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‘Juno and the Paycock’ by Sean O’Casey

Questions for critical essays usually focus on character, setting, and theme. You
should have detailed handouts and notes for all these aspects of the play.

In an exam the questions are unseen and you need to adapt your essay to fit the
question. Here is an example of a question you may be asked:

Choose a play which deals with an important human issue.

Say essay
This what the issue
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will and go on to
you to show how an
structure twoessay
or more
on characters
one of theinthemes
you deal studied
with thisinissue.
‘Juno and the Paycock.’
In your answer refer to at least two of: theme, setting, conflict, key scenes,
climax, dialogue or any appropriate feature

Some of the issues we have looked at are religion, poverty, truth and illusion, and
the role of the labour movement, which are all themes in ‘Juno.’ You could answer
the question with an essay based on one of these human issues.


You need to demonstrate:

1) an understanding of the question
2) how you intend to answer it

 The title
 The author
 The words of the question
 The theme
 A brief summary of the play


‘Juno and the Paycock’ is a play by Sean O’ Casey which deals with an
important human issue. The theme of ____________ is explored through the
various characters in the play. The play centres around a family of four,
living in a tenement house in Dublin, during the Irish Civil War in the early
1920s. The family’s fortunes change when they believe themselves to be the
inheritors of a large sum of money. However, the family never receive the
money and are left in a worse situation than before.
Structuring the body of your essay

You have to show how two or more characters deal with the human issue you are

You also have to refer to various techniques: theme, setting, conflict, key scenes,
climax, dialogue or any appropriate feature

Paragraph structure

1. Topic sentence
2. Analysis
3. Quotation
4. Summary

Paragraph 2


Discuss how the character of Juno contributes towards the theme you are exploring.
Use your Theme and Character sheets.


1) The theme of poverty is explored through the character of Juno, the mother
of the family. 2) Juno, like the other characters is deeply affected by poverty.
3) She is said to have the “look which ultimately settles upon the faces of
women of the working class; a look of listless monotony and harassed
anxiety.” These features are the results of poverty. “Were circumstances
favourable she would probably be a handsome, active and clever woman.” 4)
This conveys that Juno is suffering one of the effects of poverty: that of
wasted potential.

Any of the themes can be covered in a similar manner, using the same structure.
Paragraphs 3, 4, 5 etc.

Refer to other characters in the play and how they relate to the theme.

You could also refer to appropriate techniques: theme, setting, conflict, key scenes,
climax, dialogue or any appropriate feature and write a paragraph based on these.


1) The use of symbolism in the play further contributes towards the issue of
Religion. 2) Frequent references are found to the Virgin Mary, who
symbolises bereaved motherhood, as does Juno and Mrs Tancred. In the
stage directions there is said to be a picture of Mary with a votive light
burning in a bowl, therefore emphasising the importance of Mary. The
prayer, the Hail Mary, is said by Tancred’s mourners and repeated by
Johnny as he is dragged to his death: 3) “Hail, Mary, full o’ grace … the Lord
is …with Thee.”4) The figure of the Virgin Mary is linked with Juno,
Johnny’s earthly mother, whose son was also executed, thus developing the
theme of religion in the play.


You need to demonstrate:

1) That you understood the question
2) That you answered it

 The title
 The author
 The words of the question
 Brief summary of the aspects you covered
 Personal reaction


In conclusion, the play ‘Juno and the Paycock’ by Sean O’ Casey effectively
explores a human issue: the theme of ________. O’ Casey examines this
theme through the characters of __________, __________, and
_____________ and how they deal with _________. Other techniques used to
convey the theme of ____________ are ____________and ____________. As a
result of reading this play I am far more aware of ____________ in 1920s

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