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Em bracin Best Practices

lryqtudents to sPeak onlY English in the classroom. One great way to

learning is to encourage students to avoid speaking languages other than

English and further them. It also provides teaching moments for instructors and
learning for students.
This tactic is best used when students have already learned the basics (basic
questions, the alphabet, and numbers).
a When a student uses English , correct them in the proper way.
a Always be encouraging.

opportunity to answer in English.

Avoid becoming a "language police." lf a student has difficulty and has to talk in his or
her native langUagq, don't me them. Hear their concern

verbal and written instructions. When explaining an activity or giving
bout homework, classwork, or a project, you should always give both verbal

to hear words and see them in print at the same time. This will aid in word association
and in
Print off directions to an activity and te them to students before you explain an
activity. lf you are teaching online, email di to your students before you explain it
to them via video.

Monitor students' progress constantly. No matter what type of lesson you are
teaching or what activity your students are doing, you should
Monitoring students will allow you to see their progress and to find out if they are
. lf Vou're teaching in a classroom environment, walk around and talk to students to see if
they are having trouble.
lf you're teaching online, send messages or emails to students and ask them if they
need help.
Make yourself as much as you can when students are doing in-class activities
I1 ol
or other activities.
P of modes of learning. Teaching English as a second language to
beginners is a lot more effective when you use Diversity in
learning is important since each student is different and learns differently.
Use speaking,
Encourage reading.
Try to promote all of the modes of learning eQually.tttl

Break lessons into small pieces. When teaching beginners or very young students,
break the lesson into pieces of about 10 minutes. Breaking lessons up into

will make sure that you don't o your students.

You don't need to stay at exactly 10 minutes. Feel free to go a few minutes over if it will
aid your lesson.

students and
Change your mini lessons daily. Try to e as many different lessons as

ur students understand it.

Part 2 Quiz
When teaching young children, how should you structure your mirti-lessons?
Have your mini-lessons all follow the same format.

' Have each mini-lesson teach entirely new concepts.

t- Have mini-lessons cover the same material in different ways.

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