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eatN&% /3||650
Ntroe JauraV Sanjay Kane

Von-Neumano Mod e

Von Netmann architectyoe wcy tPar t

publisb ed bu Joho Non Neumann inl945
His Compctealqrcbitecye. desiqo Consist
Of contro Whit, AthmeHc and ldqiu
(ALU),Memors unlt Registes
and lops/outputt
VOo NearmanD nchitectume i s based on
Tbe StOeo-podc Cm Omprt e
0ncepEo h e o r j o tvuchion eata and



loput 0utput
Device Peqisteas P R Devite

Merooy UniE
Name GarraySanjay Rane
SeattNo |3||05o Page
2a) Cen Ha ocesing uoit Cpu)
The centra aDcensioq Unit (CpO) is he
lectcnic o c ' spon sible for
oxecuting Tbe iostauctiong of a compue
Thecpu conf aios the AlU,W and a
Vgiett of egf'sters
MARMemant Adokcas Peqisko Holds the
memeoY ocation ofdata h a t nee osto
be Uaccesseo

MDR Memony Data Registes Hold e

ta a benn taanserrcol o or hom
memOt O

AC-Acccncaladto e r e nier mediate

oiibmetje ac) oic_ae grrstoec
PC-o goam Coun tes o Contains the aeldocs
A next instatletfon #0be exea!ted)
CL uoroDlosHouctton Peisto , Caotoins
Name Gaurw Ganjcy ane Seott No 131050O
Aoitbmetfc an loqieDit% he AlU allaws
Ctithmetic Caddsubtaat etc) and logte
ADd,dRonoT)-opooatOns o be

Contoo unft (CU)

The cantaol cupi consols the aporation
O t the omputea s ALO,memonty ond
ioputloutpcedevicetellfng tth ebh hawfo
espeo fo fb ooqcum ostatuchioos i
as usteaoand fDtenpretec) fronothe

uses_Bucez gme th means bu cobich

trom anpastafa
Computc-o anath er a ConDeahirng all majo
otean CQmpo0eM Ís 0 0e CO and

A stdodme Cpy Syetepo bus is commpaised

a Contaol bus data btl tn d acl cloers bw
11erm Unfl
Th o omoO cLnt
consists of RAM,
cometicneg et{ereotoas paimgm
Ma)_toesmoy QnLPKe abareldhiVe
cecoOcqay_g0ema) IOIS _oemamt
a n andalso dikect1y acces
cible pY_

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