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MFM 2021


AUGUST 14 2021

Isa 42:9 – Behold, the former things are come to

pass, and new things do I declare before they
spring forth, I tell you of them.

Dr & Mrs D. K. OLUKOYA

MFM 2021

9.00am – 9.15am - Opening Prayers

9.15am – 10.00am - Praise, Worship and Choir


10.00am – 11.30am - GO's Ministration


12.00pm – 12.15pm - Prayers and Intercession

12.15pm - 1.00pm - Praise, Worship and Choir


1.00pm – 2.30pm - GO's Ministration


3.00pm – 3.15pm - Prayers and Intercession

3.15pm – 3.30pm - Choir Ministration

3.30pm – 4.50pm - GO's Ministration

4.50pm – 5.00pm - Closing

MFM 2021

Hymn 1 Hymn 2
1. We are never, never weary of the 1. They were gathered in an upper
grand old song; chamber,
Glory to God, Hallelujah! As commanded by the risen Lord,
We can sing it loud as ever with And the promise of the Father,
our faith more strong; There they sought with one
Glory to God, Hallelujah! accord,
When the Holy Ghost from
Chorus heaven descended,
O the children of the Lord, Like a rushing wind and tongues
Have a right to shout and sing! of fire:
For the way is growing bright, So dear Lord, we seek Thy
And our souls are on the wing; blessing,
We are going by and bye, Come with glory now our hearts
To the palace of a King inspire.
Glory to God, Hallelujah!
2. We are lost amid the rapture of Let the fire fall, let the fire fall,
redeeming love; Let the fire from heaven fall;
Glory to God, Hallelujah! We are wai ng and expec ng,
We are rising on its pinions to the Now in faith, dear Lord, we call;
hills above; Let the fire fall, let the fire fall,
Glory to God, Hallelujah! On Thy promise we depend;
From the glory of Thy presence,
3. We are going to a palace that is Let the Pentecostal fire descend.
built of gold;
Glory to God, Hallelujah! 2. As Elijah we would raise the altar,
Where the King in all His For our tes mony clear and true,
splendour we shall soon behold; Christ the Saviour, loving Healer,
Glory to God, Hallelujah! Coming Lord, Bap zer too,
Ever flowing grace and full
4. There we'll shout redeeming salva on,
mercy in a glad new song; For a ruined race Thy love has
Glory to God, Hallelujah! planned;
There we'll sing the praise of For this blessed revela on,
Jesus with the blood washed For Thy wri en word we dare to
throng; stand.
Glory to God, Hallelujah!
MFM 2021

3. 'Tis the covenanted promise Chorus

given, Only remembered, only remembered,
To as many as the Lord shall call, Only remembered by what we have
To the fathers and their children, done;
To Thy people, one and all; Thus would we pass from the earth
So rejoicing in Thy word unfailing, and its toiling,
We draw nigh in faith Thy power Only remembered by what we have
to know, done.
Come, O come, Thou burning
Spirit, 2. Shall we be missed though by
Set our hearts with heavenly fire others succeeded,
aglow. Reaping the fields we in
spring me have sown?
4. With a living coal from off Thy No, for the sowers may pass from
altar, their labors,
Touch our lips to swell Thy Only remembered by what they
wondrous praise, have done.
To extol Thee, bless, adore Thee,
And our songs of worship raise; 3. Only the truth that in life we have
Let the cloud of glory now spoken,
descending, Only the seed that on earth we
Fill our hearts with holy ecstacy, have sown;
Come in all Thy glorious fulness, These shall pass onward when we
Blessed Holy Spirit, have Thy way. are forgo en,
Fruits of the harvest and what we
have done.
Hymn 3
1. Fading away like the stars of the
Losing their light in the glorious
Thus would we pass from the
earth and its toiling,
Only remembered by what we
have done.
MFM 2021

PRAYERS FOR MINISTERIAL them in derision. [5] Then shall he

DELIVERANCE speak unto them in his wrath, and vex
Confessions Psalm 1:1-2:12: Blessed is them in his sore displeasure. [6] Yet
the man that walketh not in the counsel have I set my king upon my holy hill of
of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way Zion. [7] I will declare the decree: the
of sinners, nor si eth in the seat of the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my
scornful. [2] But his delight is in the law Son; this day have I bego en thee. [8]
of the Lord; and in his law doth he Ask of me, and I shall give thee the
meditate day and night. [3] And he shall heathen for thine inheritance, and the
belike a tree planted by the rivers of u ermost parts of the earth for thy
water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his possession. [9] Thou shalt break them
season; his leaf also shall not wither; with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them
and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. in pieces like a po er's vessel. [10] Be
[4] The ungodly are not so: but are like wise now therefore, O ye kings: be
the chaff which the wind driveth away. instructed, ye judges of the earth. [11]
[5] Therefore the ungodly shall not Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice
stand in the judgment, nor sinners in with trembling. [12] Kiss the Son, lest he
the congrega on of the righteous. [6] be angry, and ye perish from the way,
For the Lord knoweth the way of the when his wrath is kindled but a li le.
righteous: but the way of the ungodly Blessed are all they that put their trust
shall perish. in him.

[2:1] Why do the heathen rage, and the

people imagine a vain thing? [2] The Praise Worship
kings of the earth set themselves, and 1. Thank the Lord for the privilege of
the rulers take counsel together, working in His vineyard.
against the Lord, and against his 2. Since many are called but few are
anointed, saying, [3] Let us break their chosen, thank the Lord for
bands asunder, and cast away their choosing you.
cords from us. [4] He that si eth in the 3. Bring quality repentance to the
heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have Lord.
MFM 2021

4. I shall not be a misfired arrow in 15. Every door opened to the enemy
the hands of my Maker, in the of my calling, be closed, in the
name of Jesus. name of Jesus.
5. Any founda onal power working 16. Let the waters of life flow into
against my calling, be destroyed, every dead area of my spiritual
in the name of Jesus. life, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every yoke working against 17. Every weapon fashioned against
spiritual growth in my life, be my high calling, be destroyed, in
broken, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
7. The enemy will not make me a bad 18. Any founda onal serpent and
example, in Jesus’ name. scorpion programmed into my life
8. Every destruc ve habit designed to destroy my calling in future, die,
to waste my calling, die, in the in Jesus’ name
name of Jesus. 19. O God of Elijah, arise and give unto
9. Every area of incomplete me my mantle of fire, in the name
deliverance in my life, receive of Jesus.
complete deliverance by fire, in 20. Anything planted within me that
the name of Jesus. has not manifested now but will
10. Every spiritual cataract, clear manifest in future to make me
away from my vision, in the name backslide, dry up, in the name of
of Jesus. Jesus.
11. Every spirit of slumber, I bury you 21. Every witchcra power drinking
today, in Jesus’ name. the blood of my spiritual life, die,
12. The Eagle of my calling shall in the name of Jesus.
mount up by the power in the 22. Glory of God, overshadow me, in
blood of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
13. Every an -ministry arrow fired 23. Strength of God, empower me, in
into my life, backfire, in the name Jesus’ name.
of Jesus. 24. E v e r y i n t e r n a l b o n d a g e
14. Holy Ghost fire, destroy all works magne zing external bondage, be
of darkness in my life, in the name broken, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus.
MFM 2021

25. O Glory of my calling, arise and unteachable spirit, in the name of

shine, in Jesus’ name. Jesus.
26. I will not mortgage my calling on 37. I receive the anoin ng for success
the lap of Delilah and Jezebel, in in ministry, in the name of Jesus.
the name of Jesus. 38. I b i n d t h e s p i r i t o f s ex u a l
27. I refuse to re re, I must refire, in immorality, in Jesus’ name.
Jesus’ name. 39. I shall not become an old king that
28. I receive power to meet the needs is resistant to advice, in the name
of this present genera on, in the of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 40. Let God arise and let every enemy
29. All the rough places in my life of my calling sca er, in the name
targeted at my spiritual of Jesus
breakthroughs, be smoothened
by the blood of Jesus.
30. L e t Y o u r g l o r y , O L o r d ,
overshadow my des ny, in the
name of Jesus.
31. I refuse to tarry in the valley of
powerlessness, in the name of
32. I rise above my roots by the power
in the blood of Jesus.
33. I receive the anoin ng to remain
steady, commi ed and consistent
in my ministerial life, in Jesus’
34. Power for effec ve development
in my calling; come upon me now,
in the name of Jesus.
35. I declare war against spiritual
ignorance, in Jesus’ name
36. I bind and cast out every
MFM 2021

AUGUST 14, 2021

Isa 42:9 – Behold, the former things are come to

pass, and new things do I declare before they
spring forth, I tell you of them.

Dr & Mrs D. K. OLUKOYA

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