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Modern Times Newscaster

Author Frank Nic. Bazsika © 2011

Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed by Natural Disaster!

Aftermath of tragic catastrophe for the Twin Cities

A natural disaster almost beyond human understanding has struck the twin cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah in the fertile plains east of Palestine. Reports have come in stating that flashes of
fire similar to lightening bolts just came down from the sky along with huge size boulders weighing
near a hundred pounds each comprised of oven hot brimstone. It appears from the initial reports
coming in that the cities were completely destroyed.

Scientist speculated that this catastrophe was caused by man made global freezing as there
could be no other plausible explanation for this tragedy. “We have been warning people for over 20
years”, stated noted scientist Dr. Horace Dinkleman, ”that unless people start turning down the
thermostat in their refrigerators that they can expect further calamities such as this one”.

The President of the United States has called on the United Nations to convene an
emergency meeting on prevention of global freezing and the discussion of logical preventions to
curb future Sodom and Gomorrah disasters. Ex Vice President Allen Bore author of “My Popsicle
is Frozen” will be invited to attend the emergency meeting.

The only known survivors of the Sodom and Gomorrah calamity are a man named Lot
along with two of his daughters. His wife also escaped but apparently by looking back directly at
the destruction she experienced an after flash of some kind that genetically changed her body into a
sodium stage of hardening. However this family was not considered to be native citizens of Sodom
but were outsiders (illegal immigrants). Local news papers were found in the rubble with articles
about this man always bad mouthing the good citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. He even claimed
that the free loving citizens of the Twin Cities tried to rape two guests visiting him! This right
winger radical is under investigation by the Human Rights Commission.

The American counterpart ‘sister’ city of Las Megas is organizing a fund drive to collect
food, water, clothing and medicine for any possible survivors that may be found among the ruins
after rescue workers arrive to the cities. A Gay Pride Parade will also be held this Saturday by the
Gay Alliance Front to raise funds as well. The founder of the social internet page “SpeakBook” will
also make substantial contributions to the cause.

The Most Right Reverend Dr. Billy Joe Lovejoy stated this morning on his television
program “The Path to Love”; - “Peoples of all nations must work together to end social injustice to
the deprived and downtrodden. It is now time to open our wallets and extend to those in need. Jesus
taught us to help others in times of tragedy. Let us show our love for the Lord by helping any
survivors of Sodom and Gomorrah! Let us show the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah the love of
Jesus”! You may send your contributions to; The Church of Peace, PO Box 666, Sun City, CA.

The twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were leaders in sexual exploration and free
lifestyles. They abhorred discrimination and political incorrectness. The citizens were profoundly
known as fun loving. Their cities were loved for their night clubs and get together fun spots for
those of all sexual persuasions. Tourist flocked in droves to visit the adult oriented stores. Also the
cities were known for dog and other animal jousting bouts which were wagered upon.

The Planned Babyhood organization had clinics in the cities to provide immediate relief to
women experiencing the discomfort of accidental pregnancies that caused them social discomfort.
Unfortunately the clinics have been destroyed and many doctors and nurses will be sadly missed.

Just last week two friends of the author; - John Goodsoy and Bob Needletoe were married
in Sodom. They exchanged their wedding vows in the Church of Love and honeymooned at the
prestigious Galore Nights Hotel. They were hoping to adopt a child from the Gomorrah Unwanted
Agency. Sadly they are now gone and are in heaven comforting their fellow citizens joining them.

This natural disaster has caused many of us to focus on providing the cures for manmade
upsets to the earth’s natural course of existence. Evolution has proven through millions of years of
change that man can adapt to any changes or disasters that Mother Nature may throw our way.
Faith in our fellow man, love and a firm commitment from government will insure that the human
species will survive.
Aerial photo of destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah cities

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