Macro Tio Tics Today 2014 Summer

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Vol. 55, No. 3
$6.95 U.S.
Printed in the U.S.A.

Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis


Great Life
• Fine Tuning Your Practice
• Vegan and Macrobiotic Diets
• Making a Macrobiotic Diet Work
• Transmutation—Reality or
Macrobiotic Fairy Tale
• Lessons from Fukushima
quite trees to laugh, play, and pick the visited Michel Abehsera at his home
Letters bounty of mesquite for free. in Brooklyn to interview him for the
magazine I then published, Macro-
NUTRITIONAL FACTS Muse. His picture was featured on the
Serving Size 2 Tbsp (18g) cover to highlight the interview titled
Mesquite Gathering Amount per serving “Warrior of the Spirit.”
Season, Calories 68 Because of his honesty, humble-
August is time to round up your Calories from fat 3
Total Fat 0g - 0% ness, and openness I always felt a
bags and kids and head for the mes- Saturated Fat 0g - 0% closeness to him, as I’m sure many
quite trees that are loaded with bean Trans Fat 0g others did, too. His passion and en-
pods. But why, you may ask. Mes- Cholesterol 0mg - 0% thusiasm for life came through in his
quite flour is highly nutritious, tasty, Sodium 22mg - 1% books and he inspired many people
and supports stabilized blood sugars Total Carbohydrates 15g - 5%
Dietary Fiber 5g - 19% to find a healthier way of life. His
and weight loss due to its relative Sugars 10g books on macrobiotics and healing
high level of protein and fiber and Protein 1.5g remain valuable today, include: Zen
low-to-no fat content. Vitamin A - 0% Macrobiotic Cooking (1968); Cook-
The Yavapai-Apache Nation’s Vitamin C - 2% ing for Life (1976); Cooking With
(YAN) Cultural Resource Center of Calcium - 2%
Iron - 3% Care & Purpose (1978); The Healing
central Arizona offers a mesquite Clay (1979); along with his contribu-
milling day each October. However, ‒ Jenny Bellows, RN, BSN tions to Healing Ourselves (1972) by
August is the time to gather mesquite YAN Diabetes Program N. Muramoto; and Our Earth, Our
bean pods. A couple of people can Cure (1993) with R. Dextreit. He gave
pick a large bag in less than a half
hour. You will be so grateful that you In Memoriam me a copy of his semi-autobiograph-
ical book, The Possible Man (1992),
have many bags of yellow, ripe, dry which contains essays on life from
bean pods come milling time as the his keen observations and reflections.
flour is amazing, sweet, with hints Michel Abehsera’s life touched many
of cinnamon, chocolate, and molas- people inside and outside of the Jew-
ses. Peoples of the Southwest have ish community, and made a real con-
thrived on mesquite for at least two tribution to macrobiotics and natural
thousand years. healing. I urge macrobiotic friends,
Add 1 tablespoon mesquite flour old and new, to reconnect with his
to fruit smoothies or other drinks to wisdom, wit, and recipes!
satisfy hunger for 2-6 hours. Coat
‒ Michael Rossoff, L.Ac.
meat (if used) with a dusting of mes-
quite flour and then bake, grill, or fry
Asheville, NC
for a great taste. Try adding mesquite
flour to soups, vegetables, gravies,
pancakes, muffins and cornbread to Classified
add flavor and up the nutritional con-
tent. Add 2 tablespoons for every cup
of flour for an enjoyable flavor and JOHN KOZINSKI, MEA, www.
aroma in all of your baked goods. Michael Abehsera Died June 6, 2014 Available World-
Store your yellow beans in woven in Jerusalem, Israel at age 80 wide/Regularly in MA, NY, NJ, CT,
baskets, or paper bags or such, so air ME: 37 Years/30,000 students. Cur-
can circulate, they dry completely and In 1971 Michel Abehsera spoke to rent, Progressive, and Integrated
do not mold. The Culture Center may the macrobiotic community in Bos- Macrobiotic Theory and Dietary
be sponsoring mesquite gathering out- ton at the Arlington Street Church. Classes, Macrobiotic Health Coun-
ings so check with them if you wish. I was fortunate to hear this dynamic seling Options In Person, Skype, and
It is best to pick from trees away from and inspiring talk. His message was Long Distance, Shiatsu, and Qigong
the road to have the best cleanest food about becoming free of rigidity and (only Kushi Institute faculty member
source. It is a good time to gather the conformity, about staying close to with 27 years of uninterrupted tenure
family, a healthy picnic, water, and the heart and to the divine meaning as of April 2013 resignation). Home
head for your favorite bunch of mes- of life. Many years later, in 1985, I Office: Becket, MA 413-623-5925.

2 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Continuous publication
since 1960

Managing Editor Fine Tuning Your Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Carl Ferré An Interview with Warren Kramer
Julia Ferré
Associate Editor
Julia Ferré

Publisher Vegan and Macrobiotic Diets . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation Julia Ferré

Special Members
Nancy Adler, Michael Brown, James
Brunkow, Kelsey Brunkow, Robert Carr Jr., Making a Macrobiotic Diet Work . . . . . . . . . . 12
David Catron, Maria and Mike Chen, Michael
Clennan, Michele Clifford, Packy Conway, Bob Ligon
Carl Ferré, Julia Ferré, Gus Ferré, Bob
Fritz, Tim Galanek, Karen Garvey, Francine
Harper, Joel Huckins, Susanne Jensen, Andy
Johns, Regina Izyderczak, Sue Hunter, Beth Transmutation—Reality or Macrobiotic
Kaufman, Kathy Keller, Dan Lennox, Bob
Ligon, Kathy Ligon, Kerry Loeb, Mary Lore, Fairy Tale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chuck Lowery, Gerard Lum, Gracie Malley, Matthias Grabiak
Karen and Neil Malley, Saci McDonald, Peter
Milbury, Anita Miner, Friedmar Moch, Robert
Nissenbaum, Missy Peebles, Michael Potter,
Pete Pulis, Fred Pulver, Jean Richardson,
Michael Rossoff, Bob Ruggles, Sue Shimmon, Healthy and Happy Holiday at Sea . . . . . . . . . 19
Lino Stanchich, Laura Stec, Kathy Swasey, Julia Ferré
George Sweet, Hugh Tinling, Shirley Tung,
Cynthia Vann, Verne Varona, Mark Vilkaitis,
Kazuko Yamazaki, and Marketa Zeleznikova
Underline indicates current Board of Directors
Lessons from Fukushima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Macrobiotics Today is published quarterly by Maureen N. Roy, MPH
the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation,
1277 Marian Ave, Chico, CA 95928; 530-566-
9765. Copyright ©2014 by the George Ohsawa
Macrobiotic Foundation. All rights reserved. An- Embracing Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
nual subscription rate in the United States and from The Great Life Cookbook
possessions: $25; elsewhere, US$40 (air mail). Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis Freedman, RD
Yearly subscriptions with membership privileges
(see back cover): in the United States and posses-
sions: $25; elsewhere, US$40 (air mail). Single
copies of back issues are available upon request

for US$7, includes shipping. For subscriptions,
address changes, and advertising information,
write PO Box 3998, Chico, CA 95927-3998, or
call 800-232-2372. For timely delivery, address
changes must be received in our office by the
10th of the month preceding an issue.
Address editorial correspondence to PO Box Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3998, Chico, CA 95927-3998. Send e-mail to: Manuscripts, Community Resources Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
photographs, and artwork are welcome. Submis-
sions may be edited for clarity and space.
Postmaster: Send address changes to
Cover: Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis Freedman,
Macrobiotics Today, 1277 Marian Avenue, authors of The Great Life Cookbook.
Chico, CA 95928. •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 3
www.holis ticholida

Join 1700 Like-Minded Vegans

Join our 12th annual Holistic Holiday at Sea cruise for 7 nights on
the beautiful, new MSC Divina, one of the most elegant & Best-selling author of
ecologically-friendly cruise liners on the seas. Bask in gracious Prevent and Reverse
Italian hospitality & service all while enjoying inspiring lectures & Heart Disease; starred in
vegan natural foods prepared by our own chefs. Departing from the film Forks Over Knives;
featured on CNN special
Miami, FL & sailing to lush Falmouth, Jamaica; Georgetown, Cayman “The Last Heart Attack”
Islands; Cozumel, Mexico & sunny Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas. Learn
more about the classes, cuisine & itinerary at
Co-author of The China
Food options for everyone - Study and author of
macrobiotic, vegan, gluten- Whole: Rethinking the
free, oil-free, & ship’s menu Science of Nutrition;
Chosen by featured in the film
Forks Over Knives
National Geographic Traveler
Swim, snorkel & kayak in the
as “One of the 100 best crystal waters of the Caribbean
worldwide vacations to macrobiotic counselor;
faculty member of the
enrich your life.” Continuing Education Credits Kushi Institute and
(CMEs & CEUs) will be available the Strengthening
Health Institute
Award-winning environmentally-friendly ship Founder of the Physicians Commitee for
Dancing, socials & singles events Responsible Medicine;
Toll-Free (US): 1-800-496-0989 Vegan pizza & ice cream parties author of Food for Life &
Ph: 1-828-749-9537 Cancer support group & recovery panel Power Foods for the Brain;
active health advocate
Or join the conversation: 35 teachers
Holistic Holiday at Sea 135 lectures & workshops Author of the Hip Chick’s 9 cooking classes, 4 intensives Guide to Macrobiotics,
the MILF Diet, and
Daily yoga, meditation, Pilates, contributer to the Kind
Qi Gong, Do-In, running, fitness Diet; hypnotherapist
& body building classes and comedienne
Lorraine Travel Private consultations Award-winning author
Toll-Free: 1-877-844-7977 & treatments available of five bestselling books,
including The Joy of
Ph: 1-305-443-0542 Vegan Baking & The
(option 1 for program information Vegan Table; speaker,
chef, contributor to NPR
option 2 for travel agent)
All reservations for our holistic group must be
made through Lorraine Travel

4 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Fine Tuning Your Practice
An Interview with Warren Kramer

Julia Ferré

Warren Kramer is an internationally vegetables. It was an adjustment from

recognized macrobiotic counselor, the foods I was used to—junk food,
lecturer, and cooking teacher with sweets, and pizza.
30 years of experience. He assisted
Michio Kushi for over 10 years in Did it make a difference with your
Boston, where he lives with his wife, tennis?
Fatim, and son, Adam. Warren is on Unbelievable! Profoundly differ-
the faculty of the Kushi Institute and ent. I could move faster on the court.
the Strengthening Health Institute I was more flexible and felt lighter in
and he and Fatim run the Macrobiotic my body. I felt clear and focused. I
Center of New England. Julia spoke even reduced my workouts. I wish I
with Warren in March 2014. knew about this when I was playing

my college tennis.
hank you, Warren, for this The second thing that happened
interview. I have a lot of was that the cooking teacher, Cynthia,
respect for all you do in the invited a guest to one cooking class,
macrobiotic world. How long have and that guest was Elaine Nussbaum.
you been practicing macrobiotics?
And how did you start? No kidding.
I have been in the macrobiotic Elaine told her story (of healing
world for 30 years! I started from an Warren Karmer from reproductive cancer due to her
amazing string of incidences. I was change in diet and lifestyle—ed.) and
in college on a tennis scholarship, all these pots and pans. I was giv- something changed for me. I knew
and when I graduated from college, ing a lesson and saw her arrive, and macrobiotics was real and could be
I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to I wanted to meet her. After the class, quite powerful. The next summer,
do, so I took a year off, thinking I I asked about macrobiotics, although Cynthia took me to my first summer
would go to grad school after a year. truthfully I was only halfheartedly in- conference in Great Barrington, Mas-
During that year, I taught tennis part terested. She knew a lot about food, sachusetts. I brought along my tennis
time in New Jersey. One day, a wom- much more than I did, even though I racket and basket of balls. During one
an came to teach a cooking class at was an athlete. of the breaks, I went on the tennis
the club. The club had a kitchen that Two things happened. The first court and met two women who were
was usually used to warm pizzas in was that I started to eat the food. I playing. I offered them a tennis les-
the microwave, and in she came with didn’t like it at first because of all the son, and we played a couple of hours. •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 5
Turned out that each owned a study hard to teach tennis for a living. At “Warren, you come so highly recom-
house in Boston. Mary Kett and Cari the same time, my macrobiotic inter- mended, are you okay? Something
Wolf used to teach at the Kushi insti- ests were getting stronger. I ended up seems wrong.” I apologized but I was
tute, and Cari was on the faculty of stopping the tennis and working more so exhausted. I had no more to give.
the Kushi Institute. in macrobiotics. I began to go into That was my last cooking job.
They asked what I was doing people’s homes and cook for them, All that work had taken a toll on
with macrobiotics, and suggested that and I had many cooking jobs, often me. I was saturated with too much
I move to Brookline into either of one in the morning from 9 to 12, and illness. I was dreaming about cancer,
their study houses. That fall, 1993, I then another in the afternoon from 1 and had nightmares about it coming
moved. to 5. after me. Plus I didn’t get the rest or
Then that changed. One day, while food that I really needed.
What was it like living in a study scribing a consultation for a couple
house? from Maryland, they asked Michio What did you do to get out of that?
It was a communal house, and any- how they could learn, and Michio told It took six months to come back.
where from 6 to 10 people lived there. me to go home with them. Thus began I cut back on my schedule, quieted
I learned a lot about macrobiotics at 6½ years of traveling. down, and ate very well. I thought
that time, both in the study house and about what I wanted to do for a living.
at the Kushi Institute where I went to And then, the universe provided an
classes each day. At the study house, answer in an amazing way. A woman,
we learned and lived the practical side “The distinction between Marsha Rueff, called and asked me to
of macrobiotics. Each person had re- come to Atlanta to teach and counsel
sponsibilities and everyone helped macrobiotics and vegan is for her community. I went for 4 days,
in the kitchen. We cooked, applied held a few cooking classes, lectured,
compresses, and studied remedies.
that there is order, there and counseled. It was wonderful. I
We made everything—mochi, bread, a unique structure.” loved it! Then, Marsha’s sister, Betty
tempeh—and all was headed by a Berger, asked me to come to St. Lou-
couple of senior people who were liv- is. It has grown since then, now I have
ing there. After about 2 years, I took contacts in many cities and currently,
over managing the house with a wom- this is what I am doing.
an named Jill Gusman. How long did you live with clients?
Anywhere from a week to a Many people want to help others, and
How long did you run the house? month. I learned a lot going to peo- often wonder how to balance work
About 4 years. Then, the Kushi ple’s homes. I did whatever was with personal needs. Based on your
Institute moved to the Berkshires, and needed: cooking, applying remedies, experience, how do you recommend
things changed in Boston. I moved giving shiatsu, monitoring their exer- people do that?
out of the study house and into anoth- cise and eating habits, asking if they That was a good learning experi-
er place. One day, Carolyn Heidenry, chewed, for instance. It was so busy, ence for me, because now, I take good
Michio’s secretary, asked if I could unfortunately I pretty much had a ner- care of myself. The biggest thing is
scribe for Michio Kushi. vous breakdown at the end of it. that I never skip meals. The structure
of the day is so important. It seems
What an opportunity! Wow. What happened? that the problem starts, not only with
It was a great education to sit in I was teaching a family in Sydney, macrobiotic people but in general so-
consultations with Michio. I scribed Australia, for two weeks, and at the ciety, is that how a person lives his or
for Michio for 11 years, taking notes last minute, a very ill gentleman in her life day to day is just as important
and learning. I put my name on the New Zealand asked me to go there. I as the food. Denny Waxman points
scribe sheets and if the person had went and helped him before returning this out, and I would like to give him
questions afterwards, they could call home. It was winter there and sum- credit. Many people have the idea that
me. I worked my schedule around mer in the United States and getting if they eat brown rice, miso soup, and
Michio’s, and when he traveled, I back was a huge shift. Immediately, kale, that they are macrobiotic and
taught tennis at the club. I also taught a friend called and asked me to go to will be healthy. I focus, like Denny
some cooking. Miami to see his parents, both of them does, on eating habits, such as: meals
Over time, it was getting more and had cancer. I was very tired but went at regular times, sitting down to eat,
more difficult to separate the parts of anyway. After two days, the daugh- and not eating late at night.
my life. Specifically, it was becoming ter noticed something and asked me, Having a focused structure to

6 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

meals is important. Order determines 150 people in one lecture.
benefits. So many people are stressed,
 Using the tools in this
and then they eat too much, binge on Sure, logistics of room size. So, what
inappropriate food, or lose the focus is the difference between vegan and book, you can change your
of why to eat healthy in the first place. macrobiotic? life—based on your unique-
Without order, life gets chaotic. When The first point is the structure and ness and individual needs.
meals are late, blood sugar drops, and order. Macrobiotics has an orderly ap- Comprehensive guidelines
a person overeats. When people stand proach to diet and lifestyle. This order help you determine healthy
to eat, the body doesn’t think it is get- definitely flows to eating habits and dietary choices, cultivate
ting a meal. I joke about this on the lifestyle. How you live your life.
cruise and tell people to go to the ice Another aspect is quality of foods. your unconscious, and fa-
cream social and get the vegan ice This includes organic foods, cooking, cilitate your intuition.
cream, but at least sit down and eat it. and products. Many people have to

Your body receives the food better.

Exactly, and you are present in the
learn to buy good ingredients, such
as organic fruits and vegetables, or
grains and beans. Everyone needs to
New Book
moment, too. Sit down, chew it, be learn to cook and season foods well.
present, and enjoy. So many people And always there is the question of
stand and eat. Many people work on products. Many people change their
a laptop while eating or read the New diets and substitute soy-based imita-
York Times. My focus is on the ap- tion foods for things they are used to.
proach to eating. I have a new semi- It is important to look at these foods.
nar called, “Manage your condition to Many of them have high sodium con-
manage your life.” tent, for instance. This kind of empha-
sis is different from vegan.
Wow! That is a great title!
Your constitution can’t change, Are there things people can do to
but you can adjust and adapt your fine tune their dietary practice?
condition. It is important to learn how Many people come to see me be-
to do that. I think this is one of the cause they feel stuck or that they have
beautiful things about macrobiotics. plateaued. People are vegan or vege-
The distinction between macrobiotics tarian for years but can’t lose weight,
and vegan is that there is order, there or have certain health conditions, or $17.95 plus $3.00 shipping
is a unique structure. their blood pressure is not falling = $20.95 (U.S.)
Being vegan means you are not into place. Maybe they have blood
eating animal food, but that doesn’t sugar issues.  There is no doubt in my
mean structure or how things are put I have been fine tuning my class- mind that we are spiritual be-
together. Many vegans eat a ton of es on the cruise, offering a series of ings who live in physical bod-
sugar, and don’t consider the quality classes called Macrobiotics 101, parts ies. Intuition is being in touch
of foods either. Being vegan is such a 1 and 2, to provide this information.
good thing, yet macrobiotics can offer In fact, my class this past cruise on with this state. This book will
even more great ideas. Overeating had 450 people. People help you understand that in-
are ready for this information. tuition is a valuable part of
When you counsel people (on the My observation is that people your life and strengthen your
cruise), do vegans ask what the can learn to fine tune their diets with connection with it.
difference is? specific ideas for their condition. For
According to Sandy Pukel, this example, someone can have rheuma- George Ohsawa
is the number one question on the toid arthritis and be vegan and eat a Macrobiotic Foundation
cruise, “What is the difference be- lot of tomatoes and tofu cheesecake.
PO Box 3998
tween macrobiotics and vegan?” I Cutting out the tomatoes and tofu
Chico, CA 95927
offer a class that answers this ques- cheesecake can make a difference in 800-232-2372 or
tion, Macrobiotics 101, but with 1500 how they feel. Macrobiotics makes 530-566-9765
people on the cruise, it is impossible the distinction of such ideas and how 530-566-9768 fax
to reach even half of them. I may have they can affect one’s health. •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 7
There are many products catered I would like that too. In the sum- I like to emphasize that the goal
specifically for vegans, like imitation mer I have more time. of macrobiotics is to see the bigger
sausage links or chocolate energy picture. The point of eating well and
bars, that may really be junk food in It would be fun to meet your wife and taking care of ourselves is to support
disguise. son. How are they doing? what we want to do in our lives. Her-
Exactly. It is a good stepping My son, Adam is 5 and going man talks about freedom; Michio says
stone to go from double chocolate to school for a half day which he to develop one’s dream. Many people
cake to vegan cake, but for many peo- loves. He is wonderful! He has been are not happy with what they do, and
ple who want to change their health macrobiotic his whole life. He loves it seems that it is hard to create pas-
at the foundation level, that won’t be food like mochi, nori, tofu, and veg- sion. It is easy to learn how to cook;
enough. etables. When I grew up, I ate ketch- it is less easy to live a healthy life in
up—it was the closest I came to a modern society.
Do you follow up with your clients? vegetable, and here he is eating sau- Living a balanced life and mov-
I usually suggest that people fol- téed broccoli! I am grateful to be a ing towards things that really nourish
low up with me in 4 to 5 months, es- father and it has changed me. My son us is not easy, yet when we focus on
pecially if I return to their city. Often, has taught me a lot about playing and what we love to do, we realize that
one consultation is not enough to an- having fun. food nourishes us so we can do it.
swer questions. Clients are welcome My wife, Fatim, is amazing. She Food is not the end but the beginning.
to email me afterwards with ques- is from Paris and she teaches at the Do we live to eat, or eat to live? It
tions, and I don’t charge for that. I am French cultural center in Boston. She should be eating to nourish our life so
reachable, and I like to answer each speaks only French to Adam so he is we can live our life.
email personally. bilingual, too. We met at the Kushi
Summer Conference in Amsterdam Thank you Warren!
Do you see a lot of change in your where I was teaching. We have a won-
clients? derful relationship. She helps with all
Oh yes, I see people’s successes. of my macrobiotic activities. We hold Warren Kramer is an international
One thing that really helps is when events at our home, and are in the macrobiotic counselor, lecturer, and
people can take classes, study cook- process of finding a new place, so my cooking teacher with over twenty-nine
ing, and attend lectures. When they family can have separate space from years experience. During that time he
have local support, they can better class space. Without her support, I has guided thousands of people back
understand what they are doing. I can could not do what I do day to day. to health. Warren is on faculty at the
only support so much from my home Kushi Institute and the Strengthening
in Boston. I love visiting and revisit- Do you have advice about how to Health Institute, and is a member of
ing the places I go. I feel I am like a make macrobiotics work? the Macrobiotic Educators Associa-
cheerleader or coach that comes a few First and foremost, it requires tion. He teaches the macrobiotic ap-
times a year, but it is vital that people good planning. Organize the planning proach to health and wellness, in-
have local support in their commu- of meals and create good structure cluding principles of food selection
nity. day to day. Don’t skip meals. Every- and preparation, exercise, work, and
one is busy so creating structure and personal relationships. A traveling
Where do you go? order is the key to making a differ- chef for six years, he worked private-
I have been going to many of these ence. In addition, if possible, take ly with cancer patients throughout
places for 15 years. Portland, Maine. cooking classes. the world. He currently teaches glob-
Skokie, Illinois (by Chicago). Jack- Community is helpful. It is won- ally in nine cities and assisted Michio
sonville, Florida. Portland, Oregon. derful to have someone to cook and Kushi for over ten years. He and his
Seattle, Washington. Gaithersburg, share meals with. Of course, if there wife, Fatim, run the Macrobiotic Cen-
Maryland. Los Angeles, California. were macrobiotic restaurants all over ter of New England and have a son,
Honolulu, Hawaii. Atlanta, Georgia. the place, it would be easier! But we Adam. For more information, see
St. Louis, Missouri. Toronto, Canada. don’t have that, so we have to create or www.
Kasilof, Alaska. Many places in New that at home.
York and New Jersey. We are pleased to announce that
Herman Aihara talked about the Warren will be attending French
What a busy schedule! We want meaning of life and being inspired Meadows Summer Camp in July. He
you to come to French Meadows by grand goals. How does the will be lecturing and giving individu-
Macrobiotic Summer Camp! macrobiotic philosophy help? al consultations.

8 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

 Kushi  Institute Summer  Conference    


Kushi  Institute  invites  you  to  join  us  for  
Summer  Conference     Festival  2014  

“Bringing it home”

August  3  to  August  17  
A  unique  two  week  educational  program  featuring  lectures  on  
health,  wellness  and  organic  cooking  through  Macrobiotic  principles.  
Special  Sessions  by:   Offering 2 program tracks!
Come for one weekÉ
Kushi  Institute  Presenters:   Come for two weeksÉ
Alex  Jack,  Edward  Esko,     Come for the weekendÉ
Bettina  Zumdick,  Judy  MacKennedy,   Weekday pass for Locals!
Chris  Jenkins,  Amber  Maisano  
Guest  Presenters:   Option to take K.I. Macrobiotic teacher,
Nadine  Barner,  Cynthia  Briscoe,     counselor, and chef training course
Level 1 (Module A&B) for credit.
David  Briscoe,  Patricio  Garcia  de  Parades,    
Virginia  Harper,  Gabriele  Kushi,  Larry  
10% pre-registration discount by March 14
Kushi,  Susan  Krieger,  Christina  
Pirello,  David  Sergel,  Jane  Stanchich,  Lino  
Stanchich,  Verne  Varona,    Denny  Waxman,
Melanie  Waxman,  Susan  Waxman  
Anthony  Dissen,  Masumi  Goldman,    
Sachi  Kato,  Angelica  Kushi,  Baydaa  Laylaa,
Marisa  Marinelli,  Flor  Morales,  Hussan  Muhammad,  
Sherry  Sanders,  Katya  Thomas   (413) 623 Ð 5741 ext. 102

(4 •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 9
Vegan and
Macrobiotic Diets
Julia Ferré

any people wonder about the food they include that many vegetar-
difference between a vegan
diet and a macrobiotic one.
George Ohsawa ians often don’t, “seaweeds.” If you
have ever eaten sushi, then you know
Actually, they have many simi- George Ohsawa is considered the about the seaweed, nori, which is the
larities. Both diets include whole founder of modern-day macrobi- black wrapper that surrounds the rice
foods like brown rice instead of white otics. George was born in Japan in and other ingredients. There are many
rice. Both emphasize plant-based pro- 1893 and had a difficult start in life. other seaweeds. One is kombu, a form
teins such as pinto beans over animal His mother, brother, and sister died of kelp, and macrobiotic people use
foods. Both encourage plenty of fresh of tuberculosis, and he contacted the it all the time when cooking beans.
vegetables and fruits. And both ad- disease by the time he was 15. Yet, There are others used in soups, side
vise avoiding excessive consumption he overcame the disease through dishes, and even desserts.
of fried foods and sodas. Because so a change in diet. In gratitude he
many people ask the question, I would dedicated his life to helping oth-
ers reclaim their health too, and as
like to offer three distinct differences.
an adult, he worked, traveled, and
taught others how to better their The second difference between
lives. He went to France and intro- a vegan diet and a macrobiotic one
Definition duced Eastern philosophy and Judo. is how each diet is organized. Many
The first difference is how you He had a school in Japan that taught vegetarians and vegans, especially
define them. If someone tells you he macrobiotics, with an emphasis on people who just begin, have little
or she is vegetarian, you know he or philosophy and ethics. When Japan structure to their diet. They will eat
she doesn’t eat meat. A vegan goes a became involved in WWII, Ohsawa anything that isn’t meat. Some eat
little further and doesn’t eat any ani- was active in the anti-war movement salads. Some drink smoothies. Some
mal products, dairy foods, or eggs. and was imprisoned for it. Ohsawa eat Indian food. Some eat all the imi-
If someone tells you that he or she was a charismatic leader and influ- tation meats such as soy burgers, soy
enced many people who then went
is macrobiotic, you are most likely bacon, and soy products on pizza. The
on to teach others. One of his core
confused and have little idea of what teachings is that people must be able emphasis is on “no meat.” It is pos-
he or she eats or doesn’t eat. Gener- to think clearly in order to make ap- sible to eat too many chips or drink
ally, the word “Macrobiotic” means, propriate decisions and that healthy, excessive amounts of fruit juice and
great life. “Macro” for great and “bi- appropriate food is the founda- be vegan; the only requirement is that
otic” for life. The term was adopted tion for a focused mind. The role you don’t eat meat.
by founder George Ohsawa because of macrobiotics as a dietary theory Macrobiotic people, on the other
he wanted people to eat better so they lies with this concept. Food affects hand, have tremendous structure to
could improve their lives. health and health influences emo- their diets. There is emphasis on nu-
As for food, macrobiotic people tions and mind; healthy food thus trition and certain foods such as miso
eat mostly whole grains, beans, and is important to provide long-lasting soup or rice and beans are recom-
health and happiness.
many fresh vegetables. There is one mended every day. There are suggest-

10 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

same—becoming vegan or vegetar-
Seaweeds ian because of concern for animals,
or becoming macrobiotic for health
Core Teachings
reasons. of Macrobiotic
Seaweeds are great sources of min-
erals. They provide calcium and io- There is overlap between vegan Dietary Plans
dine and other trace minerals present and macrobiotic diets though. Many
in ocean water. There are many vari- vegans begin with an emphasis on 1. Eat nutritional powerhouses
eties such as kombu, wakame, nori, nutrition and are organized about of complex carbohydrates (from
and agar flakes. Here are some uses: what they eat. Many vegans adopt a whole grains), plant-based proteins
Kombu. Add to beans. Use a no-meat diet for health reasons. And (from beans), and healthy fats (from
1-inch square of kombu per cup of nuts, seeds, and unrefined oils). Eat
most macrobiotic people are con-
dried beans (like pinto, black, or reasonable proportions such as 1
cerned about animal rights. In ad- cup rice, 1 cup of beans, and 1 cup
garbanzo) and cook together. The dition, everyone learns more over
beans will cook faster and be more of vegetables.
time and incorporates more reasons 2. Rotate foods with the seasons.
digestible. Use kombu in beans as a
wonderful and easy way to begin to to continue eating the way they do. Vegetables are freshest when in sea-
eat seaweeds. For example, there are many philo- son and when local so eat the vari-
Wakame. Put in soup. Soak 1 sophical teachings in both veganism eties that grow in your climate and
to 2 inches of wakame in water and and macrobiotics about how food can location at the appropriate time of
when softened (about 5 minutes), help a person be more peaceful. year.
cut and then add to soup. Simmer 5 3. Pay attention to your own
minutes. condition. If you are not thriving,
make adjustments to the foods you
Nori. Make nori rolls. Use nori Summary are eating. Perhaps you need to eat
to roll rice and vegetables into rolls. Both vegan and macrobiotic diets
Another use is to cut into strips and a different proportion than what is
are healthy ways to eat. Both empha- listed above. Perhaps you need to
garnish rice or pasta dishes.
size eating whole foods, plant-based choose different foods such as more
Agar flakes. Make a gelled des-
sert. Cook agar flakes in apple or proteins, and healthy fats. nuts and less oil. Perhaps you need
other juice, 1 tablespoon per cup of In general, the three main differ- to prepare foods in different ways
juice, until dissolved, about 5 min- ences are: such as roasting vegetables rather
utes. Add berries and then let cool than eating them raw. Adjustments
1. Vegans exclude meat. can range from choice of foods or
to gel.
Macrobiotic people include dishes to including more cooked or
seaweeds. raw foods. Seek advice if needed.
2. Vegans are less concerned with 4. Adopt healthy eating habits
ed proportions. There are preferred
meal structure and food choices. too. Try not to skip meals. Take time
cooking styles such as cooking beans to sit and fully digest food. Avoid
Macrobiotic people emphasize
with kombu, too. eating late at night. Drink liquids
structure and orderliness, and
Macrobiotics encourages orderli- at meals in moderation, one sip at a
choosing food based on one’s in-
ness such as eating meals at the same time.
dividual condition and purpose.
time each day. There are teachings 5. Let your lifestyle habits sup-
3. People often begin veganism
on eating seasonal foods, balancing port your health. Avoid excessive
over concern for animals. People chemicals in the home environment.
meals, and choosing certain foods or
often begin macrobiotics due to Get adequate sleep and rest. Exer-
avoiding other foods based on one’s
health reasons. cise and move. Spend time reading
individual condition and purpose.
Whether you choose a vegan diet or meditating.
or a macrobiotic one or both, know
Motivation to Begin that you are helping yourself in many
The third difference between a ways.
Julia Ferré, CHT is a certified hyp-
vegan diet and a macrobiotic one is
notherapist with ACHE and Sylvia
the reason people begin. When I first
Browne. She is author of Food and In-
changed my diet, I became vegetarian
tuition 101, Basic Macrobiotic Cook-
because I didn’t want to eat animal
ing, and French Meadows Cookbook.
products. Later I began macrobiotics
See for more in-
because I needed help in dealing
formation or contact Julia by e-mail
with my allergies and constant stom-
achaches. Many other people do the •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 11
Making a Macrobiotic Diet
Bob Ligon

any people get over- rally preserved.” Locally grown, as
whelmed with the details a rule of thumb is what is available
of a macrobiotic diet. For in a 500 mile north to south band.
someone new to macrobiotics, some Such a swath of latitude generally
of the foods sound strange. I have shares similar climate features and
observed many a knitted brow when will produce a similar range of food
I say, “Miso.” And that’s way before products. What is growing in your
something like daikon, or ume, or… area right now? What are the seasonal
way out there…natto. Often, people vegetables? What can naturally be
get the impression that all the foreign preserved? The theory note here is
and strange sounding foods, cooking that whatever grows in your region
techniques, and theory have to be mas- has successfully adapted to the en-
tered and practiced in their entirety vironmental conditions there. If you
and to perfection to do a macrobiotic consume those foods, they will im-
diet. For most folks, this sets them up part that ability to adapt successfully
for frustration and feelings of failure. to the conditions where you live.
Perfection isn’t possible so we have
to start somewhere. What follows is Vitality of Food—If you are standing
an attempt at a simplified, yet effec- in front of a case filled with bunches
tive approach to macrobiotic dietary Bob Ligon of kale and you are selecting some for
practice to help people develop their your dinner that night, you wouldn’t
macrobiotic diet and perhaps ease practical applications for making a pick the limp, slightly brown bunch
some of the frustration. macrobiotic diet effective, i.e., self- if there is a hearty, crisp, rich green
assessment, food energy, and cooking looking and feeling bunch there too.
Principles styles. Basically, use warming ener- Sort of common sense right? Part vi-
Warming and Cooling—One of the gies to address cold conditions; cool- sual, part tactile, part smell, part intu-
most basic principles of macrobiotics ing energies for hot conditions. ition is the recognition of vitality in
is the notion of complementary op- foods when shopping. Just think to
posites, most recognizable as yin and Locally Grown/In Season—Ap- yourself. “What item in the midst of
yang. In macrobiotic dietary practice propriate energy for one’s condition/ others looks the most ALIVE!”
I like to apply the complementary needs/desires is a fundamental prin-
opposite theory in the form of warm- ciple of macrobiotics. When thinking Energy of the Cook—The mental,
ing and cooling. Here I want to limit of foods to buy and prepare, think “lo- emotional, and spiritual temperament
the discussion of warming/cooling to cally grown, in season, and/or natu- of the cook is a subtle but significant

12 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

household and can make changes

Warming/Cooling Chart
in the foods prepared to support the
needs of each member.

Self Assessment Foods/Energies to

Heat condition: Person feels hot, dislikes heat, attracted to cold, has red Limit
face, red eyes, bright red tongue, yellow coating on tongue, and bad breath. I have found that, initially, it is
Such a person may have high blood pressure, fast heart rate, inflammation, what people eliminate from their
sores, and eruptions such as acne. Tends to be constipated, have dark yel- diet that has the most effect. One of
low urine both with strong odor, mucus and phlegm are thick and yellow or the wonders of healing power is that
green. Personality tends to be aggressive, loud, and insensitive. it always trends to equilibrium and
Cold condition: Person feels cold, dislikes cold, attracted to heat and is of- health, if given a chance. Removing
ten overdressed and wants warm food and drinks, and has a pale complexion the impediments allows healing pow-
and slow heart rate. Tends toward loose stools and diarrhea, clear urine, and er to have an immediate impact.
thin watery mucus. Personality tends to be shy, quiet, and (over) sensitive.
Refined, Fragmented, Manufac-
Food Energy tured
In General: Animal food is warmer than plant food. Oils are generally In these times, processed food is
warming, sesame, coconut, and ghee are good for cooking, raw olive oil for everywhere and seemingly inexpen-
salad dressings. Plants that take longer to grow are warmer. Foods that are sive and convenient—and, is so heav-
blue, green, or purple are more cooling; red, orange, and yellow are more ily advertised and marketed it would
warming. Some foods such as carrot, brown rice, corn, and buckwheat are seem almost un-American not to con-
considered “neutral” but, as with all foods, are influenced by cooking style. sume such “food-like” substances.
A partial list: Don’t be deceived. These foods are
so far from nutritious and nourishing
Warming Food Group Cooling that they can’t really be considered
Oats, spelt, quinoa, sweet Grains millet, barley, wheat, food. They might fill the stomach, but
brown rice, mochi amaranth they do not nourish. It is well known
that fast-food producers craft their
kale, cabbage, onion, leek, Vegetables cauliflower, broccoli, bok foods to create more desire for their
parsnip, winter squash, choy, summer squash, celery, products, not to actually nourish. The
scallion, ginger, parsley lettuce, sweet corn, zucchini, mass-produced meat and dairy indus-
daikon, sweet potato tries are far into unhealthy practices;
antibiotics, hormones, squalid grow-
cherry, citrus peel, date Fruits apple, pear, persimmon, ing conditions…enough said.
watermelon, all citrus
We evolved with whole, natu-
trout, salmon, chicken, Animal milk, ice cream, ral foods. We have adapted to whole
beef, lamb, ghee yogurt, kefir foods over many years. When we in-
gest a fragmented, refined food it is
as if our body/mind/spirit goes into
Cooking Styles from Warming to Cooling: mourning or panic. We seek (crave)
Pressure cooking, long boiling, baking, pan frying, deep frying, broiling, the missing part and end up chasing
quick sautéing, light boiling, steaming, and raw. our cravings until we have gained
much weight and made ourselves sick.
For a more information on warming and cooling energies and foods consult Furthermore, energetically speaking,
Healing with Whole Foods, by Paul Pitchford. fragmented foods create fragmented
consciousness and promote frag-
mented unclear thinking, which leads
influence on the nourishing qual- or mean-spirited the food served from to more unwholesome decisions and
ity of foods. If the cook is centered, that cook will carry those energies. one’s life can spiral into poor health
grounded, calm, kind, and loving, the Ideally, food is prepared at the house- and suffering.
food served from that cook’s kitchen hold level by the central earth energy Refined carbohydrates, e.g., white
will carry those energies. Conversely, figure in the household, someone who (wheat) flour, white sugar, high-fruc-
if the cook is scattered, flighty, upset, knows and loves each member of the tose corn syrup, refined poor quality •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 13
oils, e.g. partially hydrogenated oils and chew well. mately, each person’s dietary practice
and their derivatives are everywhere Eating meals, going to bed/ris- will be slightly different from any one
in manufactures foods. And then there ing, working, performing chores, and else’s. Don’t get drawn in to com-
are the paragraph(s) of ingredients in exercising at roughly the same time parisons and competitions about who
refined foods that are unpronounce- each day enables the body to operate is more macrobiotic. That is an ego
able and are most often of manufac- efficiently. If activities are rhythmic, concern and will likely lead you to an
tured chemical origin. These “foods” the body knows when it can rest and untruth about your own uniqueness.
are to be avoided at all costs. They are repair. If activities are chaotic, the Always be learning, studying, and
literally poison. If a “food” comes in body is stressed by the anxiety of increasing your knowledge. Your di-
a package, read the ingredients very deprivation and anticipation; it is al- etary practice will change with the
carefully. Shop around the walls of a ways on alert. That drains energy un- seasons, age, and activity level. Don’t
grocery store. That is usually where necessarily. be afraid to experiment. Discover
the fresh produce is displayed. Add Sufficient rest is crucial. If the what works for you. You decide. “See
whole grains, beans, etc. from the body can’t rest and repair itself, it for yourself,” as George Ohsawa said.
bulk bins and you will have acquired goes into the next day in a deficit of The uncompromising part is to
nourishing food. Organic unrefined energy and if that continues over a stick to your resolve. Be dedicated
sesame, coconut, or ghee (cook- to your goal of attaining good health
ing) and olive oil (raw) can be used and vitality. If you deviate and experi-
sparingly and small amounts of bar- ence poor health, use it as a learning
ley malt or rice syrup can be used as “In my view, develop- experience and return to your dietary
sweeteners. practice with renewed vigor. Use
ing good judgment is the the adventure of a macrobiotic diet
Chaotic Life heart of macrobiotics. to help you to evolve physically and
Try to avoid/minimize over/under spiritually.
eating and unconscious snacking, es- George Ohsawa taught
pecially eating to deal with emotions,
about understanding Develop Good Judg-
and eating late at night. As much as ment
possible don’t over/under work, don’t one’s limitations.” In my view, developing good
over/under rest, and in general avoid judgment is the heart of macrobiotics.
a chaotic schedule. Too much or too George Ohsawa taught about under-
little of anything will create an im- standing one’s limitations. If we know
balance and devitalize life functions. long time, eventually some function our limitations and stay within them,
Physiology responds to rhythm and will break down. then we have freedom to do what we
routine. Regular habits allow the Circulation of energy and blood like. If we consistently exceed our
body to rest. Chaotic habits constant- supports and accomplishes all life limitations we will become enslaved
ly put the body in a depleting “911” functions. Moderate exercise pro- to the consequences of our choices
alert mode. motes circulation of energy and and our life is consumed by trying to
blood. Exercise can be simple and recover from those consequences.
Simplify doesn’t require a gym or personal So, it is of paramount importance
Avoid complex refined foods and trainer. Brisk walking, breathing, and to develop good judgment. I think we
choose whole foods: grains, beans, gentle twisting and stretching exer- all know what good judgment feels
vegetables, sea vegetables, fermented cises are sufficient. like. It is “doing the right thing” that
foods like miso and pickles, and good has a positive outcome. My sugges-
quality fat and protein. If most or all Specificand Uncom- tions are to study macrobiotics, con-
of your meals consist of whole foods promising sult with a counselor for help, and
chosen from these categories, you are Cornellia Aihara used to say a apply macrobiotic principles to diet
already well on your way to health macrobiotic diet is simple, but it is and lifestyle to support physical and
and vitality. Develop your intuition to specific and uncompromising. I have spiritual evolution. Studying, seeking
choose foods and portion size (con- found that to be true. Diet in general, advice, learning how to make good
sult Julia Ferré’s Food and Intuition and a macrobiotic diet in particular, decisions all contribute to the nourish-
101). are unique to each individual. We are ment of body, mind, and spirit. Mak-
Cook at home for your family and as unique as our fingerprints from one ing a good decision isn’t that com-
loved ones. Maintain a peaceful at- another. Our constitutions and all the
mosphere around cooking and eating qualities that we have are unique; ulti- (continued on page 18)

14 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Transmutation—Reality or
Macrobiotic Fairy Tale
Matthias Grabiak

A recent Quantum Rabbit experiment

provides evidence that contamina-
tion, not transmutation played a ma-
jor role in it, and seriously calls in
question all the experiments that have
been performed at the Quantum Rab-
bit Laboratory so far. Standard Phys-
ics tells us that low energy nuclear
transmutation as it has been sug-
gested in the context of macrobiotics
is not possible. If the experiments at
Quantum Rabbit had found any con-
vincing evidence of it, it could thus
have challenged the conventional sci-
entific understanding. It appears that
at least so far that goal has not been

n his article “Corking the Nucle-
ar Genie” in Macrobiotics Today,
Vol. 55 No. 1 Edward Esko en-
thusiastically presented the idea of Edward Esko, Matthias Grabiak, and Alex Jack
using low energy nuclear transmuta-
tion, “Cool Fusion” as he calls it, to must be ruled out. ments George Ohsawa claimed to
help eliminate nuclear waste. If this “Low energy” in this context have transmuted sodium and oxygen
could work, it would in fact be a mar- means that the reactions can take into potassium in a test tube, the sec-
velous solution to the problem. How- place without involving energies of ond one purported to have transmuted
ever, there is one important prerequi- magnitudes usually associated with carbon and oxygen into iron. Unfortu-
site: The phenomenon of low energy nuclear explosions. Two experiments nately, the first experiment was never
transmutation must actually exist. To by George Ohsawa are commonly cit- reproduced by others, despite numer-
show that it does, it must be possible ed in macrobiotic literature as “proof” ous attempts to do so. In the second
to reliably reproduce the envisioned of transmutation, but it turns that both experiment, carbon was exposed to
reactions, and alternative explana- of these experiments fall short in one electricity, and after that it exhibited
tions for the experimental results way or another. In one of the experi- magnetic behavior. This can be repro- •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 15
duced fairly easily, and has been done but were present in the test samples, specific mix of isotopes, mostly con-
so very impressively in the Quan- or they were present in the environ- taining the somewhat heavier 138Ba,
tum Rabbit Laboratory by Edward ment and came in contact with the test along with some other types. Only the
Esko, Alex Jack and Woody Johnson, samples. This could have occurred by small proportion of 2.417% of it is
and by many others. The conclusion handling the test materials before, 134
Ba. The extra tests performed in the
drawn by Ohsawa and Kushi was that during or after the experiment, or recent experiment measured the pro-
iron had been produced, as evidenced when packaging and sending them to portions of the different barium types
by the magnetism. However, it has other laboratories to test for the ex- found after the experiment. If it had
since been discovered that magnetic pected trace elements. Edward Esko been found that almost all of the bari-
forms of carbon exist, and these may admits to the possibility of contami- um detected was 134Ba as predicted by
have been created in the experiment. nation and mentions it in the book the suggested reaction, it would have
The observed magnetism alone is Cool Fusion. He correctly points out lent good support to the transmutation
therefore no proof at all that any iron that the Quantum Rabbit experiments hypothesis. Alas, it turned out that
had been produced. should be repeated by better equipped most of it was 138Ba, according to the
The evidence obtained in the clas- research laboratories that may be bet- results compiled by Edward Esko in
sic macrobiotic transmutation ex- ter able to avoid contamination. an article submitted to the magazine
periments is therefore inconclusive at A recent experiment at Quantum Infinite Energy that he kindly shared
best. The Quantum Rabbit Laboratory with me. Finding 138Ba is exactly what
that Edward Esko is working with has we would expect if the barium origi-
made it a goal to demonstrate that nated from contamination, as 138Ba
nuclear transmutations at low ener- “What is at stake in is the dominant type of barium pres-
gies can occur, by performing experi- macrobiotics is that the ent in the environment. On the other
ments in a much more rigorous man- hand, according to the Cool Fusion
ner. What have they achieved in all ideas of Ohsawa and model 138Ba will not be created by
the years of their experiments? They transmutation of iodine and lithium,
have conducted a variety of experi- Kushi relating to trans- since the combined atomic weights
ments with different setups, involving mutation may have to be of iodine at 127 and lithium at up to
different chemical elements, but the 7 are not sufficient to produce 138Ba
basic idea is the same for all of them. considered incorrect.” with an atomic weight of 138.
They start out with certified pure The Quantum Rabbit experiment
materials, apply heat and electricity thus strongly indicates that contami-
to them, and send them to outside nation at the very least played a ma-
laboratories for testing afterwards. Rabbit was testing the hypothesis jor role. It is still possible that some
Predictions had been made what that barium can be formed from io- of the barium found was created by
chemical elements might be created dine and lithium by transmutation. transmutation. In that case we would
by transmutation in each of these ex- Different from the Quantum Rab- expect to see at least some increase of
periments, and the laboratory analysis bit experiments of previous years, 134
Ba relative to 138Ba. Three test runs
was looking for traces of these ele- this experiment included additional of the experiment were performed.
ments. Tests were also performed to tests that help to distinguish between For test 3 a fairly large proportion of
make sure these elements could not transmutation products and contami- 463 ppm (parts per million) of barium
be detected before the experiments, nation. The idea is very simple. There was found in the materials tested af-
which does not entirely rule out their are different types of barium that have ter the experiment, but next to no in-
presence though. Numerous times the slightly different weights. Such vari- crease of 134Ba. According to Edward
expected chemical elements were de- ants of chemical elements are called Esko’s article in Macrobiotics Today
tected afterwards, which would seem isotopes. The reaction of transmut- the barium appeared “as predicted”,
to speak in favor of the transmutation ing iodine and lithium into barium as but the fact that it was mostly 138Ba
hypothesis. However, before this can suggested by Edward Esko states that is quite contrary to the prediction that
be accepted as evidence of transmuta- only one specific type of barium is 134
Ba would be created by transmuta-
tion, other explanations must be ruled created in the reaction, referred to as tion.
out. First and foremost there is the 134
Ba. The “134” indicates the atomic In test 1 and 2 only 3.5 ppm and
possibility of contamination. In these weight of it, which is slightly less than 1.8 ppm of barium were found after-
experiments contamination would that of most other barium isotopes. wards, and again most of that consist-
mean that the new materials detected On the other hand, existing barium ed of 138Ba. This suggests that most of
were not created by transmutation, found anywhere on earth consists of a the barium found was from contami-

16 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

nation in these test runs also. Besides the iodine-lithium-barium experiment scenarios like supernova explosions
Ba, such contamination would con- shows this is no reliable indicator of will suffice.” Trying to reconcile the
tain some 134Ba as well. We can eas- transmutation if contamination can- idea of low energy transmutation with
ily estimate how much that would be, not be ruled out. And if contamination standard physics, in the book Cool
based on the fact that the ratio of 134Ba was found to be a major factor in one Fusion Edward Esko counters that
to 138Ba in naturally occurring barium experiment, as in the recent one, this the effect of quantum tunneling might
is about 1:30. One 30th of the amount may well have been the case in many offer an explanation of how “the Cou-
of 138Ba detected comes out to 0.085 if not in all of the previous Quantum lomb barrier can be breached with
ppm for test 1, 0.043 ppm for test 2 Rabbit experiments. relatively low inputs of temperature,
and 11.19 ppm for test 3. If additional The fact remains, conventional pressure, and energy and how nuclear
Ba was produced by transmutation physics tells us that the type of nu- transmutation can be achieved under
we would expect to see an increase clear reactions that Quantum Rabbit these conditions.” But quantum tun-
over these values. Minute increases attempts to study should be impos- neling is exactly what is being taken
were in fact seen in the test runs. The sible even at temperatures and matter into account when nuclear fusion is
increase in 134Ba was 0.011 ppm in densities found on the sun, let alone discussed in the context of standard
test 1, 0.029 ppm in test 2 and 0.014 in small laboratories on earth. As I physics. It is true, quantum mechani-
ppm for test 3. When looking for evi- had written in Infinite Energy, Issue cal tunneling makes it possible to
dence of transmutation it is these tiny 92, July/August 2010, “Conventional overcome barriers when it should be
increases that have to be considered. physics tells us that it requires pres- impossible according to classical me-
Thus, while the results of the tests sures and temperatures comparable chanics that does not take quantum
may look impressive at first, with as to the interior of the sun to over- theory into account. But the higher
much as 463 ppm of barium found come the Coulomb barrier even for the barrier, the lower the rate at which
in one of the test runs, the picture is the very lightest elements to achieve such tunneling events will occur. In
quite different when a realistic assess- fusion. But, for fusing heavier ele- nuclear physics this is expressed by
ment of the role of contamination is ments as suggested by the Quantum what is known as the Gamow factor.
made. Rabbit experiments, only cataclysmic Interestingly, according to classical
Unfortunately, the measured in-
creases of 134Ba that could be con-
ceived as a hint of transmutation are Learn—Change—Transform
so small that we have to question
how accurate the measurements of
such tiny amounts are. Maybe the Basic Alchemy
measurements gave inaccurate values
that were too high and there was no Macrobiotic & Oriental Healing
real increase in 134Ba at all. It may be Intensive Study Program
worthwhile following up on that in fu-
ture experiments, ideally in a setting with Michael Rossoff, L.Ac. “Please join me
where contamination can be greatly for this unique,
reduced, to avoid having to look for a This program is designed for new and advanced in-depth
needle of transmutation in a haystack students. It has been presented to over 150 people study that can
of contamination. in London, England for the past 8 years, and once strengthen your
The recent experiment calls into in Asheville, N.C., with each student gaining understanding
question the past experiments at immense personal benefits for their wellbeing. and empower
Quantum Rabbit where no tests had your life.”
been performed to distinguish be- November 7-10, 2014 —Michael Rossoff
tween transmutation and contamina- in Asheville, North Carolina u 45 years living a
tion. Predictions had been made that macrobiotic lifestyle
The cost for this 3½ day intensive is only $495, u 36 years acupuncturist
certain elements could be produced includes all classes, handouts & a delicious u International teacher
through transmutation, and when macrobiotic lunch each day. u Counseled 10,000s of
these elements were detected after There are discounts for both early registration people towards health
the experiment it was interpreted as u Published MacroMuse
and prior studies. For complete details please visit:
magazine in 1980s
possible evidence of transmutation. u Past dean of Oriental
Some of the amounts of material medicine school
found were impressively high, but as •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 17
mechanics it would be impossible for case no convincing evidence in favor (continued from page 14)
any nuclear fusion reactions of even of it will ever be found. Adherents to
the lightest element hydrogen to occur the idea will of course have a hard plicated. Frame your choices as an
on the sun. It is the tunneling effect time giving up on it ever in spite of either/or proposition. Distill even the
that makes these reactions possible that, and in spite of all the arguments most complex decision down to two
at a relatively slow rate, making sure speaking against the idea. What is choices. At that level, one choice will
that our sun can keep shining for bil- at stake in macrobiotics is that the feel more nourishing than the other.
lions of years. While still very small, ideas of Ohsawa and Kushi relat- The more nourishing choices you
the tunneling probability is increased ing to transmutation may have to be make the better your health and vital-
with the available kinetic energy of considered incorrect. But in the long ity.
the colliding atomic nuclei, thanks to run macrobiotics must not be limited Making a macrobiotic diet work
the high temperatures on the sun, and to upholding each and every idea of for you is a process of informed trial
the vast amount of matter on the sun the great teachers at all cost. We must and error. Start with what you know,
makes it possible that enough nuclear be thankful what those teachers have try it out, and see what works. If
reactions are occurring overall to pro- brought us, but our understanding something works for you, keep doing
vide the surrounding universe with must evolve and go beyond. Trans- it until it doesn’t work, and then move
light and heat. On the other hand, for mutation may have been considered on to another choice. If something
heavier nuclei the Coulomb barrier an important pillar of macrobiotics doesn’t work for you, don’t do it. You
resulting from the electric repulsion several decades ago. While it is not can try it again later, but strive to be
of the involved nuclei becomes so wrong to continue looking for evi- clear about how something affects
high that the Gamow factor basically dence of it, we should be prepared to you. Be true to yourself and over time
tells us that such fusion reactions are admit that the idea may not be cor- you will build an effective dietary
so unlikely to occur that they can be rect after all. Even if faith and posi- practice and a happy and healthy life.
considered impossible even under the tive thinking can often make a posi-
conditions on the sun, let alone any- tive difference in our lives, ultimately
where on earth. macrobiotics has to be based on real- Bob Ligon worked at the George
It all seems to fit together neatly. ity, not on wishful thinking. Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation and
Physics tells us that low energy trans- I would like to thank Edward Vega Study Center from 1989 to 1993
mutation is impossible, and look- Esko and Alex Jack for discussing the and was the editor of Macrobiotics
ing at the experiments of Quantum experiments at Quantum Rabbit with Today from 1992 to 2000. He is a
Rabbit including the one described me, and for providing me with their lecturer and counselor at the annual
above, we have to conclude that no recent results, and I continue to wish French Meadows Macrobiotic Sum-
convincing evidence of it has been them the best for their future research mer Camp. Bob studied acupuncture
found so far. Nonetheless, the very efforts. and herbology graduating from Pa-
slight apparent increase in 134Ba may Transmutation and nuclear phys- cific College of Oriental Medicine
be worthwhile following up on. Be- ics are very complex subjects. A lot of in San Diego in 1998. He integrates
yond that, the most promising route the above presentation has been sim- his knowledge of macrobiotics and
for Quantum Rabbit to pursue would plified in an attempt to make it more Chinese Medicine in his diet, life-
be to devise other experiments where accessible, while fitting into an article style counseling, and life coaching.
the measurement of isotopes can pro- in Macrobiotics Today. For the inter- Currently, Bob practices Traditional
vide more information that helps to ested reader a more detailed discus- Chinese Medicine in Akron, Ohio and
distinguish between transmutation sion of the subject has been posted at does counseling and life coaching by
and contamination, in the hope that See phone. He can be reached at 330-696-
future results will be more suggestive the Macrobiotics Today tab, sample 3385 for telephone appointments.
of transmutation. articles.
Where does this leave us? Low
energy transmutation is clearly an Matthias Grabiak grew up in Ger-
idea that goes strongly against the many and got his Ph.D. in theoretical
common scientific understanding. physics in 1988 at the Johann Wolf-
There are two possibilities: We may gang Goethe Universität in Frank-
be on the brink of a paradigm shift furt. He is currently employed in the
with a radical change in the com- software industry while still having a
mon scientific understanding, or the continued interest in physics. He may
idea could just be wrong. In the latter be contacted at

18 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Healthy and Happy Holiday
at Sea
Julia Ferré
Photos courtesy of Justin Belleme and Holistic Holiday at Sea

he Holistic Holiday at Sea
cruise is a holiday of mass
proportions. There is abundant
food. There are thousands of partici-
pants. There is ongoing change of
Cruise 2014 was number eleven
and, like the beginning of a new de-
cade, this cruise portends continuing
evolution. Held on the MSC Divina,
the larger cousin of the MSC cruise
line, the ship held more people than
any prior cruise. Cruise ten held a
maximum number of 1200 partici-
pants (half the ship). Hosts, Sandy
Pukel and John Belleme, had to turn
away registrants. Cruise eleven saw
1500 participants and, unlike cruise
ten, no one was turned away. In fact,
there is room to grow and potential
for even greater numbers in years to
Size is not the only parameter of
success. The popularity of the Holis-
The MSC Divina
tic Cruise lies in its two main attrac-
tions—the food and the program. diet.) In addition, many offerings are entrée, and dessert. Lunch has an ad-
totally free of oil, and it is possible to ditional salad bar buffet.
choose the entire menu free from oil. Appetizers range from patties to
Food Each breakfast includes courses of spreads to crunchy vegetables. Soups
All food on board for the Holistic soup and entrée with the addition of warm the soul and salads freshen the
Holiday at Sea participants is vegan buffet items with hot and cold cere- palette. Entrées include popular burg-
and gourmet macrobiotic. (See page als, breads and spreads, and fruit. The ers and fries, although in the vegan
10 for a description of the difference lunch and dinner menus include mul- world, the burger is made of beans
between a vegan and macrobiotic tiple courses: appetizer, soup, salad, and the fries are made from sweet po- •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 19
Do you need memories? Fill your
day with all the activities the cruise
line offers, from bingo, to dancing, to
nightly entertainment, to shopping at
the ports of call. Excursions abound
at each port that cater to your adven-
turous spirit.

Special Features
The popularity of the Holistic
Holiday at Sea cruise is apparent in
the smiling faces of participants. Here
are some key points as to why this
cruise stands out above the rest.

Open seating arrangement. People

can choose which table to eat at for
meals. Most cruises assign seating ta-
Breakfast Buffet in Addition to the Full Menu
bles and mates. With open seating ar-
tatoes. Chef Mark Hanna offers many of many people who have healed mi- rangement, everyone can mingle with
of his signature dishes such as braised raculously through making such a everyone else. It is possible to meet
tempeh or umeboshi infused potato change. new people three times daily.
salad, and continues to present new Are you inspired to make a dif-
treats. ference? Sit at the feet of Yogi Desai Gluten-free options. Many people
Desserts are not to be missed and/or other experts and raise your with gluten sensitivity find they can
and many times, people declare they consciousness. at last go on a cruise. Not only is food
would skip the whole meal just to Want a break? Laugh at the com- freshly prepared, but it is delicious.
have ample room for the dessert! edy. Yogi Beyondananda, the cosmic
(Look on page 21 for sample recipes.) spiritual stand-up comic, answered Choices, choices, choices. Do you
the questions and questioned the an- want to hear a doctor? Watch a cook-

The program at Holistic Holiday
at Sea is educational, inspirational,
and entertaining. There is information
for your mind, your body, and your
Want to exercise? Go for yoga or
Want to know what to eat? Go to
food classes. Witness demonstrations.
Sample freshly prepared selections at
cooking classes.
Want information on how to be
vegan? How to stop eating animal
foods? Why a change in diet changes
your health? Attend lectures on can-
cer, lab and diagnosis tests, nutrition,
digestion, and macrobiotics.
Do you need motivation to eat
healthy food? Listen to the people on Guests Participate in a Guided Meditation Aboard the Cruise
the recovery panel and hear firsthand

20 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

ing demonstration? Get a massage?
Lay in the sun? There is no excuse for
being bored.

Cruise amenities. Cruises are fun.

You can listen to music from popular
to jazz to Frank Sinatra. You can go to
the gym or the sauna. You can swim
with the dolphins or walk the beach
when in port. You can watch movies
or attend full theatrical shows.

Bookstore. The Holistic Holiday at

Sea provides products to take home
from recordings of lectures to books
to food products.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

Taking Home the Ho- Guests Enjoy a Morning Jog Aboard the Holistic Holiday at Sea
listic Holiday at Sea Cruise. Others Participate in Yoga on the Deck Below.
The Holistic Holiday starts on the
MSC cruise line and continues each The purpose of the Holistic Holi- Wet ingredients:
day that follows. While many people day at Sea is to help people have a 3 ounces soft silken tofu
attend each year, many more are able good time true, but more importantly 1⅓ cup maple syrup
to attend only once. To maintain the to learn how good and easy it feels to ½ cup safflower oil
momentum begun on board, here are eat healthy and happy food. The in- 2 tsp vanilla extract
some suggestions. If you have always spiration you receive is something to ¾ cup soy milk
wanted to attend and haven’t had the take home. The more (days) you eat 2 tsp raspberry vinegar
chance yet, here are key strategies to healthy and happy food, the better
be successful. you feel. The better you feel, the more Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Oil
you thrive. and flour two 9-inch cake pans or one
1. Make time to eat healthy food 13-by-9 sheet pan.
each day. The key to vitality is Sift the dry ingredients together.
eating healthy food regularly. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ Blend the wet ingredients together.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredi-
2. Recognize the importance of Desserts Worth ents, mix well, and pour into pans or
happy foods. Eat healthy foods Waiting For pan. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until
you enjoy and your satisfaction Carolyn Trompeter tester comes clean.
increases exponentially. This is Carolyn is the pastry chef for the Cool and frost.
the key to thriving. Holistic Holiday at Sea Cruise. Imag-
ine making enough to feed 1500 peo-
ple! Luckily the following amounts Chocolate Icing
3. Respect nutrition in your diet.
Aim for complex carbohy- serve 10. 3½ cups dairy-free malt-
sweetened chocolate chips
drates, especially from whole
2 tsp vanilla extract
cereal grains like brown rice Chocolate Cake ¾ cup maple syrup
and quinoa. Add plenty of Dry ingredients: 1 pound extra firm silken tofu
plant–based proteins from beans, 2 cups unbleached white four
tofu, and tempeh, and include 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
Melt chocolate over simmering water.
appropriate fats from nuts and ½ cup cocoa powder
When melted add extract. Blend ma-
seeds and pure organic unrefined 1½ tsp baking powder
ple syrup and tofu and add to choco-
oils if you use oil. Eat plenty of ½ tsp baking soda
late mixture. Let cool and frost cake.
vegetables and fruits too! Pinch salt •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 21
Combo Special
Save 15%
Order both volumes
of Julia Ferre’s
Food and Intuition
101 and save over
15 percent off the
list price of $17.95
each! Or, order at with
free shipping.

$29.95 plus shipping

George Ohsawa
Yoga in the Early Morning on the Top Deck
Macrobiotic Foundation
Coconut Cream Pie into pre-baked pie crust. Bake for 30 PO Box 3998
Chico, CA 95927-3998
to 40 minutes, until center is firm.
1¼ cup gluten-free oats
Garnish with 1 cup toasted flaked
1¼ cup gluten-free baking mix
1 tsp baking soda
pinch salt
1¼ cup coconut or maple sugar
Julia Ferré, CHT is a certified hyp- See for more
¾ cup shredded coconut
notherapist with ACHE and Sylvia information or contact Julia by e-
¾ cup coconut flour
Browne. She is author of Food and In- mail at Visit:
1 cup safflower oil
tuition 101, Basic Macrobiotic Cook- for more on
ing, and French Meadows Cookbook. the Holistic Holiday at Sea.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Process oats until finely ground.
Combine all ingredients to form a
moist dough and press into 10-inch
pie pan.
Bake for 7 to 10 minutes to set
2¼ pounds extra firm silken tofu
1½ cup maple syrup
1¼ cup coconut milk
scant ⅓ cup safflower oil
¼ cup arrowroot powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp agar powder
1 cup shredded coconut
Garnish: 1 cup toasted flaked
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Blend all ingredients except co-
conut. Hand mix in coconut and pour Guests Enjoy Dancing to Live Music at One of the Nightly Socials

22 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Lessons from Fukushima
Maureen N. Roy, MPH
© Copyright 2014 Maureen N. Roy

n her 2012 book Japanese Farm It’s now three years since my own
Food, American writer Nancy frustrating search began for books on
Singleton Hachisu, who lives in nuclear power from the last 70 years.
Japan and teaches for Slow Food Ja- Those writings include the clearly
pan, tells how she survived the 9.0 To- pro-nuclear, the even more clearly an-
hoku earthquake of March 11, 2011. ti-nuclear, and 20 nonpartisan titles.
For Nancy and other subway passen- The unaligned authors include profes-
gers at an underground Tokyo station sional journalists, historians, and in-
when the temblor struck, their first dependently or academically funded
reaction was terror. Six minutes later, scientists and epidemiologists. Given
the earthquake ended, and so had all the controversy over nuclear power,
internet and cellphone connections. I am surprised that authors of these
Public telephones required a 45-min- types of books and articles are almost
ute wait in line, all trains stopped for never required to state their financial
safety checks, and the “unthinkable” connections with pro- or anti-nuclear
Fukushima dai-ichi (FD, Fukushima, camps; an exception is The Bulletin
or 3/11) triple meltdowns had begun. of the Atomic Scientists, which re-
28 hours later, Nancy got safely back quires financial disclosure. (I have no
to her farm in rural Saitama prefec- financial ties with either nuclear en-
ture, northwest of Tokyo. The Ha- Maureen Roy ergy or the anti-nuclear community.)
chisu family farm is 130 miles (215 In the spring of 2011, Scientific
km) from the FD reactors. As Nancy Nancy discussed using the New York American magazine printed a com-
now writes, “We cannot control the Times and Japan’s NHK World to ment from the health physics man-
amount of radiation that may or may keep aware of FD news until recently: ager at the Mayo Clinic, who said that
not be in the environment around us, “Frankly, (now) I rarely look. I was so a negligible amount of radiation had
but we can control what we choose to obsessed post-earthquake that it took reached North America from Fuku-
put into our bodies. Now, more than over my life. I finally had to let go shima at that point. This health physi-
ever, is the time to make careful and even though I am aware of how des- cist, however, has a financial connec-
conscious decisions about the food perate the situation is and how far we tion with the global nuclear industry
we eat and to strive to find the clean- are from ever resolving the disaster. in that his department’s operations are
est, most chemical-free food we can. The recent news of cesium leaking is dependent on radioisotopes (radionu-
That is a choice we can make every no surprise. I can never understand clides) produced by nuclear reactors;
day for ourselves and our families.” the folly of man to build a monster he so, his downplaying of the potential
In a July 5, 2013 e-mail interview, cannot control.” impact of FD is no surprise. The first •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 23
lesson of Fukushima is therefore to
follow the money. Table 1: Selected Assumptions about Environmental
Everyone has an opinion about
nuclear power, however as former Ionizing Radiation (IR)
US Senator Daniel Patrick Moyni-
Assumption (minimize risk) (maximize risk)
han once said, “Everyone is entitled
to their own opinions, but not to their
IR Source outside the body outside and inside the body
own facts.” News coverage of 3/11
(ingestion + inhalation + skin)
should always include either verified
facts or the opinions of independent
Population healthy adult white risk factors differ by gender +
experts, yet this is rarely done. (The
male age + health status
superb reports from the Reuters news
agency are the sole exception here.) I
IR Pathway original source (OS) OS + food chain biomagnifica-
suggest that when you read an article
tion + fallout + mining + radwaste
about Fukushima and cannot verify
its accuracy, write a complaint to the
Diagnoses cancer, leukemia, cancers + genetic damage +
news publisher and also post your
stress cardiovascular + immune + other
comments at their online address.
Also be aware that the post-3/11
IR form radioisotopes (RI) RI + hot particles
global nuclear industry has distanced
itself from the Tokyo Electric Power
IR origin All RI at 1 risk level natural RI at 1 risk level, man-
Company (TEPCO), owner/manager
made RI at greater risk level
of the FD reactors. A year after 3/11,
one industry insider wrote wither-
ingly that TEPCO was not compe- on by independent epidemiologists, cially in recent years, and especially
tent enough to operate a vegetable physicians, and scientists around the in major media outlets. Here are 12
stand, much less nuclear power. In world who have no present or past such teachers: The American physi-
2013, however, a surprising explana- financial connection with the global cian and research scientist Hermann
tion came from American indepen- nuclear industry. These “minimize” J. Muller, MD, is one of the few ever
dent nuclear engineer Arnie Gunder- assumptions, reflected in typical to receive an unshared Nobel Prize in
sen: TEPCO is a reactor operator, media, US government, and some the Nobel category of “Physiology or
not a nuclear engineering company. academic physics-based reports on Medicine.” His Nobel Prize in 1946
Gundersen says that only a nuclear biological IR effects, are inconsis- was for his work with fruit flies (Dro-
engineering company has the skill set tent with decades of published peer- sophilia melanogaster). He shows
needed to stabilize a nuclear power reviewed documentation of the full that IR from X-ray sources (gamma
disaster. Fukushima’s second lesson scope of biological problems found rays) creates inherited genetic muta-
is therefore: Verify the factual basis after IR exposure. (In my Fukushima tions, almost all of which weaken the
of news reports. readings, however, I saw no evidence species in question; his acceptance
Epidemiologist Steve Wing, PhD, of any “conspiracies.”) Ocean waters speeches, discussing his methods and
of the University of North Carolina’s tested in the 1930s found tiny measur- findings, are on the free website of the
School of Public Health, was asked able amounts of only natural (primor- Nobel Prize committee.
at a 2013 Fukushima conference to dial) radioisotopes such as uranium, In 1973, the US National Acade-
explain evidence in the scientific lit- thorium, and radium, and their decay my of Sciences (NAS) confirmed that
erature that is for, or against, a con- products. Man-made radioisotopes all nuclear power plants continuously
nection between exposure to ionizing were never present in the oceans be- discharge small amounts of gaseous
radiation (IR) and biological damage. fore the Nuclear Age; so, another and liquid radioactive wastes into the
Wing replied, “It depends on your common statement that seawater is biosphere. The Nobel laureate and
assumptions.” Table 1 shows some “naturally radioactive” actually calls physicist Andrei Sakharov asks that
common assumptions used in the last for much more critical thinking. everyone learn the answers to two
70 years that either minimize or maxi- Leading physicians, scientists, questions—What is a chromosome?
mize the relationship between IR ex- and engineers over the last 70 years and What does IR do to chromo-
posure and later biological risk. have taught about the biological ef- somes? Michio Kaku, PhD, a college
These “maximize” assumptions fects of IR exposure, but their teach- physics professor, author, and public
(also called “factors”) are agreed ings have often gone unheard, espe- speaker, states that nuclear power is

24 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

the only form of energy required to amount of lead paneling reduces the modern times, built the world’s first
have an evacuation plan. IR exposure to zero. Figures 1 and 2 civilian nuclear power reactor un-
The Japanese macrobiotic writer give the mathematical relationships. derground. In later years, physicists
Eiwan Ishida’s 1989 book Genmai: Andrei Sakharov and Edward Teller
Brown Rice for Better Health, dis- would agree with Rickover’s conclu-
cusses the negative biological effects Figure 1: Common Exponen- sion that nuclear reactors should only
of IR, as do the writings of Gabriel tial Function with Base 10 be built underground.
Cousens, MD. Mike Gray, a Purdue- a = starting value of gamma radiation During my January 2014 phone
trained engineer and co-author of y = a ● 10-X call to his internet radio show, Gary
the screenplay for “The China Syn- Null, PhD, the noted author, health
drome,” explains in his non-fiction x y researcher, Academy Award-nomi-
book The Warning, an account of the nated documentary filmmaker, and
Three Mile Island meltdown, that the 0 1000 public speaker, confirmed that all wa-
US nuclear industry developed its 1 100 ter filtration methods have a limited
technology years before the actual 2 10 ability to remove IR. Unfortunately,
risks of using nuclear power could be 3 1 after 3/11, a vast number of water fil-
known. 4 0.1 ter companies introduced new filters
In 2006, the NAS published its 5 0.01 to “remove” IR, without mentioning
2nd volume of the BEIR VII report etcetera that some IR remains in the water af-
(Biological Effects of Ionizing Ra- ter filtration, even with the most out-
diation), with expert analysis of se- x = number of times you add 2 rageously expensive filters. So what
lected biological risks. In the 2012 more inches of lead shielding is a recommended solution for drink-
documentary film The Atomic States (Each lead sheet is 2 inches thick.) ing water that is 100% IR-free? Keep
of America, Rosalie Bertell, PhD, a in mind that each US state maintains
mathematician and health researcher, a list of state-certified analytic labo-
is asked if the concept that “there is ratories. I did see one vendor website
no safe level of IR” is stated in those Figure 2 where the water filter company post-
exact words in the BEIR VII report. The value “x” could be the number ed analytic laboratory results show-
Dr. Bertell replies, “It’s in the math.” each time a 2-inch section of lead ing a “zero” level of radioactive ce-
shielding is added to protect against
In 2013, the American Medical gamma rays.
sium 137, but first, it would have to
Association voted to call for more be confirmed whether that analytic
US government testing to find out y-axis
laboratory is state-certified, and sec-
how much IR is in the US food sup- ond, any laboratory “zero” value for
ply from the Pacific Ocean. Starting y = a when x = 0
any IR isotope raises questions, since
in 2013, Santa Barbara physician Ste- the standard laboratory practice for a
phen Hosea, MD, gave public speech- negative IR result is to assign the val-
es describing post-3/11 medical risks ue of ND—not detected. I petitioned
for North Americans. The non-profit Consumer Reports magazine to test
group Physicians for Social Respon- and rate the actual performance of any
sibility educates people about prob- air or water filters which claim to “re-
lems and solutions associated with IR x-axis → move” IR. Post-3/11, at my California
exposure. home, we buy deep spring water for
The noted radiation chemist Theo- drinking, cooking, and tooth-brush-
dore Rockwell, who worked first on ing; it is sold at 99 cent stores, Dollar
the Manhattan Project and then for Tree, Trader Joe, and Smart & Final.
US Admiral Rickover in developing Deep spring water requires up to tens
nuclear power, explains in his auto- The exponential decay patterns in of thousands of years to become con-
biography that materials such as lead Figures 1 and 2 show why lead shield- taminated with manmade IR.
panels that shield people against the ing or air or water filtration reduces With the above three paragraphs
gamma form of IR only provide an but can never remove 100% of IR: of complexities in mind (the assump-
exponential level of protection. For The x value decreases and approach- tions, the mathematics, and the in-
example, this means that a 2-inch lead es zero, but never reaches zero. This terference of politics and economics
panel reduces IR, an additional 2-inch is the math that explains why Admi- with science), Fukushima’s third and
lead panel reduces IR further, but no ral Rickover, the greatest engineer of most important lesson comes from •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 25
two sources. First, in words attrib- of Ionizing Radiation, BEIR VII
“An Essential Tool uted by the New York Times in 1950 Phase 2, National Academies
in mastering the simple to Albert Einstein: “[Einstein] said, Press, Washington DC, 2006.
elegance of macrobiotic in effect, that everything should be Ochiai, E, Hiroshima to Fukushima:
cooking…and a vital tool in as simple as it can be, but not sim- Biohazards of Radiation, 1st ed.,
learning to cook well for your pler!” Second, as the journalist Walter Springer, NY, 2014.
loved ones and yourself.” Cronkite stated, “In seeking truth you
Rockwell, T, Creating the New World:
—Christina Pirello have to get both sides of a story.”
Stories & Images from the Dawn

of the Atomic Age, Author House,
KS, 2003.
Shannon, S, Good Health in a Toxic
Biddle, Wayne, A Field Guide to
World: Complete Guide to Fighting
Radiation, Penguin Group, NY,
Free Radicals, Grand Central, NY,
1994, (In Press, 2015).
Committee on Food Protection, Food
Shannon, S, Radiation Protective
and Nutrition Board, Radionuclides
Foods: A Menu for the Nuclear
in Foods, National Academy of
Age, Author House, KS, 2012,
Sciences, Washington DC, 1973.
Cousens, G, Conscious Eating, North
Sakharov, A, Memoirs, Alfred A.
Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA,
Knopf, Inc., NY, 1990.
Sverdrup, HU, Johnson, MW, Fleming,
Duncan, F, Rickover: The Struggle for
RH, The Oceans: Their Physics,
Excellence, Naval Institute Press,
Chemistry, and General Biology,
Annapolis, MD, 2001.
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Gray, M, Rosen, I, The Warning: Cliffs, NJ, 1942.
Accident at Three Mile Island, WW
Norton & Co., NY, 1982.
Hachisu, NS, Japanese Farm Food, muller-lecture.html, retrieved
Andrews McMeel Pub., LLC, March 7, 2014.
Kansas City, MO, 2012.
Ishida, E, Genmai: Brown Rice for nuclear-power.html, retrieved
$17.95 plus $2.50 shipping Better Health, Japan Publications, March 7, 2014.
= $20.45 Tokyo, Japan, 1989.
Interviews, mathematics professionals,
“A Trustworthy Guide Los Angeles, CA, 2014. Maureen Roy has worked as a systems
for anyone ready to embrace
Kingston, J, Natural Disaster and analyst in all health care settings.
the wisdom and great tastes
Nuclear Crisis in Japan: Response Her MPH degree is from UCLA. She
in macrobiotic cooking.”
and Recovery after Japan’s 3/11, has received macrobiotic counseling
—Meredith McCarty from Cecile Tovah Levin and Warren
Routledge, NY, 2012.
Kramer, as well as acupuncture from
“An Excellent and Kaku, Michio, Nuclear Power: Both
Mao Shing Ni, L.Ac., DOM, PhD.
Useful Cookbook.” Sides: The Best Arguments for and
She writes about nuclear power and
—Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D. against the Most Controversial
human health on the Powerfist.US in-
Technology, WW Norton & Co.,
dependent news website.
George Ohsawa NY, 1983.
Macrobiotic Foundation Nakanishi, TM, Tanoi, K, Agricultural
Implications of the Fukushima
PO Box 3998 Nuclear Accident, 1st ed., Springer,
Chico, CA 95927
800-232-2372 or NY, 2013.
530-566-9765 National Research Council of the
530-566-9768 fax
National Academies, Health Risks From Exposure to Low Levels

26 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Macrobiotic Cooking

Embracing Community
from The Great Life Cookbook

Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis Freedman, RD

ooking for friends is not as The monastery in Ithaca was
scary as you might think! It preparing for a visit from His
does not take a professional Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the
chef to put together a healthy meal public was invited to observe. It was
for a group of people. When cooking quite an experience, watching these
for a crowd, all you need is intention, monks focus. They used special
time, ingredients, a few large pots and tools and containers of colored sand
pans, and a cooking space you feel to slowly create a large, meaningful
good spending time in! image. While the monks worked,
Providing a safe, cozy, intimate the atmosphere was tranquil. After
place for people to relax and to weeks of working on this majestic
enjoy healthy food is a worthy and piece of art, the monks scooped it up
rewarding endeavor. At our dinners, into in a vessel, transforming it back
guests sit at communal tables and to sand, and released their creation
enjoy each other’s company. They into Beebe Lake. What a lesson in
can catch up on local news and solicit impermanence! We were told that the
advice. Children scurry off to the monks’ sole objective was to cultivate
playroom to find their favorite toys. a pure motivation to benefit others.
Our devoted dog, Angel, is a beacon You can probably sense where I’m
of love and affection to all; whereas come together with the intention of going with this. Offering healthy,
our new six-toed kitten, Pepper, is a promoting health and happiness. The delicious food is a very practical way
total rascal. very common air becomes charged to benefit others.
We serve the entire meal. We with goodness. How healing it is to be In addition to nurturing others,
start with soup, then, a main plate of in the presence of others, reminding cooking with mindfulness fosters
5 or 6 dishes, and end with dessert. us of our essential wholeness! one’s own inner peace and joy. The
With some questioning, as well as my author of Full Catastrophe Living, Jon
knack for remembering birthdays, we Hidden Values Kabat-Zinn, shares that “Mindfulness
find one or more guests to sing Happy I often get asked the question, means paying attention in a particular
Birthday to each week. “How can you spend hours cooking way; on purpose, in the present
Life is not always easy and a meal that takes just minutes to moment, nonjudgementally.” What a
sometimes we go through difficult eat? What is the sense of that?” This relief it is to simply focus on cooking.
times. The common practice of question sends my mind floating back This past fall, Alicia and I trekked
gathering together for meals can to a time when a group of Tibetan down to New York City, to spend a
have a transformational effect on Buddhist monks were invited to the day of mindfulness with Thich Nhat
a person. There is something that Cornell campus to create a sacred Hanh, the venerable Zen Buddhist
happens energetically when people sand mandala. Vietnamese master and visionary. •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 27
Along with 1,000 other participants, for 2 hours, stirring and checking the 6 tablespoons kuzu, dissolved in
we ate lunch, mindfully chewing each bottom of the pot occasionally. Split ¼ cup cold water
bite 30 times as instructed. We were peas are easy to burn. Using a simple 6-8 scallions, diced small for
invited to meditate on all the beings flame-tamer under the pot reduces the garnish
who put time and care into getting chance of burning the bottom.
1. Blanch snow and snap peas in
us this precious food, including the 2. Prepare leeks by cutting
boiling water for 1 or 2 minutes. Cool
farmer, the trucker, the cook, etc. I them entirely in half lengthwise and
immediately in cold water and drain.
believe it is this kind of awareness cleaning thoroughly under running
2. Cut tofu into triangles, ½ inch
that is the foundation for the “great water. Separate the dark green top
thick, 1 to 1½ inches per side.
life.” It was quite a validation to find parts from the white bottoms, keeping
3. Heat some of the toasted sesame
out that Thich Nhat Hanh, and all his both parts. Dice small. (~4½ cups)
oil in a large frying pan on medium
monks and nuns, eat a whole food 3. When the split peas are soft,
heat. Sauté as many tofu triangles as
plant-based vegan diet! add onions, carrots and white bottoms
will fit on the surface of pan. Cook
There is an artistic, creative side of leeks.
until brown on both sides and remove
of cooking. Working with colorful 4. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes,
from pan. Add a little more sesame
vegetables with amazing intricate until vegetables are soft.
oil and continue sautéing until all the
design patterns is a sensory delight. 5. Add salt and celery, and cook
tofu is cooked. Set tofu aside.
Have you ever looked closely at the for 5 more minutes.
4. In the same pan, add a few
cross section of a carrot or radish? 6. Add corn, the green parts of
tablespoons of water, and then add
It is miraculous that something so leeks, and tamari. Taste the broth. You
ginger and garlic. Water sauté a few
seemingly simple is, in essence, quite can always add more tamari to taste,
minutes, adding small amounts of
intricate and beautifully organized. I but you can not take it out. Cook for
water as necessary.
find inspiration and happiness in just 10 to 12 minutes more.
5. Add tamari, maple syrup and
being able to work so intimately with
these lovely plant-foods.
Gingered Tofu Triangles 6. Bring liquid mixture to boil,
with Snap & Snow Peas and then reduce to simmer.
Yellow Split Pea and Prep Notes: Fresh peas make this
7. Add the tofu and simmer 5
Corn Soup dish absolutely delightful! If toasted
minutes, gently turning it over after 2
or 3 minutes.
Prep Notes: This is a perfect sesame oil is not available, use
8. Slowly pour in kuzu mixture,
summer soup. The split peas do not regular sesame oil. If kuzu powder
while stirring gently, to avoid
need to be soaked and take only 2 is not available, use 4 tablespoons
breaking up tofu. Simmer until
hours to cook. Start the peas and then arrowroot. It is easy to make this oil-
cloudiness clears, for about 1 or 2
prep everything else. An 8-quart pot free. Instead of sautéing the tofu in oil,
minutes. Remove from heat.
is needed. use a few tablespoons of the tamari
9. Gently stir peas in with tofu
to coat the tofu. Place this tofu on a
4 cups yellow split peas mixture.
baking sheet and broil both sides until
3 quarts water 10. Serve over rice and garnish
brown. If a broiler is not available,
6 small leeks with scallions.
then baking at a high temperature will
2 medium yellow onions, diced
also work.
small (~2½ cups)
4 medium carrots, diced small
1 quart (¾ pound) fresh snap Long Grain Brown Rice
peas, trimmed 6 cups long grain brown rice
(~2½ cups)
1 quart (¾ pound) fresh snow 12 cups water
8 celery stalks, diced small
peas, trimmed ½ teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon sea salt
4 pounds firm tofu
10 ears of corn, cooked and 1. Rinse rice well.
2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
kernels removed (~4½ cups of 2. In a 5 or 6 quart pot, bring rice,
(oil-free instructions in Prep
kernels) water and salt to boil.
4 tablespoons wheat-free or 3. Turn down to simmer and
3 tablespoons fresh ginger root,
regular tamari cover.
minced or finely grated
1. Rinse and drain split peas. 1 medium head garlic, minced 4. Cook on very low heat, covered
Place in a large pot, add water, bring 1 cup wheat-free or regular tamari for 50 minutes. Then let sit for 10
to a boil, and then turn down to a ¼ cup pure maple syrup minutes or more before serving.
simmer. Cook on low heat, covered, 6 cups water

28 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

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Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 29
The Great Life Cookbook Steamed Cauliflower,
by Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis Freedman, RD Kale, and Green Beans
Coddington Valley Publishing 2013. with Pesto
Prep Notes: Make the pesto
Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis Freedman are authors of a new book, The Great first and keep it tightly covered in
Life Cookbook. The WOW factor in this book is off the charts! Here are some of the refrigerator. The pesto is also
the things that are truly impressive. delicious on noodles.
1. The title, The Great Life Cookbook, is reflective of macrobiotics, which 2 medium heads cauliflower
means “Great Life.” 2 bunches kale
2. The recipes are good for potlucks. 1½ pounds green beans
3. Full color photos are on every page. There is even a photo of equipment!
4. The book is printed on recycled paper. 1. Separate cauliflower into large
5. There are twelve chapters organized by month. bite-sized flower sections.
6. Each chapter contains a complete meal from soup to entrée to dessert. 2. Remove the bottom of the kale
7. All recipes are gluten-free. Oil-free options are included for the few reci- stems. Cut leaves into large bite-sized
pes that suggest using oil. Most recipes use nuts and seeds rather than oils. pieces.
8. The book is dedicated to Master Sai Mai (an internationally known and
3. Remove tips and tails from the
respected spiritual teacher). Authors have pledged a portion of the book’s
proceeds to the organization Just One Hunger Initiative, which feeds chil- green beans. Cut into lengths to match
dren in the slums of India. the kale and cauliflower.
4. Steam cauliflower, kale and
Priscilla and Lewis live in upstate New York and have for the last 17 years, green beans separately for 5 to 7
hosted vegan macrobiotic diners in their home. Raising and homeschooling four
minutes. Pay attention to not over-
children, Priscilla, a wellness instructor at Cornell University, and Lewis, a reg-
istered dietician, have cooked and presented thousands of meals. Embracing a cook.
whole-food, plant-based, macrobiotic dietary plan, they have done more than Pesto
feed hungry people. They have been a hub of the community, hosting weekly 2 cups fresh basil leaves
gatherings of upwards of twenty people that have included celebrities such as ¾ cup parsley without stems
Dr. T. Colin Campbell. ¾ cup walnuts lightly toasted
This book is a beautiful art book to enhance your coffee table. But you will
2 cloves garlic, minced
want to keep it in your kitchen and use throughout the year. In addition to the
twelve full meals in each chapter, there are many articles in the book to educate 1 tablespoon brown rice miso
and enlighten. Physician Mark Hyman, contributed “How eating at home can Pinch of sea salt
save your life.” Lewis writes on how eating a rainbow color of vegetables is like ¾ cup of water
medicine. Priscilla shares that she has been inspired from teachers ranging from 1. Blend or use a food processor to
macrobiotic leaders Michio and Aveline Kushi to spiritual teachers His Holiness
the Dalai Lama and Zen Buddhist Vietnamese master Thich Nhat Hanh.
combine all of the pesto ingredients.
As a cook and cookbook author myself, I recognize the hard work put into 2. Place a heaping teaspoon of
this book in order to be thorough—the list of foods, the how to cut vegetables, pesto on each serving of vegetables.
the tips and preparations. There is a list of ten less-common ingredients to stock
in the kitchen that includes such items as sea salt, miso, and brown rice syrup.
There is a photo of a yam cut into different size cut from large chunks to tiny Cherry Almond Layered
mince cuts. Everything is there. Mousse
Every macrobiotic book carries its author’s voice. Some books portray Prep Notes: The cherry bottom will
macrobiotics as the balanced nutrition regime that heals and energizes. Oth- take a few hours to set. The almond
ers focus on its gourmet qualities. The Great Life Cookbook speaks about these pudding will take 1 hour to set in the
ideas, true, but even more, it highlights that healthy macrobiotic eating is truly refrigerator. This recipe makes 22 to
the foundation for a great life. 24 parfait glasses, small bowls, or
Great life includes all the aspects from nutrition, to delicious food, to family, cups. Agar powder can be substituted
to community, to dedication to a higher purpose. From the first page to the last,
there is a sense of wonder and joy about living a great life.
for the flakes, at ¼ the volume. If
This is a book worth owning. See for more using the powder, whisk longer and
information. Use the code “Macrobiotics Today” to receive 25% off! thoroughly to avoid clumping. When
putting together a shopping list,
– Book Review by Julia Ferré
(continued on page 35)

30 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

Community Resources Network
Listings are supplied by the individuals and have not been verified by Macrobitoics Today.
Readers are encouraged to use their own judgment in deciding whether to use the services and/or products listed.

ARIZONA Hollywood: 7th Element Services; 818-512-9195;; •
Prescott: David Jackson, Macrobiotics of Arizona, PO Box Macrobiotic chefs and teachers Jeanne and Patrick Grosset
12412, Prescott, AZ 86304;; 928- are graduates of the Kushi Institute. Providing Macrobiotic
776-8364 • Counseling, Lectures, Cooking Classes. education (personal or group), private chef and food ser-
vices, lifestyle coaching, catering and more!
Prescott: Prescott: Cynthia Vann, GMCS, PO Box 10130,
Prescott, AZ 86304; 928-778-3351; Los Angeles area: Seed, 1604 Pacific Avenue, Venice, CA
• Counseling, lectures, cooking classes. Unique Physical, 90291; 310-396-1604; • Organic,
Personality Iridology and Sclerology diagnosis techniques. vegan, macrobiotic cafe by Eric Lechasseur, renowned
Find toxins (microwave/radiation/drug poisoning, heavy international macrobiotic chef, and Sanae Suzuki, Kushi
metals), weakened or clogged arteries, pre-aneurism condi- Level 4 graduate macrobiotic counselor/educator. Open
tions. Kushi Institute and Macrobiotics America trained. daily, Macrobiotic Community Night once a week, Event
Sedona: Pearl Pardee, Thai Spices Natural Restaurant and
Cooking School, 928-821-3377;; Los Angeles area: Macrobiotic B & B; 626-806-1060; • Serving “Nutritious Made • Close to all main attractions
Delicious” foods with Pearl’s cooking techniques using and beaches. Stay includes macrobiotic meals, also cook-
Herman and Cornellia Aihara’s macrobiotic principles. ing classes, and consultations are available from Elizabeth
Available for Lunch, Dinner, cooking classes for groups or Gamboa, a graduate from Kushi Institute, Level IV. Call
private sessions, parties facilities, and overnight stays. for more information.
Scottsdale: Vesna Cupara-Peters, MindBody Medicine Center, Oroville: David & Cynthia Briscoe, Macrobiotics America/;; 480-607- Macrobiotics Global, 1735 Robinson St, 1874, Oroville,
7999 • Macrobiotic Counselor. CA 95965;; 530-282-3518 •
Interactive internet courses for home learning. Certified
CALIFORNIA counselor and cooking teacher career programs. Excellent
Bay Area/Marin: Meredith McCarty, Healing Cuisine, macrobiotic guidance by phone, in person, and online.
P.O. Box 2605, Mill Valley, CA 94942; 415-272-5525; • Food Coaching, Cooking Palo Alto: Peninsula Macrobiotic Community, Gourmet
Classes, Lectures since 1977. Ask me about Multi-Pure Vegetarian Dinners held Mondays, 6:30 pm, at the First
Water Purifiers. Co-directed Eureka Macrobiotic Center Baptist Church, 305 N. California Avenue, Palo Alto •
for 19 years, former Associate Editor for Natural Health phone 650-599-3320 for reservations.
magazine, award-winning cookbook author.
San Diego: Jean Richardson, Gold Mine Natural Foods,
Berkeley: Michael Bauce;; 510- 13200 Danielson St, Suite A-1, Poway, CA 92064; 858-
841-5420; • Cooking 537-9830; • Macrobiotic,
classes adults/children. Consultations. organic, & heirloom quality foods, non-toxic household
& body-care products, books & cookware. Exclusive im-
Chico: George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, PO Box porter of Ohsawa®, the most trusted name in macrobiotic
3998, Chico, CA 95927; 800-232-2372 or 530-566-9765; foods. Free catalog, fast, friendly service: 800-475- • publisher and conducts FOOD(3663).
the annual French Meadows Summer Camp each July.
Santa Rosa: North Bay Macro Group / Stephen Starkweather,
Fairfax: Kerry Loeb, Alternative Health Services, 20 Hickory 1545 Monroe Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404; 707-542-
Road, Fairfax, CA 94930; 415-454-6055 • Counseling, 9739; • Monthly potlucks and
Shiatsu, Classes. social group! See •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 31
Westlake Village: Diane Addison, Health Essentials for IDAHO
Natural Living, 4607 Lakeview Canyon #101, Westlake Hayden Lake: Jill Mikael, Go Mac;; 208-
Village, CA 91361, 818-706-1888, 800-653-8881, Diane@ 772-6240 • Hatha yoga instruction, macrobiotic cooking, • Personal/ classes, consultations.
private macrobiotic natural foods chef; cooking classes.
Products include safe, traditional, far-infrared Heavenly
Heat Saunas, Lympholine Rebounders, water and air filters ILLINOIS
and hand-poured soywax candles with pure essential oils. Chicago: Dr. Jay Stone, D.C.H., M.B.A., 3166 North Lincoln,
Suite 206, Chicago, IL 60657-3119; 773-665-4623;
FLORIDA • Clinical Hypnotherapy,
Macrobiotic counseling, instruction, cooking classes.
Coral Gables (Miami): Sandy Pukel, Holistic Holiday at Sea,
434 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134; 305-725- Mt. Prospect: Steve Nakon, 104 S George Street, Mt. Pros-
0081; • 43 years experience offering pect, IL 60056; 847-590-1221;
Macrobiotic Counseling. Plus vacations with a purpose: • Northwest Yoga – Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Indi-
relaxing, educational and spiritual—the ultimate gift for vidual Consultations.
your body, mind, and spirit. Contact 800-496-0989 or see
Fort Lauderdale: Gayle Stolove, BS, RN, LMT, Wholly Bowling Green: Gretchen Collins, 270-783-8245 or 415-710-
Macro; 954-764-6371;; www. 3453 (cell), • Macrobiotic study • KI Graduate, Personal Chef, group, lectures, workshops, cooking classes, potlucks.
Food Delivery, Classes, Consultations.
Melbourne: David Kerr, Zen Macrobiotic Dojo, 119 East New Orleans: Phyllis Parun, Foundatin for the Macrobiotic
Brevard Drive, #B, Melbourne, FL 32935; 321-725-4067; Way; 504-949-8876; • E-tutorials, • Philosopher, writer, scholar, histo- Meditation, Effortless QI Exercise, Diet, Consultations.
rian, 39 years macrobiotic.

Miami: Verne Varona, • Senior MARYLAND

Consultant. Author of Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods and Bethesda: Michael Rossoff, L.Ac., 45 years experience;
Macrobiotics for Dummies (Wiley, April ‘09). Counseling, acupuncture, and
lectures. For counseling call Michael’s office in North
Sarasota County: Judy & Larry MacKenney, 941-488-9509 Carolina at 828-258-1883; •
or 941-525-4916;; For lectures, cooking classes and more, contact call Juliette • Kushi Institute faculty, ASAT Tahar at or 202-337-0362.
certified holistic health counselors, 21-year cancer survi-
vor/thriver (free DVD), Aveline Kushi Award recipient, MASSACHUSETTS
compassionate macrobiotic counseling, hands-on cooking/
Boston: Warren Kramer, 28 Perthshire Road, #2, Brighton,
menu planning, personalized workshops, potucks, travel
MA 02135; 617-562-1110;;
extensively. • Macrobiotic Coun-
seling, extensive U.S. travel offering seminars and cooking
GEORGIA classes. Strengthening Health Institute and Kushi Institute
Atlanta area:Victoria Barayev, 678-437-5668; macroandyou@ faculty member and Macrobiotic Educator’s Association; • Macrobiotic member.
consultations, group/private cooking classes, potlucks.
Fair Haven: Dorothy Rogers, 166 Main Street, Fair Haven,
HAWAII MA 02719; 508-990-0316; • Shiatsu,
Macrobiotic Counseling/Cooking, Yoga, Bed and Break-
Big Island: Diane Koerner, 808-651-7988; fast. for holistic health
retreats; for environmentally-safe Stockbridge: William Klenk;;
vacation cottage.; 617-620-0968 • Counseling, Me-
dicinal or Gourmet Cooking, Cooking Classes, Shiatsu.
Honolulu: Kathy Maddux, 3368 Paty Drive, Honolulu, HI
96822; 808-988-7374; • Chef, cook- Western Massachusetts: Yukiko Sato; Pittsfield, MA 01201;
ing class instructor, nutritional and lifestyle consultant. 413-464-4772;; • Cooking Classes, Meals,
and Desserts. Will travel.

32 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

MICHIGAN Asheville: Warren and Marquita Wepman, 16 Spring Hollow
Westland: Valerie Wilson, MacroVal, 6106 N Berry Street, Circle, Asheville, NC 28805;;
Westland, MI 48185; 734-722-4553;; 828-299-7999; Winters: 490 Tilford W, Deerfield Beach, • Hands-on cooking classes since 1997. FL 33442; 954-708-2596 • Kushi Institute Graduates,
Lifestyle counseling, Instructional DVDs/recipes, Food to Macrobiotic Educators’ Association (MEA), lecturers,
go, Pot luck dinners, holiday events, Author “Perceptions teachers. For Warren’s cookbook: “A Man in the Kitch-
In Healthy Cooking.” Hosts “Healthy Cooking with Mac- en,” a man’s macrobiotic guide to preparing meals, send
roVal” radio show on check for $23.45 (postpaid) to Warren Wepman.

Saluda: Holistic Holiday at Sea, Sandy Pukel and John

MINNESOTA Belleme, PO Box 457, Saluda, NC 28773; 800-496-0989
Minneapolis: Gabriele Kushi, BFA, MEA, CHHP, AADP, or 305-725-0081; • Vacations
Minneapolis, MN 55416; 612-834-1476; 952-915-1476; with a Purpose: Relaxing, Educational and Spiritual. The; • Ultimate Gift for your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Longdistance macrobiotic certified health coaching, Cook-
ing DVDs, author. NORTH DAKOTA
Fargo: Tochi Products Health Food and Specialty Products,
NEW MEXICO 1111 2nd Avenue North, Fargo, ND 58102; 701-232-7700
Albuquerque/Santa Fe: Jane Steinberg, Absolutely Macro; • Health foods, specialty products, organic merchandise,;; 505- macrobiotic essentials.
474-3896 • Individualized cooking instruction, macrobiotic
counseling, Strengthening Health/Philadelphia Graduate;
PCRM certification.
Cleveland: François Roland, Cleveland Macrobiotic Center,
1793 Radnor Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118;
NEW YORK 216-371-3222;;
Manhattan, NYC: Carol Anne Wasserman, www.GetHealthy- • Macrobiotic health counseling, • Specializing in weight loss via the use of lecture programs, cooking classes.
whole and natural foods. Fad diets don’t work; eating well
does! Visit website for more info and delicious recipes. Cleveland/Columbus: Osbon Woodford, 2273 Riverside
Drive, Lakewood, OH 44107; 216-280-0714; fax 216-221-
New York City: Dan Becker, TCM Certified; 212-496-6200, 0565; • Macrobiotic/spiritual
646-812-7810;, counseling, cooking classes, massage, shiatsu.
• Macrobiotic Consultations / Holistic Chef Services .
Columbia Station: Harriet Bhumi Russell, Bhumi’s Yoga
New York City: Marcia Berry;; 347- & Wellness Center, 19322 East River Road, Columbia
429-0997 • Macrobiotic counseling. I make house calls. Station, OH 44028; 440-236-6366; www.BhumiYoga.
Cooking classes. Workshops throughout NYC. Visit my com; • Lifestyle Coaching,
website at Shiatsu, Yoga, Macrobiotics/Ayurveda, Retreats.
New York City: Michelle Rose; 347 371 1173; www.; • Macrobiotic OREGON
Personal Chef: In-home cooking and consulting. Portland: Margo Massoud Marver, Wellness Studio, 825 NE
Laurelhurst Place, Portland, OR 97232; 503-232-3281;
ogy/shiatsu treatments, cooking classes, meals, Arbonne
Asheville: Michael Rossoff, L.Ac., Macrobiotic Association, consultant.
52 Rollingwood Road, Asheville, NC 28805; 828-258-
• 45 years experience, macrobiotic counseling, acupunc- PENNSYLVANIA
ture, special classes. Devon: Sheri-Lynn DeMaris, M.Ed.;;;;
Asheville: Lino and Jane Stanchich, 101 Willow Lake Drive, 610-995-0595 • Macrobiotic Cookbook/DVD, Cooking
Asheville, NC 28805;; 828-299- Instructor, Lecturere, KI4 Graduate.
8657 • International Macrobiotic Teachers-Counselors,
Licensed Nutritionists, Authors, Aveline Kushi Award Philadelphia: Denny Waxman and Susan Waxman, 1223 S.
Recipients, offer consultations, classes, and seminars 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147; 215-271-1858; www.
worldwide. Lino, a Licensed Massage-Bodywork Thera- • Macrobiotic counseling in person or
pist, Member of Kushi Institute Macrobiotic Educators by Skype, cooking instruction, and menu planning. Author
Association, is Multi-lingual. of “The Great Life Diet.” •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 33
Philadelphia: Strengthening Health Institute, 1149 N. 3rd INTERNATIONAL
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147;;
215-238-9212; • Strengthening AUSTRALIA—Perth: The Great Life Cooking School and
Health Institute offers a wide-range of educational pro- Macrobiotic Centre, Sahaja and Franco Rubinich, 41 Peli-
grams to support and nurture your personal or professional can Ramble, Yangebup 6164, West Australia; 08-9414-
macrobiotic practice. 9992;;
au • Cooking Courses, Macrobiotic Counseling, Potlucks,
Pittsburgh area: Rosemary Traill, Cooking Green with Rose- Accredited Journey Practitioner.
mary;; 412-741-5167; • Cooking Classes, AUSTRALIA—Perth Hills: Macrobiotics WA, Western
Consultations, Lectures, Food is Elementary Educator. Australia; +61 433 782 576;; www. • Macrobiotics/Health/
Nutrition Consultations tailored to your individual needs.
TEXAS Find balance in diet, exercise, emotional and spiritual well-
Austin: Casa de Luz Center for Integral Studies, 1701 being. Cooking tuition. Private cooking. Food delivery.
Toomey, Austin, TX 78704; 512-476-2535; fax 512-476-
0198;; • Studies BELGIUM—Sabine Martens, Hoefijzerlaan 58, 8000
in Macrobiotics, Classrooms, Auditorium, Consultation Bruges, 0032 - (0)50/38 24 29, 0032 - (0)474/68 77 57;
Rooms available for rental, Books/MB housewares store,;
Macrobiotic Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner prepared daily. • Pharmacist, macrobiotic counselor, group and private
Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi and other wholistic practices. cooking classes.

Austin/Dallas: Christy Morgan, Author Blissful Bites; CANADA—Alice Fava; Macrobiotic Center of Toronto;;;;
469-444-0822; • Vegan macrobiotic chef, available for 416-932-1222 • Macrobiotic health consultations, cooking
travel, classes, coaching. instruction, meals; MEA member.

Dallas: Macrobiotic Center at Lake Texoma, Margaret CZECH REPUBLIC—Bob Carr, 143 Zamecka, 74757
Lawson, 129 Deer Crossing Drive, Pottsboro, TX, 75076; Slavkov u Opavy;; +42-; www.macrobioticcenter. 774-757-212 • Macrobiotic Counselor, teacher, shiatsu,
com; 903-786-9100 • Macrobiotic cooking classes, B&B, consultations (live, e-mail, Skype).
counseling, macrobiotic supplies, cookbooks.
ISRAEL—Sheldon and Ginat Rice, Jerusalem, Israel;
9722-566-9367 • Consultations, Accommodations, Semi-
Salt Lake City: Sylvia Ruth Gray, Strictly Macrobiotics
nars, Cooking, Shiatsu, Numerolgy, 9*Ki, Coaching.
Vegan B&B; 801-521-7936; •
Consults/teaching in the spirit of Ohsawa/Aihara.
MEXICO—Cuernavaca, Mor.: Linda Moscona; U.S. tele-
phone 1-917-969-4565; • “Be the
VERMONT change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi.
Vermont and New England area: Anna Bond, Touching
Ground, 8 Woods Road, East Dummerston, VT 05346; WORLDWIDE & regularly MA, NY, NJ, CT, ME—John; 802-387-2341 • Personal consults by Kozinski; 413-623-5925; • 37
phone, online, in person. Macrobiotic teacher, counselor. years/30,000 students, Current/Progressive/Integrated
Thirty-five years experience. Cooking for longevity, ethnic Macrobiotic Classes & Health Consultations, Qigong,
pickling/fermentation, gardening, qigong, wild food/herb & Shiatsu (only Kushi Institute Teacher with 27 years
foraging, Nine-Star Astrology. Country-style bed and uninterrupted tenure as of April 2013 resignation). Home
breakfast. Office: Becket, MA.

Seattle: Michael W. Chen, Starched Press, P.O. Box 30783, To advertise, contact:
Seattle, WA 98103-0783; • Re-
writes, scripts, treatments, ideas, illustrations.


34 Macrobiotics Today • SUMMER 2014

(continued from page 30) Almond Pudding

notice that the following ingredients

1½ quarts unsweetened almond
milk French
are used more than once: cherries,
cherry juice, brown rice syrup, maple
¾ cup brown rice syrup
8 tablespoons agar-agar flakes Meadows
syrup, agar-agar, and almond extract. 1 teaspoon almond extract
1½ cups raw almonds Summer
Cherry Bottom
¾ cup pure maple syrup
1½ quarts sweet cherries, pitted
and cut in half 1. Blanch and remove the skins
1½ quarts of 100% cherry juice from the almonds. To do this, bring 1 July 26-August 3, 2014
(tart works the best) quart of water to boil, add almonds,
1 cup brown rice syrup let boil for 5 minutes, and then place
½ cup pure maple syrup them in cold water. Squeeze the
Juice of 1 large lemon almonds between your fingers to
½ teaspoon sea salt remove the skins. Discard the skins.
9 tablespoons agar-agar flakes 2. In a pot, mix together almond
1 teaspoon almond extract milk and rice syrup. Whisk in agar-
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder agar and boil for a few minutes until
dissolved in 3 tablespoons of the flakes dissolve.
water 3. Stir in almond extract and
remove from heat.
4. Let mixture set for 1 hour or
longer. Refrigeration speeds up the
5. After mixture has set, puree
mixture together in a blender with • Superb vegan macrobiotic
almonds and maple syrup until meals
smooth. • Talks on improved well-being
6. Distribute on top of cooled • Excellent children’s program
cherry mixture.
• Hiking and nature walks
Topping • Swimming in lake and stream
1½ cups toasted slivered
• Nightly campfires: dancing, story-
telling, variety shows
1 pint cherries, pitted
• Spacious, pristine wilderness
1. Garnish each parfait with a • Legendary co-ed volleyball
pitted cherry and a circle of toasted • Workshops, cooking classes
slivered almonds.
• Solitude, peace, and quiet
1. In a medium-sized pot, com-
bine the cherries, cherry juice, syrups, Priscilla Timberlake and Lewis
lemon juice and salt. Bring to a boil.
2. Whisk in agar-agar and boil
Freedman have hosted macrobiotic Today!
vegan dinners in upstate New York
steadily for 5 minutes. for almost 20 years. Priscilla teaches Join us for our 45th Annual Ad-
3. Reduce heat to simmer. Whisk cooking classes at her local coop- venture in Northern California’s
in almond extract and arrowroot erative market and is a wellness in- High Sierra. Full information is
mixture. Continue stirring and structor at Cornell University. Lewis available at our website.
simmering for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove teaches yoga and stress management Kitchen work exchange/study
from heat. at Cornell and is an instructor in the available.
4. Cool for 30 minutes. Then pour T. Colin Campbell Foundation and
½ cup of mixture into each parfait eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition pro-
glass or small bowl. Allow to cool gram. For more information, visit
and set before adding pudding. 530-566-9765 •
Macrobiotics Today SUMMER 2014 35
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George Ohsawa Membership

Macrobiotic Foundation Members of the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic
Foundation receive a year’s subscription to Macro-
biotics Today, discounts on book purchases, informa-
• promotes George Ohsawa’s teachings tional mailings, and the joy of contributing to contrib-
• publishes books, including Acid and Alkaline, ute in the Foundation’s efforts to spread macrobiotics
Food and Intuition 101, and Zen Macrobiotics
throughout the world. More information may be found
• hosts the annual French Meadows camp online at
July 26-August 3, 2014 (early arrival July 25)
• publishes Macrobiotics Today quarterly Make check or money order payable to G.O.M.F. and send to:
• provides access to macrobiotic counseling Macrobiotics Today at the address above.
• provides resource connections to people U.S. membership fee, $25 per year;
• maintains a presence on the world wide web at elsewhere, US$40 (air mail)
• has two e-mail addresses: Name _________________________________________
• offers discounts to members Address _______________________________________

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Macrobiotic Foundation Zip ___________________
800-232-2372; 530-566-9765
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