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Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

Mini Review
Sunlight-activated insecticides: historical background and
mechanisms of phototoxic activity
Thameur Ben Amor, Giulio Jori
Department of Biology, University of Padova, Via U. Bassi 58B, Padova 35121, Italy

Received 21 January 2000; received in revised form 12 March 2000; accepted 14 March 2000


Several photosensitizing agents, which are activated by illumination with sunlight or artificial light sources, have been shown to
be accumulated in significant amounts by a variety of insects when they are administered in association with suitable baits. The
subsequent exposure of such insects to UV/visible light leads to a significant drop in survival. Of the photosensitizers tested so
far, xanthenes (e.g. phloxin B) and porphyrins (e.g. haematoporphyrin) appear to be endowed with the highest photoinsecticidal
activity. In particular, porphyrins absorb essentially all the UV/visible light wavelengths in the emission spectrum of the sun; hence
they are active at very low doses. Thus, 1 h irradiation of Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera oleae (also known as Dacus oleae) or
Stomoxys calcitrans which ingested a few nanomoles of porphyrin per fly with light intensities of the order of 1000 µE s⫺1 m⫺2
causes about 100% death in laboratory tests. Present evidence suggests that such photosensitizers act on the membranes of the
midgut with consequent feeding inhibition, as well as on the neuromuscular sheath. No apparent onset of photoresistance has been
observed. The rapid photobleaching of xanthenes and porphyrins when illuminated by visible light, as well as the lack of significant
toxicity of such compounds in the dark, minimizes the risk of an important environmental impact of such photoinsecticidal agents.
 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1996). In addition, furocoumarines, upon photoexcit-

ation, can generate various types of addition products
The use of photochemical processes as a tool to con- with DNA bases, which often results in genotoxic effects
trol the population of several types of insects has been (Jori, 1985).
repeatedly examined in both laboratory experiments More recently, Rebeiz and co-workers proposed the
(Heitz, 1987; Rebeiz et al., 1991) and field studies use of porphyrins as photoinsecticides (Rebeiz et al.,
(Pimprikar et al., 1980a; Lenke et al., 1987). Most inves- 1987). In particular, these authors tested protoporphyrin
tigations have been performed by using photoactivatable IX and its Zn(II) derivative, which appear to be
polycyclic aromatic dyes that absorb near-UV light especially promising photoinsecticidal agents since these
wavelengths, including thiophenes, furocoumarines and compounds absorb essentially all the UV–visible wave-
quinones (Robinson, 1983; Cunat et al., 1999). The use lengths, that is to say these molecules can be efficiently
of xanthene derivatives such as eosin and its analogues excited by natural sunlight. Along the same line, we
absorbing selected light intervals in the visible spectral recently demonstrated that haematoporphyrin is an
range has also been proposed (Yoho et al., 1971; efficient phototoxin to several insects (Ben Amor et al.,
Fondren and Heitz, 1978a; Heitz, 1997a). All of these 1998a). Subsequently, we extended our investigations to
dyes require the presence of molecular oxygen to express some meso-substituted porphyrins (Ben Amor et al.,
their phototoxic action; hence the overall photoinsectici- 1998b) in order to identify possible relationships
dal process appears to be of the photodynamic type (Jori, between the chemical structure and the photoinsecticidal
activity of this class of compounds. Ceratitis capitata, a
Mediterranean fruit fly, was selected as an experi-
* Corresponding author. Tel.:+39-049-8276333; fax: +39-049- mental model.
8276344. The present contribution is aimed at describing the
E-mail address: (G. Jori). historical background and the present state of the art for

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916 T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

the use of photoactivatable insecticides, as well as dis- The possibility of using photoactivatable compounds
cussing the limitations, scope and potential of this novel for controlling the pest population was first explored by
technique. The interest in this topic is enhanced by safety Barbieri (1928) who used a combination of xanthene
and environmental considerations. The use of sunlight derivatives, including fluorescein, erythrosine and rose
as the promoter of the phototoxic activity is in line with bengal, against Anopheles and Aedes larvae. Barbieri
the growing trend to utilize and validate natural showed that light or photosensitizer alone had no detect-
resources. Moreover, a careful selection of the chemical able toxic effects on insects.
structure of the photosensitizing dye can modulate the This research line underwent no further developments
nature of the subcellular photodamaged sites, which is until the early 1950s when Barbieri’s experiments on the
quite important for optimizing the efficiency of the cyto- photosensitized killing of insects were repeated by
cidal effects and minimizing the risk of selecting photor- Schildmacher (1950), who concluded that the chemical
esistant insect species. structure of the xanthene dyes exerts a profound influ-
The photoinsecticides represent a possible alternative ence on the degree of phototoxicity. Thus, the highest
to traditional chemical insecticides. The latter com- photoinsecticidal activity is displayed by rose bengal fol-
pounds are known to cause several important problems, lowed by eosin, erythrosine and fluorescein. The poten-
including widespread toxicity to plants and animals and tial of xanthenes as promoters of lethal effects on insects
in particular to humans, as well as the prolonged persist- exposed to sunlight was explored in detail by Heitz and
ence in the environment which may cause severe pol- co-workers (Heitz, 1987; Heitz, 1997a), who investi-
lution. As we will discuss in the present review, at least
gated the role of various experimental parameters on the
some of these issues can be adequately addressed by the
photoinsecticidal efficacy of this class of compounds. Of
use of photodynamic insecticides.
particular interest were the field studies based on several
combinations of bait and xanthene dyes (Carpenter et al.,
1981; Sakurai and Heitz, 1982). Xanthenes undergo
2. Historical background
rapid photodegradation in aqueous media by analogy
The first scientific documentation that sunlight can be with the well-known tendency to photobleach which is
toxic to biological systems was provided by Marcacci in typical of many polycyclic aromatics when exposed to
the late nineteenth century (Marcacci, 1888). This author non-ionizing radiation (Spikes, 1992). This topic was the
reported that the fermentation of plant alkaloids and subject of intense discussions at a recent congress of the
amphibian eggs becomes more important under American Society of Photobiology (Heitz, 1997b).
UV/visible light than in the dark. Shortly thereafter, At the same time, independent investigations perfor-
Raab (1900) observed that the presence of some exogen- med by various laboratories demonstrated that near-UV-
ously added visible light-absorbing compounds, such as or visible light-absorbing dyes belonging to different cat-
acridine orange, was necessary for sunlight to promote egories of organic compounds can develop a phototoxic
the death of paramecia. Acridine orange and other dyes effect towards a variety of insects (Robinson, 1983). It
with similar properties were defined as photosensitizers. seems reasonable to propose that any photodynamically
Raab’s observations were repeated with a variety of active drug, which can be combined with a suitable bait
multi- and unicellular organisms (Spikes, 1985). Finally, to facilitate its uptake by the target insect and avoid its
Jodlbauer and Von Tappainer (1904) demonstrated that uptake by useful non-target insects, has the potential for
the presence of oxygen is an essential requisite for pho- acting as an insecticide. In fact, UV/visible light can
tosensitization to occur. The combined effect of the three penetrate to a depth of about 1 cm in most biological
elements, namely light, photosensitizer and oxygen, has tissues; as the extent of penetration is wavelength depen-
been termed photodynamic action (Blum, 1941). dent (Svaasand et al., 1990), it is possible to modulate
While most organisms have developed specific protec- the volume of the photoinduced tissue damage by sel-
tion or repair mechanisms to counteract the damaging ecting a photosensitizing agent with specific absorption
action of light, several attempts have been made to con- properties. In this connection, porphyrin-based photoin-
trol the photoprocesses involving specific biological sys- secticides which have been recently developed (Rebeiz,
tems with the aim to obtain beneficial effects. Thus, pho- 1992; Ben Amor et al., 1998a) are particularly interest-
totherapeutic techniques have been developed by taking ing since they exhibit a multiplicity of absorption bands
advantage of the property of some photosensitizing throughout the UV/visible spectrum; hence they can be
agents to be accumulated in significant amounts by dis- efficiently activated by either white light or selected
eased tissues, such as tumours, atheromas or psoriatic wavelength ranges depending on the desired extent of
plaques (Brown, 1997). At the same time, the photosen- photodamage.
sitized inactivation of yeasts and bacteria is used for the
decontamination of microbially polluted waters by sun-
light (Merchat et al., 1996).
T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925 917

3. Mechanisms of photodynamic sensitization generate electrophilic species, hence the most photosen-
sitive targets are represented by electron-rich biomolec-
Upon absorption of UV or visible photons, a photo- ules (Vilensky and Feitelson, 1999).
sensitizer can be promoted to a variety of electronically Table 1 shows that of the naturally occurring amino
excited states. However, the efficiency of the photosensi- acids only those which possess aromatic or sulphur-con-
tizing action is generally dependent on the photophysical taining side chains are readily photooxidized. Other rap-
properties of the lowest excited triplet state (3Sens), idly attacked moieties include carbon–carbon double
which is reached via intersystem crossing from the bonds of unsaturated lipids and steroids, as well as the
initially formed excited singlet state (1Sens). The 3Sens heterocyclic ring of guanosine nucleotides. At a cellular
species is most often characterized by a lifetime in the level the photosensitizing action is characterized by an
microsecond to millisecond range, hence it can play a additional selectivity, since the overall photoprocess is
major role in diffusion-controlled processes (Carmichael generally confined to the microenvironment of the pho-
and Huh, 1986). Several deactivation pathways are poss- tosensitizer owing to the tendency of the photogenerated
ible for 3Sens; those which are of utmost importance intermediates to react with a large variety of targets
from a photobiological point of view can be schematized (Moan et al., 1995). Thus, it appears essential to control
as follows. the subcellular distribution of the photosensitizing agent.
1. Electron transfer to or from a substrate with suitable In this connection, a critical role is performed by the
redox properties, e.g. chemical structure of the photosensitizer, and in parti-
cular by its degree of hydrophobicity (Jori and Reddi,
1993). This parameter is usually measured by the par-
This pathway, defined as a type I mechanism (Jori and tition coefficient between n-octanol and water. Thus,
Reddi, 1991), leads to the generation of radical inter- moderately or highly lipophilic dyes (partition coef-
mediates, which in turn can undergo further reactions ficient ⬎8–10) become preferentially associated with the
with other substrates, solvent molecules, or oxygen. The cell membranes; at short incubation times the plasma
latter process results in the formation of oxidized pro- membrane represents the main binding site, while at
ducts. A particular case occurs when oxygen acts as an longer times significant photosensitizer concentrations
electron acceptor: are recovered from other subcellular membranes includ-
ing the mitochondrial and lysosomal membranes, the
Golgi apparatus and the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
The superoxide anion has a relatively low level of reac- For in vivo administration, amphiphilic photosensitizers
tivity. However, under certain experimental conditions, (which are sufficiently water-soluble, yet are charac-
it can be converted to very reactive and cytotoxic spec- terized by the presence of a hydrophobic matrix facilitat-
ies, such as the hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide ing the crossing of the lipid domains of cell membranes)
(Bensasson et al., 1983). proved to be particularly useful. Hydrophilic photosensi-
2. Energy transfer to any substrate whose triplet state tizers show a more complex pattern; although such com-
energy lies at a lower level compared with the photosen- pounds, especially if electrically charged, undergo ionic
sitizer triplet state; this pathway is defined as a type II interactions with charged groups at the cell surface, the
mechanism (Jori and Reddi, 1991): possibility exists of their internalization by both active
3 or passive diffusion processes. Thus, cationic photosen-
sitizers are often localized in mitochondria, while anionic
Most components of cells and tissues are not suitable dyes (e.g. carboxylated derivatives) are accumulated at
acceptors of electronic energy from 3Sens, since their the lysosomal level (Spikes, 1994; Jori, 1996). Lastly,
triplet states are too energetic. One notable exception is some photosensitizers, such as furocoumarins, can reach
represented by oxygen; this ubiquitous component of the cell nuclei and bind to the DNA bases (Armitage,
biological systems can be readily promoted to its excited 1998). The subcellular localization of a photosensitizer
singlet state, whose energy level lies at only 22.5 kcal determines the efficiency, as well as the mechanism of
above the triplet ground state and which is endowed with photoinduced cell inactivation; in particular, it controls
a high cytotoxicity: the relative weight of apoptotic and random necrotic
pathways which are eventually responsible for cell death
(He et al., 1994)
The high reactivity of 1O2 is partly due to its long life-
time (3–4 µs in aqueous media, several tens of microse-
conds in lipid environments) which allows this species 4. Main classes of photoactivatable insecticides
to diffuse over relatively long distances before being
deactivated (Wasserman and Murray, 1989). Several photodynamic sensitizers have been shown to
Both type I and type II photosensitization mechanisms act as efficient photoinsecticidal agents upon activation
918 T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

Table 1
Main biological targets of photosensitized processes

Cell constituent Target Modified chromophore Main photoproducts

Protein Tryptophan Indole Hydroxyindoles, kynurenine

Tyrosine Phenol Quinones, melanin-type pigments
Histidine Imidazole Endoperoxide
Methionine Thioether Methionine sulphoxide
Cysteine Thiol Cystine, cysteic acid
Unsaturated lipids Oleic, linoleic, linolenic, Carbon–carbon double bond Allylic hydroperoxides,
arachidonic acids endoperoxides
Steroids Cholesterol Carbon–carbon double bond 5α- or 7α-hydroperoxide
Nucleic acids Guanosine Purine Ketone-type degradation products

with either natural or artificial UV or visible light wave-

lengths. A list of the main classes of photoinsecticides
is given in Table 2. Undoubtedly, xanthene dyes have
been most frequently and extensively studied largely due
to the systematic investigations carried out by Heitz and
co-workers (Heitz, 1987; Heitz, 1997a). Eventually,
phloxin B, a polyhalogenated fluorescein (spiro-
bromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-3⬘,6⬘-dihydroxy disodium
salt) has been developed for commercial use as a pestic-
ide (Dowell et al., 1997; Heitz, 1997a). While fluor-
escein can be considered as the parent compound of this
class of photosensitizers, several derivatives can be syn-
thetically prepared by the insertion of up to eight halogen
atoms into selected positions of the aromatic macrocycle
(Fig. 1A). All the xanthenes exhibit intense absorption
bands in the green region of the visible spectrum; the
maximal absorbance falls in the 480–550 nm interval,
while the exact position of the peak shifts to the red as
the number of the halogen substituents and their atomic
weight increase. These parameters also affect the photo- Fig. 1. Schematic chemical structure of (A) xanthene dyes and (B)
porphyrin dyes.
dynamic efficiency of xanthenes, since the presence of
heavy bromine or iodine atoms enhances the yield of

Table 2
Selected examples of photodynamic sensitizers which have been used as photoinsecticidal agents

Class Typical examples Targets References

Xanthenes Rose bengal House fly, Aedes larvae Carpenter et al. (1984)
Erythrosin B House fly, face fly Fairbrother et al. (1981)
Phloxin B Culex mosquito larvae Fondren et al. (1979)
Rhodamin 6G Fire ant, House fly Fondren and Heitz (1978b)
Heitz (1987)
Phenothiazines Methylene blue Yellow mealworms Lavialle and Dumortier (1978)
Cabbage butterfly
Furanocoumarins Xanthotoxin Black swallowtail larvae Cunat et al. (1999)
Angelicin Swallowtail butterfly Robinson (1983)
Thiophenes α-Terthienyl Aedes mosquito, Blackfly larvae Guillet et al. (2000)
Acridines Acridine red Acridine looper Robinson (1983)
Various Hypericin Fruit fly Armitage (1998)
Cercosporin Aedes mosquito larvae Bosca and Miranda (1998)
Benzopyrene Black fly larvae Cunat et al. (1999)
T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925 919

intersystem crossing to the reactive triplet state of the ers. However, the photodamaged area can become quite
dye (Jori and Reddi, 1991). Thus, other conditions being extensive since these compounds, once electronically
the same, the greatest photosensitizing activity is dis- excited, can promote radical processes which signifi-
played by tetraiodo xanthene derivatives, such as rose cantly amplify the initial damage through the induction
bengal and erythrosin B. As shown in Fig. 2, both these of chain reactions. Furocoumarines may also intercalate
dyes are significantly more efficient than their tetra- among DNA bases with the formation of covalent pho-
bromo analogue (eosin yellow) in photosensitizing the toadducts and the consequent inhibition of cell repli-
killing of Musca domestica. cation (Armitage, 1998).
In general, xanthenes exert their phototoxic effects Lastly, phenothiazines (Boyle and Dolphin, 1996) and
through the generation of reactive oxygen species hypericin (Bosca and Miranda, 1998) are characterized
(largely, singlet oxygen). However, one cannot rule out by relatively intense absorption bands in the orange–red
the parallel occurrence of radical-involving processes spectral region. Both these classes of photosensitizers
owing to the well-known photolability of covalent bonds therefore allow the direct damage of tissue compart-
between halogens and aromatic rings (Spikes and Mack- ments located at depths of several millimetres below the
night, 1970). Xanthenes are typically localized in cell surface where light initially impinges. Moreover, several
membranes, so that at a molecular level xanthenes constituents of these classes produce the highly reactive
mostly photosensitize the cross-linking of membrane singlet oxygen with a quantum yield greater than 0.6;
proteins and the formation of hydroperoxides from hence, the overall photodamage is most often confined
unsaturated lipids, thereby markedly increasing the within the microenvironment of the photosensitizer. This
osmotic fragility of cells (Pooler and Valenzeno, 1979). makes it important to control the biodistribution of such
Very similar considerations are found for acridines, photosensitizers as closely as possible.
which efficiently absorb light wavelengths around 550
nm and largely act via the generation of activated oxygen
species (Rossi et al., 1981). One important difference 5. Porphyric photoinsecticides
is represented by the tendency of acridines to yield a
heterogeneous subcellular distribution pattern, involving In recent years, increasing attention has been focused
both the partitioning in specific organelles such as lyso- on the photosensitizing properties of porphyrins (Fig.
somes and the interaction with the phosphate groups in 1B) and their analogues, such as chlorins and phthalocy-
double-stranded DNA (Briviba et al., 1997), which anines (Jori and Spikes, 1983). Porphyrins are natural
enhances the possibility of photosensitized damage to compounds or close derivatives of such compounds,
the genetic material. hence they are usually devoid of any appreciable intrin-
Both furocoumarines and thiophenes preferentially sic cytotoxicity in the absence of irradiation. Further-
absorb near-UV light, which has a low penetration more, porphyrins are characterized by specific features
power into most biological tissues (Anderson and Parr- which make them especially useful photosensitizers of
ish, 1992). Thus, these photosensitizing agents promote biological systems:
the damage mainly at the level of superficial tissue lay-
1. The ability to absorb essentially all the wavelengths
of the solar spectrum in the UV and visible range.
In particular, porphyrins exhibit an intense absorption
band (the Soret band) in the blue spectral region,
which represents the most intense component of the
sun’s emission around midday (Svaasand et al.,
1990). On the other hand, the red absorption bands
of porphyrins are useful at dawn and sunset, when
wavelengths greater than 600 nm represent an
important component of sunlight.
2. Several porphyrins yield long-lived triplet states with
a high quantum yield (⬎0.7) and therefore are quite
efficient photosensitizers. As a rule, the triplet state of
porphyrins is efficiently quenched by oxygen. Hence
porphyrins typically cause cell inactivation through
the generation of singlet oxygen (type II pathway),
Fig. 2. Effect of different xanthene dyes on the percent survival of even though radical transfer processes may also be
Musca domestica, upon exposure to sunlight after 12 h free access to
a bait with 0.125% photosensitizer concentration. Eosin yellow (×); involved (Ricchelli et al., 1993). This circumstance
rose bengal (䊏); erythrosin B (쐌). Adapted from Fondren et al. enhances the scope and potential of porphyrins as
(1978, 1979). photosensitizers, since they also express a high pho-
920 T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

toactivity in biological systems which are charac- back mechanism inhibits the final step of the biosyn-
terized by a low oxygen pressure. thetic pathway, namely the ferrochelatase-catalysed
3. The chemical structure of porphyrins can be modified insertion of the Fe2+ ion into the tetrapyrrolic macrocy-
at different levels, including (i) the substituents pro- cle. This leads to the accumulation of significant
truding from the peripheral positions of the pyrrole amounts of protoporphyrin IX, a well-known photodyn-
rings or the meso-carbon atoms, (ii) the metal ions amic agent. As a consequence, the protoporphyrin-
possibly coordinated at the center of the tetrapyrrolic loaded cells become photosensitive, especially at the
macrocycle, and (iii) the ligands axial to the metal level of mitochondria which represent the normal site of
ion. In this way, it is possible to modulate the phys- heme biosynthesis. In general, the photosensitivity
ico-chemical properties of the porphyrin molecules develops after a time interval of 3–4 h from the exposure
and control their partitioning among subcellular com- of the insect to ALA. The extent of the protoporphyrin
partments. accumulation can be enhanced by the presence of iron
4. Hydrophobic porphyrins are localized at the level of chelating agents such as desferroxamine or phenanthro-
the cell membranes including the plasma, mitochon- line (Rebeiz et al., 1990a).
drial and lysosomal membranes (Ricchelli and Jori, A second strategy is based on the direct administration
1986). As a consequence, the genetic material is not of a photodynamically active porphyrin in combination
involved in the photoprocesses leading to cell death. with a bait. Typically, 1 h exposure of the insects to
All the available evidence indicates that porphyrin haematoporphyrin concentrations of the order of a
photosensitization of cells does not promote the onset microgram per ml of bait are sufficient to obtain a 90–
of mutagenic effects, thereby minimizing the risk of 100% decrease in the survival of widely diffused and
selecting photoresistant cell clones (Bonnett and extremely noxious flies, such as Ceratitis capitata (fruit
Berenbaum, 1989). fly), Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae (olive fly) and Stomoxys
5. The extraction and isolation of porphyrins from natu- calcitrans (stable fly) (Ben Amor et al. 1998a, 2000).
ral products, and their synthetic preparation (often by The kinetics of post-irradiation fly death after 1 h
modification of natural porphyrins), are relatively irradiation with light intensities corresponding to an
simple procedures (Ricchelli et al., 1995). Hence, the early Autumn day at Mediterranean latitudes is shown
overall commercial cost of porphyrins can be fairly in Fig. 3. In general, the photosensitivity of porphyrin-
low, of the order of 1–2 US$/g, which is a critical loaded insects persists for about 48 h after the adminis-
factor for large-scale field utilization of porphyric tration of the photosensitizer has been interrupted.
insecticides. It is to be underlined that the uptake of The chemical structure (Fig. 4) also has a profound
nanomoles of porphyrin is sufficient to cause a rapid influence on the photoinsecticidal activity of porphyrins.
mortality of several types of flies even under moder- As shown in Fig. 5, highly water-soluble porphyrins,
ate intensities of sunlight (Ben Amor et al., 2000). such as tetracationic meso-substituted-N-methylpyridyl
6. Porphyrins undergo fast photobleaching in sunlight as porphine or tetraanionic meso-sulphonatophenyl por-
well as when exposed to artificial visible light sources phine, are very inefficient photoinsecticidal agents (Ben
(Rotomskis et al., 1997). The photodegradation pro-
ducts do not appear to induce any appreciable toxic
or phototoxic effects in a variety of biological sys-
tems. Thus, the rapid disappearance of porphyrins
from the environment strongly reduces the risk of
widespread or persistent contamination.
7. Several porphyrins are presently used as photothera-
peutic agents; toxicological studies have shown that
these dyes induce important damage to humans only
upon uptake of at least 100 mg/kg body weight, that
is far greater than the amount which is required for
generating an extensive toxicity to insects (Jori and
Reddi, 1991).

Two approaches have been devised for defining the

scope and potential of porphyric insecticides. One
approach involves the administration of a large excess Fig. 3. Percent survival of three diptera, Ceratitis capitata (쐌), Bac-
(some hundred milligrams) of 5- amino-levulinic acid trocera (Dacus) oleae (×) and Stomoxys calcitrans (䊏), after 1 h
irradiation with white light at a fluence rate of 1220 µE s⫺1 m⫺2. The
(ALA), which is a metabolic precursor of heme, the flies had been exposed to a bait containing 8 µM haematoporphyrin.
prosthetic groups of hemoproteins (Rebeiz et al., 1988; Some mortality of the flies was observed already during the exposure
Rebeiz et al., 1990b). The excess ALA through a feed- to light (Ben Amor et al. 1998a, 2000).
T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925 921

Amor et al., 1998b). Such inertness must be related to

the anatomical distribution of these porphyrins, since
both of them are accumulated in markedly large amounts
by the flies; moreover, the two porphyrins are efficient
generators of singlet oxygen and exhibit phototoxicity
towards a variety of biological systems both in vitro and
in vivo (Spikes, 1994). As has been observed for other
classes of photosensitizers, the photoactivity of porphy-
rins increases with hydrophobicity and is particularly
large in the case of amphiphilic derivatives, such as the
meso-cis-diphenyl, meso-cis-di-N-methylpyridyl-
porphine (Fig. 5); the latter is more phototoxic than the
tricationic analogue or the dianionic hematoporphyrin
even in the presence of a smaller uptake of the dicationic
porphyrin by the insects (Ben Amor et al., 1998b).

6. Factors affecting the photoinsecticidal activity

The efficiency of photodynamic sensitizers as insecti-

cidal agents is affected by a variety of experimental para-
meters. Two obvious factors controlling the photosensi-
tivity of insects are represented by the photosensitizer
dose and average light intensity. Typical examples of the
interplay between these two factors are shown in Fig. 6
for the action of a xanthene dye (eosin yellow) on the
house fly (Musca domestica, Fondren and Heitz, 1978b;
Carpenter and Heitz, 1980) and in Fig. 7 for the action
of a porphyrin dye (haematoporphyrin) on the fruit fly
(Ceratitis capitata, Ben Amor et al., 1998a). In both
Fig. 4. Chemical structures of meso-substituted porphyrins: TMP, cases the photoinsecticidal effect steadily increased with
meso-tetra(4N-methylpyridyl)porphine tetratosylate; DDP, meso-[di- increasing dose of photosensitizing agent in the bait and
cis(4N-methylpyridyl)] cis-diphenylporphine ditosylate; TRP, meso- no saturation effect was detected at the highest photosen-
tri(4N-methylpyridyl), monophenylporphine tritosylate; TCPP, meso- sitizer concentration examined by the investigators.
tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphine tetrasodium salt. The counterions are
Analogously, the rate and extent of the photosensitized
not indicated in the structures.
killing of insects appeared to increase with prolongation
of exposure to light, as well as with an increase in the

Fig. 5. Percent survival of Ceratitis capitata after 1 h exposure to Fig. 6. Effect of the concentration of Eosin Yellow on the percent
white light at a fluence rate of 1220 µE s⫺1 m⫺2 in the presence of survival of Musca domestica irradiated with natural and artificial light
3.0 µM TCPP (왔), TRP (쐌), DDP (왖) and haematoporphyrin (HP) for different time intervals. The fluence rate of the artificial light was
(䊏) (Ben Amor et al., 1998b). 4300 foot candles. Data from Carpenter and Heitz (1980).
922 T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

appeared to be little advantage in prolonging the “dark”

exposure of the photosensitizer beyond 24 h. Most
importantly, we observed that (at least in the case of
porphyrins) the insects display a significant photosensi-
tivity for about 48 h after having taken up the dye (Ben
Amor et al., 1998a,b).
A few experiments suggest that the pH of the formu-
lation in which the photosensitizer is offered to the
insects may play an important role. Thus the free acid
forms of xanthene dyes were found to be about tenfold
more effective as photosensitizers than the correspond-
ing salt derivatives against both Aedes (Pimprikar and
Heitz, 1984) and Culex (Carpenter et al., 1984; Respicio
et al., 1985) mosquito larvae. Since the carboxylic func-
tional groups of xanthenes have pK values around 5–5.5,
Fig. 7. Percent survival of Ceratitis capitata upon exposure to white
light at a fluence rate of 1220 µE s⫺1 m⫺2 in the presence of 8 µM one can infer that a slightly acidic dietary preparation of
haematoporphyrin: irradiated control (䊊); 60 min exposure (䊏); 90 the photosensitizing agents should be preferred.
min exposure (쐌); 120 min exposure (왖). Data from Ben Amor et Lastly, some attempts have been made to protect
al. (1998a). insects against photodynamic action, a typical oxidative
process, by the administration of antioxidizing agents,
light intensity. Such conclusions are likely to be of gen- such as carotenes, tocopherol and ascorbic acid
eral validity since essentially identical results were (Robinson and Beatson, 1985; Heitz, 1987). In all cases,
obtained with other photosensitizers, including rhoda- no appreciable protection was obtained, even though
mines (Respicio and Heitz, 1981), rose bengal (Fondren these compounds are powerful inhibitors of photooxid-
and Heitz, 1978a; Carpenter and Heitz, 1980) and meth- ative reactions in vitro (Jori, 1996). The lack of photop-
ylene blue (Lavialle and Dumortier, 1978). These effects rotection in the insects could reflect either a rapid meta-
have been interpreted as suggestive of an intrinsic bolization of the antioxidants or a different
capacity of the insect to repair the photodamage; such biodistribution as compared with the photosensitizing
capacity would be more efficiently overcome as the light agents.
intensity is enhanced (Fondren et al., 1978; Ben Amor
et al., 1998a,b).
It is interesting to note that several insects are insensi- 7. Mechanisms of the insecticidal action performed
tive to even high light intensities in the absence of the by photodynamic sensitizers
photosensitizer (see Ben Amor et al., 1998a and Fig. 7).
On the other hand, it is difficult to compare the relative The possibility of controlling pest population by
efficiency of different dyes since the overall photoinsec- means of photodynamic action has been investigated so
ticidal effect is dependent on the overlap between the far by using a variety of photosensitizers, target insects
emission spectrum of the light source and the absorption and irradiation conditions. In spite of the large differ-
spectrum of the photosensitizer. Most frequently, the ences in the experimental protocols, a comparative
photoinsecticides are used in open fields, hence they are analysis of the whole set of results reported by the vari-
activated by sunlight. As shown in Figs. 6 and 7 and ous authors allows one to draw some general conclusions
reported by other authors (Clement et al., 1980; Heitz, regarding the mode of action of photodynamic-type
1987), natural sunlight is generally more efficient than insecticidal agents.
artificial sunlight, probably because of its significantly These can be summarized as follows:
greater intensity. From this point of view, as mentioned
earlier, porphyrins have the distinct advantage of absorb- 1. The membranes of the midgut wall appear to be
ing almost all the light wavelengths in the sun’s emission among the primary photodamaged sites
spectrum. As a consequence, porphyrins are expected to (Schildmacher, 1950; Robinson, 1983; Ben Amor et
express an efficient photoinsecticidal action at lower al., 1998a), leading to feeding inhibition (Fondren et
concentrations than many other dyes (see Fig. 7). al., 1978). Other lipoidal membranes, in particular the
In some cases the degree of insect mortality was neuromuscular sheath, become involved in the photo-
shown to increase with increasing accessibility periods process as the photosensitizer diffuses to other sites
of the insects to the photosensitizer-loaded bait before (Robinson, 1983). This is confirmed by the early pho-
exposure to light (Robinson, 1983). These findings were toinactivation of enzymes such as acetylcholinesterase
confirmed by studies with porphyrins performed in our (Callaham et al., 1977a; Ben Amor et al., 2000) which
laboratory (Ben Amor et al., 2000). However there represents the neurotransmitter enzyme. A gen-
T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925 923

eralized oxidative modification of the membranes els (Broome et al., 1976). The dark process appears
takes place, as suggested by ultrastructural studies to be markedly less efficient than the corresponding
(Callaham et al., 1977b). light-induced reactions. Moreover, it seems to be pec-
2. Changes in membrane permeability are also demon- uliar to xanthene dyes, since no similar effects were
strated by the presence of altered potassium levels in observed with furocoumarines, α-terthienyl (Cunat et
the hemolymph (Weaver et al., 1976). The hemo- al., 1999; Guillet et al., 2000) and porphyrins (Ben
lymph volumes decrease significantly upon photosen- Amor et al., 2000), at least at doses which are photo-
sitization and the hemocoel fluids undergo a rapid chemically active.
transfer from the body cavity to the alimentary canal
with a consequent increase in crop volume.
3. Photosensitized insects also show large differences
from controls as regards weight, levels of water and
protein mass, suggesting the occurrence of a lethal 8. Conclusions
energy stress in the insect (Broome et al., 1976).
Other consequences reported for photosensitized flies The photoactivatable insecticides, which act through
involve a lowered fecundity (Pimprikar et al., 1980b). photodynamic pathways, clearly appear to possess sev-
4. The photosensitized induction of physiological and eral favourable features and a broad scope of appli-
morphological abnormalities was detected at the lar- cations. As the mode of action of such photosensitizers
val, pupal and adult stage (Pimprikar et al., 1979; is more deeply elucidated, suitable strategies can be
Fairbrother et al., 1981). Thus, adults deposit fewer developed to optimize their efficiency and control their
and less-viable eggs, treated eggs are less likely to biodistribution at both the tissue and the cell level, ther-
hatch, and larvae exhibit a strongly reduced prob- eby orientating the photosensitizer towards those sites
ability of ultimate adult emergence. In particular, (e.g. cell membranes) which are critical from a func-
there often appears to be an incomplete extrication of tional and metabolic point of view, yet their modification
the pupal stage from the larval cuticle (Pimprikar et is associated with a minimal risk of inducing mutagenic
al., 1979), while several adults are stuck to the chitin effects and promoting the onset of photoresistance. A
inner lining of the puparium (Fairbrother, 1978). detailed control of the in vivo behaviour of ingested pho-
Moreover, pupae injected with the photosensitizer fre- tosensitizers would also be of utmost importance for
quently develop into adults that are especially suscep- obtaining a synergistic action between two or more sim-
tible to photodynamic action (Sakurai and Heitz, ultaneously administered dyes; if the latter have different
1982). In general, earlier instar larvae appear to be absorption properties, a more efficient activation of the
more photosusceptible than later instar forms photoinsecticides by sunlight can be achieved. Thus, the
(Heitz, 1987). photoinsecticidal action of porphyrins, which possess
5. The possible onset of photoresistance in the xanthene- relatively weak absorption bands in the red spectral
sensitized house fly was studied (Respicio and Heitz, region, could be strengthened by their association with
1985). A wild strain of this insect developed a 48- tetrapyrrolic analogues, such as phthalocyanines and
fold resistance after 32 generations that underwent chlorins, which display an intense absorbance in the
exposure to increasing levels of erythrosin plus light. 600–800 nm spectral range. In fact, a synergistic action
Upon removal of the selection pressures for 20 gener- against the house fly has been observed upon the simul-
ations, the resistance remained at a fairly constant taneous administration of two xanthenes, namely fluor-
level. No evident induction of photoresistance was escein and rose bengal, whose absorption spectra are
observed in porphyrin-phototreated flies (Ben Amor shifted by about 60 nm (Carpenter et al., 1981).
et al., 2000). Thus, this specific aspect of the photoin- The main advantage of sunlight-activatable photosen-
secticidal action appears to be strictly connected with sitizers is certainly represented by their lack of toxicity
the photosensitizer used and the irradiation con- towards most biological systems in the dark, which mini-
ditions. It is important that no cross-resistance was mizes their impact on the environment. However, some
detected for erythrosin-photosensitized flies that were concerns still exist, especially as regards the induction
exposed to chemical pesticides, such as permethrin of phytotoxicity (Robinson, 1983; Heitz, 1987). Thus,
and propoxur (Respicio and Heitz, 1985). some tetrapyrroles have been found to be accumulated
6. Some photodynamic sensitizers, including rose bengal in the leafy tissues of dicots, such as cotton and soybean
and other xanthenes, also exert a toxic effect towards (Rebeiz et al. 1990b, 1991). Light exposure of such
selected insects in the dark (Carpenter and Heitz, plants is accompanied by severe damage to the leaves,
1981). While this toxic mechanism occurs with adult while the stems and the cotyledons remain unaffected.
flies, it has been observed that boll weevils fed with The plants can recover from the initial damage by pro-
rose bengal during the larval development exhibit a ducing new leaves. Thus, more detailed investigations
decrease in body weight, and in protein and lipid lev- on this problem should be performed. Moreover, suitable
924 T. Ben Amor, G. Jori / Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30 (2000) 915–925

strategies for minimizing the uptake of such photosensit- weevil, Anthonomous grandis, caused by dietary rose bengal.
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