized to accept 12 mm Dekabon tubing and fittings shall
be 12 mm nickel plated brass “push in” as specified on the relevant construction drawings.
20.2 Fittings shall be supplied by according to correct specification and approved supplier.
20.3 The contractor shall provide for all fittings on Dekabon tubing and SS instrument airlines.
These fittings shall be of the “push-in” type and must be manufactured from SS.
20.4 All fittings on instrument SS airlines must be Swagelok compression type.
20.5 Tubing shall only be cut with a proper tube cutter. Hacksaws shall not be permitted.
20.6 The ID of cut tubing shall be reamed to remove burrs. Tubing shall be blown clear of all chips
and debris before final connections are made.
20.7 Care shall be exercised when straightening coiled tubing to prevent excessive stretching.
Tubing shall not be stretched more than 1% of coil length, or not to exceed 15 mm for a 15 m
20.8 Instrument piping and tubing shall be run in a neat and orderly manner with grouping of lines
wherever practicable and according to the relevant Hook-up diagram.
20.9 Air supply connections supplied and fitted by the Contractor to individual instruments shall be
12 mm pipe size with 15 mm lockable ball valve at point of use.
20.10 Only proprietary brand plastic ties shall be used for strapping – care to be taken that tubing
is supported by angle iron and strapping only holds tubing in place. Strapping type shall be
as per the cable strapping details.
20.11 Valves shall be accessible for operation from floors and operating platforms unless otherwise
approved. The tubing shall not interfere with access to valves or equipment and shall not
obstruct passageways. Headroom clearance of 2000 mm minimum from floor level shall be
maintained below all piping and accessories.
20.12 Each item as detailed in the schedule of rates is to include for the supply of the relevant fitting,

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the cutting to length of the Dekabon tubing, the installation of the fitting and the making off
the tube end.
20.13 Enough slack shall be provided on all air tubing to avoid strain on instrument connections
and to facilitate removal of the instrument.
20.14 Where not specified, fittings shall be sized correctly for both tubing and port connections. The
Contractor is to identify the port size and thread prior to installation. Preferred threads for
ports are BSP. Sizes of tubing are metric and 12 mm being preferred size.
20.15 The battery limit of scope between the Mechanical and Piping (M&P) and Instrumentation
Contractors regarding instrumentation air reticulation is as follows:

• Main air header by M&P contractor.

• Take off by M&P contractor.
• 25 mm take off ball valve by M&P contractor.
• 50 mm manifold and branches free issued, installed by instrument contractor.
• Branch valves free issued on manifold.
• Filters / regulators free issued, installed by instrument contractor.
• Tubing to size free issued, installed by instrument contractor.

20.16 An individual lockable shut-off ball valve should be supplied for each instrument. The
contractor will ensure that shut off valves are installed in such a manner that operation of the
valve is not restricted or hampered. Valves must be properly secured to structures.
20.17 Every instrument air header shall be provided with a pressure regulator / filter and pressure
gauge to suit the instrument air pressure range specified, unless stated otherwise on
20.18 Instrument air supply lines shall be 12 mm Dekabon tubing.

21 Conduit

21.1 All conduit work shall be carried out in accordance with the SANS 10142, Standard
Regulations for the Wiring of Premises and shall be in accordance with the principles
specified in the preceding sections relating to the installation of cables.
21.2 Installation of open-ended, capped conduit may be used providing no other means of
secondary cable support is possible. Conduit shall only be used as required by the relevant
construction drawings.
21.3 All ProfiNet Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cabling shall be installed in conduit to limit chances
of mechanical damage.
21.4 Conduit with open seams shall not be allowed. Where conduit is indicated on the construction
drawings, conduit and fittings shall be SS.
21.5 Conduit shall have a smooth bore. The smallest size to be used is 25 mm, the largest 50 mm.
21.6 The minimum radius for any set is 2.5 times the external diameter of the conduit.
21.7 The use of flexible non-metallic or non-conductive conduit is to be used only if detailed on
drawings or on instructions of the Engineer. Special precautions for earthing are to be taken.
21.8 Conduits shall be bonded and earthed.

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21.9 All conduit, accessories and fittings shall be screwed or be fixed by means of nuts on both
sides of the bonding tray of a distribution board.
21.10 Where conduit passes through floors, walls, partitions and ceilings, the holes shall be closed
with suitable flame-retardant filler and made true again.
21.11 Conduit shall be fixed with clips or saddles at a pitch not exceeding 1 m. A minimum of two
clips or saddles shall be allowed per 3m length.

22 Earthing

22.1 Design Requirements

22.1.1 All cable trays, racking, conduit, trunking, cable sheaths and armouring, ducts, boxes and all
other metal work connected with wiring (other than the current carrying parts) shall be bonded
to the electrical safety earth as well as the structural steelwork.
22.1.2 All cables provided with a metal sheath and/or armour shall be terminated at both ends into
an approved gland for PVC/SWA/PVC cable. The gland shall form a good electrical
connection to be gland plate.
22.1.3 When the armour of a cable is earthed, the clamp used shall be of special design so that it
will grip firmly and permanently without damage to the insulation or to the metal sheath of the
22.1.4 Where ProfiNet IO STP cables exit panels, the cable shall be routed through an ethernet
surge protector free issued in the Network Junction box (NJB).
22.1.5 Where an earthing conductor is exposed to possible mechanical damage, it shall be of special
design so that it will grip firmly and permanently without damage to the insulation or to the
metal sheath of the cable.
22.1.6 Where an earthing conductor is exposed to possible mechanical damage, it shall be protected
by means of a suitable conduit or pipe.
22.1.7 All earth conductors shall be PVC insulated and earthing rods shall be SS, green / yellow for
electrical safety and instrumentation earth.

22.2 Installation of Instrumentation Earth System

22.2.1 All work associated with the supply and installation of the earth conductors from the earth
grid system for the project’s related instrumentation equipment is included in the scope of
this Contract.
22.2.2 The instrumentation and control system connection to the plant safety earth shall be as per
the construction drawings.
22.2.3 The main instrument earth bar shall be tied to the main electrical earth grid system as detailed
on the relevant construction drawings. The instrument earth shall be tied into the electrical
earth at the source point.

22.3 Installation of Control System Earthing

22.3.1 The Control System equipment shall be earthed as follows:

• By means of cable armouring.

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• By means of cable individual and overall shields.

• By means of 1 core / 16 mm² green / yellow PVC insulated stranded copper conductors
between RJB earth stud and the plant instrumentation earth grid system.
• By means of 70 mm² bare Copper conductors between the earth stud in the RJBs, IJBs,
SJBs and their instrument panel stands, and the plant safety electrical earth grid system.
• Instrumentation in accordance with the relevant loop diagrams.

22.3.2 All cable racking sections shall be interconnected with a 70 mm² bear Copper insulated
stranded copper conductor and shall form a continuous earth. Cable racks shall at the end
be connected to the plant electrical safety earth bar.
22.3.3 The fourth core of the 4-core power cable shall be used for the connection to the electrical
safety earth in RJB Panels.
22.3.4 Low impedance instrument earth points shall be mounted in suitable locations as per the
construction drawings throughout the plant. The earth bar should be at least
50 mm x 10 mm x 1000 mm solid copper and shall be isolated from the buildings and
22.3.5 All remote instrument earth points shall be directly connected to a central instrument earth
bar by means of 1 core / 16 mm² PVC insulated stranded copper conductors, which is
terminated in a ring lug and sweat bolted at both ends. The insulation for the instrument earth
cable shall be Green/Yellow.
22.3.6 A single instrument earth point is provided within each cubicle/panel and is used to collect all
the cubicle instrument earths as shown on the various drawings.
22.3.7 After final termination of all earth conductors, the instrument earth shall be tested to the
approval of the Engineer. The instrument earth is then connected to the electrical safety
earth, using a 70 mm2 multi-strand green insulated cable.

23 Instrumentation Installation

23.1 Hook-up Diagrams

Instrument installations and scope of supply shall be as per the construction Hook-up
Diagrams. These diagrams define what needs to be installed as well as the battery limits for
each typical type of installation.
Where required, please refer to the relevant Hook-up Drawings for the manufacture of
appropriate brackets for the individual instruments. An index of these diagrams can be found
in the following table:
Drawing Number Hook-up Diagram Description
0571-J14-226351-01152 COVER PAGE
0571-J14-226351-01153 INDEX SHEET
0571-J14-226351-01154 BELT RIP AND TEAR SWITCH
0571-J14-226351-01156 PRE-START SIREN
0571-J14-226351-01160 DUAL PROXIMITY SWITCH

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0571-J14-226351-01163 FLOOR MOUNTED PEDESTAL
0571-J14-226351-01164 WALL MOUNTED PEDESTAL
0571-J14-226351-01165 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER
0571-J14-226351-01166 INLINE SOLENOID VALVE
0571-J14-226351-01167 1/4 TURN ON/OFF ACTUATOR VALVE
0571-J14-226351-01170 RADAR LEVEL TRANSMITTER
0571-J14-226351-01171 CAPACITANCE LEVEL SWITCH
0571-J14-226351-01172 LEVEL PROBE
0571-J14-226351-01173 SINGLE ACTING ON/OFF VALVE
0571-J14-226351-01174 CALE STRAPPING DETAILS
0571-J14-226351-01176 MODULATING CONTROL VALVE
0571-J14-226351-01179 PROXIMITY SPEED SWITCH
0571-J14-226351-01180 ROBOT LIGHT
0571-J14-226351-01183 PNEUMATIC RAM
0571-J14-226351-01184 PULLWIRE SWITCH
0571-J14-226351-01185 BELT SCALE
0571-J14-226351-01187 AIR SUPPLY
0571-J14-226351-13085 INSTRUMENT AIR MANIFOLD – 4-WAY
0571-J14-226351-13086 INSTRUMENT AIR MANIFOLD – 8-WAY
0571-J14-226351-13087 INSTRUMENT AIR MANIFOLD – 10-WAY

Where an installation is not detailed, this detail shall be agreed to before installation

23.2 AT – Analysers

23.2.1 Analysers shall be installed so that they are readily accessible for maintenance / calibration
and in accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations.
23.2.2 The Contractor shall supply and install all necessary fittings to complete the installation in
accordance with the applicable Hook-up Diagram.
23.2.3 Impulse lines where possible shall be kept to a minimum to improve the response time of the
23.2.4 Dependant on the gas being detected, Gas Analysers shall be installed in accordance with
the manufacture’s recommendations. These recommendations will determine the final
location for the sensing elements.

23.3 DT – Density Meters

23.3.1 Coriolis Meters shall be mounted in-line, in accordance with the manufacture’s
recommendations and specific project drawings. The supplier shall supervise the installation.

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23.3.2 Nuclear Density Gauges are clamped to the pipe and will be supplied complete with a
protection cage and warning signage.
23.3.3 The gauge shall preferably be placed in a vertical-up flow section of the line to ensure that
the pipe will always remain full.
23.3.4 On slurry applications, the flow tube shall always be placed in a vertical section of line, where
the flow is upwards, to minimise the stratification effect of solids separation.
23.3.5 If, on non-slurry applications, the gauge is placed on a horizontal section ensure that the end
of the pipe rises above the level of the flow tube to ensure a full line. On horizontal sections
the beam should be orientated to a vertical direction
23.3.6 The gauge shall not be installed on the suction side of pumps. Control and shutoff valves
shall be installed downstream of the gauge.
23.3.7 The gauge shall be installed a minimum of ten straight run pipe diameters downstream of the
last interference point, such as a bend.
23.3.8 It shall be installed a minimum of three straight run pipe diameters upstream of any
interference points after the gauge
23.3.9 The nuclear density transmitters shall be mounted remotely in a protective instrument box,
on an instrument stand as per the construction general arrangement drawings.
23.3.10 Power and signal cabling for connection between the density gage and transmitter shall be
free-issued to the Contractor.
23.3.11 Density meters will be the nuclear type, clamped onto the pipes.
23.3.12 Lockable protective cover for the density meters will be supplied. The source and detector
housings are to be made from SS. The complete density unit will be covered by an
appropriate steel cage that is removable to allow for maintenance. Each unit will be supplied
with appropriate “Nuclear Radiation” warning signs that are to be mounted onto the steel
23.3.13 Density meters will have a local display. Provision is to be made to supply a suitable
calibration plate for easy on-site calibration. Install the source in such an orientation that the
emitted energy signal is pointing away from walkways and area where maintenance staff will
be standing to perform their duties.
23.3.14 Adhere to manufacturer’s installation instructions by allowing enough straight pipe lengths
before and after the meter. This will reduce measurement errors due to turbulences in the
medium flow. Avoid installing the meter too close to pumps, valves and bends in the pipeline.
23.3.15 Power at 110 Vac 50 Hz is supplied to the instrument via a separate cable.
23.3.16 These Transmitters are equipped with a ProfiNet IO interface, thus the connection of an STP
Cable between the Transmitter and RJB Panel installed in 25 mm conduit should be included.

23.4 FI – Flow Indicators (Variable Area Flow Meter)

23.4.1 Variable Area Flow Meter (Flow Indicators) shall be mounted in-line, in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations and associated Hook-up Diagrams.
23.4.2 The Flow Indicators procured operates on a variable area measurement principle and is
suitable for liquids (reagents) and gasses. The functional principle measuring unit consists of

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a glass cone in which a float can move freely up and down where medium flow from bottom
to top, with the force working against the gravity force of the float.
23.4.3 It is equipped with a 4-20 mA analog feedback.
23.4.4 The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials to complete the installation to the
manufacturer’s specification.

23.5 FSL – Flow Switches

23.5.1 Free-issued Calorimetric Flow Switches (complete with welding adaptor) shall be mounted in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and associated Hook-up Diagrams.
23.5.2 The process connection is typically by welding a welding adaptor onto the pipe and installing
the instrument. The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials to complete the
installation to the manufacturer’s specification.

23.6 FT – Thermal Mass Flow Meter Equipment

23.6.1 Thermal Mass Flow Meters shall be mounted in-line, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and associated Hook-up Diagrams.
23.6.2 These Flow Transmitters give a 24 Vdc 4-wire 4-20 mA output.
23.6.3 The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials to complete the installation to the
manufacturer’s specification.

23.7 FT – Electro-Magnetic Flow Transmitters

23.7.1 Electro-Magnetic Flow Meters shall be fitted after the lines have been flushed and fully
supported on both sides of the flow tube. The Electro-Magnetic Flow Transmitters shall be of
the volumetric type suitable for water and slurry applications and is available with a direct
local mounted or remote mounted display.
23.7.2 Care is to be taken to ensure that the flow tube is not subjected to unnecessary stresses
when tightening the flanges. When locating the Magnetic flow meter in pipelines the following
criteria should be strictly adhered to:

• Installation shall be as per the specific Hook-up Diagram.

• Spool pieces are provided for all flow tubes. The spool pieces should be installed initially.
• Once the line has been flushed and pressure tested and is fully supported, the spool
piece is to be replaced with the flow tube.
• At least 5 pipe diameters of straight pipe of the same inside diameter (ID) should be left
upstream of the flow tube.
• At least 3 pipe diameters of straight pipe of the same ID should be left downstream of
the flow tube.
• The flow tube should be placed in a vertical-up flow section of the line to ensure that the
pipe will always remain full.
• The flow transmitters shall be mounted remotely in a protective instrument drip cover, on
an instrument stand as per the construction general arrangement drawings.
• Power and signal cabling and earthing rings for connection between the magnetic flow
tube and transmitter shall be free-issued to the Contractor.

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23.7.3 Flow transmitters will have an external 110 Vac 50 Hz power supply.
23.7.4 Flow transmitters will be installed inline. The installation Contractor will provide proper pipe
support brackets on both sides of the flow meter to relief any strain on the instrument. The
flow meter should not be installed near bends in the pipe or close to pumps or valves. As a
minimum, always allow at least 5 x pipe diameter of straight pipe before the flow meter and
at least 3 x pipe diameter of straight pipe after the meter.
23.7.5 Pipe lines needs to be constructed in such a way that the pipe section containing the flow
meter is always filled with the process medium. For this reason, it might be required to install
a “bubble” section in the pipeline after the flow meter. Another option would be to install a
siphon on the downstream side of the flow meter.
23.7.6 Grounding rings need to be installed on both sides of the flow meter if the pipe is made of
PVC or if the pipe is rubber lined. The Contractor needs to make sure that the grounding
rings are connected to each other and to the earth stud on the instrument body.
23.7.7 These Transmitters are equipped with a ProfiNet IO interface, thus the connection of an STP
Cable between the Transmitter and RJB Panel installed in 25 mm conduit should be included.
23.7.8 The Flow Transmitters will be free issued once purchased.

23.8 LSHH - High Level Tilt Switches

23.8.1 Tilt Switches shall be used as High-Level detection and Ultimate High-Level protection.
Detection of blocked chutes is implemented with Microwave Blocked Chute Detectors.
23.8.2 All Tilt Switches are of the mercury free type, SS, robust and provided with a trailing cable
and hooks.
23.8.3 The Tilt Switches are designed for heavy duty abrasive applications and do not require power
to operate. A change-over contact within shall be wired in the close state when no material
is detected.
The Tilt switches shall be installed as detailed in the applicable Hook-up Diagram.

23.9 LT – Level Transmitters

23.9.1 General Instrument installations and scope of supply shall be as per the construction Hook-up
diagrams. The Level Switch or relay housing, where specified for local mounting, shall be installed in a
protected location away from the sump, tank, chute or bin. Level probes for solids and liquids shall be installed in accordance with the instrument
installation detail and the supplied Hook-up Diagram. Suspended elements for liquids shall have stilling wells. Stilling wells, when shown, shall be
free-issued to the Contractor by the Employer.

23.9.2 LT – Level Transmitters Continuous level transmitters will be supplied as indicated on the Piping and Instrument
Diagrams (P&IDs) and type listed in the Instrumentation Index.

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Installation Specification Copyright Care was taken to specify the type of level measurement technology required for each item
with a datasheet.

• The basic logic is that for liquid based level measurement of less than 8 m, ultrasonic
technology was specified. For Ultrasonic Level Transmitters, a suitable bracket will be
manufactured and supplied so that the instrument is mounted at least 300 mm above the
highest-level mark and at least 500 mm away from the side wall of the vessel. Care must
be taken not to install the instrument in the direct path of agitator blades or turbulent
inflows into the tank. Brackets to be adjustable to limit re-work in these types of tanks.
• For liquid-based level measurement of more than 8 m, but less than 15 m, and difficult
installations where a roof over the vessel exists, radar for liquid applications shall be
used. For any bulk solid applications and liquid applications exceeding 15 m, radar is
specified. For Radar Level Transmitters, a suitable bracket will be manufactured and
supplied so that the instrument is mounted at least 300 mm above the highest-level mark
and at least 500 mm away from the side wall of the vessel.
• In tanks where the process generates steam or fluid based vapour, Guided Waver radar
transmitters are required to measure the fluid level. Level Transmitters shall be mounted on an instrument bracket as per the construction general
arrangement drawings.

• In cone shaped vessels it will be required to move or position the instrument in such a
way that the bottom of the cone is detected. Brackets are to be adjustable to limit re-work
in these types of tanks.
• For applications where excessive turbulences are present, the level sensor will be
installed inside a still-well.
• For Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitters, a suitable bracket will be manufactured and
supplied so that the instrument is mounted at least 300 mm above the highest-level mark
and at least 300 mm away from the side wall of the vessel. A suitable still-well might be
required for most of these installations. In some cases, a remote display will not be required, therefor its installation should be costed
separately. Level Transmitters are loop powered. The screen wire is not connected but insulated with
clear shrink sleeving and tied back at the instrument side. Connect all the screen and drain
cables on the Junction Box side only. Screen wires are not to be cut off.

23.9.3 LT – Hydrostatic Level Transmitters Hydrostatic Level Transmitters are required to measure the fluid level in large dams or difficult
closed tanks. For Liquid Level Measurement of accessible dams deeper than 15 m, liquid
radar is preferred. Hydrostatic Level Transmitters are equipped with remote displays. The display shall be
installed to be visible at a convenient position. The Level Transmitter will be mounted on a suitable manufactured bracket or process
connection according to the Hook-up Diagrams.

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23.9.4 LT – Hydraulic Oil Level Transmitters For Hydraulic Level detection applications, a continuous Level Transmitter is advised. Level
limit switching will be done inside the PLC program. The Level Transmitter will be mounted on a suitable manufactured bracket that will allow the
instrument to be above the measured area level with at least 300 mm between the sensor
face and the maximum sump level.

23.10 NC – Field Control Stations

23.10.1 All drives will be equipped with field control functionality, in some cases implemented on a
Local Field Isolator (LFI).
23.10.2 Where drives are not equipped with an LFI or where additional functionality is required from
the field control station, field control stations will be implemented.
23.10.3 The following types will be installed:
Description Part Number
2-Button Start / Stop Control Station with Green Start Pushbutton and Red Mushroom Head Latching CHW91177 -
Stop Pushbutton. Adapted
3-Button Start Forward / Stop / Start Reverse Control Station with Green Start Forward Pushbutton, CHW91177 -
Red Mushroom Head Latching Stop Pushbutton, Green Start Reverse Pushbutton. Adapted
3-Button Green / Red / Green Control Station with Green Start Mill Pushbutton, Red Mushroom Head CHW91177 -
Latching Stop Pushbutton, Yellow Start Services Pushbutton. Adapted
3-Button Green / Green / Yellow Control Station with Green Start Barring Forward Pushbutton, Start CHW91177 -
Barring Reverse Pushbutton, Release Brake Yellow Pushbutton. Adapted
CHW91177 -
2-Button Control Station with Green Start Forward Pushbutton and Green Start Reverse Pushbutton.
CHW91177 -
2-Button Control Station with Green Raise Pushbutton and Yellow Lower Pushbutton.

23.10.4 These Control Stations are manufactured from SS with 30 mm buttons. The typical brand
and model are the EATON supplied Start/Stop Station CHW91177 / CHW91179 with Latch
23.10.5 Installation for each Control Station is:
23.10.6 Drip Cover for each Control Station.
23.10.7 CCG compression gland.
23.10.8 SWA cabling from Control Station to MCC according to the cable schedule.
23.10.9 Termination of the Control Station on both sides.
23.10.10 Labelling of cable on both sides.

23.11 PT – Pressure Instruments

23.11.1 General Instructions Instrument installations and scope of supply shall be as per the construction Hook-up
diagrams. Pressure transmitters shall either be locally or remote mount - the specific installation
instructions need to be followed for each instrument.

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Installation Specification Copyright Remote mounted pressure transmitters are to be located as close as possible to the
measurement point on an instrument stand. A 2-way manifold / block and bleed valve is
provided with all Pressure Transmitters. For draft instruments (PDT), the one leg / port of the instrument shall be piped / connected to
the measurement point and the other leg / port shall be piped to reference to atmosphere and
shall be protected against dust ingress.

23.11.2 PT – Pressure Transmitters Pressure Transmitters will be of the two-wire loop powered types that are programmable
within the appropriate pressure range. The Pressure Transmitters will be installed on vessels by welding an appropriate size steel
socket onto vessels or tanks. The transmitter will then screw into the socket. It must be noted
that for dirty applications, the transmitter sensor face should be flush with the inside of the
vessel wall to prevent build up. The length of the socket needs to be cut to achieve this. The Transmitter process interface has a ceramic membrane that is suitable for abrasive
process materials. Chemical seals are therefore not a requirement. The screen wire is not connected but insulated with shrink sleeving and tied back at the
instrument side. Connect all the screen and drain cables on the Junction Box side only.

23.11.3 PI – Pressure Gauges All pressure gauges shall be supplied and fitted with isolation valves as per the Hook-up
Diagram as to ensure that the gauge can be replaced on-line. Pressure Gauges will be installed with or without chemical seal as indicated on the relevant
P&IDs. Specification and type of Pressure Gauges is listed in the Instrument Index.

23.12 Valves

Instrument installations and scope of supply shall be as per the construction Hook-up

23.12.1 Air Distribution Manifolds Air Manifolds will be free issued to the Contractor as per

drawings 00571-J08-226351- 13085, 00571-J08-
226351-13086 and 00571-J08-226351-13087. These manifolds will be installed at various locations
throughout the plant as indicated by the relevant
Instrument Location Drawings. The manifolds will be manufactured from 100 mm round
SS tubing. Four, eight or ten delivery lines with size 1”
(25mm) will be provided complete with ball type isolation
valves. The unit will have an input connection point with isolation
valve. The unit will also be equipped with a drain point
with isolation valve and filter and manual drain
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assembly. These Compressed Air Manifolds feed the Solenoid Junction Boxes (SJBs), each with 2, 4,
6 or 7 single or double acting solenoid pilot valves and all Modulating Control Valves on an
individual valve by valve basis.

23.12.2 DY / FY / LY / PY / TY / XY / ZY – Modulating Control Valves Control valves shall be installed as shown on piping drawings and/or the applicable
installation details. Control valves shall be installed in horizontal process lines with the diaphragm operator in an
upright position. Where it is necessary or directed to mount control valves in a vertical line,
the diaphragm actuator shall be adequately supported. Control valve installations shall allow access for removal of valve trim. Block and bypass valves for control valves shall be installed when required by the P&ID or
the instrument installation detail hook-up diagrams. Pressure regulators shall be installed on all Instrumentation Air Manifolds feeding Control
Valves. Control Valves shall be positioned 5 inside pipe diameters after any interference ant 10 pipe
diameters before any interference. Modulating Control Valves will be free issued based on the finalised applicable Data Sheets.
The Control Valves will be mounted in such a way that easy access is available for
maintenance or calibration routines. Attention must be given to the final installation point so that it will be possible for the easy
removal of the positioner, actuator or valve body when required. For very large vales, thought
must be given to the possibility that lifting equipment or machinery might be required for the
removal and re-installation of the valves. Support brackets should be installed on both sides of large valve bodies. This will ease the
installation and removal activities and relief stress from the valve body. Valve body orientation (flow direction) should be in the correct direction through the valve
as indicated by the arrow or markings on the valve.

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23.12.3 XY – Pneumatic Actuated ON / OFF Valves ON/OFF Valves will be actuated

using single or double acting
pneumatic solenoid valves. Refer
to the typical Solenoid Valve
Junction Box (SJB) drawings:

• 00571-J08-6000-13154
• 00571-J08-6000-13155
• 00571-J08-6000-13156
• 00571-J08-6000-13157 Solenoid Valve Junction Boxes

will be made of 304 SS powder
coated to B26 Orange. Gland plates will be made of 3 mm Brass and gland holes are pre-punched. The junction box
will be supplied complete with DIN rail, terminals and slotted PVC trunking as per above
mentioned drawings. The Solenoid Valve Junction Boxes (SJBs) with suitable drip cover will be free issued, the
installation and bracket will be supplied by the installation Contractor. In short, each ON/OFF Valve has a remote installed single / double acting solenoid installed
in the free issued SJB Panel. 12 mm Dekabon tubing will be used to route the air from the
SJB Panel to the ports on the Valve Actuator. The proximity switches installed on the valve is taken back to the SJB Panel. A multi-pair
cable connects the SJB Panel to the PLC using a 24-pair cable. It is advisable that the valve actuator be installed in a vertical position where possible. If this
is not possible, then install the valve as vertical as possible. This will reduce wearing of the
piston and O-rings and improve internal lubrication.

23.12.4 XZSO / XZSC – Actuated ON/OFF Valve Position Feedbacks Actuated valves will be equipped with position feedbacks (Proximity Switches) that gets wired
back to the Solenoid Junction Boxes (SJBs) as described in the previous section. The Proximity Switches (XZSO and XZSC) is M30 Ifm IIT 202 units with an Ifm EVM005
Sensor Actuator Cable.

23.12.5 XYS – In-Line Solenoid Valves In-Line Solenoid Valves will be activated via a 24 Vdc signal. The solenoid forms an integral
part of the valve and is mounted on the valve body. The valve will be a 2/2-way valve with SS body. The solenoid will have an IP65 rating as
minimum. Connect the white supply core to the solenoid “+” terminal and the black return signal core to
the solenoid “-” terminal. The screen wire is connected to the earth terminal of the solenoid.
Connect the screen and drain cables on the Junction Box side only.

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Installation Specification Copyright The IP66 22 mm Moulded Plug with 3m cable is equipped with an LED indicating the
command state of the valve.

23.13 TE/TT – Temperature Elements / Transmitters

23.13.1 Specific care shall be taken to install the various types of temperature instruments according
to the specific Hook-up Diagram and installation instructions from the Engineer.
23.13.2 Thermowells, welding adaptors, and temperature elements shall be free issued. The
Contractor shall install these.
23.13.3 Inline Temperature Transmitters shall be free-issued complete with process connection and

23.14 VT – Vibration Transmitters

23.14.1 Vibration Transmitters (VT) will be supplied with a M12 Sensor-Actuator Cable (SAC) cable
with. Vibration sensors will be fixed to the device or equipment being monitored.
23.14.2 VT will be mounted onto equipment structures by means of suitable threaded stud which is
welded onto the equipment or structure.
23.14.3 It is recommended to provide a separate grounded conduit to enclose the sensor cable. In
addition, the sensor cable should be routed away from motors, generators and transformers
to avoid signal interferences. This is also the reason why a shielded SAC is specified.
23.14.4 The 2-wire Vibration Transmitter (coming standard with a connector) with shielded M12
connection cable will be free issued to the Contractor. Installation and Wiring Details can be
found on the Loop Diagrams.

23.15 WT – Conveyor Belt Scales

23.15.1 Conveyor Belt Scales will be installed as per the manufacturer’s recommendations, Hook-up
Diagrams and Certified Drawings.
23.15.2 The installation shall be supervised by the manufacturer and only after his signoff will the
normal QC process be initiated.
23.15.3 These Transmitters are equipped with a ProfiNet IO interface, thus the connection of an STP
Cable between the Transmitter and RJB Panel installed in 25 mm conduit should be included.

24 Conveyor Protection

All Conveyors will be equipped with the following standard protection devices:

• Start-up Sirens (UA)

• Conveyor Control Station (NC) housing Start and Stop Pushbuttons
• Conveyor Pull-Wire Trip Switches (HSL / HSR)
• Belt Alignment Switches (ZSL / ZSR) (Head-end and Tail-end)
• Conveyor Speed Transmitters (ST)
• Blocked Chute Detectors
• Ultimate High-Level Tilt Switches

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The Conveyor Protection instruments provide potential free contact/s connected in a Fail-
Safe condition, thus when the Instrument is switched “ON” and the output state is
“HEALTHY”, a closed contact is available.
Any “FAULT” or damaged cable condition should “OPEN or BREAK” the loop to the PLC.

24.1 UA – Start-up Sirens

24.1.1 When terminating sirens, connect the white cable core to the instruments “+” terminal and
the black core to the instruments “-” terminal.
24.1.2 Mount the unit on a Vertical Bracket. Units not to be mounted lower than 2.0 m from the floor
24.1.3 The EATON equivalent Asserta 120dB Start-up Siren Sounder/Beacon Red with Red Lens
(7021121FUL-0004X) or equivalent will be free issued as per the BoQ.
24.1.4 Installation and Wiring Details can be found in the EATON equivalent Asserta MAXI Sounder-
Beacon 24 Vdc Datasheet.

24.2 ZSL / ZSR – Belt Alignment Switches

24.2.1 Conveyors will be fitted with Belt Alignment Switches with roller arms to detect loss of tracking
of the belt. Upon misalignment, the switch first alarms and upon more severe misalignment
will trip the Conveyor.
24.2.2 The Belt Alignment Switches will be mounted onto brackets that will allow it to be situated on
both sides of the belt edges and will be positioned in such a way that a belt that runs
completely off track will not meet the switch body. Normal off tracking distance to the switch
should be adjustable in the range of 50 mm to 75 mm.
24.2.3 The limits will vary based on belt width with the alarm limit being activated at around 50 mm
misalignment (25°) and the trip being activated at around 75 mm (40°). As such some
measure of adjustment is required on the bracket.
24.2.4 The Belt Alignment Switches will be mounted both sides of the Conveyor Head-end,
Conveyor Tail-end, and before entering a Conveyor Drive Station.
24.2.5 The following Belt Alignment Switches will be free issued:
Type Supplier Model Number
Alignment Switch with Roller arm: EATON CHW93058
Double Pole Conveyor Alignment Switch with 2NO / 2NC Contacts rated 24 Vdc

24.3 HS – Conveyor Pull-Wire Switches

24.3.1 The Conveyor Pull-Wire Trip Switches or Pull-keys facilitate stopping the Conveyor in the
event of an Emergency from any point along the entire length of the Conveyor and ensure
safety to physical harm and mechanical damage.
24.3.2 Conveyor Pull-Wire Trip Switches will be provided on all the accessible sides of the
Conveyors. Each Pull-Wire Trip Switch will be equipped with double switch potential free
contacts. The first contact will form part of the electrical control and safety circuit and the
second will be connected to the PLC system for monitoring purposes.
24.3.3 The Pull-Wire Trip Switches will be mounted onto brackets that are attached to the conveyor
structure and must not be mounted further that 500 mm from the conveyor nip points or from
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any point where moving equipment can cause a safety risk to personnel.
24.3.4 Pull-Wire Trip Switches will be installed on both ends of the conveyor so that pulling against
a “dead” point is not possible. The Pull-Wire will be supported with 10 mm thick SS pigtails
or hooks that will be installed approximately 2 m apart.
24.3.5 When a pull is exerted to the trip wire, the orange flag falls 90° and mechanically locks out
the control circuit contact block. To reset the switch, the flag must be reset by hand.
24.3.6 The following Pull-Key components will be free issued:
Type Supplier Model Number
Pull-Wire Trip Switches: EATON CHW53197
Double End Conveyor Trip Switch with 2NC Contacts rated up to 250 Vdc / 600 Vac
Pigtail M10 x 125mm EATON PT125CW5000
Wire Rope 2.5 mm x 61 metres EATON 3-5/61
Crosby Clamp – 5 mm wire rope EATON 1001AG0055
Thimble – 2.5 mm wire rope EATON SPBUYEA

Pull-Wire Trip Circuit Mechanical Detail:

24.4 SSL/ST – Conveyor Speed Transmitters

24.4.1 Conveyors driven by Variable Speed Drives or with Weightometers will be equipped with
Speed Transmitters (SE and ST) to monitor belt speed by providing a continuous 4-20 mA
signal that is directly proportional to the Conveyor Belt Speed.
24.4.2 Speed Transmitters will be free issued complete with mounting stringer bracket. This frame
work will be bolted onto the top section of the main conveyor stringer with the tacho-wheel
resting against the underside of the top belt section.
24.4.3 The STs can be converted to SSLs by additional installation of a relay switching card.
24.4.4 Process Automation model PT-501 mounting stringer bracket and analog output module or
similar will be free issued.
24.4.5 PT-501 Mechanical Detail:

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24.4.6 PT-501 Installation and Wiring Details can be found in the following attached documents:

• PA PT-501 Tacho Operator Manual

• PA PT-501 TAC-A3-0040
• PA PT-501 TAC-A3-0042
• PA PT-501 WIR-A3-0539

24.5 SSL – Non-Contact Speed Switches

24.5.1 Non-Contact Speed Switches will be of the

electronic proximity type that can be used on
Centrifuges and Clod Breaker pulleys. Adjustment
of the over-speed and under-speed alarm limits is
24.5.2 Rotational speed sensors integrate rotational speed detection and monitoring in one unit. The
sensor head operates on the principle of the inductive proximity sensor. The sensor detects
metal actuating surfaces on a rotating machine. The integrated evaluation converts this
information into rotational speed. If the set min / max rotational speed is higher or lower, the
electronic output switches.
24.5.3 The proximity sensor will be mounted on a suitable bracket that will be custom made per
application. Attention will be given to ensure that vibration does not have an effect on the
proximity’s measurement abilities.
24.5.4 Care must be taken to install cables and equipment in such a way that it would not meet any
moving machinery. The integral cables are wired to a CCG Box and landed on the terminals.

24.6 LSH – Microwave Blocked Chute Detectors

24.6.1 Where possible, the Microwave Blocked Chute device is recommended for all level detection
inside chutes and pipes containing solids.
24.6.2 The Blocked Chute Detectors (Transmitters and Receivers) shall be flush mount and non-
contact with material, therefor they are free issued complete with the necessary mounting
adaptors, seals and accessories to ensure a complete system.
24.6.3 For this application it will be required to drill an appropriate seized hole through the sidewalls
of the chute. It is advisable that these holes are drilled, and the sockets welded prior to lining
the chute.
24.6.4 Microwave Blocked Chute sensors require a separate 24 Vdc supply to its transmitter and
receiver. The receiver will provide a potential free contact.

24.7 Miscellaneous Items

The following statutory notices and signs shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor
(after approval by the Engineer) at every new location:
24.7.1 Prohibiting entrance to unauthorised persons.
24.7.2 Prohibiting any unauthorised person from handling or interfering with electrical apparatus.
24.7.3 Procedure in case of a fire.

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24.7.4 First Aid procedures.

24.7.5 At all Densitometers, the free-issued warning signs against nuclear radiation.

25 Testing and Energising

25.1 General Testing

25.1.1 The Contractor shall complete a test certificate for every item tested.
25.1.2 Prior to being energised, all installation shall be checked against the installation inspection
certificates, and tested as detailed hereafter, and any defects revealed, which are attributable
to the Contractor shall be made good by the Contractor.
25.1.3 The Contractor shall provide all tools and test equipment, including insulation testers, earth
testers, multi-meters, current sources, air signal pressure sources and pressure gauges,
instrument air test equipment as required to carry out the tests described below.
25.1.4 Meters shall always be made available by the Contractor on Site for use of the Construction
Engineer or his representative for the purpose verifying operation and calibration of all
25.1.5 Only persons suitably qualified for the testing of specific tasks shall be allowed, e.g. ProfiNet
Certified Engineers and Installers, etc. Proof of certification shall be required at tender stage.
25.1.6 Where defects in free issue equipment supplied are revealed, these shall be reported to the
Engineer immediately.
25.1.7 No equipment shall be energised without the permission of the Engineer and only after being
signed off.
25.1.8 Circuits to be energised shall only be done by following the Employer’s safety and isolation
and switching procedures.
25.1.9 The Contractor shall be responsible nevertheless for the safety of both plant and personnel
for the initial energisation of all plant and until the plant have been accepted by the Client.
25.1.10 The Contractor shall verify continuity, polarity and determine insulation resistance values
between conductors and earth, excluding ProfiNet cable.
25.1.11 Determination of earth conductor loop and impedance values to demonstrate that the
conductivity of the earth conductor(s) is in accordance with the requirements of the SANS
10142 Standard Regulations for the Wiring of Premises.
25.1.12 The Contractor shall be responsible for proving correct mechanical operation of moving parts,
e.g. relays, limit switches, switch mechanisms, timing devices, correct operation of all
mechanical interlocks, and electrical interlocks.

25.2 Cable Tests

Cable tests shall include the following:

25.2.1 Continuity checks, using a multi-meter, shall be performed on all cable and wiring for
electrical or electronic instruments to ensure that there are no open circuits or faults, and that
all wiring is in accordance with electrical schematics and wiring diagrams.
25.2.2 110 Vac Instrument Power cables shall be tested with a multi-meter between each conductor

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and each conductor to earth. The minimum permissible reading shall be 1 mega ohm.
25.2.3 The use of “meggers” for checking instrumentation cables shall be specifically prohibited.
25.2.4 All cores in a multicore cable shall be tested for continuity and earth leakage resistance before
being terminated.
25.2.5 ProfiNet cable test with an approved ProfiNet tester and scope as per cable test certificates.
25.2.6 Defects in the wiring or cabling detected as a result of testing shall be repaired or corrected
by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense.

25.3 Pneumatic Piping and Tubing Tests

Pneumatic piping and tubing tests shall include the following:

25.3.1 Piping and tubing shall be air-tested with the instrument and control connections open, to the
maximum working pressure of the instruments or controls. Each joint shall be soap tested
and leaks shall be eliminated.
25.3.2 Instrument air headers with 600 kPa working pressure, shall be tested to 1.5 times the
working pressure, up to the shut off valves.
25.3.3 Instrument air supply lines, down-stream of air filter regulator stations shall be soap tested at
each connection including unions, valves and valve stem packing joints.
25.3.4 Transmitter air signal lines to the control panels, working pressure of 20 to 100 kPa, shall be
tested from the transmitter end of the line with a pressure regulator and sight feed bubbler
system or other positive means of a visual dead-end supply. Maximum test pressure
permissible shall be 140 kPa. Lines shall be bubble tight.
25.3.5 All instrument air supply lines shall be pressure tested from distribution point to the valve end
of the line with a pressure regulator. Maximum test pressure shall be 650 kPa. Lines shall be
bubble tight.
25.3.6 Defects in the tubing detected as a result of testing shall be repaired or corrected by the
Contractor at the Contractor’s expense.
25.3.7 All instrument loops shall be tested in a “power on” situation for correct operation and function.
Power on applies to both electrical and pneumatic systems.
25.3.8 A loop check is only complete when the signal is received correctly on the mimic and signed
off by the Engineer.
25.3.9 All test results shall be recorded on installation inspection certificates, which shall be
submitted daily to the Engineer.

25.4 Commissioning

25.4.1 Commissioning of instrument loops are required and shall be checked during C2
25.4.2 The Contractor shall advise the Engineer, in writing at least two working days in advance of
his readiness to commence commissioning to enable the necessary arrangements for their
representative to attend, if they so desire.
25.4.3 Under no circumstances shall hot commissioning proceed until such time as the cold
commission test is successfully completed.
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26 QA Requirement

26.1 Specific requirements for testing and energising

26.1.1 Prior to being energised, all installations shall be tested as detailed hereafter, and any defects
revealed that are attributable to the Contractor shall be made good by the Contractor.
26.1.2 Where defects in free issue materials are revealed, these shall be reported to the Project
Construction Manager.
26.1.3 No equipment other than 400/110 Vac lighting supplies shall be energised without the
permission of the Project Construction Manager or his duly appointed representative.
26.1.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of both plant and personnel for the initial
energisation of all plant and until the plant have been accepted.
26.1.5 All test results shall be recorded on test certificates, which shall be submitted daily to the C&I
Site Supervisor and Project Construction Manager for their approval.
26.1.6 Circuits to be energised shall be done so only by following the Site isolation and lockout

26.2 Certificates of Compliance (COC)

26.2.1 The Contractor for all installation work, must issue certificates of Compliance in accordance
with SANS 10142-1 per installation distribution board.
26.2.2 Each installation module will only be considered complete once inspected and passed by the
Engineer Site Supervisor.
26.2.3 The relevant certificate of compliance completed and signed by the Contractor, shall be used
to record acceptance of each module.
26.2.4 Without such certificate the installation will be considered incomplete.

26.3 Installation, Checks, Testing and Certification Details

26.3.1 The Fibre Optic Network shall be routed and installed prior to installation of any field system.
26.3.2 The network installation per installation pack shall be executed and checked in the following

• The Contractor installs instruments, RJBs, NJBs and cable racks in parallel.
• The Engineer or his Project Construction Quality Control Representative (QCR) will
check and approve the installation without splicing.
• The QCR will approve the cable rack installation according to the construction drawings.
• The QCR will approve the RJB and NJB Panel installation according to the construction
• Any non-compliances of the RJBs, NJB and cable rack installation will have to be rectified
by the Contractor at his own cost for labour and materials.
• FO cable will be terminated, splices, and labelled.
• All checks and OPGR tests will have to be recorded.
• The network will now be ready for power-up and loop checking.

26.3.3 Conventional instrument installations per installation pack shall be executed and checked in

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Instrumentation Revision B
Installation Specification Copyright

the following sequence:

• The contractor installs instruments, RJB Panels, PDB’s, SJB’s and cable racks in
• The Engineer or his Project Construction Quality Control Representative (QCR) will
check and approve the instrument installation without terminations, including the
instrument stand, tagging and pneumatic or impulse tubing as per the hook-up diagrams.
• The QCR will approve the cable rack installation according to the construction drawings.
• The QCR will approve the SJB installations according to the construction drawings.
• Any non-compliances of the instrument installation or cable rack installation will have to
be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost for labour and materials.
• The Contractor installs the multipair / single pair / other cable with no cable terminations.
• The cable is terminated. Continuity and short circuit checks of the cables are done under
the supervision of QCR. Each instrument cable termination, complete with cable
numbers and core numbers shall be checked by the QCR. Any non-compliance will be
rectified immediately by the Contractor.
• All checks and tests will have to be recorded.

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