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Cell membrane

phospholipid - double layer as protection, temperature regulator, insulator

proteins - element carbons hydrogen and nitrogen CHON' ( carbon hydrogen oxygen
nitrogen) which makes proteins (vital for cell function)
selective permeable membrane - only specific substances may enter the cell
boundary between outside environment and the inside of the cell -
extracellular(outside) environment and intracellular(inside) is separated
connects one cell to two or more adjacent cells and serve as an organ for
locomotion - cell membrane also acts as a communication pathway or connection to
adjacent cells ex. cell 1 is connected to cell 2 and they interact with the help of
cell membrane

A. Protoplasm and its organelles

protopl;asm is an choloidal mixture where these organelles include in
of the cell)

these organelles perform individual vital functions for the cell to proceed with
its processes

B. Cytoplasm and karyoplasm

plasma membrane generate cytoplasm and karyoplasm
Cytoplasm / protoplasm - colorless or grayish, viscous substance that is flowing, a
colloid, composed of 20%carbon 10%hydrogen 62% nitrogen, 5%trace elements
the protoplasm is lying outside the cell nucleus - it is an intracellular part but
it is outside the cell nucleus

Karyoplasm - protoplasm inside the nucleus ( the DNA or the RNA which is found
inside the nucleus

C.Mitochondria - powerhouse of thd cell

-microscopic rod - shaped bodies in the cytoplasm
-center of cellular respiration(cells replicate the DNA and increases in number by
cell division)
-site for ATP Production (ATP = reserved energy of the cell)
-carbohydrates is under the ATP
ATP production is produced by cellular respiration

D. Ribosomes- protein factories of the cell

-attached in the rough ER to make its function
-where protein is being synthesized or manufactured
ribosomes - tiny dot like structures composed of nucleid acid (RNA and CHONS)
Ribosomes-most abundant organic compound in our body
-some cells contain as much as half a million ribosomes

E.Endoplasmic reticulum - manufacturer and shipper of the cell

-long strands of membrane where ribosomes are attached
ER - pathway
2 types of ER
Rough endoplasmic Retiuculum - with ribosomes ( has tiny dots where ribosome is
attached) -grainy
smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - no ribosomes that is why its smooth. - responsible
for the synthesis of lypids, attachement of receptors and drug detoxification

F.GOLGI BODIES / APPARATUS - packaging counters of the cell

1898 camilo golgi - discovered from an owl
Golgie bodies- this is where the compounds being released from the ER are filtered
G.VACUOLES - storage tank of the cell
-fluid-filled cavities surrounded by membranes
-temporary reservoir or pouch for the subtance being released from the previous

H. LYSOSOMES - suicide bags of the cell

-keeps the peace intracellularly
Lyso means power and somes mean body
- rich in strong hydrolytic enzymes that are capable of breaking down and
destrroying a number of important cellular constiutensts into the cytoplasm and may
destroy the entire cell
-destroys harmful foreing bodies and old cells through the process known as
-Autolysis ( ability of the cells to destroy the dying cells)

I. CENTROSOMES AND CENTRIOLES - helpers in cell division

centrosome is a mass dense protoplasm with structures in the center know as
spindle fibers are the X's
centrioles - duplicate at the center of the spindle fibers during cell division

J. CYTOSKELETON - skeleton / Framework of the cell or hollow blocks

-maintains the cells shape, anchors organelles and assist with transport
-3 parts (microfillaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments
the red orange - microfillaments
green - itnermediate fillaments
pink - are the microtubules

K. Nucleus - control center of the cell

-serves as the brain of cells
-spherical structure
-contains genetic material of the DNA

inside the nucleus - chromatin long strands of dna, holds info to make protein
nucleolus - makes ribosomes
c.nuclear envelope

terms ot remember - prokaryotic cell = contain genetic materials that arenot

enclosed by a nuclear membrane
eukaryotic - enclosed by a nuclear memembrane ( true nucleus)

autotrophs - can make their own food through light energy

heterotrophs-can not photosynthesis
unicellular - only have single cell - dont have the ability to live longer
muticellular - organisms consisting of many cells


CELL WALL - Serves as a cell membrane for the plant cell

also prevents the cell from absorbing too much water or bursting
keeps large damaging molecules outside of the cell
lies outside the plastma membrane and composed mainly of cellulose

PLASTIDS - exclusively located to plants - large membrane bound organelles - chromo

plast and leucoplast
Chromoplast :
A. chloroplast - green coloring pigment
Chlorophyll essential in photosynthesis
B.Carotenoids - yellow and orange pigments
C.rhedoplast - Red Pigment

LARGE CENTRAL VACUOLE - Maintain pressure against the inside of the plant cell wall
also giving plant ells shape

MOVEMENT THROUGH PLASMA MEMBRANE - movement of molecules to the plasma membrane or

inside of the cell
Factor to consider when we are identifying what method of movement of our subtance
through a plasma membrane
- The strucure and composistion of the membrane ( baka masyadong malaki)
-Size of the mollecules
-movement of mollecules or the pressure gradients
-Internal and external conditions of the cell

1.DIFFUSION-freely movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to

one of lower concentration (pataas papuntang pababa)(just like what happens to the
lungs during pulmonic circulation)
from alvuli to the blood - Alvuli (higher pressure) going to the unoxygenated
CONCENTRATION Gradient - difference in concentration between 2 areas( more on

2.OSMOSIS- movement of water from a region of lower concetration to one of greater

concentration ( baliktad lang ng diffusion)
3conditions of osmosis
1.diffusing subtansce must be water
2.having a selectively - permeable membrane
3.diffusing molecules must move from a different area

3.FACILITATED DIFFUSION- cant move free without a mediator - it is a diffusion

assited by proteins in the membrane ( same as diffusion but cant enter freely that
is why we need proteins or mediators)
CARRIER PROTEINS - in order for the substance to enter the cell membrane, it needs
carrier proteins.

(numbers 1-3 is included in passive transport)

4.ACTIVE TRANSPORT-energy must be expended by the cell

-proteins move a certain material across the membrane from a region lower
concentration to a region higher concentration
-energy used is dervied from ATP ( from mithocondria)

5.ENDOCYTOSIS- done by lysosomes

PHAGOCYTOSIS- contains particulate matter or bacteria
PINOCYTOSIS - contains droplet of fluids( ex: too much fluid entered, pinocytosis
will do its job)

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