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Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice

Magic in Dunya weapon and armor smiths looked for ways to craft
items of power. So they began to experiment with
When the cataclysm occured the amount of magical different metals and combinations of metals, creating
force let into the world changed the world on every new and exotic materials that could mimic magical
level. It knocked Dunya off its axis and new poles properties on their own. This created a demand for
were established. As the magical energies exploded items crafted of these new metals, soon the weapon
from the druidic routes it raised the level of magical and armor smiths split from the Blacksmith Guild
energy in the world to heights never before seen. and created their own respective guilds. These guilds
Further, unlike times past, the amount of energy were close seconds to the Alchemists Guild.
present is self replenishing. Unless another cataclysm
happens to counter this, the supply of magical energy All remained this way for years until an unlikely duo
appears to be unending. found the keys to magic items creation. A gnome
smith and an elven smith meet at a meeting of the
The release of magical energy into the world returned Weapon and Armor smith guilds. They talked long
the use of magic to the people that now inhabited hours discussing their respective crafts. Both
Dunya. These spell casters learned through trial and discovered they shared the same feeling when they
error. Others, whose craft had been kept alive in smithed, it was as if they could see the elements of
some form, were better able to mold the magical the metal they worked on in their mind. It felt as if
energies into what they needed. These were mainly they imparted some of their energy into the items
the Primal casters. Soon enough the other casters they crafted, literally.
began to codify how the used magic and began to
train others. Many people on Dunya are able to The two met a month after the meeting to conduct an
become spell casters of some type. experiment with an elven wizard and a dwarven
smith. The wizard explained what the effects of a
The Problem spell were; the gnome weapon smith focused on the
These practioners were able to learn or relearn the spell effects as he forged a dagger. As the others
ways of magic that had been lost. There is one thing; watched the dagger took shape and began to glow.
however, that spell casters cannot do, they cannot When the gnome was done a glowing dagger rested
enchant items (only aritificers can learn the Enchant on the forge. The wizard checked the dagger and was
Item spell). Try as they might they could not enchant able to determine the dagger was indeed enchanted.
the simplest things. The dwarf had seen what they did and had taken
notes. The elven armor smith tried next and was
Alchemists, a skill that has remained throughout the successful as well. The dwarf then tried but was not
ages, found their formulas worked and they could successful.
create magic potions. The most power spell casters
sat with alchemists to see if they could discover a Through more trial and error they were able to
way to create magic items that way. Other than determine that some people were born with an
learning some alchemy it did not work. Alchemists inherent power. This power allowed them to harness
can create a variety of magic potions. magic differently from other spell casters. They
could channel magical enrgy and imbue items with
The ability of alchemist to create potions gave the magic power. They could not cast spells any other
opportunity to amass gold and form their own guild. way. This discovery led to a new class of person,
The Alchemists Guild became the most powerful Artificers. They were able to do what people had
guild in Dunya. The priests used the gold from their wanted to be able to do for decades, they created
potions to build temples to the gods. For decades the magic items.
only magic items available were those adventurers
found in the hidden dungeons of the world. The Though it took years, those with the talent to be
possession of these items was seen as a mark of artificers were found and trained in their gift. These
honor, it also made the possessors targets of thieves. artificers created an Artificer’s Guild. They were
Even items of zzed the deaths of the possessors. able to amass large sums of gold for their work. But
they also discovered the process of making magic
It seemed the only way magic items were ever going items was time consuming and exhausting. Further
available was if someone found them. To fill the void they found the quality of the items depended on the
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
quality of the base items. All this added together to  Normal class prerequisites
make the creation of a magic items extremely Hand – A Hand Mage is a caster that is able to cast
expensive. spells using just their hands

Theory of Magic  The somantic component is the only

component needed
There are three types of magic; Arcane, Primal and  The spell takes affect the round after it is
Divine. Arcane magic is the magic of books and cast
formulae. Arcane casters gain their powers from  Requires a 16 Intelligence, +1 to all other
studying or making pacts with extra-planar beings class requirements (not to exceed 18)
and creatures. Primal magic is the magic of ancient Will – A Will Mage is a caster that is able to cast
beings and the elements. This is magic of druids, spells with just a thought.
witches and elmentalists. Divine magic is the magic
of the gods. This is magic bestowed on the priests  The caster does not need verbal or somantic
and holy warriors of the gods. components
 The spell takes affect the round it is cast
Arcane casters rely on spellbooks to memorize their  Requires a 18 Intelligence, +1 to all other
spells each day, losing them once they are cast. This class requirements (not to exceed 18)
represents the need to study their arcane formula to
memorize spells. Primal casters do not pray for their To achieve each higher level of skill a true practioner
spells or memorize arcane formulas, primal casters must pay a cost. Word Mages must attain the 5th level
use their force of personality to impose their will on of skill and pay 500 experience points to go Hand
the universe (and other creatures). They do not need Mage. To go from Hand Mage to Will Mage the
to memorize spells ahead of time which gives them caster must attend the 10th level of experience and
flexibility and utility while adventuring. Divine pay 1,000 experience points.
casters need only pray to their god for their spells.
They pray as they cast their spell, which they call One may chose not learn the next level if ability and
prayers. They have no need to memorize spells still continue to rise through the levels. Some casters
either. may not meet the requirements for each level. This
just means they will never risa above the base skill
Each type of magic has true practioners and dabblers. level in casting magic.
The true practioner is the caster that devouts
themselves to their field, they practice magic Each type of magic has the same three levels of skills
forsaking learning skills of other classes, examples of as described above; they just have different names
this type of caster would be sorcerer, witch or priest. with the same benefits and requirements unless stated
The dabbler is the caster that has limited magic skill below. Arcane casters use the above names. Primal
coupled with another skill set. Examples of dabblers casters use the following titles:
would be Warden, Paladin or Witch Knight. The true Book is the equivalent to Word
practioners are able to progress further in their skills
of magic than the dabblers, these skills are divided Bell is the equivalent to Hand
again in to three categories.
 Requires a 16 Charisma, +1 to all other class
The three levels of magic skill abilities are: requirements (not to exceed 18)

Word – A Word Mage is a caster that needs to use

bother verbal and somantic components to cast a Candle is the equivalent to Will
 Requires a 18 Charisma, +1 to all other class
 Verbal component is the requirement of requirements (not to exceed 18)
using words to cast spells
 Somantic component is the requirement the
Divine casters need no book or a formula, using their
caster to make a motion to cast the spell.
faith to cast spells. Divine casters are broken down
 The spell takes affect the round after it is
cast as follows:
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Prayer is the equivalent to Word cause damage. A cantrip is a spell that can be cast at
will, without using a spell slot spell points and
Blessing is the equivalent to Hand without being prepared in advance. Repeated practice
 16 Wisdom, +1 to all other class has fixed the spell in the caster's mind and infused the
requirements (not to exceed 18) caster with the magic needed to produce the effect
over and over.
Faith is the equivalent to Will
Spell points
 Requires a 18 Wisdom, +1 to all other class
What are Spell points?
requirements (not to exceed 18)
Spell points are merely a numerical representation or
There are other types of casters that are able to cast measurement of the amount of magical power (mana)
more than one type of magic, such as a Theurge. A available to a mage at any given time. To find out
Theurge can cast both arcane and divine magic. To how many spell points a mage possesses, simply add
go from Word Mage to Hand Mage and from Prayer his Strength, Constitution and Intelligence and then
Caster to Blessing Caster the Lore Master would divide the total by 3 (i.e., average them). The number
need to attain 5th level and pay 500 experience points that you have just obtained is known as a mage's
each. They must pay 500 experience points for Hand "Spell point Increment" and represents the number of
mage and 500 experience points for Blessing Caster, spell points the mage gets automatically refreshed per
for a total of 1,000 experience points. day. Now take the Spell point increment and multiply
it by the mage's level. The resulting number is the
There exist some casters that can never achieve a mage's total number of available spell points. Sound
level where they do not need something to cast spells. complicated? Well, it really isn't. Here's an example:
The best example of this is the Witch Doctor class.
No matter what skill a Witch Doctor could attain they A mage named Duladar is 17th level (wow!) and has
will always need their implements to cast their spells. the following statistics:

Magic Mechanics Strength= 6

In the descriptions above the requirements for casters Intelligence = 9

to move from one step of casting to another are listed. Constitution= 9
As well that only true practioners may advance to the
highest levels of casting ability. What follows is the To find Duladar's Spell point increment, average his
breakdown of what spell lists they use, how spell Strength, Intelligence and Constitution:
casters memorize spells, acquire new spells, and cast
the spells.
(6 (Str) + 9 (Int) + 9(Con)) / 3 = 8 (Spell point
Casting Spells Increment)
Each spell caster is different in what they are able to Duladar's Spell point Increment is 8.
do. The amount of spells a caster is able to cast are
governed by their spell points.
For his total available Spellpoints, multiply his
Cantrips Spellpoint Increment by his level.
Cantrip is the common name for the weakest spells a (Spell point Increment) x (level)
spellcaster can cast. The divine magic equivalents are
known as orisons, but "cantrip" is often used to 8 x17= 136 Spellpoints
describe all beginner apprentice/acolyte spells.
So, Duladar's total base Spell points are 136 + his
Cantrips are the first spells that a wizard learned
bons for Intelligence.
during their apprenticeship. The effects that could be
created were very minor, very brief, and mostly Bonus Spell Points for Intelligence
harmless, intended to entertain children or impress
commoners, although some newer cantrips could Intelligence Score Bonus Spell Point
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
9-11 2 Here is a method for determining the spell range for a
12-13 3 mage that we highly recommend. The system
14-15 4 recognizes differences in mages, their stats and
15 5 levels.
17 6
18 7 For Spell Range, average the character's Strength and
19 8 Intelligence and then apply the result to the following
20+ 9* table:
Cost of Spells Str & Int Spell Range at Range Bonus for
Average 1st Level of Character Each
Figuring out how many spell points a spell costs is Level
the simplest part of this system. The cost of casting
any spell is calculated by square of the spell's level. Above 1st
For example, a 4th level spell would cost 16 spell 0-2 160 ft. None
points to cast (4 x4) and a 7th level spell would 3-4 200 ft. 5 ft/level
require 49 spell points to cast (7 x 7).
5-6 240 ft. 10 ft/level
Spell Power
7-8 280 ft. 10 ft/level
There are many systems that try to show the power of 9 320 ft. 15 ft/level
high-level spells vs. low-level spells. Typically,
10+ 360 ft. 20 ft/level
impacting a character's "Saving Throw" against a
spell does this. One system says that high-level spells Going back to our friend Duladar the Mage, with
should get no saving throw, while another system Strength of 6 and an Intelligence of 9, his average of
doesn't even allow high level magic in the game. The these two stats is 7.5. Using the above chart, his base
Spellcaster's Bible is designed to be used in a high- spell range is 280 feet, but he also gets a bonus of
entropy game, where high-level spells become 160 feet because he is 17th level (+ 10 ft for each
extremely important to mages. Through many trials level above 1st). This gives him a total spell range of
and experiments, we have found a system that we 440 feet (240+160). This range applies to all spells in
believe will be compatible with most gaming this book, unless otherwise noted in the spell
systems. description.
We suggest giving all 7th level spells a -2 on their Spell Signatures
saving throws. Thus, if a 10th level character needed While spells have general effects that are common to
to roll an "8" to save against a spell, he would need to all who cast them, the specific sensory effects
throw a "10" to save versus a 7th level spell. All 8th associated with the spell will vary from caster to
level spells would have -4 on their saving throws, and caster. This specific sensory effect is known as the
so on... spell signature. A spellcaster should write a short
description of the signature for each spell he can cast.
9th level spells have a -6 on save... For arcane spellcasters, the signature may be based
on a particular school or style of magic, or simply be
10th level spells have a -8 on save... a reflection of the spellcaster’s personal taste. For
divine spellcasters, the signature reflects the caster’s
11th level spells have a -10 on save...
relationship with his deity. A character’s choice of
12th level spells have a -12 on save... proficiencies can be suggestive of appropriate spell
13th level spells have a -14 on save...
EXAMPLE: Sargon pursues necromantic magic and
And so on, adding -2 per level above 13th. This has the Black Lore of Zahar proficiency. His player
system gives high-level magic some extra power, but decides that all of Sargon’s spell signatures will
it is not unplayable. revolve around death. His magic missiles appear as
shards of bone. His sleep spell places targets
Spell Range into a nightmarish slumber where they dream of Hell.
His lightning bolt is crackling blue-black energy.
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
His wall of stone has the appearance of tombstones Arcane True Practioners
graven with the names of the dead. Astrologers
Characters with the Spell Craft proficiency will sense Incantatrix
the spell signature of arcane casters up to 24 hours Necromancer
after a spell has been cast. Characters Religion Rune Caster
proficiency may be able to identify particular schools Shadow Mage
or faiths by their spell signature (proficiency throw Sorcerer
11+). War Wizard
Acquiring New Spells Warlock

All arcane casters desire to expand their repertoires Divine True Practioners
of spells. New spells usually are learned during level
training, but additional spells may be researched, Cleric
acquired, or appropriated. This is to represent the Inquisitor
necessary study needed to cast arcane spells. Primal
casters who wish to expand their spell lists gain one
Divine Dabblers
new spell per level. This equates to their ability to
force their will to create a different effect. Additional Exorcist
spells may be researched, acquired, or appropriated. Templar
Divine caster always has the ability to cast the spells Paladin
their level allows. This represents the unlocking of
more precise information on their deity’s ability as Primal True Practioners
they increase in level. There is no need for them to Shaman
learn new spells. Druid
Spell Memorization
Once memorized, the formula is imprinted in the Primal Dabblers
mind of the sorcerer, the final incantations of which Druidic Knight
release the spell. Once memorized the spell stays in Knight of Telatium
the mind of the sorcerer. However the ability to Witch Knight
memorize spells is taxing on the sorcerer’s mind. A
caster may only remember a certain number of spells; Spell Lists
this is represented by the spells per level tables for As stated above there are three types of magic:
each class. This represents the caster’s ability to arcane, divine and primal There are multiple types of
master the complex mental formula that each spell spell casters that fall under these three broad
requires. categories. Under each category are spell lists.
. These are, quite simply, subcategories of the types of
Divine casters have no need to memorize spells as magic. Just because one is an arcane spell caster, it
they use prayers and their faith to tap the power does not mean they may cast any of the broad
granted by their deity. They are limited by the level category Arcane spells. For example a sorcerer can
of the spell they wish to cast. They must be of cast spells from the arcane: sorcery list but not from
sufficient level to cast the spell they want to. This the arcane: illusion list. The types of magic, their
represented by the spells per level tables for each subcategories and who can cast from that list are
class. Thus they have access to any of any level they below.
may cast, primal casters gain their spells in a similar
way Other casters may share a list but have spells that are
only available to them, i.e. The Chaos Sorcerer and
True Practioners vs. Dabblers the Incanatrix. Both of these classes use the arcane:
Following is a list of true practioners and dabblers. It sorcery spell list but have unique spells that only they
is not all inclusive or set in stone. Its main use is a may cast. Wild Magic spells for the Chaos Sorcerer
guide to help determine where a class using magic and the spells that steal spells for the Incanatrix. The
fits in. final type is a caster that uses the same list as others
but how they cast is different, like the witch doctor
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
example above, there is another class, the Bard. The countering one effect or fails to counter anything.
bard must at least sing to use their spells. The only exception to this is for summoned
creatures: dispel magic also has a chance to counter
All spell casters have access to the below spell, the summoning spell as well as any other spells that
regardless of class, type or spell list. targeted the summoned creature (checking highest
level spells first and so on, as above). It disrupts the
Dispel Magic
casting or use of these in the area of effect at the
Level: Brd 3, Clr 3, Drd 4, Magic 3, Sor/Wiz 3
instant the dispel is cast.
Range: 120 yds. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 If the point of origin of an area-effect spell is within
Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube Saving Throw: None the area covered by dispel magic, then the area-effect
spell has a chance to be negated. If the area covered
When a wizard casts this spell, it has a chance to
by dispel magic overlaps a portion of an area-effect
neutralize or negate magic it comes in contact with.
spell, then dispel has a chance to counteract the area-
When a magic effect is dispelled it ceases to function effect spell in the overlapping area only.
as if the spell duration had expired. Some spells are
Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.
crafted specifically not to be susceptible to dispelling,
but these are the exception rather than the Counterspell
rule. Casters can always dispel their own
spells. Magical items that have magic built into them Targeting a spellcaster, dispel magic attempts to spoil
as part of their construction cannot be permanently the spell being cast by the target.
dispelled by this spell, but they can be made Each effect or potion in the spell's area is checked to
temporarily non-magical for a short time. The chance determine if it is dispelled. The caster can always
to dispel an effect is based on the difference in level dispel his own magic; otherwise, the chance to dispel
between the caster of dispel and the depends on the difference in level between the
caster/creator/inherent power of the target. This spell magical effect and the caster. The base chance is 50%
can be cast in one of three ways, as chosen by the (11 or higher on 1d20 to dispel). If the caster is of
caster: higher level than the creator of the effect to be
Targeted Dispel dispelled, the difference is subtracted from the
number needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it more
The target can be one creature, object, or an active likely that the dispel succeeds); if the caster is of
spell. If an object or creature has more than one spell lower level, the difference is added to the number
effect active simultaneously, the dispel has a chance needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it less likely that
to dismiss each of them. Items worn or carried by the the dispel succeeds). A roll of 20 always succeeds
targeted creature are not affected. If the creature was and a roll of 1 always fails. Thus, if a caster is 10
summoned, then dispel has a chance to end the levels higher, only a roll of 1 prevents the effect from
summoning spell. If the object is a magic item, being dispelled.
then dispel has a chance to suppress the function of
item for a short time. It removes spells and spell-like A dispel magic spell does not affect a specially
effects (including device effects and innate abilities) enchanted item, such as a magical scroll, ring, wand,
from creatures or objects. It destroys magical potions rod, staff, miscellaneous item, weapon, shield, or
(which are treated as 12th level for purposes of this armor, unless it is cast directly upon the item. This
spell). renders the item nonoperational for 1d4 rounds. An
item possessed and carried by a creature gains the
Area Dispel creature's saving throw against this effect; otherwise,
it is automatically rendered nonoperational. An inter-
The area is a 30 ft (9.1 m) cube. Each creature and
dimensional interface (such as a bag of holding)
object in the area of effect is subject to the dispelling
rendered nonoperational would be temporarily
of one spell placed on that creature or object, if
closed. Note that an item's physical properties are
applicable. Dispel magic attempts to counteract the
unchanged: A nonoperational magical sword is still a
highest level spell first, followed by any successively
lower level spells in turn until dispel succeeds in
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Artifacts and relics are not subject to this spell;
however, some of their spell-like effects may be, at
the DM's option.

Note that this spell can be very effective when used and illusionist spells or the correct type of
upon charmed and similarly beguiled creatures. necromantic spells.
Certain spells or effects cannot be dispelled; these are Are certain monsters only hit by divinely enchanted
listed in the spell descriptions. or arcanely enchanted weapons? Yes, blessed could
Magic Resistance be easily to the demon, devil and demodans as part of
the magic needed to hit them. While angels and
Some monsters, especially those that are undead or warden would have the need of a weapon to have
are native to some other plane of existence, will have been blessed by a evil priest.
a magic resistance listed in their entry in the
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP Bestiary. If Will a ring of protection likewise be divine or arcane
such a creature is the target of some personally or both? Majority will be arcane with, say a, 25%
directed spell (area effect spells such as the Fire Spell chance the ring actually protect vs. divine spells
or Acid Rain are not subject to magic resistance), if
Do dwarves and gnomes get the saving throw bonus
the creature rolls the following percentage or under,
against all spells or just arcane? Just arcane,
the magic does not affect it. Creatures with magic
following my way of doing MR this fits perfectly and
resistance can overcome spells such as body spasm or
logically in
shut mouth. Magic resistance is always in addition to,
rather than instead of, other saving throws.
Divine Magic
Here are some questions and answers to give ideas on
Magic resistance is an inherent ability to resist magic,
this MR used in this way will/would affect other
specific references on what it protects from are all
areas as well. arcane spells. Magic resistance does not block divine
Does "Detect magic" detect both arcane and divine? spells, unless the creature comes from the upper or
lower planes. For example a Drow would only be
Depends on who cast it
able to resist arcane spells, while a demon or asimar
Are magic items enchanted by arcane or divine? would be able to resist arcane and divine spells. The
Both, priestly/druidic items require the Artificer is DM can also rule the aforementioned creatures can
able to cast divine magic spells. Similarly arcane only resist divine spells but not arcane spells, though
I do not recommend this.
items, the artifice must be able to cast sorcerer spells

As stated in earlier
chapters magical
energy returned to
Dunya with an necromancers that were able to return prominence faster
explosion. This led to many different types of spell than other casters. However, there was a type magic
casters finding their ability to work the Weave (magical that had been around for centuries when magic came
energy) returned in waves of power. Since death energy cashing back to Dunya. The spells of ceremonial
is what reopened the gates of magic it was magic.
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
perform ceremonies (see p. 112); the ability to
Ceremonial Magic perform collaborative ceremonies (see p. 109); and
the ability to perform ceremonies that are not within
Ceremonial magic is the art of performing the ceremonialist’s repertoire (see p. 110).
ceremonies – complex rituals that rely on lengthy
chants, symbolic patterns, magical reagents, and However, ceremonial magic carries with it numerous
complicated movements to cast spells. Ceremonies countervailing disadvantages. First, it is slow.
may only be performed by who have taken the Whereas a spellcaster can cast a spell in seconds, a
Ceremonial Magic proficiency. Collectively, ceremonialist will usually need ten minutes to
characters capable of using ceremonial magic are perform even a low-level ceremony safely, and a
called ceremonialists. powerful ceremony performed very cautiously might
take an hour, a day, or even a week.
Like spells, ceremonies have unique names, types,
and effects, with levels that measure how powerful Second, ceremonial magic can and does fail. Unlike
they are. The name, type, and level of a ceremony are spells, which fail only if the caster’s concentration is
always identical to those of the spell that the disrupted, ceremonies can fail simply due to a minor
ceremony casts. Thus, a dragon sleep ceremony mistake. Failing a ceremony causes a ceremonialist to
would be a 1st level arcane ceremony, because acquire a point of stigma. Stigma represents a loss of
dragon sleep itself is a 1st level arcane spell. Since attunement with the metaphysical, a disorder in the
this rulebook focuses on eldritch magic, all of the ceremonialist’s soul brought on by the stain of
ceremonies and ceremonialists discussed herein are failure. If a ceremonialist accumulates enough
eldritch, but Judges could create arcane and divine stigma, he will lose the ability to perform ceremonies
ceremonialist for their campaigns if desired. until he purifies himself. Finally, ceremonial magic is
risky. If a ceremonialist is unlucky, attempting to
Ceremonial magic is well-suited to settings inspired hasten through a ceremony, or performing an
by the weird tales of Robert E. Howard, Lin Carter, unknown ceremony, a botched ceremony can trigger
Clark Ashton Smith, and H. P. Lovecraft, as well as mishaps as grievous as those from arcane
to campaigns influenced by historical experimentation.
occult practices.
Ceremonial Magic Versus Cast Magic Books were piled everywhere: ancient volumes
Ceremonial magic has two primary advantages over bound in serpentskin, with verdigris-eaten clasps,
cast magic. First, it requires no magical talent to that held the frightful lore of Atlantis, the pentacles
become a ceremonialist, merely knowledge and that have power upon the demons of the earth and
diligence. As a result, it is easier to become a the moon, the spells that transmute or disintegrate
ceremonialist than to become a spellcaster. Many the elements; and runes from a lost language of
humans are skilled in both fighting and ceremonial Hyperborea, which, when uttered aloud, were more
magic (such as runemakers) but very few are skilled deadly than poison or more potent than any philtre. –
in both fighting and spellcasting. (In some The Last Incantation (C. A. Smith)
campaigns, ordinary humans cannot be spellcasters at
all.) For similar reasons, a pure ceremonialist, The ceremonies available to a ceremonialist are
such as the occultist, advances in level more quickly called his ceremonial repertoire. A ceremonialist’s
than a pure spellcaster such as the Nobiran wizard. ceremonial repertoire functions exactly like an arcane
or eldritch caster’s repertoire in all respects save that
Second, ceremonial magic does not require the caster a ceremonialist records ceremonies into a ceremonial
to expend spell slots. A ceremonialist can perform a codex instead of spells into a spell book.
ceremony at any time, subject only to the limits of
stigma (see below). A 1st level spellcaster can cast a Spellcasters and ceremonialists can interpret each
single 1st-level spell just once per day. A 1st level other’s magical texts, albeit with difficulty. It takes a
ceremonialist might be able to perform one, two, five, ceremonialist one week of study to translate a spell
ten, or even more 1st level ceremonies in a day. For into a ceremony, and a second week of study to add
this reason, many spellcasters find it valuable to the ceremony to the character’s repertoire. Likewise,
study ceremonial magic in addition to spellcasting. it takes a spellcaster one week of study to translate a
ceremony into the equivalent spell, and then a second
Other advantages of ceremonial magic include the week of study to add the ceremony to the character’s
ability to create and use trinkets and talismans to
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
spellbook. Both casters and ceremonialists can use However, spellcasters who accumulate stigma from
scrolls with one week of study, however. failing to successfully perform ceremonies may
temporarily lose the ability to cast spells until they
Likewise, codices are tradition-specific. purify themselves. See the Stigma of Failure, p. 111.
Ceremonialists from disparate traditions can only use
each other’s codices with careful study. It takes a CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS
ceremonialist one week of study to translate a Ceremonialists practice their art within a set of
ceremony from another tradition into his own, and a traditions, each representing a school or technique of
second week of study to add the ceremony to his invoking magical effects. Most ceremonialists learn
repertoire. one tradition and practice it for their entire lives. A
ceremonialist may learn additional traditions by
If a ceremonialist wants to more easily learn selecting one or more additional ranks of the
ceremonies from another tradition, he needs to take Ceremonial Magic proficiency.
Ceremonial Magic proficiency to learn that tradition.
To practice within a tradition means that the
Ceremonial Spellcasters ceremonialist can:
Some traditional spellcasters may select the • perform ceremonies using the traditional
Ceremonial Magic proficiency, which enables them implements of that tradition;
to perform ceremonies as if they were ceremonialists. • collaborate with other ceremonialists in that
If a spellcaster is himself a ceremonialist, then his tradition;
repertoire of spells also serves as his repertoire of • use trinkets and talismans created for use by
ceremonies. He does not have two separate ceremonialists of that tradition; and
repertoires. Assuming he has room in his repertoire, • create trinkets and talismans within that tradition.
he can add ceremonies he finds in ceremonial codices
directly into his spell books with one week of study The Ceremonial Tradition table describes several
(he does not have to spend one different traditions available to ceremonialists. The
week translating the ceremony). Judge may create other traditions for his own
campaign setting.

Tradition Description Historical Inspirations Classes

Wise men and women who focus on providing
Antiquarian healing and protection from dark magic European cunning folk, Caribbean-American Antiquarian Witches,
through charms, herbal remedies, potions, and hoodoo men Priestesses
Malefic sorcerers and witches who consort Caribbean bokors, Goetic magicians, Norse
Chthonic Witches, Occultists,
Chthonic with the darkest of powers, reveling in sei kona, Roman malefactors, Renaissance
Zaharan Sorcerers
corruption and depravity. nigromancers
Divine casters who invoke spells through Abrahamic miracle-workers, Egyptian Clerics, Ecclesiastic,
formal sacraments and liturgies. magicians, Zoroastrian magi Priestesses
Masters of magic sigils that contain eldritch Bladedancers, Dwarven
Norse galdr-workers, Neopagan druids, Chinese
Runic power, using runes to see the future, heal the Craftpriests, Runemakers,
and European geomancers
sick, and curse their enemies. Shamans
Reclusive witches and hedge wizards
Dionysian cultists, European fairy tale
Sylvan who travel the borderlands between Sylvan Witches
witches and wizards, Sicilian fairy witches
human settlements and fey forests.
Tribal shamans who barter with ancestral African witch doctors, Caribbean botono, Celtic
Shamanic spirits and animistic powers to gain power druids, Native American medicine men, Norse Shamans, Voudon Witches
over the living and the dead. völur, Siberian shamans
Astrologers, philosophers, and theologists
Cabbalists, Enochian magicians,
Theurgical who use mathematical correspondences and Loremasters, Priestesses
Hermetic magicians, Neoplatonic
elaborate rituals to invoke higher powers. theurgists

Traditional Implements
Level Cost
1 25gp
2 100gp
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
3 225gp
4 625gp
5 1,225gp
6 2,500gp

Traditional Implements are the various required traditional implements, spending the
paraphernalia, fetishes, and accoutrements that a requisite ceremony time, and then succeeding on a
ceremonialist relies upon in his ceremonies. ceremony throw to complete the ceremony.
Traditional implements are rated in levels, and a
ceremonialist must have implements of a level equal Once a ceremony is begun, it will require a certain
to or exceeding the level of the ceremony he is amount of time to complete it, depending on the pace
performing. The cost per level of traditional at which the ceremony is performed. There are three
implements is shown on the table above. paces – regular, hasty, and methodical. A ceremony
at regular pace requires one turn (10 minutes) to
Tradition Implements perform. (Hasty and methodical ceremonies are
Antiquarian athame, altar bell, bowl, candle set, herb discussed below.)
bundle, incense sticks, ritual chalice, small
cauldron, various crystals and stones, wand
When the ceremony has been performed, the
Chthonic altar cloth, book, candle set, censer, chain,
ceremonialist makes a ceremony throw to complete
dagger, perfume casket, pitcher, quill and ink,
ritual chalice, scourge, scrolls, unholy the ceremony. The base target value for a ceremony
symbol, unholy water or oil throw is 10+, decreased by 1 point per caster level
Liturgical altar cloth, book, candelabra, censer, holy after 1st. The target value of the ceremony throw is
water, holy symbol, font, ritual chalice, rosary, increased by 2 points per level of the ceremony above
scented oil, serving plate, vestments 1st. (The Ceremony Performance table summarizes
Runic rune set, rune-carving knife, various black these target values.)
and colored inks and pigments, various
pieces of wood, stone, and precious metal Modify each roll by the Ceremonialist’s WIS
Sylvan animal clippings and parts, candle set, herb modifier. Add +1 or more to the ceremonialist’s
bundle, small cauldron, various crystals and roll if he is using a talisman (see p. 114). A natural
stones, wand
roll of 1 automatically fails. If the ceremony throw
Shamanic animal clippings and parts, bell, drum, drum succeeds, the ceremony is successfully completed
stick, doll, medicine bag, pipe, rattle,
various ribbons, various crystals and stones
and immediately takes effect.
If the ceremony throw fails, the ceremony fails and
Theurgical altar cloth, book, candle set, censer, ceremonial
sword, crown, holy water, holy symbol, lamp, the ceremonialist acquires a point of stigma (see
pitcher, quill and ink, ritual chalice below). If the ceremony throw automatically fails
(e.g. due to a roll of natural 1), the ceremony has
Low-level implements are made of common woods, been botched (see below).
metals, and components, while high-level implements EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses is a 9th level occultist with
are made of precious metals and exotic materials. WIS 16. He is performing animate dead, a 4th level
Regardless of level, all traditional eldritch ceremony. Completing the ceremony throw
implements have an encumbrance of 1 stone. will require one turn and a successful ceremony
throw. Consulting the Ceremony Performance table,
Each type of ceremonial tradition has its own the occultist sees that the ceremony throw has a target
implements; the Traditional Implement table on the value of 8+. Ra-Ramses gains a +2 bonus on the die
following page provides a list of items associated roll from his WIS modifier, so he effectively needs a
with the implements of various traditions. A 6+. After one turn of incanting, Ra-Ramses rolls his
ceremonialist cannot use implements of a tradition he ceremony throw. Unfortunately, he rolls a 2 – a
does not know. failure! Ra-Ramses gains a point of stigma.
Had he rolled a 6 or higher, the ceremony would have
Performing Ceremonies been successfully completed, and he’d immediately
Performing a ceremony is akin to preparing and have been able to animate up to 18 HD worth of
cooking something according to a recipe. The undead. Had he rolled a 1, the ceremony would have
ceremonialist must have the implements and been botched.
ingredients in hand, then diligently perform each step
in order. In game terms, this means having the
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
While performing a ceremony, a ceremonialist may botched! The botch causes Ra-Ramses to gain a point
pause for up to one round each turn to speak, move of stigma and damages his traditional implements,
up to 10’, drink a vial of water or other fluid, adjust reducing them from level 4 to level 3. In addition,
his implements, etc. Otherwise, the ceremonialist Ra-Ramses must make a mishap throw - another
must remain stationary and concentrate on the ceremony throw with the same modifiers and target
ceremony. Should the ceremonialist’s concentration value as the throw he just made, e.g. a
break for more than one round in any turn, the target value of 6+. Ra-Ramses rolls 1d20 and this
ceremony is automatically failed. The ceremony is time the result is a 3, so Ra-Ramses suffers a mishap.
also automatically failed if an opponent successfully Since animate dead is a 4th level spell, the mishap is
deals damage to the ceremonialist, major. Ra-Ramses rolls 1d10 on the Chthonic
or if the ceremonialist fails a saving throw, prior to Ceremony Mishaps table. The result of the dice roll is
completing the ceremony. a 3 – his ceremony has revealed
unspeakable truths about life and death. The mishap
A ceremonialist needs to be able to move his hands leaves Ra-Ramses insane for four weeks. Who can
and speak freely in order to perform a ceremony. In know what the mad occultist will do.
addition, a ceremonialist must have access to
traditional implements of sufficient level. Except Complex Ceremonies
where otherwise noted, a ceremonialist must have the Certain spells are considerably more complex or
intended target of the ceremony in visual range onerous to cast than others. Ceremonies replicating
throughout the ceremony, whether the target is a such spells are, likewise, more complex and onerous.
specific monster, character, or area of effect. If the If a spell takes one turn to cast, the equivalent
ceremonialist loses his ability to move and speak ceremony takes one hour. If a spell can only be
freely, his implements, or his line of sight on the performed once per day, the equivalent ceremony can
intended target, the ceremony automatically fails. only be performed once per week. If a spell can only
be performed once per week, the equivalent
Botched Ceremonies ceremony can only be performed once per month.
When a ceremony throw automatically fails (e.g. due
to a roll of natural 1 or if the ceremonialist is Methodical Ceremonies
damaged), the ceremony has been botched. A Before a ceremonialist begins a ceremony, he may
botched ceremony not only causes the ceremonialist decide to perform it methodically, in order to
to gain a point of stigma, it damages the increase the chance of success and reduce the risk of
ceremonialist’s traditional implements, reducing their mishaps. Depending on the ceremonialist’s tradition,
effective level by 1. A botched ceremony may also methodically performing a ceremony might entail
cause a mishap. To find out if a mishap occurs, the fasting, prayer, ritual purification, charting the stars,
ceremonialist must make a mishap throw - another sacrifices to the gods, etc. Regardless of tradition,
ceremony throw with the same modifiers and methodically performing a ceremony requires 6
target value as the throw he just made. If the mishap hours. (Methodically performing a complex
throw also results in a failure, then a mishap occurs. ceremony requires one week). During this time, the
Ceremony Level Degree of Mishap ceremonialist may pause for up to one turn each hour
1-3 Minor to speak, move up to 10’, drink a vial of water or
4-5 Major other fluid, adjust his implements, etc. Otherwise the
6 Catastrophic ceremonialist must remain stationary and concentrate
When a mishap occurs, the ceremonialist must roll on the ceremony.
1d10 on the Ceremony Mishaps table for his tradition
and suffer the effect listed in the column matching When methodically performing a ceremony, the
the degree of mishap. The degree of the mishap ceremonialist gains a +4 bonus on his ceremony
depends on the level of the ceremony that was throw. If a mishap occurs, the degree of the mishap is
botched. If the ceremony was 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level, a reduced by one, from catastrophic to major and major
minor mishap occurs. If the ceremony was 4th or 5th to minor. Minor mishaps are reduced to just the loss
level, a major mishap occurs. If the ceremony was of the character’s traditional implements.
6th level, a catastrophic mishap occurs.
EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses decides to methodically
EXAMPLE: Let’s return to Ra-Ramses ceremony of perform a ceremony of animate dead. This will
animate dead. As before, his ceremony throw has a require him to spend 6 hours instead of the usual 10
target value of 6+. This time, however, he fails the minutes, but will afford him a +4 bonus on the
throw with a natural roll of 1. His ceremony has been ceremony throw. Consulting the Ceremony
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Performance table, the occultist sees that the complex hasty ceremony is performed in one turn.)
ceremony throw has a target value of 8+. Ra-Ramses However, the caster suffers a -4 penalty on his
gains a +2 bonus on the die roll from his WIS ceremony throw, and the range of failure is increased
modifier and a +4 bonus from his methodical by 2, e.g. a natural roll of 1-3
preparations, so he effectively needs a 2+. After automatically fails.
spending six hours performing the ceremony, Ra-
Ramses rolls a 3 – a success! Ra-Ramses has EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses is annoyed with a
successfully completed the ceremony of animate merchant’s bargaining tactics. He hastily performs a
dead. Had Ra-Ramses not made methodical ceremony of choking grip, a 1st level ceremony.
preparations, his ceremony would have been a failure Completing the ceremony will require one round and
and he would have gained a point of stigma. a successful ceremony throws. Consulting the
Ceremony Performance table, the occultist sees that
What if Ra-Ramses had rolled a natural 1 instead of a the ceremony throw has a target value of 2+. Ra-
3? A natural 1 would have been a botch, and Ra- Ramses gains a +2 bonus on the die roll from his
Ramses would have rolled 1d20 again to see if it led WIS modifier, but a -4 penalty from haste, so he
to a mishap. But because his target value on the effectively needs a 4+. His range of automatic failure
original ceremony throw was reduced from 6+ to 2+, is increased to 1-3 so any failure will be a botch! Ra-
his chances of a mishap occurring are reduced from Ramses rolls a 5 and succeeds. “I’m altering the
25% (1-5) to 5% (1). If he did suffer a mishap, it deal,” he says to the choking merchant. “Pray I don’t
would be a minor one instead of a major one. —“ but the merchant has already
Hasty Ceremonies
Before a ceremonialist begins a ceremony, he may Collaborative ceremonies (see below) cannot be
decide to perform it hastily. If the ceremonialist is in performed hastily. Ceremonies cannot be performed
combat, the intention to perform a hasty ceremony both hastily and methodically at the same time, and
must be announced before initiative is rolled (as with ceremonialists who try automatically suffer a
spellcasting). A hasty ceremony is performed in one catastrophic mishap for being annoying.
round, as if casting a spell, rather than in one turn. (A
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Ceremony Time Throw Automatic Degree of
Pace Required Modifier Failure Mishap
1 round By ceremony
Hasty -4 1-3
(10 seconds) level
1 turn By ceremony
Regular 0 1
(10 minutes) level
By ceremony
36 turns
Methodical +4 1 level, reduced
(6 hours)
by 1
Complex 6 turns By ceremony
0 1
Regular (1 hour) level
By ceremony
Complex 1 week
+4 1 level, reduced
Methodical (7 days)
by 1

Collaborative Ceremonies each assistant separately as if the assistant were

A ceremonialist may be joined in the performance of performing the ceremony himself. If the assistant’s
a ceremony by one or more assistants. Assistants ceremony throw succeeds, he increases the lead
must either know the ceremony being performed or ceremonialist’s effective caster level by 1 for
must belong to the same ceremonial tradition as the purposes of performing the ceremony and calculating
lead ceremonialist they are assisting. The maximum the ceremony’s effects. If the assistant’s ceremony
number of ceremonialists that can assist in the throw fails, it has no effect. If the assistant’s
performance of a ceremony is equal to the level of ceremony throw fails with a natural 1, it reduces the
the ceremony. lead ceremonialist’s effective caster level by 1. (It
does not count as a botch or trigger a mishap throw,
EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses, a 9th level occultist, is however; only the lead ceremonialist can botch and
performing animate dead, a 4th level eldritch trigger a mishap).
ceremony. Ra-Ramses’s potential collaborators
include Ashanti (a 9th level witch of the chthonic Once all of the assistants have made their ceremony
tradition), Thoth-Horus (a 7th level loremaster of the throws, the lead ceremonialist makes his ceremony
theurgical tradition), and Bolgor (a 5th throw using his modified caster level. If the
level shaman of the runic tradition). Of the three, ceremony is successfully completed, the ceremony’s
only Thoth-Horus knows animate dead. Ashanti can effects are calculated based on the ceremonialist’s
assist because she is of the same tradition as Ra- modified caster level. If the ceremony is failed, all of
Ramses. Thoth-Horus can assist because he knows the participating ceremonialists gain one point of
the ceremony being performed. Bolgor cannot assist stigma. If the ceremony is botched, all of the
because he does not know the ceremony being participating ceremonialists gain one point of stigma,
performed and does not belong to the same tradition but only the lead ceremonialist has his implements
as Ra-Ramses. damaged. However, any mishap that occurs affects
not just the lead ceremonialist but all the assistants as
After the ceremony has been performed, but before well.
the lead ceremonialist makes his ceremony throw,
each assistant makes a ceremony throw. Calculate the EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses performs the ceremony of
target value and modifiers for the ceremony throw for animate dead with Ashanti and Thoth-Horus
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
assisting. According to the Ceremony Performance that ceremony is unknown imposes a -4 penalty. His
table, Ashanti’s target value is 8+ while Thoth- final target value will be 14+.
Horus’s target value is 10+. However, Thoth-Horus
has a WIS of 18, so his target value is reduced to 7+. Unfortunately for the lusty occultist, his roll is a 11, a
Ashanti fails her ceremony throw with a roll of 5, failure. Since he is performing an unknown ritual,
while Thoth-Horus succeeds on his with a roll this automatically results in a mishap. Since the
of 11. Ra-Ramses now makes his own ceremony ceremony is 6th level, the mishap is catastrophic. Ra-
throw. Ramses rolls 1d10 on the Chthonic Ceremony
Mishaps table. The result of the dice roll is a 5 – the
Because one assistant succeeded, Ra-Ramses’ caster mishap leaves Ra-Ramses massively warped. He
level is increased by one from 9th to 10th level. This must roll 1d10+10 on the magical mutations sub-
reduces his target value by 1, from a modified 6+ to table. The result of this die roll is a 19, meaning Ra-
5+. His die roll is a 12, so he easily succeeds. Ra- Ramses’s body degenerates into a rotting piece of
Ramses can now animate 20 HD of undead instead meat, with maggots crawling from his orifices and
of 18 HD, since his effective level is 10th rather than flies buzzing around his flesh. The nubile princess
9th. screams in horror at the monstrous being before her.
The hideously disfigured Ra-Ramses knows his only
If the ceremonialist is performing the ceremony hope to satiate his evil lust is to try again… Oh, the
methodically, all of the assistants must do so as well. insanity.

Unknown Ceremonies Had Ra-Ramses performed the unknown ceremony

A ceremonialist may perform a ceremony that is not methodically, of course, his target value would have
in his repertoire (an unknown ceremony) if he has been reduced to 10+ and his throw a success!
access to a ceremonial codex containing that
ceremony. Performing an unknown ceremony is The Ashley J. Williams Memorial Rule
dangerous, however. The ceremonialist suffers a -4 (Optional): From time to time, non-ceremonialists of
penalty to the ceremony throw, and if the ceremony dubious common sense come across a ceremonial
is not successful for any reason, then the ceremony is codex, and make an attempt to perform a ceremony
botched and the ceremonialist suffers a mishap! within - perhaps intentionally, perhaps without even
knowing they are doing so. As such characters are
An unknown ceremony can be performed not ceremonialists, all ceremonies are unknown to
methodically and collaboratively. An unknown them. A non-ceremonialist attempting to perform an
ceremony can be performed hastily, if desired - but unknown ceremony does so as a 1st level
only fools would dare it. ceremonialist with an additional -4 penalty (on top of
the penalty for unknown ceremonies and/or hasty
EXAMPLE: During an adventure, Ra-Ramses ceremonies). Any failure is treated as a catastrophic
discovered a ceremonial codex containing the 6th- mishap.
level ceremony enslave. Ramses-Ra does not know
enslave and won’t be able to add it to his repertoire Note that if a character has even one rank of
until he gains another two levels of experience. Ceremonial Magic proficiency, this rule will not
apply to him.
Unfortunately, Ra-Ramses recently went insane due
to a mishap while performing an animate dead EXAMPLE: Ashley, known to his friends as Ash, is
ceremony. The mad occultist has become obsessed on a trip with friends. While searching a cabin they
with an unrequited lust for a nubile young princess, are visiting, Ash finds a book bound in human skin.
and decides to perform this unknown ritual on her. The book is actually a ceremonial codex of the
After kidnapping the princess, binding her in a lewd Chthonic tradition containing a 6th level summoning
state to a large stone slab lit with flickering torches, ceremony. Ash reads the book out loud, accidentally
and ensuring there are no nearby performing a hasty unknown ceremony.
barbarians to interrupt his efforts, the insane Ra-
Ramses begins the terrible ceremony. As a 9th level The ceremony throw fails (as a throw of 32+ is wont
ceremonialist attempting a 6th level ceremony, Ra- to do). Since the throw fails, it triggers a catastrophic
Ramses has a target value of 12+ on his ceremony mishap. Ash rolls 1d10 on the Chthonic Ceremony
throw. Ra-Ramses has WIS 16, so he will gain a +2 Mishap table. The result of the die roll is a 1,
bonus to each throw, but the fact meaning 1d8 spectres, spirits of the evil dead, appear
and attack the campers. The small
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
cabin also becomes forsaken. equilibrium is required. When a ceremonialist fails to
successfully perform a ceremony, this fragile
THE STIGMA OF FAILURE metaphysical equilibrium is disrupted by the stigma
When a spellcaster casts a spell, he spends a portion of his failure.
of his personal power to draw on and manipulate the
spell’s power, which is channeled from either the Stigma is measured in points. A ceremonialist gains
gods or from ambient elemental sources. (A surplus one point of stigma each time he fails a ceremony
or deficit of such ambient power is why some spells performance throw. The amount of stigma a
are cast at higher or lower levels in, e.g. sinkholes of ceremonialist can withstand is known as his
evil or furnaces of elemental fire.) When a stigma threshold and is equal to the highest level of
spellcaster’s internal reserves are exhausted, he is no ceremony he knows (e.g. if a ceremonialist has a
longer able to manipulate these power sources, and repertoire of two 1st level ceremonies, his stigma
cannot cast any further threshold is 1. If he has a repertoire of two 1st level
spells. ceremonies, two 2nd level ceremonies, and one 3rd
level ceremony, his stigma threshold is 3.) When a
When a ceremonialist performs a ceremony, ceremonialist’s stigma equals or exceeds his stigma
however, he does not spend any portion of his threshold, he loses the ability to perform ceremonies
personal power. (Indeed, most ceremonialists lack the until he purifies himself of the stigma. (A ceremonial
ability to tap their personal power at all – that’s why spellcaster also lose the ability to
they are ceremonialists and not spellcasters!) The cast spells until he purifies himself of the stigma.)
advantage of this is that a ceremonialist can perform
ceremonies as frequently as desired, without need to Ceremonialists can, however, still make use of
regulate his own internal reserves. The disadvantage trinkets while under the stigma of failure.
of this is that it is much harder for a ceremonialist to
channel power from the gods or elements. Absolute Purification of Stigma
concentration from a state of metaphysical
A ceremonialist can purify himself of all
accumulated stigma by resting for 8 hours and then After the fight, he performs a regular ceremony of
spending 1 hour (6 turns) engaged in various cure light wounds. The target value is 8+, reduced
cleansing rites with his traditional implements. The by 3 to 5+. He rolls a 17, and successfully performs
specific rites will depend on the ceremonialist’s the ceremony. Later in the day, Balbus and his
tradition and the Judge’s setting, but might include henchman Algernon are both badly wounded. He
prayer, meditation, anointing with oils, inhaling performs a regular ceremony of cure moderate
incenses, and other activities. At the conclusion of wounds. The target value is 10+, reduced by 3 to 7+.
the cleansing rites, the ceremonialist reduces his He rolls an 18, and successfully performs the
accumulated stigma to 0. ceremony. He then attempts a regular ceremony of
cure moderate wounds on Algernon, again at 7+.
As a side effect of purification, all of a eremonialist’s He rolls a 7, and succeeds – barely. Later, he
trinkets (see p. 113) are destroyed or emptied – the encounters a mysterious illusion. He performs a
ceremonialist has cleansed himself of all his past regular ceremony of counterspell, against a target
metaphysical connections, both good and bad. value of 5+. Unfortunately he rolls a 4, so the
ceremony fails and he gains another point of stigma.
EXAMPLE: Balbus is a 3rd level ecclesiastic with
WIS 16, one rank of Performance (chanting), and a Balbus’s accumulate stigma now equals his stigma
repertoire including cure light wounds, threshold, so he loses the ability to successfully
counterspell, and cure moderate wounds. As the perform ceremonies until he purifies himself. He and
highest level spell in his repertoire is 2nd level, he Algernon make camp for the night, and after a good
has a stigma threshold of 2. He begins an adventure night’s rest of 8 hours, Balbus spends 1 hour praying
with no stigma. During an encounter with an orc to Ammonar. His stigma is reduced to 0.
witch-doctor, he performs a hasty ceremony of
counterspell. The target value is 8+, reduced by 3 CEREMONIAL MAGIC RESEARCH
(from WIS and Performance) but increased by 4 Ceremonialists are capable of performing magic
(because the research as spellcasters of their magic type. Thus
ceremony is hasty) for a total target value of 9+. He eldritch ceremonialists who reach 5th level may
rolls a 5, so the ceremony fails and he gains a point of begin to independently research ceremonie, and
stigma. scribe scrolls.
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
base cost. Each ceremony requires a unique set of
In addition, ceremonialists may create special types special components. The Judge will determine the
of magic items that are exclusive to ceremonialists. specific components required for each ceremony
Ceremonialists of any level may create ceremonial depending on its tradition. The same ceremony might
trinkets and ceremonialists of 5th level or above may use different components when performed by
create ceremonial talismans. ceremonialists of different traditions.

CEREMONIAL TRINKETS The ceremonialist learns the special components

About him were scattered all the appurtenances of required by his tradition for the ceremony when he
his art; the skulls of men and monsters; phials filled adds the ceremony to his repertoire. If the appropriate
with black or amber liquids, whose sacrilegious use special components are not available, miscellaneous
was known to none but himself; little drums of special components can be substituted instead, but
vulture-skin, and crotali made from the bones and doing so will impose a penalty of -1 per level of the
teeth of the cockodrill, used as an accompaniment to ceremony.
certain incantations. – The Last Incantation (C.A.
Smith) Note: The Monster Parts section of Lairs &
Encounters provides guidelines on identifying,
A ceremonial trinket is a minor magic item that harvesting, and valuing special components, along
allows a ceremonialist to perform the ceremony it with detailed lists suggesting which spells each
contains as if he were casting it as a spell. A monster part in the game the component might be
ceremonial trinket has three characteristics: the object associated with.
itself, the tradition it was made with, and the
ceremony it contains. For instance, Ra-Ramses might Finally, the ceremonialist must store the ceremony in
carry a chthonic powder of choking grip while the trinket. Storing a ceremony can be performed
Balbus might have a liturgical candle of bless. In hastily, regularly, or methodically, collaboratively or
addition, trinkets can be of two types, disposable or individually, as desired.
rechargeable. Unless otherwise noted, trinkets are
disposable. Regardless of their object, tradition, A special -4 penalty applies to the throw due to the
ceremony, and type, all ceremonial trinkets are added complexity of storing the spell in a trinket. If
relatively small (counting as 1 item for encumbrance the ceremony is performed successfully, the trinket is
purposes). ready for use. If the ceremony fails, the ceremonialist
acquires a point of stigma. If the ceremony is
Making Trinkets botched, the object and the special components
Level Disposable Rechargeable are both destroyed. The special components are
Trinket Trinket otherwise only consumed if the ceremony succeeds.
1 5gp 50gp
2 10gp 100gp
EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses is a 9th level occultist with
3 15gp 150gp
4 25gp 225gp
WIS 16. He decides to make a chthonic trinket
5 35gp 300gp containing the 4th level ceremony fear. He must first
6 50gp 400gp secure an object to store the ceremony. Since fear is
a 4th level ceremony, the object must be worth 25gp
To create a trinket, a ceremonialist must first secure or more. Ra-Ramses purchases a silver dagger worth
an object sufficiently valuable to store the desired 25gp as the object. Next, Ra-Ramses must expend
ceremony. The value of the object must equal or 25gp worth of appropriate special components.
exceed the base cost shown for the desired ceremony
level and trinket type on the adjoining Trinket The Judge rules that fear requires 25gp worth of
Cost table. Objects commonly used as disposable mummy wrappings, which Ra-Ramses fortunately
trinkets include various sorts of emollients, herbs, has in ample supply due to his many forays into
ointments, powders, and unguents. Objects tombs and crypts.
commonly used as rechargeable trinkets include Finally, Ra-Ramses must perform the ceremony of
baubles, beads, bones, phylacteries, skulls, stones, fear to store it into the trinket. As he is not pressed
teeth, and tiny figurines, as well as various objects for time, he performs the ceremony methodically. His
found in traditional implements. base target value to perform a 4th level ceremony is
8+, modified to 12+ because he is storing a ceremony
The ceremonialist must then acquire special in a trinket. He gains a +2 bonus from his WIS bonus
components with a gp value equal to the trinket’s and another +4 bonus because he is performing the
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
ceremony methodically. Therefore, he will succeed Metamphora cost 5gp and weigh 1 stone for every
on a 6+. He rolls an 11 and easily succeeds. 60gp of value they store.

The mummy wrappings are consumed, and Ra- Substitute Special Components: Finding the right
Ramses now has a 4th level chthonic dagger of fear. special components can be a challenging and time-
Storing Special Components: When not being used consuming endeavor.
to create trinkets (or other magic items), special
components should be stored carefully in alchemical Eldritch power is, however, fungible on a
jars known as metamphora. metaphysical level. This fungibility allows a
ceremonialist to substitute alternative special
Special components are fragile, as the residual components of the same total gp value for the unique
energies are prone to dissolving if not stored special components required for any given ceremony.
properly. There is a 5% cumulative chance each day Since it is more challenging to tap the energies for
of an improperly-stored special component the ceremony in this case, the ceremonialist suffers a
losing all its value. -1 penalty per level of the ceremony on his Ceremony
Throw when using substitute special components.
Metamphora: Designed to store special components, Merchants such as curios dealers, herbalists, and
metamphora are ceramic jars inscribed with antiquarians will sell nonspecific special components
alchemical sigils and stoppered with copper seals. (such as spider webs, plant roots, crushed ivory, and
Metamphora come in an array of different sizes and so on) for 1gp each, in various markets, subject to the
shapes, as more valuable special components require usual limits of equipment availability and
sturdier, stronger metamphora to prevent leakage. commission.
trinket is destroyed by its use. Had Ra-Ramses
Using Trinkets suffered damage or failed a saving throw prior to
A ceremonialist carrying a trinket he created can use using the trinket to perform the ceremony, the trinket
it to perform the ceremony it contains as if it were a would have been destroyed but no effects would have
spell that he was casting. Since most spells require occurred.
just one round to cast, most ceremonies can be
performed in one round when using a trinket, but if a A ceremonialist cannot use a trinket created by
spell takes one turn to cast, the equivalent ceremony another character. However, other ceremonialists’
performed with a trinket takes one turn to perform. trinkets can be harvested for their value as special
In any case, the ceremonialist does not have to use components, or possibly recharged, as described
his traditional implements, make a ceremony throw, below.
or risk stigma when using a trinket. The trinket is
either emptied or destroyed when used, depending on Emptying and Destroying Trinkets
its type. A disposable trinket is automatically destroyed when
used or when the ceremonialist purifies himself of
If in combat, a PC must announce the intention to stigma. A rechargeable trinket is automatically
perform a ceremony using a trinket prior to initiative emptied when used or when the ceremonialist
being determined at the beginning of a round. Should purifies himself of stigma. However, an emptied
an opponent successfully deal damage to the rechargeable trinket can be recharged simply by
character or if the character is required to roll a performing the trinket’s ceremony on it. The
saving throw and fails prior to using the trinket to ceremonialist does not have to pay the special
perform the ceremony, the ceremony fails and the component cost when recharging an emptied trinket.
trinket is destroyed. In combat, a character may automatically destroy a
trinket he is holding with an action in lieu of
EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses is being pursued by well- attacking, and destroy a trinket in another’s hands
armed cultists displeased by his theft of an important with a sunder. Trinkets save at -4 versus sundering.
ceremonial codex. Prior to initiative being
determined for the round, he declares his intention to Buying and Selling Trinkets
perform fear using his trinket. Ra-Ramses wins the Trinkets are not typically bought or sold in the
initiative, and the ceremony is completed, as if he market as they are personal to the ceremonialist who
were casting a spell – no ceremony throw required. created them. However, at the Judge’s discretion,
A 60’ long and 30’ wide cone of fear stretches from rechargeable trinkets might be bought and sold in
Ra-Ramses’ hands, and all within the cone must save markets at twice their base cost, while particular
versus Spells or flee from the him for 30 rounds. The
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
special components from local monsters might be found as a special component worth 300gp towards
available. the creation of a chthonic trinket of phoenix aura.

Identifying Trinkets If a ceremonialist finds and identifies a rechargeable

Trinkets detect as magical. A ceremonialist will trinket of his own tradition containing a ceremony in
recognize that an object is a trinket of his own his repertoire, he can recharge it as if it were an
tradition automatically with 1 turn of inspection. On a empty trinket of his own make.
proficiency throw of 11+ he will be able to identify
the ceremony stored in the trinket. A ceremonialist EXAMPLE: IF Ra-Ramses were a theurgical
will recognize that an object is a trinket of a foreign ceremonialist with phoenix aura in his repertoire, he
tradition with a proficiency throw of 11+. With a 14+ could perform that ceremony to recharge the eagle
he will be able to ascertain which tradition it is statuette and thereafter make use of the trinket as if it
affiliated with and whether it is disposable or were of his own make.
rechargeable. With an 18+ he can identify the
ceremony stored in the trinket. Ceremonialists with CEREMONIAL TALISMANS
multiple ranks in Ceremonial Magic will have better Sharajasha lifted one arm to brush aside the brushes,
target values (see p. 107). and the young barbarian saw that his long fingers
bore many sigils and talismanic rings of power. One
EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses discovers an alabaster was a hoop of iron, embossed with a curious glyph.
statuette of an eagle carved with liturgical scripts in Another was carved of red jade, engraved with
Classical Auran. He inspects the statuette and makes wedge-shaped runes in some unknown tongue. Other
a proficiency throw, rolling a 15. The Judge informs rings flashed upon his long, sensitive hands… Each
him that the statuette is a rechargeable trinket of the ring was fashioned from a different substance:
theurgical tradition. Had his throw result been 18 or crystal, metal, stone, or wood. With the power locked
more, Ramses-Ra could have learned that the in these talismanic rings, Thongor grimly surmised,
statuette was a rechargeable theurgical trinket of the wizard could invoke and command spirits and
phoenix aura. elemental forces. – Thongor and the Wizard of
Lemuria (Lin Carter)
When a trinket is crafted using a proficiency from the
knowledge category, this can provide clues to its A ceremonial talisman is a magic item that provides
nature to those who know the relevant proficiency. A a bonus to ceremony throws made to perform
character may apply his own ranks in the proficiency particular types of ceremonies. A ceremonial
as a bonus to the throw to identify the trinket. talisman is described with four characteristics: its
object, its tradition, its bonus, and its type.
If the character is otherwise ignorant of ceremonial
magic, he can recognize that the object is some sort Talisman bonuses can range from +1 to +4. Talisman
of trinket with a proficiency throw of 11+. types include: death & necromancy; detection;
elemental air; elemental earth; elemental fire;
EXAMPLE: A cutpurse steals the 4th level trinket elemental water; enchantment & illusion; healing;
from Ra-Ramses. The cutpurse was at one time an movement; protection; summoning; and
altar boy and possesses Theology proficiency. The transmogrification. A talisman can aid just one type
trinket was crafted with Theology, so the cutpurse of ceremonies, or several types.
will be able to recognize it as a trinket with a
Theology proficiency throw of 11+. Ceremonial talismans are usually relatively small
objects (counting as 1 item for encumbrance
Salvaging Found Trinkets purposes), although larger objects can be used if
If a ceremonialist finds a trinket of any type and desired. Objects commonly used as talismans include
successfully identifies the ceremony it contains, he various sorts of amulets, baubles, beads, bracelets,
can use the trinket as a special component worth its curios, gems, pendants, phylacteries, rings, rosaries,
base value for purposes of creating a new trinket that skulls, staves, and stones.
contains the same ceremony.
Making Talismans
EXAMPLE: If Ra-Ramses knew the phoenix aura Bonus Base Cost Time
ceremony and had a suitable object available to +1 5,000gp per type 1 month per type
contain it, he could use the theurgical statuette he +2 10,000gp per type 2 months per type
+3 15,000gp per type 3 months per type
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
+4 20,000gp per type 4 months per type ebony skull with sigils inlaid in silver. At the end of
the time period, Ra-Ramses makes a magic research
In order to create a talisman, the ceremonialist must throw. As a 9th level Occultist, his target value is 8+,
know at least one ceremony of the type that the modified by his Intelligence bonus of +2 to 6+.
talisman will aid, or must obtain a formula or sample However, his target value is penalized by the
of such a talisman. The base cost and time required to talisman’s bonus of +2 multiplied by the number of
create a talisman depends on its bonus and the types of ceremonies it aids (2), or +4, for a total
number of types of ceremonies it aids, as shown on of 10+. He rolls a 14 and succeeds.
the Talisman Creation table.
Using Talismans
The ceremonialist must have access to his traditional A ceremonialist carrying a talisman applies its bonus
implements while making the trinket. The to the ceremony throws of any ceremonies of that
ceremonialist must also have special components type. In addition, a ceremonialist does not have to use
with a gp value equal to the talisman’s base his traditional implements to perform a ceremony
cost. The special components are consumed in the when using a talisman that aids ceremonies of that
process. As with trinkets and other magic items, the type. A character can carry and use multiple
Judge will determine the specific components talismans, but only one talisman’s bonus can be
required for the talisman depending on its tradition applied to any particular ceremony throw.
and it type. If the appropriate special components
are not available, miscellaneous special components The lead ceremonialist in a collaborative ceremony
can be substituted instead, but doing so will impose a can use a talisman, but assistants cannot use one. A
penalty of -1 per bonus point. ceremonialist cannot use a talisman when performing
an unknown ceremony.
A successful magic research throw is required to
complete the talisman. The target value for this throw A ceremonialist can use a talisman created by another
is increased by the bonus of the talisman multiplied ceremonialist, but only of his tradition and only for
by the number of types of ceremonies it aids. All of ceremonies in his repertoire.
the usual bonuses and penalties applicable to magic
item creation (Intelligence, Magical Engineering Destroying Talismans
proficiency, precious materials, workshops, In combat, a character may destroy a talisman he is
formulas/samples, assistants etc.) apply. holding with an action in lieu of attacking, and
destroy a talisman in another’s hands with a sunder.
If the throw fails, the ceremonialist has failed to
create the talisman. The time and components are Identifying Talismans
wasted. A roll of 1-3 always fails. If the throw Like trinkets, talismans radiate magic and can be
succeeds, the ceremonialist has succeeded in creating recognized and identified with appropriate
the talisman. proficiencies.

EXAMPLE: Ra-Ramses is a 9th level occultist with Buying and Selling Talismans
INT 16 and WIS 16. He decides to make a +2 With the Judge’s permission, talismans may be
chthonic talisman of death & necromancy and bought in markets for twice their base cost, and sold
enchantment. It will take 2 months per type, or 4 for their base cost. We strongly recommend that the
months total. It will cost 10,000 per type, or 20,000gp Judge strictly enforce Equipment Availability by
total. The talisman will also require20,000gp in Market Class for talismans, and only permit
special components. The Judge and Ra-Ramses agree talismans of traditions which are common in the
that the talisman will take the form of a large culture to be available.

Antiquarian, Sylvan, and Runic Ceremony Mishaps

1d10 Roll Minor Mishap Major Mishap Catastrophic Mishap

You accidentally open a gate to the You accidentally open a gate to the You accidentally open a gate to the
elemental spheres. An 8 HD elemental elemental spheres. A 12 HD elemental elemental spheres. A 16 HD elemental
1 appears adjacent to you and attacks. If appears adjacent to you and attacks. If appears adjacent to you and attacks. If
not destroyed, the elemental returns to its not destroyed, the elemental returns to its not destroyed, the elemental returns to its
sphere after 10 rounds. sphere after 8 hours. sphere after 1 month.
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
Your spell signature acquires an annoying Your spell signature acquires a deleteriousYour spell signature acquires a
side effect. Roll 1d10 on the spell side effect. Roll 1d10+5 on the spell debilitating side effect. Roll 1d10+10
signature sub-table. Only a wish or signature sub-table. Only a wish or on the spell signature sub-table. Only a
miracle can remove the side effect. miracle can remove the side effect. wish or miracle can remove the side
The failure of your ceremony gives you Your failure teaches you unthinkable The unspeakable horror you witness drives
3 a nervous breakdown. You go insane 1 truths. You go insane for 1 week per you permanently insane. Only a miracle
day per level of the ceremony. level of the ceremony. or wish can cure you.
The wearying of years visits you early. You The heavy hand of age falls on you. You You have become ancient before your
4 age 1d10 years.* The shock of the sudden age 2d10 years.* The shock of the sudden time. You age 2d20 years* and one
aging kills you instantly unless you save aging kills you instantly unless you save of your limbs withers. The shock of the
v. Death at +4. v. Death at +2. sudden aging kills you instantly unless
you save v. Death.
The ceremony leaves you somehow The ceremony leaves you greatly The ceremony leaves you massively
5 altered. Roll 1d10 on the magical changed. Roll 2d10 on the magical warped and changed. Roll 1d10+10 on
mutation sub-table. Only a wish or miracle mutations sub-table. Only a wish or the magical mutations sub-table. Only a
can remove the mutation. miracle can remove the mutation. wish or miracle can remove the mutation.
A magical accident causes a disfiguring A bad magical accident causes a A terrible magical accident causes a
injury. Roll 1d6 on the “critically injury. Roll 1d6 on the “grievously crippling injury. Roll 1d6 on the “mortally
6 wounded” row of the Mortal Wounds wounded” row of the Mortal Wounds wounded” row of the Mortal Wounds
table. The wound can be healed with table. Only a regeneration, resurrection, table. Only a wish or miracle can heal the
restore life and limb. wish or miracle can heal the wound. wound.
The mishap slightly disrupts your The mishap significantly disrupts your The mishap completely disrupts your
connection to magic. You lose 1 random connection to magic. You lose 1d4+1 connection to magic. You lose your entire
7 ceremony from your repertoire. You can random ceremonies from your repertoire. ceremonial repertoire. You can regain the
regain the lost ceremonies at a cost of You can regain the lost ceremonies at a lost ceremonies at a cost of 1 week of
1 week of game time and 1,000gp per cost of 1 week of game time and 1,000gp game time and 1,000gp per spell level.
ceremony level. per ceremony level.
An accident destroys your ceremonial An explosion destroys your ceremonial A conflagration destroys your ceremonial
8 implements. You and all characters within implements. You and all characters implements. You and all characters within
5’ must save v. Blast or take 2d6 damage within 10’ must save v. Blast or take 4d6 20’ Blast or take 8d6 damage from the
from the accident. damage from the explosion. conflagration.
The fumes and vapors released by the The fumes and vapors released by the The fumes and vapors released by the
9 ceremony have a deleterious effect on ceremony have highly damaging effect ceremony have a devastating effect on
your mind. You permanently lose 1 point on your mind. You permanently lose 1d3 your mind. You permanently lose 1d4+1
of Wisdom. point of Wisdom. point of Wisdom.
Wild magic begins coursing through A blast of wild magic discharges into you. A massive blast of wild magic
10 your body. You die in 1 turn unless you You die instantly unless you save v. disintegrates you unless you save
save v. Death. Death. v. Death.
*x1.5 for dwarves and gnomes, x2 for elves and Nobirans.

Chthonic Ceremony Mishaps

1d10 Roll Minor Mishap Major Mishap Catastrophic Mishap

Darkness gathers. 1d4 shadows appear Great darkness looms. 1d6 wraiths appear Terrible darkness storms over you. 1d8
and attack. If not destroyed, the shadows in and attack. If not destroyed, the wraiths specters appear and attack. If not
vanish after 10 rounds. The area in a 5’ vanish after 8 hours. The area in a 10’ destroyed, the spectres vanish after
radius is shadowed until they are dealt radius blighted until they are dealt with 1 month. The area in a 20’ radius is
with or depart. or depart. forsaken until they are dealt with.
Tampering with life energy costs you 1
2 Tampering with life energy costs you Tampering with life energy costs you
level of experience unless you save versus
1 level of experience. 2 levels of experience.
The failure of your ceremony gives you Your failure teaches you unthinkable The unspeakable horror you witness drives
a nervous breakdown. You go insane for 1 truths. You go insane for 1 week per you permanently insane. Only a miracle
day per level of the ceremony. level of the ceremony. or wish can cure you.
The negative energy ages you 1d10 The negative energy ages you 2d10 The negative energy ages you 2d20
4 years.* The shock of the sudden aging years.* The shock of the sudden aging years* and withers one of your limbs.
kills you instantly unless you save v. kills you instantly unless you save v. The shock of the sudden aging kills you
Death at +4. Death at +2. instantly unless you save v. Death.
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
The ceremony leaves you somehow The ceremony leaves you greatly The ceremony leaves you massively
5 altered. Roll 1d10 on the magical changed. Roll 2d10 on the magical warped and changed. Roll 1d10+10 on
mutation sub-table. Only a wish or miracle mutations sub-table. Only a wish or the magical mutations sub-table. Only a
can remove the mutation. miracle can remove the mutation. wish or miracle can remove the mutation.
Tampering with mortality has imperiled
6 Your body and mind are at risk. Roll 1d6 You have taken grave risks with your
your mind and body. Roll 1d6 on the “1-
on the “11-15” row of the Tampering with mind and body. Roll 1d6 on the “5-10”
Mortality table. row of the Tampering with Mortality 5” row of the Tampering with Mortality
table. table.
You are corrupted by the dark magic you Your soul is blackened by the dark Your soul is surely damned by what you
have exposed yourself to. You gain 2d6 magic you have exposed yourself to. have wrought. You gain 8d6 additional
additional corruption points. If this You gain 4d6 additional corruption corruption points. If this leaves you at
leaves you at your maximum corruption, points. If this leaves you at your your maximum corruption, then you must
then you must save v. Death at +4 or die maximum corruption, then you must save save v. Death or die due to the shock to
due to the shock to your soul. v. Death at +2 or die due to the shock to your soul.
your soul.
You fall into a deep necromantic torpor. You fall into a nigh-eternal necromantic
8 You fall into a necromantic torpor. A wish
A wish or miracle can awaken you torpor. You have a cumulative 1% chance
or miracle can awaken you immediately;
otherwise you will awaken in 1d10 immediately; otherwise, you will per 100 years of awakening. Otherwise,
months. You do not age while in torpor. awaken in 1d10 years. You do not age only a wish or miracle can awaken you.
while in torpor. You do not age while in torpor.
Tampering with blood magic takes a Your use of blood magic is harmful to Rampant use of blood magic takes a
toll. You permanently lose 1 point your health. You permanently lose 1d3 terrible toll. You permanently lose 1d4+1
of Constitution. points of Constitution. points of Constitution.
The gods curse you for your hideous
10 The gods curse you for your villainy! Your The gods curse you for your awful crimes.
deeds and black nature. You suffer a
prime requisite is halved. A remove curse You suffer a -4 penalty on all attack and
20% penalty on XP, -4 penalty on all
from a 9th+ level caster can remove the saving throws, and your prime requisite is
halved. A remove curse from a 12th+ attack and saving throws, and your prime
curse. requisite is halved. Only a wish or
level caster can remove the curse.
miracle can remove the curse.
*x1.5 for dwarves and gnomes, x2 for elves and Nobirans

Shamanic Ceremony Mishaps

1d10 Roll Minor Mishap Major Mishap Catastrophic Mishap

You accidentally open a gate to the You accidentally open a gate to the You accidentally open a gate to the
elemental spheres. An 8 HD elemental elemental spheres. A 12 HD elemental elemental spheres. A 16 HD elemental
1 appears adjacent to you and attacks. If appears adjacent to you and attacks. If appears adjacent to you and attacks. If
not destroyed, the elemental returns to its not destroyed, the elemental returns to its not destroyed, the elemental returns to its
sphere after 10 rounds. sphere after 8 hours. sphere after 1 month.
Your spell signature acquires an annoying Your spell signature acquires a deleterious Your spell signature acquires a debilitating
2 side effect. Roll 1d10 on the spell signature side effect. Roll 1d10+5 on the spell side effect. Roll 1d10+10 on the spell
sub-table. Only a wish or miracle can signature sub-table. Only a wish or miracle signature sub-table. Only a wish or miracle
remove the side effect. can remove the side effect. can remove the side effect.
The failure of your ceremony gives you Your failure teaches you unthinkable truths. The unspeakable horror you witness drives
3 a nervous breakdown. You for insane for You go insane for 1 week per level of the you permanently insane. Only a miracle
1 day per level of the ceremony. ceremony. or wish can cure you.
You take on a minor physical trait of your You take on the physical form of your
totem animal or familiar.* You suffer a -2 totem animal or familiar.* You are You take on the physical and mental form
4 penalty to reaction rolls with those from physical altered but retain your mental of your totem animal or familiar.* Only a
outside your tradition or culture. Only a characteristics. Only a wish or miracle can wish or miracle can undo the change.
wish or miracle can undo the change. undo the change.
The ceremony leaves you somehow altered. The ceremony leaves you greatly changed. The ceremony leaves you massively warped
5 Roll 1d10 on the magical mutation sub- Roll 2d10 on the magical mutations sub- and changed. Roll 1d10+10 on the
table. Only a wish or miracle can remove table. Only a wish or miracle can remove magical mutations sub-table. Only a wish
the mutation. the mutation. or miracle can remove the mutation.
A magical accident causes a disfiguring A bad magical accident causes a
A terrible magical accident causes a
6 injury. Roll 1d6 on the “critically disabling injury. Roll 1d6 on the
crippling injury. Roll 1d6 on the “mortally
wounded” row of the Mortal Wounds “grievously wounded” row of the Mortal wounded” row of the Mortal Wounds table.
table. The wound can be healed with Wounds table. Only a regeneration, Only a wish or miracle can heal the wound.
restore life and limb. resurrection, wish or miracle can heal the
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
The ceremony slightly disrupts your The ceremony significantly disrupts your The ceremony completely disrupts your
connection to magic. You lose 1 random connection to magic. You lose 1d4+1
7 ceremony from your repertoire. You can random ceremonies from your repertoire. connection to magic. You loseregain
your entire
ceremonial repertoire. You can the
regain the lost ceremonies at a cost of You can regain the lost ceremonies at a lost ceremonies at a cost of 1 week of
1 week of game time and 1,000gp per cost of 1 week of game time and 1,000gp game time and 1,000gp per spell level.
ceremony level. per ceremony level.
An accident destroys your ceremonial An explosion destroys your ceremonial A conflagration destroys your ceremonial
8 implements. You and all characters within implements. You and all characters within implements. You and all characters within
5’ must save v. Blast or take 2d6 damage 10’ must save v. Blast or take 4d6 damage 20’ Blast or take 8d6 damage from the
from the accident. from the explosion. conflagration.
The fumes and vapors released by the The fumes and vapors released by the The fumes and vapors released by the
9 ceremony have a deleterious effect on your ceremony have highly damaging effect on ceremony have a devastating effect on your
mind. You permanently lose 1 point of your mind. You permanently lose 1d3 point mind. You permanently lose 1d4+1 point
Wisdom. of Wisdom. of Wisdom.
Your animal companion or familiar is Your animal companion or familiar is
10 Your animal companion or familiar is enraged with pain and hatred.* It begins enraged with pain and hatred.* It
enraged with pain and hatred.* It attacking you immediately. If you kill it, begins attacking you immediately. If
begins attacking you immediately. If you are subject to the usual penalties. you kill it, you are subject to the usual
you kill it, you are subject to the usual Because it is part of you, your animal penalties.
penalties. companion is immune to any charm spells Because it is part of you, it is immune to all
you cast. spells you cast.
*If the ceremonialist does not have an animal companion or familiar, re-roll.

Liturgical and Theurgical Ceremony Mishaps

1d10 Roll Minor Mishap Major Mishap Catastrophic Mishap

You accidentally open a gate to the outer You accidentally open a gate to the You accidentally open a gate to the
spheres. An invisible stalker appears outer spheres. 1d4 invisible stalkers outer spheres. 2d4 invisible stalkers
1 adjacent to you and attacks. If not appear adjacent to you and attack. If appear adjacent to you and attack. If
destroyed, the stalker returns to its sphere not destroyed, the stalkers return to their not destroyed, the stalkers return to their
after 10 rounds. sphere after 8 hours. sphere after 1 month.
Your spell signature acquires an annoying Your spell signature acquires a deleterious Your spell signature acquires a
2 side effect. Roll 1d10 on the spell side effect. Roll 1d10+5 on the spell debilitating side effect. Roll 1d10+10
signature sub-table. Only a wish or signature sub-table. Only a wish or on the spell signature sub-table. Only a
miracle can remove the side effect. miracle can remove the side effect. wish or miracle can remove the side
The failure of your ceremony gives you Your failure teaches you unthinkable The unspeakable horror you witness drives
a nervous breakdown. You go insane for 1 truths. You go insane for 1 week per level you permanently insane. Only a miracle
day per level of the ceremony. of the ceremony. or wish can cure you.
While performing the ceremony, you While performing the ceremony, you gaze While performing the ceremony, you
4 glimpse the Logos, the words of creation. at the Logos. You must save v. Spells at look directly upon the Logos. You are
You must save v. Spells or become -4 or become feebleminded. A dispel feebleminded with no saving throw.
feebleminded. A dispel magic from a 9th magic from a 12th + level caster can Only a wish or miracle can remove the
+ level caster can remove the effect. remove the effect. effect.
The ceremony leaves you somehow The ceremony leaves you greatly The ceremony leaves you massively
5 altered. Roll 1d10 on the magical changed. Roll 2d10 on the magical warped and changed. Roll 1d10+10 on
mutation sub-table. Only a wish or miracle mutations sub-table. Only a wish or the magical mutations sub-table. Only a
can remove the mutation. miracle can remove the mutation. wish or miracle can remove the mutation.
You are lost in time and space. A wish You are lost deep in time and space. You are consigned to oblivion, trapped
6 or miracle can bring you back A wish or miracle can bring you back forever in some unknown sphere of
immediately; otherwise you will immediately; otherwise, you will reappear existence, or transported to a distant time
reappear in 1d10 months. in 1d10 years. and place. You have a cumulative 1%
chance per 100 years of reappearing.
Otherwise, only a wish or miracle can
bring you back.
The ceremony slightly disrupts your The ceremony significantly disrupts your The ceremony completely disrupts your
connection to magic. You lose 1 random connection to magic. You lose 1d4+1 connection to magic. You lose your entire
7 ceremony from your repertoire. You can random ceremonies from your repertoire. ceremonial repertoire. You can regain the
regain the lost ceremonies at a cost of You can regain the lost ceremonies at a lost ceremonies at a cost of 1 week of
Chapter 6 Magical Theory and Practice
1 week of game time and 1,000gp per cost of 1 week of game time and 1,000gp game time and 1,000gp per spell level.
ceremony level. per ceremony level.
An accident destroys your ceremonial An explosion destroys your ceremonial A conflagration destroys your ceremonial
8 implements. You and all characters implements. You and all characters implements. You and all characters
within 5’ must save v. Blast or take 2d6 within 10’ must save v. Blast or take 4d6 within 20’ Blast or take 8d6 damage from
damage from the accident. damage from the explosion. the conflagration.
Few can relate to what you have The things you’ve learned can No one can understand your genius. No
9 hardly be shared with lesser minds.
learned. You permanently lose 1 point one! You permanently lose 1d4+1 points
of Charisma. You of Charisma.
permanently lose 1d3 points of Charisma.
Wild magic begins coursing through A blast of wild magic discharges into you. A massive blast of wild magic
10 You die instantly unless you save v.
your body. You die in 1 turn unless you disintegrates you unless you save
save v. Death. Death. v. Death.

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