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Difense University

Institute of Technology
Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines

By: Dr. Milkias B. (Ph.D.)

Adama Science and Technology University
Milkias B. 1
Lecture Three:
Part One:
Steady State Analysis of Induction

By Milkias B. Milkias B.
• The evolution of wind power conversion technology has led to the development of different types of wind
turbine configurations that make use of a variety of electric generator.
• A classification of most common electric generators in large wind energy conversion systems (WECS) is
presented in Figure 3-1.
• Depending on their construction and operating principle, the wind generators are divided in two main groups:
induction generators (IGs) and synchronous generators (SGs).
• Both induction and synchronous generators have wound rotors, which are fed by slip rings through brushes
or by a brushless electromagnetic exciter. The wound-rotor induction generator, also known as the doubly
fed induction generator (DFIG), is one of the most commonly used generators in the wind energy industry.
• The wound-rotor synchronous generator (WRSG) is also found in practical WECSs with high numbers of
poles operating at low rotor speeds.
• Squirrel-cage induction generators (SCIGs) are also widely employed in wind energy systems where the rotor
circuits (rotor bars) are shorted internally and therefore not brought out for connection with external circuits.
• In permanent-magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs), the rotor magnetic flux is generated by permanent
• Two types of PMSG are used in the wind energy industry: surface mounted and inset magnets.
• Some examples of the generators used in practical wind turbines are listed in Table 3-1, where the
voltage/power ratings, speed ranges, and manufacturers of these wind generators are provided.
Milkias B. 3
Fig. 3.1. Classification of commonly used electric generators in large wind turbines.

Milkias B. 4
• As shown in the classification of Figure 3-1, there are two main types of induction
generators in the wind energy industry: doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) and
squirrel-cage induction generators (SCIGs).
• These generators have the same stator structure and differ only in the rotor structure.
Fig.3.2a shows the construction of a squirrel-cage induction generator.

Figure 3.2. Cross-sectional

view of an SCIG.

Milkias B. 5
• The rotor of the SCIG is composed of the laminated core and rotor bars.
• The rotor bars are embedded in slots inside the rotor laminations and are shorted
on both ends by end rings.
• When the stator winding is connected to a three-phase supply, a rotating magnetic
field is generated in the air gap. The rotating field induces a three-phase voltage in
the rotor bars.
• Since the rotor bars are shorted, the induced rotor voltage produces a rotor current,
which interacts with the rotating field to produce the electromagnetic torque.
• The rotor of the DFIG has a three-phase winding similar to the stator winding.
• The rotor winding is embedded in the rotor laminations but in the exterior
• This winding is usually fed through slip-rings mounted on the rotor shaft.

Milkias B. 6
• In DFIG wind energy systems, the rotor winding is normally connected to a power
converter system that makes the rotor speed adjustable.
• A simplified diagram of the induction generator is shown in Figure 3-2, where the
multiple coils in the stator and multiple bars in the rotor are grouped and
represented by a single coil for each phase.
• There are two commonly used dynamic models for the induction generator. One is
based on space vector theory and the other is the dq-axis model derived from the
space vector model.
• The space vector model features compact mathematical expressions and a single
equivalent circuit but requires complex (real and imaginary part) variables,
whereas the dq-frame model is composed of two equivalent circuits, one for each
• These models are closely related to each other and are equally valid for the
analysis of transient and steady-state performance of the induction generator.

Milkias B. 7
Steady State Analysis
Double-fed Electric Machines

Milkias B. 8
Steady State Analysis
➢ To study the steady state analysis of DFIG, various equations that interrelated can be used:
➢ The equation that relates ωs, ωr and ωm (shaft’s mechanical speed) are given as follows:

➢ The relation between ωm & electrical speed (ɷe) are: ωs = ωr + ωm

ωs - ωm ωr e = pm
➢ the slip of the machine s= =
ωs ωs

➢ ωs is constant since the stator windings are directly connected to the grid.
➢ ωr obviously depends on ωm, which leads to 3 operating modes depending on
the speed and the sign of the slip:
ωm < ωs → ωr > 0;s > 0  Sub Synchronous Operation
ωm > ωs → ωr < 0;s < 0  Super Synchronous Operation
ωm = ωs → ωr = 0;s = 0  Synchronous Operation
Milkias B. 9
Super & Sub-synchronous Operation…
➢The rated slip at which the rated power generated is -0.2

Fig. 3.3 Power flow in DFIG WECS

Milkias B. 10

➢To investigate the steady-state performance of the DFIG wind energy system, the RSC can be
modeled by equivalent impedance as shown in fig.3 which is developed by adding the converter
equivalent impedance to the Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) steady-state model

Fig. 3.4 Steady-state equivalent circuit of DFIG with the RSC represented by Req and Xeq

➢ The equivalent impedance of the converter is given:

Zeq = R eq + jX eq = R eq + jω Leq
Where ωsl =angular slip frequency of the rotor and Leq is eqt. inductance of the RSC.
Milkias B. 11
➢ Dividing Zeq by ‘s’ to integrate with the steady-state model with ωs,

Zeq R eq ω Leq R eq
= + j sl = + jωs Leq
s s s s
ωsl = s. ωs.

➢ At unity power factor, the air-gap power(Pag) of the generator can be calculated by:

Pag  3(Vs - Is R s )Is

ωs Tm
➢ From the induction machine theory, Pag is given by Pag =
➢ From the above two equations, P

2 4R s Tm ωs
Vs ± Vs -
Is =
2R s

Milkias B. 12

➢ The voltage across the magnetizing branch:

V m = Vs + Is (R s + jωs L )
Vs = Vs < 00 ; Is = Is < 1800 Generating mode with PF=1

Im = I r = Is - I m
jωs L m
➢ The rotor voltage can be calculated by Vr Rr
= V m - Ir ( + jωs L )
s s lr
➢ The rotor voltage & current can relate to Req & Xeq as given by (see fig. 3)
R eq + jX eq =

Milkias B. 13
➢To facilitate the steady-state analysis of the DFIG wind energy system and taking the speed
dependent resistance [Rr+Req](1-s)/s representing the mechanical power developed by the
induction machine, the equivalent circuit of fig. 3 above can be rearranged as shown in fig. 4,
in which Pm, Pr, Pcu,s and Pcu,r can be easily calculated by a general equation of :
P = 3I2R.

Fig. 4. Steady-state equivalent circuit of DFIG for system performance evaluation

➢ Once the values of Req & Xeq are determined, power conversions parameters can be obtained as:
Ps = 3Vs Is cosφs ; Pcu,s = 3Is 2 R s

Pag = Ps - 3Is 2 R s

Pr = 3I r 2 R eq =; Pcu,r = 3I r 2 R r

Pm = 3I r 2 (R r + R eq )(1- s)/s

Milkias B. 14

➢ The power delivered to the grid, Pg, the sum of the stator & rotor power is given by:

| Ps | + | Pr |→ Super synchronous mode

Pg = 
| Ps | - | Pr |→ Sub synchronous mode

Fig. 5 DFIG Power flow with RSC by Req & Xeq.

Milkias B. 15
• Therefore, it is possible to distinguish four possible combinations of torque
(positive or negative) and speed (sub synchronism and hyper
synchronism), which lead to the four quadrant modes of operation of the
DFIM, as illustrated in Figure below.
• Note that only at hyper synchronism, when the slip is negative, do both the
stator and rotor active powers present an equivalent sign.

Table: List of simple and useful expressions

Milkias B. 16

Figure. Four quadrant modes of operation of the DFIM attending to the active power
Milkias B. 17
Table 3-2. Summary for induction machine operating in the motoring and generating modes

Milkias B. 18
Basic concepts
DFIG Power



Rotor is wound: it has 3 windings.

Stator has three windings.
Induction machine looks like a transformer with a rotating secondary (rotor).
In DFIG, we will inject a voltage control signal via that converter.

Basic Concepts

60 f s (fs: 60 Hz,
Balanced voltages applied to stator windings provides a ns = p: # of pole
rotating magnetic field of speed p
which induces an emf in the rotor windings according to
• eind=induced emf in one conductor of rotor eind = (v  B) • L
• v=velocity of conductor relative to stator flux rotation
• B=stator magnetic flux density vector
• L=length of conductor in direction of wire

Basic concepts
 s − m
slip = s = ; s = 377 rad/sec ; m = p m
ns − nm 60 f s
= ; ns = rpm
ns p Mechanical
We can manipulate to get: nm = ns (1 − s ) rad/sec
 m =  s (1 − s )

The induced rotor voltages have frequency of : r =  s − m

Substitution into slip expression above yields: s = r  r = ss  f r = sf s
Observe three modes of operation:
ωm< ωs ➔ωr>0➔s>0➔Subsynchronous operation

ωm= ωs ➔ωr=0➔s=0➔Synchronous operation

ωm>ωs ➔ωr<0➔s<0➔Supersynchronous operation

Per-phase steady-state model

STATOR VOLTAGE EQUATION: V s − E s = ( Rs + jX s ) I s at fs

V s =stator voltage with frequency fs
These quantities
E s = emf in the stator windings with frequency fs are referred to
I s = stator current with frequency fs stator side.
Rs =stator resistance
X s =stator leakage reactance
ROTOR VOLTAGE EQUATION: V r − E rs = ( Rr + jX r ) I r at fr These quantities
V  r =rotor voltage with frequency fr are referred to
rotor side,
E rs =induced emf in the rotor windings with frequency fr indicated by
I  r =induced rotor current with frequency fs prime notation.
Rr =rotor resistance
X r =rotor leakage reactance= r Lr
Power relations
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Rr/s Ir

Es 3
Vs 3 jωsLm Vr/s

We modify the above circuit slightly in order to clearly separate slip-dependent terms
from loss terms:
Rr Rr + sRr − sRr sRr Rr − sRr R (1 − s)
= = + = Rr + r
s s s s s
Vr Vr + sVr − sVr sVr Vr − sVr V (1 − s)
= = + = Vr + r
s s s s s
Change the circuit accordingly….

Power relations
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Rr Ir

Es 3
Vs 3 jωsLm Vr

It is possible to prove that the mechanical power out of the machine is the power
associated with the slip-dependent terms R2(1-s)/s and Vr(1-s)/s. To do so, use:
Power balance relation➔: Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r
where Ps and Pr are powers entering the machine through the stator & rotor windings,
respectively, and Ploss,s and Ploss,r are the stator and rotor winding losses, respectively.
Expressing the right-hand-terms of the power balance relation in terms of the above
circuit parameters leads one to identify the slip-dependent terms as Pmech.

Knowing that the slip-dependent terms are those responsible for mechanical power,
we may obtain the power expressions from the circuit, as on the next slide.
Power relations Pmech
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Rr Vr(1-s)/s I

Es 3 Rr(1-s)/s
Vs 3 jωsLm Vr

 

Pmech = 3 I r2 (Req ) − 3 Re V eq I r

 Rotor current (Ir) direction is out of positive side of voltage
source; therefore it supplies power to circuit. But a normal
(positive) resistance Req always consumes power. So
 R (1 − s )    1 − s  
= 3 I r2  r  − 3 ReV r   I r  these two terms should be opposite sign. Defining

 s    s   Pmech>0 (see below) as motor mode implies Req term

 
R (1 − s ) 1− s should be added and Veq term should be subtracted.
   
= 3 I r2   − 3  Re V r I r
r *

 s   s 
If Pmech>0➔the machine is delivering power through the shaft: MOTOR!
If Pmech<0➔the machine is receiving power through the shaft: GEN!
If 0<s<1➔Req term is positive➔ Veq term is positive➔Supplying P to cct
If 0>s>-1➔Req term is negative➔ Veq term is negative➔Consuming P from cct. 25
Torque Expression
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Rr Vr(1-s)/s I

Es 3 Rr(1-s)/s
Vs 3 jωsLm Vr

 R (1 − s)   1 − s 
Pmech = 3 I r2  r  − 3 
 Re V r I r

 s   s 

Pmech = Tem  m = Tem m  Tem = Pmech
p 2  Rr (1 − s) 
Ir 
m 
p 1− s 
  Re V r I r
 
p s  m  s 
 
(p: # of pole
p 2  Rrm  p  m 
pairs) Tem = 3 I r   − 3   Re V r I *r
m  r  m  r 
Recall from slide 5: s = ;
s 
m = s (1 − s)  1 − s = m
3 p I r2 Rr


Re V r I r

1 − s m  s m 3 p I r2 Rr
Vr I r cos(v − i )
Therefore: = = Tem = −
s  s r r r r 26
Airgap and slip power
On slides 15 and 16, we derived the following relations for the power into the
stator and rotor respectively:

Ps = 3R I + 3 Re js Lm I r I
s s
s  
Pr = 3Rr I r2 + 3 Re jss Lm I s I r

Subtracting losses from both sides, we obtain:

Ps − 3Rs I s2 = 3 Re js Lm I r I s
 
Pr − 3Rr I r2 = 3 Re jss Lm I s I r

This quantity is the power that flows This quantity is the power that is
from the stator terminals to the rotor transferred from the grid to the rotor
(negative for generator operation). In through the converter (negative
other words, it is the power across when it is into the grid). It is called
the airgap. Therefore: the slip power. Therefore:

Pairgap = Ps − 3R I = 3 Re j s Lm I r I
s s
s  
Pslip = Pr − 3Rr I r2 = 3 Re js s Lm I s I r

Bring out front the “s” in the slip power expression and use Re{ja}=-Im(a) (both):

Pairgap = Ps − 3Rs I s2 = −3 Im  s Lm I r I s
 
Pslip = Pr − 3Rr I r2 = − s3 Im  s Lm I s I r

Use Im(a*) = -Im(a) on slip expression:

Pairgap = Ps − 3Rs I s2 = −3 Im  s Lm I r I s
 
Pslip = Pr − 3Rr I r2 = s3 Im  s Lm I s I r

The term 3Im{} in the slip power expression is Pairgap. Therefore:
Pslip = − sPairgap
Airgap and slip power
So we just proved that: Pslip = − sPairgap where

Pairgap = Ps − 3Rs I s2 = 3 Re j s Lm I r I s
 
Pslip = Pr − 3Rr I r2 = 3 Re js s Lm I s I r

Our power balance relation states:
Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss , s − Ploss ,r = Ps − Ploss , s + Pr − Ploss ,r
   
Pmech = Pairgap + Pslip
Pairgap Pslip

Substituting Pslip = − sPairgap we obtain Pmech = Pairgap − sPairgap = (1 − s )Pairgap

Recall: 1 − s =
m m
➔ Pmech =
s s
p m p p
Tem = Pmech = Pairgap = Pairgap
m  s m  s −p
−1 Tem = Pslip
Substituting: Pslip = − sPairgap  Pairgap = Pslip ss
r s − p
s= ➔ em
T = Pslip
s r  s
➔ em = Pslip
Approximate relations between active powers
On slides 15 and 16, we derived the following relations for the power into the
stator and rotor respectively:

Ps = 3R I + 3 Re js Lm I r I
s s
s  
Pr = 3Rr I r2 + 3 Re jss Lm I s I r

If we neglect the stator losses (3RSIs2) and rotor losses (3RrIr2):

Ps = 3 Re js Lm I r I s
 
Pr = 3 Re jss Lm I s I r

Bring out front the “s” in the rotor power expression and use Re{ja}=-Im(a) (both):

Ps = −3 Im s Lm I r I s
 
Pr = −s3 Im s Lm I s I r

Use Im(a*) = - Im(a) on the rotor power expression

Ps = −3 Im s Lm I r I s
 
Pr = s3 Im s Lm I s I r

The term 3Im{} in the rotor power expression is PS. Therefore: Pr = − sPs
Recall the power balance relation: Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r
Neglecting losses: Pmech = Ps + Pr −p
Tem = Pr
Substituting Pr expression: Pmech = Ps − sPs = (1 − s ) Ps ss
m m r s − p
Recall: 1 − s = P
➔ mech = Ps s= ➔ em
T = Pr
s  s r  s
p m p ps −p
➔ Tem = Pmech = Ps = Ps T
➔ em = Pr
m  s m  s 29
Active power relations - summary
Exact Both Approximate

Ps = 3Rs I s2 + 3 Re js Lm I r I s
  
Ps = 3 Re js Lm I r I s

Pr = 3Rr I r2 + 3 Rejs L I  r = ss P = 3 Rejs L I I 

* *
s mIs r r s m s r
  1− s = = P = 3 Rej L I I 
Pairgap = Ps − 3R I = 3 Re j s Lm I r I P
2 *
s s s s airgap s s m r s

  P = P = 3 Rejs L I I 
Pslip = Pr − 3R I = 3 Re js s Lm I s I
2 *
Tem = Pmech *
r r r
m slip r s m s r

Pslip = − sPairgap Pr = − sPs

Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r

Pmech = Ps + Pr
Pmech = Pairgap + Pslip
Pmech = (1 − s )Pairgap Pmech = (1 − s) Ps
m m
Pmech = Pairgap Pmech = Ps
s s
p p
Tem = Pairgap Tem = Ps
s s
−p −p
Tem = Pslip Tem = Pr
r r 30
Power balance
Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss , s − Ploss ,r = Ps − Ploss , s + Pr − Ploss ,r
   
Pairgap Pslip

With losses Without losses

Pgrid Ps Pairgap Pslip Pr Pgrid Ps Pairgap Pslip Pr

Ploss,s Ploss,r
Pmech Pmech

These figures assume proper sign convention

(power flowing to the rotor is positive).
Generator modes
s − r
Ps = Tem r = ss Pr = Tem
p p
Mode Slip and speed Pmech Ps Pr

1. Motor s<0, ωm>ωs >0 (mch delivers >0 (mch receives >0 (mch receives
(Tem>0) (suprsynchrnsm) mech pwr) power via stator) power via rotor)
2. Generator s<0, ωm>ωs <0 (mch receives <0 (mch delivers <0 (mch delivers
(Tem<0) (suprsynchrnsm) mech pwr) power via stator) power via rotor)
3. Generator s>0, ωm<ωs <0 (mch receives <0 (mch delivers >0 (mch receives
(Tem<0) (subsynchrnsm) mech pwr) power via stator) power via rotor)
4. Motor s>0, ωm<ωs >0 (mch delivers >0 (mch receives <0 (mch delivers
(Tem>0) (subsynchrnsm) mech pwr) power via stator) power via rotor)

For each mode, we may use the three relations to track the sign Ps, ωr, and Pr from the
signs of Tem and s. For example, for mode 2, Tem<0➔Ps<0 and Tem<0, s<0➔ ωr<0➔Pr<0
Focusing on the generator modes, we observe the standard induction machine
generating mode, supersynchronism, where ωm>ωs (mode 2). We also observe a
subsynchronous mode (mode 3), where ωm<ωs, which is available to the DGIG as a
result of the machine receiving power from the grid via the rotor circuit. 32
Generator modes
Recall the approximate
Pr = − sPs
Operation must have
|s|<1, so rotor power is
Mode 2 always smaller than
m   s stator power.
Pm= Pmech In fact, DFIGS always
run within about

Therefore, the rating of

Mode 3 the PE converter circuit
m   s need be only about 30%
of the stator winding

These figures show actual flow

direction for generator operation.
They also neglect losses. 33
This figure assumes proper
sign convention (power
flowing to the rotor or into
the stator is positive).
A question on rating Without losses

Pmech = Ps + Pr Pg = Ps + Pr
P − sPmech Pairgap Pslip
Ps = mech Pr = Pgrid Ps Pr
1− s 1− s
Assume an operating condition
such that Pmech=PWTrating. Then Pmech
Pmech = Pg = PWTrating
PWTrating − sPWTrating
Ps = Pr =
1− s 1− s
For example, consider Pmech=PWTrating=-2 MW. In supersynchronous mode, with s=-0.3,
Ps = = 1.5385MW. Therefore stator winding must be rated for 1.5385 MW.
1 + 0.3 2
But in the subsynchronous mode, s=+0.3, then Ps = = 2.8571MW
1 − 0.3
Question: Does this mean that the stator of a 2 MW turbine must be rated for 2.8571?
Answer: No. In sub synchronous mode, the mechanical power from the generator shaft is lower that that in
the super synchronous mode. If Pmech increases beyond a certain level, then machine speed increases into the
super synchronous mode. So above situation never occurs. We can obtain the maximum power in sub
synchronous mode as:
Pmech = Ps (1 − s) = 1.5385(1 − 0.3) = 1.0769MW 34
Question on sign of losses
Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r
Question: Since stator losses (3RSIs2) and rotor losses (3RrIr2) are always
positive, and since we get sign changes with the numerical values of Pmech,
Ps, and (sometimes) Pr, do the loss terms in the above equation need to
have different signs for motor operation than for generator operation? That
is, do we need to do the following?
Motor operation: Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss , s − Ploss ,r
Generator operation: Pmech = Ps + Pr + Ploss , s + Ploss ,r
Answer: No. Our original equation applies for both motor & generator operation.
Remember: Pmech is positive for motor operation; Ps, and Pr are positive when
flowing into the device from the grid.
It may help to think about the equation in two different, but equivalent forms.
Motor operation: Generator operation:
Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r Ps + Pr = Pmech + Ploss , s + Ploss ,r
    
Output Input Output Input

50 = 45 +10 - 3 - 2 - 50 = - 55 + 3 + 2
•Determine the necessary primary mechanical torque of a turbine for driving
an induction generator of 1.0 kW, 2.3 kV, 60 Hz, 12 poles, and s = −0.03.

Milkias B. 36
2. What is the slip factor of a 100 hp, 6 pole, 60 Hz, three-phase induction generator
to achieve its rated power when the rotor current is 10 A and its rotor resistance is
0.407 Ω? What would be the turbine torque under these conditions?

• Solution

Milkias B. 37
Assignment1.1: #3
Homework #3: This homework is due Monday, March 26.

A. Using previous relations provided in these slides, derive the following

 
torque expressions.
Tem = 3 p Im  s , I s
= 3 p Im , I 
2. Tem r r

Im ,  
= 3p m *
3. Tem (and identify σ)
L L
r s
r s
B. Use Q = 3Im{V I*} and the equivalent circuit to derive reactive power
expressions, in terms of Is and Ir for
1. The stator, Qs
2. The rotor, Qr
C. For each DFIG condition below, compute Pairgap and Pslip and draw the power
flows similar to slide 28.
1. Pmech=-1 MW with s=+0.30 (sub synchronous operation).
2. Pmech=-1MW with s=-0.30 (super synchronous operation).
D. Complete the table on the next slide (the boxed section) by computing the
per-unit values of the indicated five resistances/inductances for the 2 MW

u (or a)

Example Problem
The 2 MW DFIG given by the data on slide 38 is delivering, from the stator, rated
load (2 MW) at rated voltage with zero stator reactive power in a 50 Hz grid. The
slip is s=-0.25 (super-synchronous). Compute:
(d) Stator flux (h) Rotor real power
(a) Synchronous speed (e) Rotor current (i) Rotor reactive power
(b) Line-to-neutral voltage (f) Rotor flux (j) Total real power generated
(c) Line current (g) Rotor voltage (k) Tem

(a) Synchronous speed: s = 2f s = 2 (50) = 314.16 rad/sec

Alternatively, the synchronous speed was given as 1500 rpm, therefore:
1500rev 2rad min
s = = 157.08rad / sec ➔ s = p s = 2(157.08) = 314.16rad / sec
min rev 60 sec
(b) Line-to-neutral voltage: Vs = 0 = 398.40 volts
3 * *
 Ps   − 2 10  6
(c) Line current: s + j 0 = 3V I
 I =   =   = 1673.4180 amps
 3V s   3  398.40 
s s s

(d) Stator flux V s = I s Rs + js  s

 s = =
(V s − I s Rs ) 398.40 − (1673.4180)2.6 10−3 )
= 1.28 − 90webers
js j314.16
Example Problem
The 2 MW DFIG given by the data on slide 38 is delivering, from the stator, rated
load (2 MW) at rated voltage with zero stator reactive power in a 50 Hz grid. The
slip is s=-0.25 (super-synchronous). Compute:
(d) Stator flux (h) Rotor real power
(a) Synchronous speed (e) Rotor current (i) Rotor reactive power
(b) Line-to-neutral voltage (f) Rotor flux (j) Total real power generated
(c) Line current (g) Rotor voltage (k) Tem
(e) Rotor current  s = Ls I s + Lm I r
 s − Ls I s 1.28 − 90 − 2.587 10−3 (1673.8180)
Ir = = −3
= 1807.4 − 16.5amps
Lm 2.5 10
This is the referred rotor current!
We can obtain the actual rotor current from a (or u) =0.34:
I r = a I r = (0.34)1807 .4 − 16.5 = 614 .5 − 16.5amps This phasor is at the rotor
frequency, of
(f) Rotor flux  = L I + L I
r m s r r
fr=sfs=-0.25(50)=-12.5 Hz
 r = 2.5 10 1673.8180 + 2.587 10−3 1807.4 − 16.5 = 1.358 − 77.4 weber

(g) Rotor voltage V r = I r Rr + jss  r

V r = (1807.4 − 16.5)2.9 10−3 + j (−0.25)(314.16)(1.358 − 77.4) = 102.2 − 165.9volts
V r 102.2 − 165.9
Actual rotor voltage: 
Vr= = = 300.6 − 165.9
a 0.34 41
Example Problem
The 2 MW DFIG given by the data on slide 38 is delivering, from the stator, rated
load (2 MW) at rated voltage with zero stator reactive power in a 50 Hz grid. The
slip is s=-0.25 (super-synchronous). Compute:
(d) Stator flux (h) Rotor real power
(a) Synchronous speed (e) Rotor current (i) Rotor reactive power
(b) Line-to-neutral voltage (f) Rotor flux (j) Total real power generated
(c) Line current (g) Rotor voltage (k) Tem

(h) Rotor real power Pr = 3 Re V r I r

Pr = 3 Re102.2 − 165.9  (1807.4 − 16.5)*  = −0.55 MW

(i) Rotor reactive power Qr = 3 Im V r I r

Qr = 3 Im102.2 − 165.9  (1807.4 − 16.5)*  = 23.4kVAR
(j) Total real power generated
Ps + Pr = −2 − 0.55 = −2.55MW 1. P must be larger in magnitude to supply losses

Pmech = Ps + Pr − Ploss ,s − Ploss ,r

2. This wind turbine’s rating should be 2.55 MW.

3. The DFIG stator winding is rated for 2MW.
Example Problem
The 2 MW DFIG given by the data on slide 38 is delivering, from the stator, rated
load (2 MW) at rated voltage with zero stator reactive power in a 50 Hz grid. The
slip is s=-0.25 (super-synchronous). Compute:
(d) Stator flux (h) Rotor real power
(a) Synchronous speed (e) Rotor current (i) Rotor reactive power
(b) Line-to-neutral voltage (f) Rotor flux (j) Total real power generated
(c) Line current (g) Rotor voltage (k) Tem

(k) Tem Tem = 3 p

 
Im  s I r

Tem = 3  2
2.5 10−3
2.587 10 −3
Im 1. 
2890(1807.4 − 16.5)*
= −12.9kNm

Homework #4
Consider a 1.5 MW, 690 v, 50 Hz 1750 rpm DFIG wind energy system. The parameters of the
generator are given on the next slide. The generator operates with a maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) system so that its mechanical torque Tem is proportional to the square of the
rotor speed. The stator power factor is unity. For each of the following speeds: 1750, 1650,
1500, 1350, and 1200 rpm, compute:
• Slip
• Tem (kN-m)
• Vr (volts)
• Ir (amps)
• Req (ohms)
• Xeq (ohms)

What kind of machine is this at 1500 rpm?

Homework #4

Homework #4
Converter equivalent impedance at 1500 rpm:
1500rev 2rad min
m = = 157.0796rad / sec
min rev 60 sec
m = p m = 2 *157.0796 = 314.1592rad / sec
f m = m / 2 = 314.1592 / 2 = 50Hz
So 1500 rpm is synchronous speed!

Homework #4

There is another solution which has very

large current and is clearly not realistic.

Be careful here because this

solution assumed the direction
of current Ir opposite to what we
have assumed.

Observe that slip=0. This implies that a DC current flows through the rotor circuit
from the converter and the rotor leakage reactance and equivalent reactance
are zero. The DFIG is operating like a synchronous machine where the rotor flux
is produced by a DC current through a DC exciter.
Consider our HW assignment, at a speed of 1750 rpm and unity power factor.
Compute the efficiency of the DFIG.
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Ir Rr(1-s)/s

Vs Vm 3
3 Zm=jωsLm Req
3 jωs Leq=jXeq/s

From your homework, you should compute that Is=1068.2 amperes

Ir=1125.6 amperes, Req=0.05375 ohms, Xeq=0.02751 ohms.
The stator active power is

Ps = 3Vs I s cos s = 1068.2  cos(180) = −1276.64kW

Consider our HW assignment, at a speed of 1750 rpm and unity power factor.
Compute the efficiency of the DFIG.
Is Rs jωsLσs jωsLσr Ir Rr(1-s)/s

Vs Vm 3
3 Zm=jωsLm Req
3 jωs Leq=jXeq/s

From your homework, you should compute that Is=1068.2 amperes

Ir=1125.6 amperes, Req=0.05375 ohms, Xeq=0.02751 ohms.
The total power delivered to the grid is
Pg =| Ps | + | Pr |= 1276.64 + 204.29 = 1480.93

The difference between Pm and Pg is the losses on the stator and rotor windings:

| Pm | − | Pg |= Plosses ,r + Plosses , s = 1500 − 1480.93 = 19.07

Efficiency is:
Pg 1480.93
= = = 98.7%
Pm 1500
Assignment 1.2
3.1 A 10 hp, Y-connected, 60 Hz, 380 V, three-phase induction generator is used
to drive a small micropower plant. The generator’s load is 500 W for a 4 A line current at 1740 rpm. The rotor
resistance is 4.56 Ω at 75°C. The losses are equal to 28 W. A no-load test of the machine gave the following results: P
=215 W, I = 3.0 A, and V = 380 V. Calculate the output power, the efficiency, and the power factor for the given load.
If the generator was Δ-connected with the same data as mentioned earlier, what would be the difference in your
3.2 Explain the difference between rotor speed and rotor frequency. For s = −0.01 and a rotor speed of 1740 rpm, what
is the rotor frequency for a 60 Hz induction generator?
3.3 Explain why the efficiency of an induction generator can be smaller when working
as an asynchronous motor under certain conditions.
3.4 Calculate the efficiency of a 110 V, 60 Hz induction generator connected directly to the grid with the following
parameters: Rm = 36.2 Ω; losses equal to 0.8% of the rated power; s = −0.03; R1 = 0.2 Ω; R2 = 0.15 Ω; X1 = 0.42 Ω;
X2 = 0.43 Ω.

Milkias B. 50
Thank Thank
You You

Thank You

Milkias B. 51

DynamicModeling of
Induction Machines
Milkias B. 52

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