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Chushul, Gadchiroli location on map

India Bangladesh friendship pipeline

National recruitment agency

Millennium development goals

Central water commission

Sons of the soil

Animal Welfare Board of India; Performing Animal Rules, 1973 and 2001 allow registration of
animals as 'performing animals' for circuses. Against the Prevention or Cruelty to Animals Act

[15:57, 8/31/2020] : Community Based Organization (CBOs) - Arunachal Pradesh - 6th schedule

[19:10, 8/31/2020] : Namath Basai - teaching kids in mother language/vernacular - programme in

Kerala to teach tribal kids in vernacular successful.

[19:14, 8/31/2020] : Free and open indo-pacific

[19:21, 8/31/2020] : Criticism of raising age of marriage of women to 18 - research shows that there
is no direct correlation with early age of marriage and health of the mother and the child. The root
cause is not age of marriage therefore raising the age of marriage is a costless and effortless move
without even addressing the causes of poor health and nutrition of mother and children.

[19:24, 8/31/2020] :

[22:00, 8/31/2020] : WB - Doing Business Report

[22:02, 8/31/2020] : FDI - move from china to India - need favourable policies, coordination of
various ministries inter se, transparent policy, increased consultation, increase infrastructure and
technology, massive industrial zones, better labour laws

[20:09, 9/1/2020] : National statistics office

[20:38, 9/1/2020] : Environmental performance index - world economic forum and European
commission in collaboration with yale and Colombia.

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