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Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

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A solar steam distillation system for extracting lavender volatile oil

Mona N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali, Kamal I. Wasfy
Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt

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Article history: A solar steam distillation system is constructed to be used for extracting volatile oils distinguished
Received 3 July 2020 of simple design and high efficiency. The solar distillation system consists of a parabolic solar dish
Received in revised form 4 October 2020 collector, boiler, extracting unit, condenser and connection hoses. The performance of the constructed
Accepted 7 November 2020
solar distillation system is studied as a function of change in boiler inlet water flow rate (1.00, 1.25 and
Available online 12 November 2020
1.50 l/h) and a batch size of the whole lavender plant (400, 600 and 800 g). Performance evaluation
Keywords: is conducted in terms of system efficiency, productivity, extraction efficiency, essential oil yield and
Parabolic solar collector final product quality.
Distillation unit Results reveal that the solar steam distillation system has been proven to be an effective way for
Lavender plant extracting high-quality lavender volatile oil with 7.3 ml system productivity, 60.25 % system efficiency,
Water flow rate
98.13% extraction efficiency and 0.785% (w/w) essential oil yield under conditions of 1.25 l/h boiler
Essential oil yield
inlet water flow rate and 800 g batch size.
Product quality
The solar system requires approximately two, three and four hours for extracting oil from batch
sizes of 400, 600 and 800 g, respectively.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction from lavender had a strong contribution to the international mar-

ket, mainly as additives in the production of food and perfume
Solar energy is a kind of renewable energy used in many products (Rezzoug et al., 2005). Steam distillation is the most
agricultural aspects. Solar energy serves in the agriculture field by widely accepted method on a commercial scale for producing
saving money and reduces environmental pollution. Solar energy essential oils; about 90% of the essential oils are produced by this
can help and facilitate extracting volatile oils from medicinal and method (Öztekin and Martinov, 2007).
aromatic plants. Referring to solar energy applications in extracting volatile
Medicinal and aromatic plants and their extracts are consid- oils from medicinal and aromatic plants, a decentralized solar
ered of great importance as export products for most of the distillation system was developed for extracting essential oils
developing countries. According to WHO (World Health Organi- from herbs using a fixed focus Scheffler concentrator. Within the
zation), around 21,000 plant species have the potential for using beam radiation in the range of 700–800 W/m2 , the recorded focus
as medicinal plants added to that 80 percent of people worldwide receiver temperatures were 300–400 ◦ C. The power and system
depend on herbal medicines for their health care needs. Essential efficiency values were 1.55 kW and 33.21%, respectively at 739
oils are a kind of the subtle aromatic and volatile liquids extracted W/m2 solar radiation (Munir and Hensel, 2010). The developed
from any part of plants through distillation. They are used in the solar distillery was utilized for distilling essential oils from medic-
food industry as a flavoring in the cosmetic industry for fragrance inal and aromatic plants. According to experiments, essential
and in the pharmaceutical industry for its functional properties. oils of 28.2 ml were obtained by 3.18 kW h thermal energy for
The steam distillation process aims to break the glands of oil in 9.1 kg peppermint leaves, while obtained 1.425 ml essential oil
the plants, vaporize the oil and then, condensed and separated by 3.87 kW h thermal energy for 11.6 kg Melissa leaves (Munir
from the water. The lavender essential oil has important usage in et al., 2014). The distillation system was developed to produce
the industry like soaps, perfumes, colognes, skin lotions and other essential oils by water–steam distillation from medicinal and
cosmetics, added to food manufacturing like flavoring beverages, aromatic plants. This water–steam distillation system consisted
ice cream and baked goods (Kim and Lee, 2002). Essential oils of solar compound parabolic collectors (CPCs) and distillation
units. The distillation unit was accommodated to distill 5 kg
∗ Corresponding author. plant each batch. The gain heat by solar CPCs was transferred
E-mail addresses: (M.N. Radwan),
to the distillation unit. The overall thermal efficiency of solar (M.M. Morad), (M.M. Ali), CPCs differed from 27.9% to 34.3% (Kültüre and Tarhan, 2016). (K.I. Wasfy). A system for extracting the essential oils from herbs by a steam
2352-4847/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Table 1 carefully with aluminum foil to get a precise focal point. A manual
Some properties of lavender plant. tracking mechanism was provided and adjusted to follow the
Properties Values sun so that the incident beam radiation will be reflected and
Stem diameter (mm) 3.26 concentrated in the focus area. Two motions about the horizontal
Stem length (cm) 25–45
and vertical axis were necessary to fix both solar azimuth and
Plant mass (g) 8–32
Number of branches 6–26 solar altitude angles. So, two-axis truckers (full tracking) moved
Number of leaves 11–50 east to west and north to south to collect normal solar radiation
throughout the year.
■ Boiler
The used boiler was made of stainless steel with a 2 mm
receiver in combination with a hybrid biomass-based boiler was
thickness. It was 20 cm in diameter, 30 cm height and has a
developed. Results indicate that essential oils concentration was
volume of 9.42 l. The boiler size was suitable to admit most
0.59% w/w from fresh eucalyptus leaves and 0.40% w/w for pep-
of the concentrated sunlight with a limitation for radiation and
permint leaves (Afzal et al., 2017). Solar energy was used in
convection losses. It was put at the concentrator focus. The boiler
extracting essential oil. The extraction rate and yield percent
had two openings in its top. The first opening was used to feed
were determined at normal conditions. Results showed that the
cool water through a pipe (1.26 cm diameter) to keep continuous
extraction rate varied with the plant samples of oregano as the
fastest (3.4 ml/day) and rose petals as the slowest (1.8 ml/day). water flow, while the other opening was to deliver steam to
The yield percent of plant extracts varied with the kind of plant the extracting unit through another pipe (2.64 cm diameter)
samples, sambong (Conyza balsamifera Linn) having 72% as the connected with stainless steel hose of 2.94 cm diameter. The
highest percent yield and 18.5% for rose petals (Rosa damascena) boiler was fully insulated with fiberglass to reduce the heat losses,
as the lowest percent yield (Pesimo, 2017). expect the exposed part to the solar rays, which was reflected by
From the above previous literature review, it is clear that dif- the dish surface. The water supplied to the boiler was adjusted
ferent researches were conducted and published on solar systems to be with various continuous flow rates through a water tank
that were used for extracting volatile oils from the leaves of located at 2.5 m from the system base.
medicinal and aromatic plants and the most important emerging ■ Extracting unit
problems during the extraction process. However, such studies The extracting unit was manufactured to accommodate
have to be carried out to find out a simple solar system from local enough batch sizes of the lavender plant and it was completely
material to be used easily for the extraction process with a high insulated with fiberglass to reduce heat losses. The extracting
extraction efficiency of whole lavender plants. unit was cylindrical in shape with a 30 cm diameter and 50 cm
Therefore, the main purpose of the present investigation was height. The extracting unit was made of stainless steel with a
to construct a solar steam distillation system for extracting 2 mm thickness. A net with a 29 cm diameter was installed inside
volatile oil from the lavender plant. To achieve the ultimate goal, the extracting unit at a height of 7 cm from the bottom of the
the following criteria were taken into consideration: unit (based on preliminary experiments) to put the lavender plant
batch to allow the steam to extract volatile oil easily. The unit had
• Study some different operating parameters affecting the two openings; the first opening was located in the unit bottom
performance of the solar steam distillation system. to deliver steam produced from the boiler to the extracting unit
• Compare the final lavender oil quality obtained by the con- to move around and inside the plant to extract volatile oil. While
structed solar steam distillation system with the standards the second opening was located in the unit top to deliver steam
of quality guidelines. with the extracted volatile oil to the condenser to extract oil.
■ Condenser
2. Materials and methods The used condenser was a counter flow heat exchanger. The
condenser used a system of tubes exposed to constant water flow
A solar steam distillation system for extracting volatile oil was
to cool and facilitate the condensation. It was made from glass
constructed specially for this work from low cost, local material
and consisted of outer and inner tubes. The outer tube was 35 cm
and tested in Belbeis city (30◦ 25′ 17.9′′ N. 31◦ 30′ 32.6′′ E), Sharqia
length and 2.58 cm in diameter. While the inner tube was the
Governorate, Egypt. The experiments were carried out during the
shape of six bulges of 1 cm in diameter with five throats of 0.5 cm
summer season of 2019.
in diameter. The condenser consisted of four openings for steam
inlet, condensed water outlet, cooling water inlet and cooling
2.1. Experimental setup
water outlet. The condenser unit was connected with a water
tank to receive the cooling water and controlled by a hand valve.
2.1.1. The used plant
And also, it was associated with the extracting unit to receive
The used plant for extracting its volatile oil was lavender (La-
steam and oil to be cooled to produce volatile oil. The extracted
vandula angustifolia). Some properties of the experimental plant
volatile oil was collected in a funnel tube. The oil was less dense
were illustrated in Table 1.
than water so it floated up and then collected.
2.1.2. The solar steam distillation system ■ Connection hoses
A solar steam distillation system suitable for extracting volatile The connection hoses were made of rubber tubes to prevent
oil from lavender consisted of the following main parts: parabolic any heat loss through the steam flow. Additionally, they were
solar dish collector, boiler, extracting unit, condenser and connec- connected with hand valves to control any part and water flow
tion hoses as indicated in Figs. 1 and 2. rates.
■ Parabolic solar dish collector
Parabolic solar concentrated dish collector as a point-focus 2.2. Methods
collector was installed to gain heat from solar radiation and
tracked the sun in two axes for heating the water. It was made Experiments were done to assess the performance of the con-
of aluminum with a 1.7 m dish aperture diameter and 2.5 m2 structed solar steam distillation system for extracting volatile oil
surface area. Additionally, the surface was covered and assembled from the lavender plant.
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Fig. 1. View of the constructed solar steam distillation system.

Fig. 2. The solar steam distillation system.

2.2.1. Experimental conditions Solar radiation and temperatures versus time of the day were
The performance of the solar steam distillation system was recorded throughout the experiments. Dish focus temperature
studied under the following parameters: (Tfocus ) as well as both extracting unit inlet (to the extracting
unit) and outlet (from the extracting unit) steam temperatures
• Three different boiler inlet water flow rates (1.00, 1.25 and (TEi and TEo ) added to boiler outlet steam temperature (TBo ) were
1.50 l/h). measured. Temperatures were recorded by copper-constantan
• Three different batch sizes of the whole plant (400, 600 and thermocouples, T type.
800 g). ■ System efficiency
Solar extraction system efficiency (ηs , %) was estimated using
The extracting time was kept constant at four hours during the the following formula according to Munir and Hensel (2009) as:
day from 11:00 to 15:00. The whole lavender plant was placed
on trays in the extracting unit with a constant moisture content ηs = [P /(As × Gb )] × 100 (1)
of 50.7% (wb) under all experimental conditions. where: P: Power required for operating the solar extraction sys-
Each flow rate or batch volume was adjusted prior to the tem (W), As: Aperture area of the reflector (2.46 m2 in average)
start of the experiment and then maintained while studying their and Gb : Beam radiation (W/m2 ).
effect on the volatile oil extraction process. The required power (P) for operating the solar extraction
system was calculated as:
2.2.2. Measurements and determinations
The performance of the solar steam distillation system was P = (Qs + QL )/t (2)
evaluated taking into consideration the following indicators: Qs = mw Cp ∆T (3)
• Thermal performance of the solar steam distillation system
where: Qs : Sensible heat (kJ), mw : Water mass (kg), Cp : The
The thermal performance of the solar steam distillation sys-
specific heat (Cp = 4.187 kJ/kg for water) and ∆T: Temperature
tem was illustrated through recording system temperatures and
difference at a specific time (◦ K).
system efficiency as:
■ System temperatures QL = mLfg (4)
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

where: QL : Latent heat (kJ), m: Evaporated water quantity in

a specific period of time (kg) and Lfg : Specific latent heat of
vaporization (for water = 2260 kJ/kg).
• Operational performance of the solar steam distillation system
The operational performance of the solar steam distillation
system was conducted through recording system productivity,
extraction efficiency and essential oil yield as:
■ System productivity
The hourly solar extraction system productivity (SP, ml/h) was
calculated using the following equation:

SP = V /t (5)

where: V : Volume of extracted volatile oil (ml) and t: Operating

Fig. 3. The climatic conditions of the experimental region (dated on 27
time for extracting oil (h).
September 2019).
The cumulative solar extraction system productivity (ml) was
estimated by the end of the extraction period (four hours) under
all experimental conditions.
3.2. Thermal performance of the solar steam distillation system
■ Extraction Efficiency
The efficiency of extracting oil was estimated according to The thermal performance of the solar steam distillation system
that 100 g lavender contains 1.00 ml volatile oil (Munir and was measured by recording both system temperatures as well as
Hensel, 2009). Extraction efficiency (ηEx ) was calculated using the system efficiency as follows:
following formula by Munir and Hensel (2009) as: • System temperatures
Representative dish focus temperature as well as both ex-
ηEX = (moil /maxoil ) × 100 (6) tracting unit inlet (to the extracting unit) and outlet (from the
extracting unit) steam temperatures added to boiler outlet steam
where: moil : Mass of extracted oil (g) and maxoil : Maximum mass
temperature versus experimental hours were given in Figs. 4–
of oil per plant batch (g).
6. The obtained results showed that the system was capable to
■ Essential oil yield
produce 455 to 697 ◦ C temperatures at the focus of the parabolic
Essential oil yield was estimated using the following formula solar concentrated dish collector within the solar radiation ranged
according to Munir et al. (2014) as: of 600 to 950 W/m2 .
The obtained results also showed that during the working
Essential oil yield = (moil /mplant ) × 100 (7)
day hours, the temperature difference was higher for the inlet
where: mplant : Mass of plant per batch (g). steam temperature comparing to outlet steam temperature un-
• Final lavender oil quality der all experimental conditions. This variation in extracting unit
Final lavender oil quality was assessed by some oil chemical inlet and outlet steam temperatures happened because the steam
inside the extracting unit moved around and inside the plant
properties. Random samples of lavender oil were taken under the
to extract the volatile oil causing a reduction in outlet steam
experimental recommended conditions to obtain oil quality. Final
temperature compared to inlet steam temperature. The extracting
product quality was determined in percentages of Linalool, Linalyl
unit inlet steam temperatures reached to the maximum value
acetate, Camphor, Terpineol-4-ol and Cymene. of 100 ◦ C at 13.0 pm under conditions of 1.25 and 1.50 l/h
boiler inlet water flow rates with 400, 600 and 800 g batch sizes,
3. Results and discussion respectively. While it reached its minimum value of 92 ◦ C at 12.0
pm under 1.50 l/h water flow rate and 600 g batch size. The
obtained results also indicated that there was a little variation of
The obtained results of the two conducted test scenarios [the boiler outlet steam temperatures and extracting unit inlet steam
first test scenario of boiler inlet water flow rate (1.00, 1.25 and temperatures. This means that the system was constructed in
1.50 l/h) and the second test scenario of a batch size of the whole such a way to avoid any heat loss between the boiler and the
lavender plant (400, 600 and 800 g)] will be discussed as follow: extracting unit.
• System efficiency
The system efficiency at various lavender plant batch sizes for
3.1. Climatic conditions different boiler inlet water flow rates was shown in Fig. 7.
It was clarified that increasing the boiler inlet water flow
Fig. 3 showed variation in the climatic conditions versus time rate from 1.00 to 1.25 l/h, increased the system efficiency from
of day during experimentation. Solar radiation was recorded as 44.52 to 53.65%, from 38.92 to 51.14% and from 42.48 to 60.25%
global and beam radiation in order to estimate the system effi- under batch sizes of 400, 600 and 800 g, respectively. Any further
increase in boiler inlet water flow rate more than 1.25 up to 1.50,
ciency. The recorded data were conducted on dated 27 September
decreased system efficiency from 53.65 to 51.80, 51.14 to 49.78%
2019 from 9.0 am to 18.0 pm. The solar radiation increased gradu-
and from 60.25 to 54.76% under the same previous conditions,
ally from morning hours and reached its highest value at 13.0 pm.
at the same order. So, the following relationship described the
and then decreased. The global solar radiation varied from 110.95 situation between the system efficiency and the boiler inlet water
to 892.75 W/m2 , while the beam radiation ranged from 90.31 flow rate: The system efficiency was increased by increasing
to 755.83 W/m2 . The ambient temperature varied from 23.85 to water flow rate from 1.00 to 1.25 l/h and it was decreased by
35.82 ◦ C. The highest value of ambient temperature was obtained increasing water flow rate from 1.25 to 1.50 l/h.
at 12.0 pm. The recorded data for the other experimental days of While, the following relationship described the situation be-
2019 took the same behavior. tween the system efficiency and the plant batch size: the system
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Fig. 5. Effect of batch size on system temperatures under constant boiler inlet
water flow rate of 1.25 l/h.

Fig. 4. Effect of batch size on system temperatures under constant boiler inlet
water flow rate of 1.00 l/h.
3.3. Operational performance of the solar steam distillation system

efficiency was decreased by increasing batch size from 400 to 600 Operational performance of the solar steam distillation sys-
g and it was increased by increasing batch size from 600 to 800 tem was measured by recording system productivity, extraction
efficiency and essential oil yield as follows:
• Hourly and cumulative system productivity
The variation in system efficiency with the difference of both The hourly system productivity at various lavender plant batch
water flow rate and batch size was attributed to the variation sizes for different boiler inlet water flow rates versus experi-
of solar radiation during day hours throughout the experimental mental hours was shown in Fig. 8. The maximum hourly system
productivity was 3.3 ml/h at 13.0 and 14.0 pm under conditions
days. Added to that, the variation in system efficiency was also
of 1.50 l/h boiler inlet water flow rate and 800 g batch size. While
due to the difference in the amount of steam consumed for the its minimum value was 0.5 ml/h at 12.0 pm under conditions of
oil extracting operation that affects the required power and as 1.50 l/h boiler inlet water flow rate and 600 g batch size.
a result, affects system efficiency. The obtained values of the It was observed from results that, increasing the boiler inlet
constructed solar system efficiency were so far good enough and water flow rate from 1.00 to 1.50 l/h at 13.0 pm, increased the
hourly system. This may be due to the increase of the generated
in agreement with Munir and Hensel (2010), who found that
amount of steam that accelerating the steam motion inside the
the average efficiency of the solar distillation system was about extracting unit to move around and inside the plant, which al-
33.21%. lowing extraction of volatile oil easily. Regarding the use of batch
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Fig. 6. Effect of batch size on system temperatures under constant boiler inlet Fig. 8. Effect of batch size and water flow rate on hourly system productivity.
water flow rate of 1.50 l/h.

of 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 l/h, respectively at 13.0 pm. The extracted
volatile oil was increased by a large amount of plant batch and
so, the hourly system productivity was increased.
The cumulative system productivity as illustrated in Fig. 9
was affected by both batch size and boiler inlet water flow
rate throughout experimental hours. The maximum cumulative
system productivity was 7.4 ml at 15.0 pm under conditions of
1.50 l/h boiler inlet water flow rate and 800 g batch size. While
the minimum value was 0.5 ml at 12.0 pm under 1.50 l/h boiler
inlet water flow rate and 600 g batch size.
Obtained data explained that the cumulative system produc-
tivity was increased from 2.9 to 3.4, from 5 to 5.4 ml and from
7 to 7.4 ml by increasing the boiler inlet water flow rate from
1.00 to 1.50 l/h at 14.0 pm under batch sizes of 400, 600 and
Fig. 7. Effect of batch size and water flow rate on system efficiency.
800 g, in the same arrangement. As to the effect of batch size,
the obtained data showed that the highest cumulative system
productivity batch size was obtained under a batch size of 800
size, results explained that increasing batch size from 400 to 800 g at 14.0 pm.
g, increased hourly system productivity from 1.2 to 2.8, from 1.8 Results also noticed that the solar system required two hours
to 2.9 and from 2.6 to 3.3 ml/h under boiler inlet water flow rates for extracting oil from a batch size of 400 g. While required
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Fig. 10. Effect of batch size and water flow rate on extraction efficiency.

Fig. 11. Effect of batch size and water flow rate on essential oil yield.

Table 2
Some chemical properties of final lavender volatile oil.
Properties Quality standards Values
Linalool (%) 25.0–38.0 37.6
Linalyl acetate (%) 25.0–45.0 18.4
Camphor (%) 0.0–0.5 7.3
Terpineol-4-ol (%) 2.0–6.0 3.3
Cymene (%) 4.0–10 5.4

Results appeared that the highest essential oil yields were

0.618, 0.762 and 0.791% (w/w) using boiler inlet water flow rate
Fig. 9. Effect of batch size and water flow rate on cumulative system
productivity. of 1.50 l/h, under batch sizes of 400, 600 and 800 g, respectively.
Increasing batch size from 400 to 800 g, the essential oil yield
was increased. The increase of essential oil yield by increasing
both boiler inlet flow rate and lavender plant batch size was
approximately three and four hours for extracting oil from batch
due to the increase of the generated steam that facilitating to
sizes of 600 and 800 g, respectively.
extract most of the volatile oil especially in the case of high batch
• Extraction efficiency
Fig. 10 illustrated the effect of both lavender plant batch size sizes. The range of essential oil yield obtained by the constructed
and boiler inlet water flow rate on the extraction efficiency. solar distillation system was approximately similar or higher than
It was evident that the extraction efficiency was increased by the values of oil yield obtained by Cassel et al. (2009) that used
increasing either the boiler inlet water flow rate or batch size. The a mathematical model for predicting the essential oil efficiency
extraction efficiency was increased from 70.63 to 77.19%, from by steam distillation of lavender and found that the yield value
82.92 to 95.21% and from 95.31 to 98.91% by increasing flow rate obtained for lavender oil was about 0.32% (w/w).
from 1.00 to 1.50 l/h under batch sizes of 400, 600 and 800 g,
respectively. The increase in extraction efficiency by increasing 3.4. Final lavender oil quality
the boiler inlet water flow rate was attributed to the increase
of the generated steam that accelerating and improving the oil The solar steam distillation of the whole lavender plant gave
extraction operation Increasing batch size from 400 to 800 g, a yellow bright liquid. Some chemical properties of lavender
increased the extraction efficiency from 70.63 to 95.31%, from volatile oil were obtained under optimum conditions of 1.25 l/h
71.88 to 98.13% and from 77.19 to 98.91% under boiler inlet water water flow rate and 800 g batch size as shown in Table 2.
flow rates of 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 l/h, respectively. The obtained product quality was compared to the quality
• Essential oil yield standards for the composition of lavender oil by the International
The essential oil yield for the lavender plant under different Organization for Standardization (ISO 3515:2002) (Anonimous,
batch sizes and water flow rates was shown in Fig. 11. 2002). It was revealed that the chemical properties of lavender
M.N. Radwan, M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3080–3087

Table 3 CRediT authorship contribution statement

Comparison between the product quality of the lavender volatile oil ex-
tracted by the constructed system and the extraction system made by
Pinto et al. (2007).
Mona N. Radwan: Conception and design, Acquisition of data,
Properties The constructed The extraction system
Analysis and interpretation of data, Writing - original draft. M.M.
extraction system by Pinto et al. (2007) Morad: Conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of
Linalool (%) 37.6 33.7
data, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. M.M.
Linalyl acetate (%) 18.4 2.2 Ali: Acquisition of data, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
Camphor (%) 7.3 7.8 & editing. Kamal I. Wasfy: Conception and design, Analysis and
Terpineol-4-ol (%) 3.3 3.3 interpretation of data, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
Cymene (%) 5.4 0.4
& editing.

Declaration of competing interest

volatile oil extracted by the constructed solar system was ap-
proximately met the quality standards. It appeared from results The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
that Linalool content was higher than Linalyl acetate content. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
The contents of Linalool, Terpineol-4-ol and Cymene were in to influence the work reported in this paper.
agreement with ISO 3515:2002 lavender oil standards. While
Linalyl acetate content in the lavender plant was lower than ISO Acknowledgment
3515:2002 lavender oil standards. The content of Camphor did
not meet ISO 3515:2002 lavender oil standards. The volatile oil M.M. Morad, M.M. Ali, and Kamal I. Wasfy approved the final
composition of the lavender plant varied relying on many factors, version to be published.
among them the oil extraction technology (Pinto et al., 2007).
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Funding statement
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This research did not receive any specific grant from funding Rezzoug, S.A., Boutekedjiret, C., Allaf, K., 2005. Optimization of operating condi-
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. tions of rosemary essential oil extraction by a fast controlled pressure drop
process using response surface methodology. J. Food Eng. 71, 9–17.


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