Silva, E. Ugarte, R. Andrarde, A. Edwards, A. M. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B 1994, 23, 43.

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J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol.

, 23 (1994) 43-48 43

Riboflavin-sensitized photoprocesses of tryptophan

E. Silva+, R. Ugarte, A. Andrade and A.M. Edwards

Facultad de Quimica, Pontificia Univemidad Catblica de Chile, Casilla 306, Santiago 22 (536) (Chile)

(Received August 24, 1993; accepted December 13, 1993)


The photodegradation of tryptophan in oxygen saturated aqueous solution sensitized by riboflavin is accompanied
by the generation of the following reactive oxygen species: ‘Ou OH; H,O, and O;-. When parallel photodegradation
experiments are run with “C-riboflavin in one case and “C-tryptophan in the other and the irradiation products
are separated by Sephadex G-15 and C,,-HPLC, the generation of the following species is detected: aggregate
forms of riboflavin, indolic products associated to flavins, indolic products of molecular weight higher than
tryptophan, formylkynurenine, and other tryptophan photodecomposition products. The significance of the riboflavin
anion radical and tryptophan cation radical as intermediates in the photoproduct formation is discussed.

Key wordr: Reactive oxygen species; Photoproducts; Riboflavin; Tryptophan; Tryptophanyl radical; Flavin

1. Introduction onstrated that irradiation of lysozyme with visible

light in the presence of riboflavin and molecular
Tryptophan (Trp), an essential amino acid, and oxygen not only produces the photo-oxidation of
riboflavin (Rb), a vitamin, are natural constituents some amino acid residues of that enzyme, but also
of living organisms and are ingested by humans generates a binding of this sensitizer to Trp residues
in food. At the same time, however, the exposure of this protein [S, 61. It was possible to isolate
of these substances to visible light has been related and characterize spectrophotometrically at least
to hepatic dysfunction produced by parenteral two types of photo-adducts (according to the degree
nutrition [l] and to toxic effects on mammalian of modification of the flavin) obtained by anaerobic
cells in culture medium [2]. An exceptional effi- irradiation of solutions of free tryptophan in the
ciency for the photo-oxidation of Trp was found presence of Rb [7]. It is noteworthy that the
when the vitamin Rb was used as sensitizer [3]. riboflavin-lysozyme and riboflavin-tryptophan
This process is characterized by quantum yields binding have also been obtained in the dark [8,
higher than those observed with other sensitizers 91. In this paper the products generated during
such as methylene blue or rose bengal which involve aerobic irradiation of solutions containing Rb and
a type II (‘O,-mediated) photo-oxidation mech- Trp are revised and subjected to further study.
anism. Yoshimura and Ohno [4] found that the
semiquinone anion radical of lumiflavin and the
half-oxidized radical of indole were formed by the
reaction between triplet lumiflavin and indole. The 2. Materials and methods
semiquinone anion radical of lumiflavin reacted
with oxygen to form superoxide. They also dem- Solutions of Rb (3.5X10m5 M) and Trp
onstrated that the quantum yield of the lumiflavin (3.5 x 10m4M) in 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0
sensitized photo-oxygenation of dilute indole via (Trp/Rb solution) were irradiated for 1 h in a 1
radical processes was much higher than that via cm light path cell thermostated at 37 “C. Oxygen
‘02 processes, though appreciable amounts of ‘02 saturation condition was reached by oxygen bub-
were formed via a type II process. We have dem- bling (dissolved oxygen concentration at 37 “C is
1 X 10e3 M). Light from a 150 W slide projector
‘Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. lamp, equipped with an interference filter, was

loll-1344/94/$07.00 Q 1994 Elsevier Sequoia. All rights reserved

SSDI 1011-1344(93)06984-B
44 E. Silva et al. / Riboflavin-sensitized photoprocesses of tryptophan

employed for irradiation at 450 nm. The energy

flow rate was 6.1 J mm2 set-‘. For radioactive
labeling, irradiations were carried out under similar
conditions, with previous addition of a D-[~-~~C]-
Rb (14C-Rb) solution or an L-[Methylene-‘4C]-Trp 06-
(14C-Trp) solution in order to obtain a molar ratio
14C-Rb:Rb = 1:4.9, or 14C-Trp:Trp = 1:284. Radio-
activity was determined in a Beckman LS 5000
g O.L-
TD liquid scintillation counter. Gel filtration was
carried out on a 1.8 cm x42 cm Sephadex G-15 x

column equilibrated with distilled water. i

High-performance liquid chromatography z

0.2 -
(HPLC) was carried out with a reverse phase p-
Bondapack Cl8 column. The mobile phase was a
5 mM ammonium acetate/methanol 75/25 (v/v)
solution. Results were registered and evaluated
with a Waters 746 data module. 300 LOO 500 600
Absorption spectra were recorded on a Varian Nm
Super Scan III spectrophotometer. Fluorescence Fig. 1. Absorption spectra of a solution of tryptophan and riboflavin
measurements were performed with a Perkin- both unirradiated and irradiated with monochromatic light
Elmer 650-10s fluorescence spectrometer. Oxygen (h =450 nm) during 15,30,45 and 60 min under oxygen saturation
uptake measurements were carried out using a at pH 7.0 in a 0.05 M, phosphate buffer. Inset: Effect on the
fluorescence of tryptophan when irradiated in the presence of
YSI Model 5300 oxygen monitor. riboflavin under the same conditions described above.
Sephadex G-15 was obtained from Pharmacia,
Rb from Sigma Chemical Company and 14C-Rb to H,O, together with the quenching effect of
and 14C-Trp from Amersham International. All w-, indicates the participation of ‘02 in Trp photo-
other reagents were of analytical grade. oxidation, while the decrease in the yield in the
presence of Fe(CN),3- suggests a role of electron
transfer processes.
The protective effect of benzoate points to par-
ticipation of OH and the lack of an effect of
3. Results catalase allows one to exclude H202 as a factor
in the photo-oxidation.
Figure 1 shows the alteration in the absorption The presence of O,- was indirectly demon-
spectra produced during irradiation of a Trp/Rb strated by the higher quantum yield detected after
solution under oxygen saturation. An increase is irradiation in the presence of SOD, which catalyzes
observed of absorption in the region 31w40 nm, the transformation of OZ.- to H202. This effect
which corresponds to the formation of products was not observed when catalase and SOD were
during the photo-oxidation of Trp. The moditi- simultaneously added to the system.
The irradiated sample was applied to a Sephadex
cation of Trp was quantified by means of the
G-15 column. Figure 2 shows the elution pattern
fluorescent characteristics of this amino acid. To of Rb (I) and of the Trp/Rb solution (II), both
measure fluorescence, the sample was submitted irradiated for 60 min with monochromatic light
to a 50-fold dilution, in order to preclude the (450 mn) under oxygen saturation. The irradiated
filter effect due to the riboflavin present in the Rb underwent a slight modification, characterized
medium, which can interfere both with the ex- by the presence of a new flavinic fraction which
citation of Trp (A,= 280 nm) and with its flu- elutes at a shorter retention time. This peak may
orescent emission A,, = 355 nm). Figure 1 (inset) be assigned to an aggregate form of Rb [lo].
shows the variation of Trp emission during the Six fractions are observed in the elution pattern
photo-oxidation process. All these events are ac- II, corresponding to the Trp/Rb solution irradiated
companied by oxygen uptake. With the aim to for 60 min; two of them correspond to unreacted
determine the oxygen reactive species which par- Trp and Rb (e and d respectively). This fact was
ticipate in the photoinduced events, different scav- confirmed by their spectral properties and their
engers and quenchers were added to the system. retention times on an HPLC Cl8 column.
Results are summarized in Table 1. Thus, the To determine the origin - flavinic and/or indolic
increased photoconversion of Trp in D,O relative - of the remaining fractions, Trp and Rb were
E. Silva et al. / Riboflavin-sensitized photoprocesses of tryptophan 45

TABLE 1. Effect of various agents upon the quantum yields of the photoprocesses of tryptophan sensitized by riboflavin under
oxygen saturation

Compound added @ % Remarks

Control 0.029 100.0

NaNr (0.5 mM) 0.016 55.2 ‘Or quencher’
D2O 0.056 193.1 ‘02 enhancer
%Fe(CN), (0.1 mM) 0.014 48.3 Electron acceptor
Benzoate (5 mM) 0.021 72.4 Trap for ‘OH
Catalase (300 units) 0.029 100.0 H202 trap
Catalase (300 units denatured) 0.029 100.0
Superoxide dismutase (100 units) 0.033 113.8 O;- trap
Superoxide dismutase (100 units denatured) 0.029 100.0
Superoxide dismutasekatalase 0.029 100.0 H202 and 0; trap

‘Also ‘OH and R+ trap.


Fig. 2. Elution patterns on a Sephadex G-15 column (1.8 cm X 42 - 10000
cm) of solutions of: riboflavin (I) and ttyptophan and riboflavin
(II), irradiated under the same conditions described in Fig. 1. -t” 8ooo
g 6OW
irradiated in two parallel solutions containing 14C-
Rb and 14C-Trp respectively. In each case the
irradiated sample was applied to the G-15 Seph- 70 lb0
adex column. Figure 3(a) shows the elution pattern (b) mL
detected on the basis of the radioactivity initially Fig. 3. Elution patterns on a Sephadex G-15 column (1.8 cm X 42
localized in the 14C-Trp. The presence of radio- cm) of solutions of: riboflavin and “C-tryptophan (a), and tryp-
tophan and “C-riboflavin (b), irradiated under the same conditions
activity can be observed in several fractions of this
described in Fig. 1.
chromatogram, corresponding to peaks a, b, c, e,
and f (Fig. 2). Of these, peak e corresponds to to the fraction of higher molecular weight and
unreacted Trp. When 14C-Rb was used in the presents components of flavinic and indolic origin.
parallel experiment, the elution profile shown in From the analysis of this HPLC chromatogram,
Fig. 3(b) was obtained. In this figure, three fractions together with the localization of the radioactive
present radioactivity, corresponding to peaks a, b, label from either the indole or the flavin, we
and d of Fig. 2, where peak d corresponds to conclude the following. The diagram shows an
unreacted Rb. initial zone (I) formed by at least five signals which
Fractions from filtration in Sephadex G-15 were contains over 70% of the radioactivity from the
rechromatographed through the same column and, indolic component present in peak a from Fig. 3,
to achieve a better resolution of the products, and approximately 43% of the radioactivity of the
each peak was applied to a reverse phase HPLC flavinic component in that peak. Peak II shows a
Cl8 column (Fig. 4). Figure 4(a) shows the chro- 1:l indole:flavin molar ratio. Peak III corresponds
matogram obtained when applying fraction a from to a modified form of Rb, and peak IV is formed
Fig. 3 to the HPLC Cl8 column. Peak a corresponds by a compound of indolic origin.
46 E. Silva et al. I Riboflavin-sensitized photoprocesses of hyprophan



10 20
_ !k
(a) (b) (4 (4Time (min)
Fig. 4. a, b, c and d correspond to HPLC chromatograms of peaks a, b, c and f shown in Fig. 3. HPLC conditions are given in
Section 2.

Figure 4(b) shows the chromatogram obtained

when applying peak b from Fig. 3 to the HPLC
Cl8 column. Peak b corresponds to a fraction of
intermediate molecular weight with respect to
peaks a and c and higher than that of the reactants.
Peak b is mainly due to indolic components which
resolve into two fractions, the larger of which has
93% of the radioactivity of the indolic component
present in peak b (peak VI). The smaller fraction
shows radioactivity of flavinic origin, but whose
magnitude is significantly lower than that of indolic
origin (peak V).
Figure 4(c) shows the chromatogram obtained
when applying peak c of Fig. 3 to the HPLC Cl8
column. The main and major fraction was of indolic
origin (peak VII). Both the absorption and fluor-
escence emission spectra of this compound agree
!Ll IO

10 20 30
Time (min)
with those of the N-formylkynurenine, which is a Fig. 5. Chromatograms on a reverse phase Crs column of a
classical product of Trp photo-oxidation [ll]. solution of tryptophan and riboflavin both unirradiated (a) and
Figure 4(d) shows the chromatogram obtained irradiated (b) under the same conditions described in Fig. 1.
when applying peak f of Fig. 3 to the HPLC HPLC conditions are given in Section 2.
column. Peak f corresponds to a fraction of mo-
lecular weight somewhat lower than that of the
reactants and it resolves into three components have been insolubilized during the isolation pro-
which present only the indolic type radioactivity cesses. To obtain information on the nature of
(peaks VIII, IX and X). these compounds, two irradiations were performed
When the irradiated sample was applied directly in the presence of 14C-Trp and 14C-Rb, respectively,
to the HPLC column, the chromatogram shown and the irradiated samples were directly applied
in Fig. 5(b) was obtained. The last three peaks to the HPLC C,, column. The last three fractions
(arrows) do not appear in the chromatograms were collected and it was verified that they pos-
shown in Fig. 4. These fractions elute after Rb, sessed 14.3% and 15.5% of the total radioactive
indicating that they are more apolar and probably label from the r4C-Trp and r4C-Rb respectively.
E. Silva et al. / Rilmjlavin-sensitized photoprocesses of hyptophan 41

Labeling from the two reactants was simultaneously of the same figure. The presence of aggregate
found in all these fractions. forms of Rb found in peak III of Fig. 4 could be
explained by the action of light on this sensitizer
(20-221. Radical species of Rb may be obtained
4. Discussion from the charge transfer complex produced be-
tween triplet Rb and the amino acid (Scheme 1).
Scheme 1 also shows the presence of In&, which
The great number of different products obtained can lead to reaction products comprised of two
during the aerobic irradiation of a Trp solution or more Trp units. These processes can be rep-
in the presence of Rb led us to reconsider the resented as follows
mechanism of the photo-processes involved.
The photo-oxidation of indolic compounds in Ind’ + Ind’ -+ Ind-Ind (I)
the presence of Rb has been widely documented
[12-171. Yoshimura and Ohno [4] have shown Ind’+ IndH - Ind-IndH’ (2)
kinetically that Type I photoconversion of indole
sensitized by lumiflavin is more efficient than the The radical dimer shown in eqn. (2) could give
competing Type II process. They have also dem- rise to a trimer if it reacted with another Ind’, or
onstrated experimentally the presence of the half- else it could interact with other IndH molecules,
reduced radical of lumiflavin and the half-oxidized generating derivatives of higher molecular weight.
radical of indole. These reports are in accordance Humphries and Dryhurst [23] have reported the
with our results which show a drastic decrease of generation of 5-hydroxytryptophan dimers and tri-
the photoinduced events when K,Fe(CN), (a mers from radical species of this amino acid de-
known acceptor of electrons) was added to the rivative. In this study, the In& was obtained both
system. Accordingly, we postulated the transfer of electrochemically and by the action of a peroxidase.
one electron from the Trp indolic ring (IndH) to In opposition to dimerization reactions by radi-
Rb in its triplet state (Scheme 1). Although the cal-radical coupling processes, they proposed that
reduction potential of riboflavin is -0.3 V at pH a radical-substrate reaction occurs in which a non-
7.0 [18], the redox potential of the triplet flavin radical indole derivative is attacked by a radical
can be considered to be shifted to 1.7 V [4], which one (process (2)). This kind of process can account
is higher than the redox potential of IndI-P/IndH for the appearance of indolic products of higher
(1.5 V) [19]. molecular weight than Trp (peaks IV and VI, Fig.
The presence of both ‘OH and ‘02 (Table 1) 4). The indolic products associated to flavins (zone
accounts for the appearance of formylkynurenine I, peaks II and V of Fig. 4 and the last three
in peak VII of Fig. 4, and also probably for other peaks (arrows) of Fig. 5(b)) can be explained as
products of low molecular weight obtained from having originated from radical reactions, which
indole, which appear in peaks VIII, IX, and X would involve the reaction of an indolic radical
with the corresponding flavin radical
RbH’ + Ind’ + Products (Ind),’ + RbH - (Ind), _ ,-Ind-RbH (3)

IndH F Rb’- + IndH’+
where ‘n” can be equal to or greater than one.
The new products obtained in this work (eqns.

19 (l-3)) can be explained as a consequence of the

predominance of a Type I mechanism. Yoshimura
Rb + O,‘- and Ohno [23] have reported that triplet lumiflavin
is three times more reactive toward indole than
1 toward O2 and also that indole is two orders of
H202 magnitude more reactive toward triplet lumiflavin
than toward ‘OZ.
1 We conclude that the products obtained during
*OH m P Oxidation the aerobic irradiation of the Trp/Rb solution are:
(i) aggregate forms of Rb; (ii) indolic products
associated to flavins; (iii) indolic products of higher
Rb + ‘0, Inw ) Oxidation molecular weight than Trp; (iv) N-formylkynu-
products renine and other products of photodecomposition
Scheme 1. (IndH represents tryptophan) of Trp of lower molecular weight.
48 E. Silva et al. I Riboflavin-sensitized photoprocesses of tryptophan

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