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Alyssa Goodwin

ENG 1021

Rhetorical Analysis

1. Summarize this article in 3-5 sentences. 

A: This article is pointing out the lack of diversity in the Academy Awards. We read throughout
the article the huge gap in years from when a minority won an award or was even nominated
from the next. This caused for a movement to begin in 2015 that was

2. What argument is being made? How do you know? 

A: The argument being made is that the Oscars is a predominantly white nominee and winners’
program. We can tell this by looking at all the statistics provided in the argument like there
being 62 years between two black winners.

3. Comment on the title. Is it effective? Explain. 

A: The title is very effective because it leads into what the argument of the article is about, and it
draws the audience into what is going to be talked about.

4. Are photos/images included in the article? If so, how do these visual components of the article
relate to what is being stated?

A: Yes, there is a photo at the beginning of the article. This photo that was taken shows the
diversity that runs the award program is. We can see that there is very little diversity with there
only being a handful of any race but white.

5. Pay close attention to the language. What do you notice about the language choices the author
makes? What is the rhetorical impact of those choices? 

A: The author uses very informative language which includes the use of statistical language to
provide actual proof of what is going on with the Oscars and in Hollywood. We see a lot of logic
being used throughout the article.

6. Are any rhetorical appeals being used? If so, which ones? How do you know? Give examples. 

A: Yes, we see the author using logos by providing statistics. For example, the author states that
in 2013 a survey went out and it showed that 93 percent of the members were white.

7. Are the appeals effective? Why or why not?

A: The appeals are very effective because they provide evidence for the argument that is being
stated. They prove to the audience the information that is being told them and can persuade
them to see what is going on.

8. Comment on transitions between paragraphs. What can you say about how the article shifts
from one point or idea to another?

A: I think that the transitions are smooth because we can see at the end of each paragraph it
leaves with a statement that allows for the next paragraph to open up with that discussion. For
Alyssa Goodwin
ENG 1021

example, at the end of one paragraph the author ends with how the membership and
demographics flies under the radar but in the next paragraph it opens up with how the
membership appears and a survey that was done to get demographics.

9. What is the overall tone of the piece? Is it effective? What helps create this tone?

A: The overall tone is informative, and I would say formal because they bring in actual statistics
and use formal language to describe what is going on in this organization. We see the terms
used like according to the data or surveys which can be used as formal. We also see a very
assertive tone that is used throughout the article as well.

10. Comment on the conclusion. Is it effective?

A: I think the conclusion could have included a bit more assertion on how the black community
or minority community in general are going to change what is taking place. While it was stated
with the quote that there is progress, I think the conclusion could have led onto more.

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